Implying its just a coincidence

>implying its just a coincidence

Attached: GENOCIDE.png (482x700, 521K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you know what ginger backwards is

why is that image so small


it's obviously by design
hollywood is part of the cathedral

good question.

If it was you'd think they'd be more subtle

But why redheads in particular?

Attached: 1518512620068.gif (300x300, 892K)


At this point it's clear it's a concerted social engineering effort.

Why are gingers being recast as black people? Why so much bigotry and hatred against gingers?

because red hair is ugly.

Woah woah woah, unless you're one of the group, you can't just drop the hard 'r' like that.

Just say "gingas."

no such thing as coincidence, brainlet.

>why is that image so small
it's a genocide for ants.

The eternal anglo trying to erase the scots-irish identity.

How many red-headed actors are there?

And don't go with the "just cast a blonde and dye her hair" excuse", as many of the black people end up dying their hair as well.

Red hair is ostensibly white.

But I thought Jews ran Hollywood?

Blacks only are born with black hair so it looks fucking weird

Probably more than there are black actors.

They managed to cast an entire family of redheads including twins in Harry Potter. No excuses.

They are one and the same.

So is blonde hair, but they're not treated this poorly.

Aren't red-headed people really pale?



do you have this image in higher res?

good, blacks are better than whites

At nothing.

Attached: EternalAnglos.jpg (600x701, 119K)

Gingers have no soul, Hollywood did nothing wrong here

You didnt give a shit about ginger until you saw this picture, faggot. Your outrage is fake and forced

So we're pretending that gingers are people now? Does your outragefaggotry truly know no bounds, Yea Forums?

Attached: Og9XHbZ.png (318x356, 144K)

This image has been floating around Yea Forums for at least a year, steadily growing, you dumb SJW faggot.

Good reference

fuck no, and you know the moderation will never do anything about them or the weebs because they fill hiro's wallet by sheer numbers.

At dying

You know this site doesn't make any money, right?

Outraged that we're onto your Jewish tricks?

They're turning Triss Merrigold into a niggo too

You're being replaced, user. Your entire 'superior' race. You couldn't defeat our machinations, and now it's too late. The only way to truly spite us is to light yourself on fire. The scent of burning Aryan flesh is repellent to us, and we'd be utterly ruined if you were to do that.

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Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

You didnt give a shit back then,you mosque shooting incel tard.What are you going to do about it ? Shoot a movie theater,that's the only way you retards cope with things nowaday.Stay in your basement, nerd trash

Someone's triggered.

>april 1987
And that nigger with glasses is not April. It's a fucking Irma that got blacked

>niggers thinking their opinions matter


Gingers are just pale niggers anyway

I've never been mugged by a ginger. Meanwhile...

Never been to Scotland?

Gingers are just white niggers, people who fetishize them are worse than cucks

the seeming disproportionate likelihood of a character with red hair being portrayed by a person that is not white and has dark skin in various kinds of adaptations might have the same or similar explanations to the explanations theorized below about the following two phenomena.

it seems like redheaded women with black men and redheaded men with black women (regardless if they are supposed to have their hair color naturally) probably make up a greater portion of black and white romantic relationship in tv and movies than in reality. similarly redheaded men and women (regardless if they are supposed to have their hair color naturally) shown as being in a platonic friendship with a black person probably also make up a greater portion of black and white platonic relationships in tv and movies than in reality.

some possible explanations could be:

-people with red hair often having unusually pale skin and creators of tv shows and movies finding this appealing for these relationships for artistic, sensationalistic, symbolic, or other reasons

-people who decide to have people with red hair and black people to be in a relationship in tv shows and movies having seen other tv shows and movies with relationships like this

-an association with rednecks/hillbillies in the usa who are poor in the south (similar to black people being more likely to be coinsdered poor) being associated with having red hair regardless of how common this in reality and rednecks/hillbillies being associated with black people in the usa in various ways (even if they are thought by some to be particularly hateful of or more commonly hateful of black people, there could still be some appeal to some people due to this)

-an association with black women dying their hair shades of red and orange and certain white women doing likewise do to the influence of how common this has become among black women in the usa. these white women who dye due to this infleunce often being people who engage in cultural customs more commonly associated with black people in the usa than with other people in the usa and for whom black people probably make up a greater portion of the people they tend to interact with on a given day than is common amongst most white people in the usa

-an association historically with irish people having red hair in anglophone societies and ideas historically in anglophone societies of irish people being biologically inferior in some ways to people from what are the modern united kingdom islands which has some similarity to ideas in history about black people being biologically inferior in some ways to white people

-some people making fun of or discriminating against people with red hair for having red hair and/or many freckles in history which has some similarities to black people being made fun of or discrminatated against due to their physical features

-also of worthy consdieration i think is the influence of the frequency with which the color black appears alongside the color red in the color design of characters, objects, and environments/backgrounds in north american and european media. i think in media of these regions the color red may be the most common color to appear alongside the color black in the mentioned ways except for the color white which i think appears more often.

