>rejects prince bubblegum because she is STRONG and INDEPENDANT and doesn't NEED NO MAN
>falls for the emo guitar-playing vampire in the next episode
I'm getting mixed signals here
>rejects prince bubblegum because she is STRONG and INDEPENDANT and doesn't NEED NO MAN
>falls for the emo guitar-playing vampire in the next episode
I'm getting mixed signals here
>fionna is disingenuous
>abandons any pretense of ideology in favor of maintaining hypergamy
guess the incels were right
It's the most realistic thing in the entire series
It's a fanfiction, y different autors. Make sense beinginconsitent.
>girls would rather date a homeless teenager in a angsty phase than a rich and nice royalty with a stable life
Wouldn't going from prince to hobo be a downgrade though
gee it's almost like pendelton ward's self insert was the emo kid and not the chad...
>>rejects prince bubblegum because she is STRONG and INDEPENDANT and doesn't NEED NO MAN
Did you forget that Ice King wrote the entire first episode and Fionna rejected Gumball because she found Ice King hot?
>taking ice kings rule 63 fanfiction seriously
don't you have actual issues to be mad about on some other board?
I've only seen clips on youtube, I don't watch adventure dyke
not in the modern sense of the word. nowadays people use it for things like
>girl dating effeminate middle class white guy
>uses him for his resources, gets sexual/romantic satisfaction elsewhere (from a man of higher sexual market value than the aforementioned)
that would apply in this instance, except the prince was rejected outright
sometimes i wonder why do i even waste years of my time on this board
>i don't watch cartoons I just bitch about them
hnng it never gets less disappointing
I feel bad for women, having a dick is just better in every way. How do they cope?
14 year old girls would rather date the smooth black-haired guitar-playing bad boy over a pink twink that likes to bake cookies.
Keep in mind that Marceline was the one telling the story in Bad Little Boy.
OP admitted that he doesn't watch the show
but you are wrong ???
tits or gtfo
i don't watch lesbian propaganda
>Not messy
>Not naturally smelly
>Tube design for greater control of liquids leaving the body
>Naturally smelly
>makes wiping harder
>Makes inedible bread
>UTI's are super easy to get
>Roast Beef
>Spray piss
That's what I get for skimming through the replies. I shouldn't be surprised by someone talking shit about a show they don't even watch.
women are fickle whores that rarely know what they want from life.
t. disgusting lesbo
You got called out, deal with it.
get a IUD and air out your cunt you trogladyte.
she's a woman, OP. worse still, she's a teenage girl.
I wonder if both gys realized sshe was crazy and decided to be in lesbians with each other
By sucking them instead
Fiona is a thot
The real prize is Human-morphed Cake