Will you ever love or respect him again, Yea Forums? How could he redeem himself in your eyes?
New writer retcons most of the big stuff and pretends the rest never happened. Spencer is doing that with Slott's run.
Aaron's run has tons of problems but there was nothing that would make me not love or respect Thor himself even within its pages.
Him feeling that all gods are unworthy despite living hundreds of thousands of years seeing their noble heroic deeds is the most troublesome thing but it could just be dismissed as misplaced disillusionment & self pity after loosing the Hammer.
Reboot back to Straczynski's Thor although floating Asgard was kinda stupid. Better dial back further to Oeming's Thor.
He is already redeemed, OP you are a faggot.
Getting rid of the golden dildo arm is a start.
Holy shit you faggots are so dramatic. He got a bad run, he'll get a better one, stop pretending a character is ruined forever because of one bad writer.
Thor is a robot Skrull, turns out real Thor is still in space doing Thor things with a cheesy Shakespearean accent.
Better yet, have all the Olympians and Asgardians in the last decade or so be replaced by space phantoms while they're all busy in another dimension. Maybe throw in the Celestials too because their stock decreased a lot in the last several years.
Have him act like the battle-hardened thousand year old god he's supposed to be instead of a frat boy battling depression.
bring back Robert Rodi
Holy shit, this please, I never realised I wanted it until now.
Aarons' Asgardians behave less like gods and more like some kind of bootleg sword and sorcery X-Men (not a terrible concept in itself, but not appropriate for the characters as already established). Thor and his cast need an appropriate sense of scope and majesty that imo hasn't been really seen since the Disassembled arc, and hasn't been fully realised since Simonson.
Also fuck whatever misunderstood bishie Loki thing they've been pushing for the last five years. It doesn't even really synergise with the movie version of the character. Is there a single editor at Marvel obsessed with making misunderstood heartthrob Loki the definitive version by pushing him down our throats with a new solo each year? Do fat chicks buy this shit?
Oh well, roll on Cates trying to out-Simonson Simonson and completely missing the point, giving us five years of Manowar covers with Those Who Sit Above In Shadow from the New Mutants Asgard arc revealed to by Symbiote Galactuses from another universe or something.
I never stopped loving or respecting him
Post yfw Cates takes over from Aaron and continues the same shit from his run but worse
I don’t consider anything written by Aaron as canon so I am good.
Cates is the rumored next Thor writer so it’s highly doubtful.
Why does it feel that Marvel's talent pool is so tiny?
maybe they're incredibly incompetent or just fucking cheap. probably both.
It's pretty much what I'm expecting to be honest.
Real writers are like "Nah, thanks".
make him like the real vikings imagined him.
as masculine guy who didn´t give two shits what a woman might say or think
no self respecting man would want to work at the feminist nuthouse that is marvel right now
Reboot Marvel or make an AU worth a damn. Mainstream Thor is a lost cause now.
New writer needs to wipe their ass with the entirety of Jason Aaron's run.