Storytime of Pain - Man Eaters #10

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I can't take this seriously. Is this supposed to be taken seriously? Or is this really good satire that's supposed to make fun of SJWs?

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Having read every single issue, I can say with confidence /spoiler/ I don't know /spoiler/

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>Theres 10 issues of this

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This is still going?

Where are the other 8 issues? I have only seen this one and the fist one.

Someone give me a quick rundown.
I didn't pay attention to anything past "menstruation turns women into monsters even more than usual."

remember, girls, if you don't conform to gender norms, it's probably because you are actually a boy

So, the first girl has super-strength or what? She's carrying everyone else's weight.

what is this garbage

What is this? Why there are so many filler pages? Does Cain believe estrogen free products are bad? Why are there so much menstruation fetishism? I don't get it

It's literally what the author believes, but it's also tongue-in-cheek so that we get upset about it or some shit

I missed a ton of issues and didn't even realize this was still going.. Why exactly wouldn't this immediately trigger a massive lockdown and how incompetent are they that they didn't notice one of them has a penis?

I can't believe this was published by Image.
I was expecting it to be Marvel.

Holy fuck the art is so bad. Instead of drawing a wall lets slap a texture on it and call it a day.

>Oh, ludzkość!
Fuck off with your Google Translate shit, Cain. Haven't you had a Polish artist on the book before?

What? This doesnt make any sense. Is this some anime used thing?
Why didnt she wrote Mittelstrahl? Would be hilarious.
And this series still gets released? I think the last i remember is issue 2.

Lol, that really shows how pleb the author and the translation is.

She doesnt care. All this progressive and care for other culture us just a front for her to feel better.
Just egoistical morality highground behaviour.

Our LCS is begging people to buy this. They were giving it out on FCBD with every purchase over $10. I'm sure most of them ended up in the trash.

Who with a healthy mind would order it for their LCS? This is subscription level of ordering.

>Estrogen Free
>Call it "Estro-Cola" and not Androcola or something
Looks like this universe fell for the onions meme hard.

I can appreciate what they're trying with the mixed mediums thing, but they just do it so bad

>Looks like this universe fell for the onions meme hard
Look at the kinds of faggots they get to run secure prison facillities

What is this writer's obsession with periods?

I keep asking myself the same question.

I missed out on 4-9.
How much could have happened?

She's powered by her hate of men or something.

Are there any numbers of sold copies?

Regarding that they are now in a prison it looks mostly like fillers.

Well, might as well make this.

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Cain probably had a traumatic experience involving hers when she was younger and now has an unhealthy almost fetishistic preoccupation with periods. She probably uses her work to deal with her demons much the same way Tom King does and you can see a much similar result.

And scat. If there is no fetishing of menstruation or woman victimhood, you will find a poop references.
My guess is Chelsea has a gross fetish. Maybe her home was very strict like "dont be gross" or "a girl doesnt do this". Sprinkle some less talk about sexuality and growing up what the school had to do.
And set the timer of 40+ years and you get a feminist who thinks the rules were made by a patriarchy society and she has to fight against them with gross humor.

Correct 2 issues were just filler material with edgy artsy thinks like a kids magazin.Than all these ads and semi blank pages with some text, the series should be at issue 6 or 7.
I wonder who buys them to keep them afloat. Can only be friends and some followers that donate money and never read the issues they gat as a thank you.

Is this a m2f or a biological boy with weird parents?

Seems like a non binary-asexual boy.

That's an actual medical term for pain associated with ovulation.

I'm wondering this too. Was it just not storytimed, or storytimed on the weekend or something?

Its not really a real word. The real word that should be used is
Mittelschmerz isnt even a real medical word. Its mostly a wide collection of something something pain.
Not everyone gets it, its not really known why this pain occurs and is thought to be the result of different reasons why it happens.
Its just like synonim for "I have a pain while ovulation" when you dont know why and where. Its can be used if you ovulate and have a appendicitis.
Its a rubbish word and tried to make it medical by using a german word for it, because its common and validates a medical thing with a german word.

It wasn't storytimed.

is only 2 weeks away,so that would be a good time to catch Yea Forums up if an user is kind enough.

And here I thought Border Town would be the peak of SJW nonsense.

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My LCS just stopped ordering it after issue 3. So many sitting on the "recent releases" shelf that they bulge out more than any other book.

>I wonder who buys them to keep them afloat.
No body now, it's cancelled after SJWs (you know, the book's audience) got so mad that it didn't take trans people into consideration and bullied the author off Twitter.

Transphobia, using a mild critical tweet in the comic without permission (in a stupid, nonsensical way), making a bad comparison to the civil rights movement, and otherwise being a really bad comic that opens with an eleven-year-old girl playing with tampons like they’re dolls, not to mention having a shot where the reader looks directly down the girl’s bloody panties. Pretty much a shitshow of a production.

The best/worst part about Border Town is that we all know they pulled the plug before it could go higher.