-the notability in people's memory of people who have black ancestry and orange or red hair without using artificial dying (ex: blake griffin) may have some sort of an influence as well. the notability of occurances of this in their memory to many people may be greater than the notability of occurances of people who have black ancestry and blonde hair or brown hair without using artificial dying.

variation in hair color in animation and drawing seem to be frequently used among other methods to help provide greater visual distinctiveness to characters which some people may argue have fewer visual features of interest than people in HD live action movies, tv shows, and photographs. this reason for variation in hair color seems to occur sometimes, but to a lesser frequency in live action movies and shows.

red is a primary color used in many things in drawings. perhaps cartoonists/artists are used to using the color and similar colors like orange for many different things. maybe some cartoonists don't think about hair color as needing to look realistic and think about it similar to the clothing of a person and therefore are fine using colors like light blue or light purple instead of very dark blue, very dark purple, or black for someone who is intended to be interpreted as having black hair. some artists even use colors like green for characters that aren't supposed to be thought of as dying their hair like on phineas and ferb. so, perhaps these people likewise don't think about having the hair color of people they feature in drawings of people in a society be in accordance with the proportion in which it appears in the actual society the character appears in (as in the hair color of the characters featured being similar in proportion to if the characters featured were chosen at random from the society they live in).

Remember that when you make a ginger character, make them a Jew. That way they are immune to this.


Attached: south-park-s09e01c12-jewfin-16x9.jpg (960x540, 62K)

Based post


>Soulless vs Soul

>notice a disturbing trend
Go dilate, you dumb tranny.
People didnt complain about it "back then" because they hadn't noticed the trend yet.

Gingers were the former oppressed bonus points demographic. It's blacks now. Deal with it.

Wow you're right thanks for calling me a mosque shooting incal this surely will stop racism.

Because natural gingers are no longer a thing, like hunchbacks they are now fixed by birth

>Implying niggers have souls

Atleast we have Mera....Even though she was played by a blonde blonde woman

Attached: Aquaman_Princess_Mera_Character_Textless_Poster.jpg (2000x2997, 1.18M)

>Being this much of dumbass

You do realize the twins... dyed their hair, right?


So there's literally no excuse for this continued race swapping of red haired characters when they can easily give them believable red hair.


There's way too many /pol/tards on Yea Forums who are ruining discussion.
Also, here's the proof that gingers have souls.

Attached: 7ffdd026-2b37-4414-9534-ffdb52a4d36f.png (567x425, 238K)

Maybe they keep doing it since they know it pisses off people.

They gave MJ red hair and you fags complained anyway.

we've been complaining about it since 2011


No they didn't. And she's still a fucking mutt.

The only one that bugs me in the least is Wally West, and that's because my initial interest in comics started really growing in the interrem between Crisis On Infinite Earths, when Wally West was just plain unironically the main Flash. Heck, I don't even mind the skin-color change, so much as changing a character that was for me, and for many others for over a decade, the definitive Flash. To me, it's sort of like if someone rewrote Bruce Wayne, but made his parents not die, and made him black: I'd care much more about the parents thing.... and it still pisses me off. You didn't need to completely change the character to make him black.

The idea of a character who had grown up a legacy character, rather than a police officer, was used to having his powers essentially since adolescence, and who's immaturity and lack of willingness to really apply the UNGODLY POWER OF THE SPEEDFORCE was his "kryptonite" rather than some plot contrivance felt natural. The fact that he was independently wealthy from the lottery just compounded him as almost a borderline preening-pretty-boy-wrestling-heel, except he did too much good to really hate him. He was interresting and three dimensional and added a dynamic to the "core" Justice league, so while you had
>Muh Duty to my dead parents
>Muh Duty to Themyscira
>Muh Duty to my down home sense of right and wrong taught to me by my perfect parents
>Muh Duty to Atlantis and Earth as a whole
You got some actual flavor and character and relatability, even if you wanted to strangle him sometimes. But when they shook things up again, and made Barry Allen the main Flash again, it just went back to
>Muh Duty to my career as a crime fighter

He was an actual legacy character that actually succeeded, and had become accepted as the norm by fans for over a decade: something that Marvel is DESPERATELY trying and failing to find a way to replecate due to actors aging and losing interest, but DC just shat on original-Wally.

