How iconic will Thanos be?

They fucked up by treating IW Thanos as a separate character from EG Thanos, in my opinion.

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Iconic for a good period of time but only for people who were old enough for Thanos memes. He was mostly treated as a joke and he will never live up to a character such as Vader.

He wouldn't. He kept removing his armor and he looks too human. He doesn't even have blue/red eyes. Vader had an iconic design that stayed for most of the franchise. It doesn't help that he barely did anything that deemed unstoppable in EG. If he fought the most of the characters at the same time and he managed to best them, It might've left a good impression but that didn't happen. Thor, Captain America, Iron Man vs Thanos fight is too short and the feats shown are barely impressive when Superman down the road in Man of Steel was basically destroying his own city fighting Zod. Hulkbuster vs Hulk was a more entertaining fight than most of the fights in End Game.

> Superman down the road in Man of Steel was basically destroying his own city fighting Zod

The only things destroyed during their 1 on 1 fight was the parking garage & Wayne tower and Clark did zero damage to Them.
A few skyscrapers were badly damaged by the falling Satellite but Zod is the one who sent them into space AND tossed it back towards earth AND split it in half.

Clark FACTUALLY did not destroy any tangible portion of the city during their fight.

Fuck you.

Worst thing Clark does is collide with the leaping Zod alongside 1 single building causing a crater in its side and later drag Zod through some windows as a spontaneous reaction to getting punched into the building opposite.

Dude half of metropolis was destroyed in Man of Steel after the Zod fight. Clark dodges a truck he can easily catch and let it explode into a building.

Thanos is the poster villain for wasted potential. EG dropped a giant cowbell on his balls and I'm very disappointed about that.

> Dude half of metropolis was destroyed in Man of Steel after the Zod fight.
No it was destroyed by the World Engine BEFORE the fight.
Pic related is before they fought in the city.

> Clark dodges a truck he can easily catch and let it explode into a building
Because he is dead focused on Zod making sure he doesn't start directly focusing on civilians like he said he would and either didn't realize the danger the truck posed or thought it would just slide to a stop.
Him turning back around in horror at the explosion proves he didn't intentionally knowingly dodge it knowing it would explode. And he is proven right for not taking his eyes off Zod as Zod instantly sneak attacks him when he is turned towards the explosion.

> Pic related is before they fought in the city.

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Clark killed millions

So you're telling me Clark let Zod kill all those people in the building so that Zod doesn't kill more people? What a hero.

No I am saying the posibiltiy of it causing the explosion never occurred to him on any level because he was rightfully focused on what Zod was doing.

He'll only be remembered because of nostalgia.

Superhero fights kill lots of bystanders, they just never used to show it, so it's shocking to some people. I don't recall too many depicted bystander deaths (aside from, say, Captain Stacy or Jarella) until Miracleman vs Johnny Bates (first battle).

But what if the two Thanos encountered each other?

Thanos escapes the Avengers, but has no guanlet now. So he decides to wait for the Avengers to make a move.

When Past Thanos appears, he contacts him. The two meet.....but Gamora becomes a point of contention. Present Thanos wants Past Gamora to be HIS daughter, since he was the one who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Not to mention Past Thanos sees no reason to help his "old and weak" future self, tainted by regret and remorse.

Inevitably the two of them fall out.

>PAST THANOS: "So this is what I am to become? Just a weak old man haunted by his demons? I have a better idea than helping you. You laid the groundwork, now get out of my way."
>PRESENT THANOS: "Not without my daughter. She is mine. I earned this. You have earned....nothing. You coast on knowledge you stole from ME."

Imagine thinking Gamora as an object having no problem with this.

Which otherg mlvie vilains are iconic as Darth Vader?

everytime i see this picture my minds quickly redirects me to the tf2 Soldier despite knowing about the Iron Giant

it's his origin story

Oh of course Gamora has a problem with this. She doesn't like either of them.