Lol, kinda backfired. The problem is if you are an extremist than others might held you accountable for your hard-line approach.
But after reading that article, she really cant accept or work with criticism.

>in a culture that consistently reinforces the messaging that periods are shameful, that our bodies are shameful
First tell that to men, who gets to hear farts are gross, bodyhair, balding or neckbeards. Thats not a women only problem.
Second doesnt this imply skimpy clothes in comics and media is ok? Since its mostly about aestethic and that woman bodies are seen as more aesthetic?

What is Border Town?

Cain has never been against skimpy clothes. She's a second wave feminist, not a modern SJW, which is why she's also likely a closet TERF.

Thought that was the case with mockingbird to cancel all skimpy clothes.
My bad than.

A book that started as an interesting Vertigo story with minor left wing politics.

By issue 3 one of the characters was using Mexican voodoo to assault the school principle and his shrine to Trump and the reader was expected to be on her side. It was like DC was going out of it's way to top America. They would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for the Me Too moment happening resulting in the book taken behind the barn and shot before it could get to anything really crazy.

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Ok this page seems kind of funny.

This is so stupid. Its clear Cain is trying to distance herself from a logically flawed story with a loose story jammed with filler metaphorical imagery. This shit was stupid and she has no idea what she is doing.

>oh wow, what a nightmarish orwellian vision of a society where our food supply isn't enriched by xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens, as it is now! chilling stuff.

It's a so bad it's good kind of comic.

There will never be a trade.


I would disagree. It was heavy off the bat.

Thanks for the info. Sounds crazy.

They put estrogens in tap water user, of course everyone is a hipster.

Even though 5 minutes of research on /lgbt/ tells me I could chug estrogen all day and it wouldn't do shit unless I was also on T-blockers but hey, artistic license

Eh, maybe it's because I'm to the left myself. The point is I didn't think it was too much of an issue at first, but it didn't take long for it to goo WAY too far.

Border Town was cool because Villalobos drawing all that magic/mystical monster stuff ruled

I assumed user was talking about this abomination

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I thought this was a miniseries. How is there possibly enough plot to make this an ongoing.

Oh totally.

It had its moments. More of the subtle jabs at people concerned with political spectrum than facts of reality.

How do you not smell that much ketchup in ANY environment outside of a tomato processing plant??

You didn't miss shit. I have 1-7 and there's nearly no action in ANY of them. This comic is a waste of a good idea. Full-blown adolescence-triggered lycanthropy with bipedal monsters would have been a better choice instead of boring, normal panthers. The women could change back and forth at will, and actually be an effective, intelligent threat. This just appears to be some whackjob feminist reveling in having periods (which feminists always seem to be fixated upon) being a herald of a girl coming into full femininity, and that is supposed to be "empowering" and somehow dangerous to the "patriarchy" they keep insisting really exists. In short, this comic is some idiot's uppercut in a fight that doesn't even exist.

>she has no idea what she is doing
Remember this is a woman who thought is was empowering to retcon Mockingbird getting brainwashed and raped into her willingly cheating on Hawkeye with a villain and then killing the villain to avoid being caught

This book is so enjoyable. Thank you oP.

So a biological male or female?

How did falling on his face knock him out?

>how incompetent are they that they didn't notice one of them has a penis?
I don't think she has a penis, I think she's supposed to be transgender

And this wouldn't show up at all on the medical records? Logically that would actually be even encouraged to get one less panther off the streets.

>I have 1-7

I use the term "realistically" very loosely here, but wouldn't it make more sense to get rid of cats as pets to solve the problem than go through with all this other nonsense?

Holy fucking shit, is this still a thing? How the hell did it make it all the way to 10 issues without getting canned?

Sexual dysphoria doesn't show ups on medical records until one does actually start taking drugs

Maybe in our universe, but there is no way in hell anyone is letting some girl that thinks she should be a dude actually fly under the radar when it would make her "accidentally" turn into a werepanther.

Because American indies. Anyone that thinks indies are in better shape than capeshit are delusional.

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Everything I've seen from this is much better than the comic.

Pirating scans costs me but 12 seconds per issue.

That explains why she wrote a comic to piss off the far-right and wound up triggering the SJWs instead.

I think we've finally found the feminist equivalent of the latter Cerebus books.

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Can I ask, that blow up on the hand drawn map there...

Is it not really fucking pixelated? They could have drawn it out and scanned it in at a higher resolution. Like, that must be a choice right? It looks awful.

Think the author claims she publishing it at a loss hoping the trades make up for it

This is painful

So the last panel is a literal translation of "oh, humanity!". The closest would be "O ludzie". It's even funny considering that she employed a polish cunt artist who draws like crap

this is much funnier than it has any right to be, and the fact that it's done with a straight face is what makes it funnier

Cerebus is a masterpiece, though. With not a single weak issue. NOT. A. SINGLE. WEAK. ISSUE