>The only one that bugs me in the least is Wally West

this is the opposite of what you wrote

>gingers are 2% of the population
>Not even the majority in Scotland
>WE'RE being replaced

no, it's always blond hair girls and blacks that was forced.

>>Implying ginger have souls

/lgbt/tards need to go too

>The only one that bugs me in the least is Wally West
This means, the others do not bug me at all. The Wally West is the only one that bugs me, and even then it's not the superficial racial changes, but the fundamental character changes made when they did the racial changes.
>The only one that bugs me in the least is Wally West
Is a perfectly normal summary of this. Maybe your reading comprehension just sucks.

Is not, don't like the cast > don't watch the movie, who cares

Its only the "t" part that shits up the place.

bugs me in the least doesn't mean bugs me the most you dope

And gingers are inbred subhumans.

Why always black? Why never Asian or Hispanic?

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It's the ONLY ONE that bugs me in the least, which means the others "don't bug me in the least."

This is an interesting pattern, but including Iris Allen twice in the same image hurts your credibility.

that's not what the means, did you fail out of high school? All you had to say was Wally was the only one that bugged you, instead you said Wally doesn't mean as much to as the rest and then you went on to spill your guts about how they ruined him.

cause its easier to show that they're more progressive. I stereotype that black people care so much and would raise fucking hell if they don't see one of their own became a thing while asians have that stereotype that they are all coy intellects that won't care. Leads to them getting more shit in their face cause people thing they won't care

Asian know about Hollywood is just using blacks.


>guys.. we gotta be woke as fuck if we are to keep up with the modern audience. I am talking using african actors for the lion king, arabs for aladdin etc.
>Aww geez boss. That sure sounds swell. By the way.. what's our next big disney live film gonna be?
>The little mermaid. You know that cute little mermaid written by H.C. Andesen
>Oh so we are looking for danes/danish looking actors for this?


Nickelodeon presents: As told by Ebony.

Why always gingers are getting offended and no one step up speaking for them.

Copperrcab does but no one listened

It absolutely does due to retards who don't use adblocking. Which coincidentally are phoneposters and immigrants from reddit. Guess which board most of these come from.

>you said Wally doesn't mean as much to as the rest
That's literally not what it means. Are you still in school. Read the sentence again.
>The only one that bugs me in the least is Wally West
now if I said
>The one that bugs me the least is Wally West
if you simply took out the lexeme "in the least" with "even a little" perhaps that would help you understand a perfectly functional sentence structure
>The only one that bugs me even a little is Wally West
>The only one that bugs me in the least is Wally West
See, they mean the same thing. Now, the use of "in the least" or "even a little" might be a bit deceptive, because I care quite a bit about the loss of Wally West as a character, but the racial element is very much what's being highlighted by op, and that [drumroll] doesn't bother me IN THE LEAST.

>now if I said
>>The one that bugs me the least is Wally West
You'd be right, but the word "in" changes the meaning of the lexeme. Forgot that line.

As a white guy who likes to fuck redhead women, let me put it like this :

If I spent a night fucking and sleeping with a beautiful redhead lady and then woke up in the morning next to a black lady trying to take her place my net action would be this .

I'd call the police and say that I woke up next to some crazy black lady who claimed to be my redhead white girlfriend, who I suspect is now missing/murdered and can they please get here and tase her out of my bed while I mourn.

Conclusion: STOP stealing my beloved white readhead characters and force-feeding me inferior africanised copies just because some PC nazi couldn't write an original concept for one . :(

My entertainment has been blacked too damn often .

Why is the LGB part even okay with the T part hitchhiking on their movement?

>no one step up speaking for them
Russia literally means "land of the reds"
The truth is the West never stopped hating Slavs because they don't roll over for self-interested globalists
The replacement of redheads and Russiabot narrative is all the proof you need of a Slavophobic conspiracy

Attached: 1450801600677.gif (400x691, 843K)

They're not.
Not even /lgbt/ likes trannies, and complain how they shit up the place with their "HELLO FELLOW LESBIANS", when its just a dude who chopped his dick off.

