Why can't she be real?
Why can't she be real?
She likes big guys.
She actually doesn't care at all about looks, just personality. She's literally perfect.
Hey user,just how big is your Leni folder?
Chaz has no personality. He speaks in third-person!
Have sex
Because no girl wants to be a Leni. Being a Leni means being harmless, dumb, and vulnerable. No girl wants to be any of those things. A real life Leni would be bullied into depression and cynicism (which by then she wouldn't be Leni anymore, she'd be a sad mutated thing that was once Leni) by other girls and become sad and bitter before she's even done with middle school, because kids are assholes and being stupid, vulnerable, and harmless is an invitation to get bullied. Alternatively, a theoretical real life Leni could be extremely sheltered and stay that way into adulthood, but then you'll never meet her because people sheltered like that are controlled by their parents who would smother her and prevent her from meeting anyone they might not approve of.
In short, Leni can't fit in with other girls. She wouldn't want to be the way she is because she has an ego of her own that needs to be satisfied and being dumb, harmless, and vulnerable and being aware that you are those things isn't something girls would want, they generally wish to be independent and strong. And even if she was this way, she'd be sheltered and you wouldn't be allowed to date her because you're not on her smothering daddy's "Nice" list. Leni is a cartoon character. She cannot exist in the real world. She has no place in this world.
>She cannot exist in the real world. She has no place in this world.
>A real life Leni would be bullied into depression and cynicism (which by then she wouldn't be Leni anymore, she'd be a sad mutated thing that was once Leni)
This is actually true, I have the closest thing to a real life Leni at my work and everyone can sense her "weakness" and we do everything in our power to bully her.
Why would you bully a Leni?
pic is what a "real" Leni would be like without 12+ tard-wranglers.
>show about a sheltered leni meeting a nosey boy and his rebellious older sister and trying to beat her cynicism that begins to take root
Do tell how.
Because then I can't have sex with her like in my incel fantasies.
Uh, who the fuck is she? =/
Because our god is a cruel god
>Hey user,just how big is your Leni folder?
Not OP but id say around 2000 pictures, most of them explicit porn featuring leni
Not that big because it's hard categorizing pictures that include the other sisters and my other waifus
So then I have to go through a whole system of autistically separating what's what, then sometimes I just say fuck it and put in the base waifu folder
It's probably bigger than my porn folder tbqhfam
Leni folder is for pure g-rated fan art and screenshots, not porn
You to. Always glad to see a fellow cute hoarder.
Ill have you know my leni smut is very vanilla and cute
>its a “leni finds moms toy box” episode
Leni discovering masturbation at 16 but is still somehow enjoying it in a pure way is kind of cute
"The F.B.I. wants to know your location."
16 is legal in michigan
Oof is right
> (You)
>Oof is right
I guess the FBI did an oopsie. Carry on my citizen.
With pleasure
>you can legally have sex with Leni
God bless Michigan
bully or "bulli"?
Too far!
Not far enough id say
>busty blonde bimbo wanders off at night all alone because she thinks she has to go to school
Real life Leni would have been kidnapped ages ago.
She's so sweet and innocent that her kidnapper would have felt bad and returned her.
>but is still somehow enjoying it in a pure way
an (almost) retarded porn star.
If you want to meet retard girls, I recommend interring at your nearest mental hospital. I’m sure your meet some great specimens.
Knew a girl like that in my homeschool group. Looked just like leni. Were married
I don't believe you
>wanting to fuck a special needs
lmao enjoy being a retard herder without pay.
You dont meet these girls because their parents know better than to throw them to the wolves in the public school system
A slow person taken advantage of
I'll get compensation one way or another.