There are so many letters, and so many people who don't see the common quality (despite it getting more obvious with each annoyingly additional letter,) that it should just be shortened to "NHN" for "Not Hetero Normative." It's shorter. It's more accurately, yet concisely descriptive of the movement. It's objectively a better term. Personally I don't care one way or the other about gender or sexual issues, but my autism and OCD require communicative efficiency.

Bravo, retard

>Not even /lgbt/ likes trannies, and complain how they shit up the place with their "HELLO FELLOW LESBIANS", when its just a dude who chopped his dick off.
Sometimes it's just a guy who likes putting tampons up their butt and chatting with women over tampons because tampons tampons tampons

Troons have the weirdest fetishes

cause theres like 5 of them in the world and only 1 of them is an actor

>Why so much bigotry and hatred against gingers?
Because Irish are niggers of white people.

Fuck off, Slavs are niggers of white people too.

You get so cute when you’re like this user.

A polluted soul is still a soul.

Are complaining was about character more than anything. You just want it all to be skin deep.

If you get mugged, it's your fault for beign a weak ass punk. Why aren't you lifting?

You might say they are... beyond the pale.

You should have became your own country when you had the chance, now the EU will flood your land with immigrants so you never reach a majority again.

oh no, 1% of the 99% fictional white cast is non-white. they're wiping us out bros. This is how the genocide starts bros. We're the victims bros.

Attached: Vita's gonna kill the 3DS.gif (350x197, 2.49M)

Meh. I don’t mind. In most of these cases, the race swapping didn’t really affect the story. As long as the story stays true to the character, I’m fine

I figured it out.

Redheads are the true minority. So very few of them around, its not like the are enough of them to complain en masse.

They picked redheads because there simply not enough of them to easily cast or organize and complain about their exclusion.

fucking kek

A movie with 100 main characters would be very bad, bugman.

Can you say that in English? I'm not fluent in retard.

I saw mutt vlog on Youtube about Game of Throne where she complained about how many redheads in the series while in the RealWorld too few and almost non PoC in the series while they are majority irl.

Black Ariel can fit all the seven seas between her eyes.

fun fact: there's a rare mutation that gives black people red hair. there's literally no excuse.

Attached: 350f4512a5aa4441ac01c1a66a2947dd--natural-red-hair-natural-curls.jpg (236x337, 16K)


Asians and Hispanics have their own cinema industries

Remember how Thor used to be a ginger in mythology? #Stopredheadgenocide

Attached: 2506415385_1.jpg (264x400, 22K)

>fun fact: there's a rare mutation that gives black people red hair.
Yes, it's called "famine"
Malnourished people can't produce the right proteins for melanin and their hair grows in redder as a consequence

Isn't that a biracial person?

Quadracial, but yes

>not knowing Nollywood

nollywood movies are fucking insane

source: nigerian american who use to watch them as kid.

Feels awfully /pol/ around here. Where are they coming from?

that's not how that works. that's not how any of that works.


Don't forget wakaliwood

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-095614.png (1080x1920, 250K)

They've been here for years, unfortunately.

But they didn't even use arabs for alladin.

>every white person is the same
Ameritard spotted.

imagine creating a franchise based on cinematic adaptions of fairytales and everybody starts bitching that you're now obliged to create one for each and every single one where the main characters looks are based on them and their culture.

only if it fits the /pol/ victim narrative. as white people we have to feel oppressed even if it means creating conspiracies about Disney.

so is disney doing this to get that black money or...??

>so is disney doing this to get that black money
yes, that's mostly it.

elena is not mexican

For too long, savage, mindless hordes of pestilen/tv/ermin have been ruining this board, no longer will we sit idly by and allow them to further degrade the quality of our home. As such, I'm issuing a call to arms towards each and every single true Yea Forumsmrade. The "mods" have deliberately chosen to prioritize the profitability of Yea Forums over the quality of it's various communities, we have no other option but to take matters into our own hands and force live action posters to scurry back to their quarantine zone by utilizing scorched earth self moderation tactics like Yea Forums does. Spam all Yea Forums threads with stuff like roll charts, dubs, porn, gore, anything and everything in order to purge these worthless subhumans from Yea Forums.
This is our home and these inferior beings are not welcome here.

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Mentally ill tranny.


One day there won't be anymore redheaded people left. That makes me kind of sad.

is she gonna be the next victim?

Attached: 79465.jpg (225x350, 43K)

>is she gonna be the next victim?

she is on the line.

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>3 threads with the same OP image

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What when the made reheads non rehead white people.


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Its not a trend your just hyper focusing on it when ever it happens

Starfire is an alien

there’s already a general lack of white blonde heroes. most are depicted as villains, so those are safe white roles

Because they aren't they're turkic-persians

Its not a trend your just hyper focusing on it when ever it happens

Most of those are retarded examples star fire is Alien and wally west waa changed in the comics because its a different continuity.

*lip smacks* ayoo humie!

Attached: DplChPlUUAAqeXM.jpg (1200x1187, 179K)

>AND women
>Implying no woman wanting to fuck a ginger is surprising

>I have a small white penis

Your point?

Hot redheads are really hot
ugly redheads are really ugly
Hollywood is only interested in casting ugly-to-mid-tier women

>disgusting pale skin gross freckles

Not surprising desu not even a race thing

Attached: documenting-black-and-mixed-race-gingers-243-1440071227.jpg (1157x1489, 344K)

imagine being gay

Attached: Lola Naymark .webm (1020x550, 633K)

Any woman can be naked, that's supposed to impress me?

oh so you don't have to imagine


Attached: GingerGenocide.jpg (567x1200, 708K)

The norse god wasn't even ginger in the original mythos

You know what else he wasn't? A black guy, who has no earthly reason to be in any Norse mythology. If a black person were to live that far north, they would be weak and frail in comparison to the natives unless they take dietary supplements, as their skin will not absorb enough vitamin d for them to survive.

Oh, you mean like how Thor is actually a redhead in the eddas and not blond?

At this point, nobody can deny that there is a concerted effort by global and independent companies to replace red-heads in all types of media, from video games to comic books to movies.

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this man is a participant in the slavophobic conspiracy

>t. disney representative

you are not a person, and never will be. Purging you and your entire family is righteous and just. Everyone ought to participate in lining your lineage up against the wall and blowing your bodies into pieces.

Fucking ingrates.

Attached: Princess Marco kick.jpg (500x748, 44K)

There's an upcoming Red Sonja movie. Hopefully it will stay in development hell where it belongs.

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Archie Andrews is already being played by a Maori.

Aw, that's nice, they're adapting ginger representation exactly as the number of ginger people there are.

2%. Black people are just bigger by the number and easier to bait. And any skin color correlating/clashing is just more advertising for the movie itself!

I don't have anything against black people themselves, I'm just sad they're so easily baited since companies know the people themselves will stick out both for themselves and the movie(s) at cause. Don't ask questions as to why Ariel is black for instance, just consume and wait for next new thing with sudden variety that doesn't stay safe within original movie context that will always rustle "stay true by the book" people.

I think the trend being recognized is specifically Ginger-to-Black, so Ginger-to-Anything-Else doesn't count.

user, if you would have lived with slavs or just russians you would hate them too.

>Elena is Mexican
These people are retarded

Funny, you can tell by the different sizes, formats and resolutions that this chart is something that has been passed around the internet and added to by different people. It's like a quilt.

it's fucking mind-blowing.

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Daphne on a upcoming Scooby Doo movie, mark my words.

>noticing certain races being replaced in multiple forms of media is political
you're fucking dumb, bro

It's not just gingers, it's blonds too. Any hair color other than brown or black will be changed. Even characters with hair bleached blond will have blatantly visible roots to show they're not really blond.

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>Never been to Scotland?
I'm Scottish and I've never been mugged.

>says (((study)))

user, you just cured my gayness. Thank you so much.

Because due to fetishism a lot of love interests or female leads in comics and cartoons are redheads. Secondary characters, particularly love interests are the easiest to race change. That's all there is to it.

I mean it's literally been a meme on Yea Forums for years that every cartoon has a redhead author waifu in it.

>Daphne on a upcoming

You meant to say "Anagram" right?

Y'all gingas be posting in a troll thread.

Dunno why this is pissing me off so much. All the people defending Ariel's change would not be doing if it was the other way around. They all keep saying how Ariel's ethnicity doesn't matter because she's a fantasy creature but they'd be jumping on that shit if they had cast a white actress to play a black mermaid.

Well in the context of this film, Ariels sisters and King Triton will probably be black too, that's most of the characters right there.

>All the people defending Ariel's change would not be doing if it was the other way around.

All the people vehemently defending Ariel's race swap this week were spending last week ferociously screeching about Japanese artists drawing Ness from Pokemon with a light skin tone.

Race swapping is cool, but ONLY when it's White-to-Minority. Anything else is unacceptable.

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>Race swapping is cool, but ONLY when it's White-to-Minority. Anything else is unacceptable.
One day I will learn why this is the case. I really can't understand it.

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Nobody minded the Ancient One becoming white. Maybe you're just wrong.

My woke "friend" says white-to-color is okay because of a history of excluding non-whites from media
But these people only think of media as film and television, which were invented by white people in white countries with vastly white populations.
They cant even be bothered to care about the hundreds of African poems and stories written by black Africans and featuring, presumably, all black Africans. They only care about representation in media they consume.

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They made up a term to excuse the double standard. "False Equivalency". They just blurt that out whenever you bring up the hypocrisy and run away like that somehow wins the discussion.

I kinda thought it was weird they made her this ancient Celtic woman but still had her dressing like a Tibetan monk and using magic fans as weapons.

FACT: White Nessa looks better than Nigga Nessa and makes more sense considering the game is supposed to take place in a faux-Scotland area.

Elena is as Mexican as Merida is scottish or Ariel is white.

Yeah, asian to white racebending is common as fuck.

It's really just that you can't go black to white.

As an asian person, fuck them both.

Nobody really cares about Asians as a "minority status" because they aren't helpless and need "gibs". In fact, Ivy League colleges filter out Asian applications because they have "too many" of them. Asians throw off the whole "all non-whites are helpless and oppressed and discriminated against and cannot succeed without government regulations giving them free money" creed that Liberals live and die by. So better to just ignore them or consider them "honorary whites".

That was a huge controversy

So was Ras al Ghul

People forget if the movie/performance is good.

Disney is making an African Yoruba princess movie. The producers and screen writers are Nigerian.

This is much more progressive than racebending characters in my opinion.

Fag, the Ancient One was only race-swapped because Disney wanted to get the movie released in the profitable Chinese market, which never would've happened if the character had stayed Tibetan.

You knew that. Stop being disingenuous.

>Nobody minded the Ancient One becoming white
where the fuck were you, certainly not here

You CAN'T say that!!!

My rage grows daily

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Found the nigger

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>Disney is making an African Yoruba princess movie.

Fuck yes I might actually be hyp-


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You can’t say the gamer word!

You do know that black and south Asian people live in the uk right?

out of all types of white people red heads are the closest to extinction
they want to make it look natural so they are replacing them with black people

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Muslim "refugees" aren't typical of the UK and are a very recent problem.

Because the Irish aren't oppressed anymore.

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>turning gingers into niggers


You see user, actual Africans themselves don't much care for Americanized blacks. Americanized blacks are an entirely different group, so making a movie about Africans doesn't count to them.

SJWs consider Asians to be "dishonorary whites".

The way i see it is that back then animators used redhair to diversify their characters without having to add any nonwhites.
From a business perspective it makes sense to replace them with the far larger group of blacks people.

Its also very outrage proof, since redheads are basically just whites and areone of the least discriminated minorities these days.

Attached: Jessica_Rabbit.png (300x207, 100K)

>Asians throw off the whole "all non-whites are helpless and oppressed and discriminated against and cannot succeed without government regulations giving them free money" creed
No they don't, they're an example of a successfully assisted race because conservatives were the ones who ignored them and didn't try to stonewall them at every opportunity like they do with brown people.

Yeah, that's why Wakanda is doing so well.
No white people interference.

I'm black and I hate this. this needs to stop. pick on blonds for once. Now I'm going to have sex with redheads to relieve this problem

The studio is terrified by Hellboy's flop and wants to make it into a post-apocalpyse future flick

Lots of people made fun of Disney being chicken

Don't worry, Marvel's fixing Norse mythology by making their heroes black
Because, ya know, including a character from african mythology would have required some amount of research. It's easier to race-swap Sigurd

Attached: Sigurd.jpg (1886x1356, 1.13M)

statistically black people have the smallest dicks. lol

Implying I should care

He's next

Attached: 987hk.png (408x363, 184K)

>statistically black people have the smallest dicks.
got data to back that up?
you should because redhead women are top tier

>total jerks
Jesus Christ, can the writing get any worse?

Because Easau won in the end, and the Jacobs can't get over it.


Ask why does skin color make all "white people" the same when there are many "white" cultures that aren't represented at all despite being extremely varied, and why does skin color of Americans need to be highlighted while no other culture including dark skinned ones is. Making everyone American regardless of skin color is racist and many countries either have a distinct look or colored minority so small that it's not plausible for them to be black proving that the black character is an American.

leave we gays out of this

i barely tolerate lesbians

''culture war'' marketing shill, FU

>marketing shill
the fuck is he marketing
think you fucking dumbass