Why are the Boom Studios Power Ranger comics rampant, unrepentant Tommy Oliver shilling?
Why are the Boom Studios Power Ranger comics rampant, unrepentant Tommy Oliver shilling?
The only thing that keeps the franchise going is pandering to nostalgia.
Good QC there.
Why is Drakkon black and white?
to show how evil & "Cool" he is compared to the other Tommies.
>The only thing that keeps the franchise going is pandering to nostalgia.
Pretty this considering they do anything in there power to keep remembering People MMPRs was a thing.
>let's have them say it's morphing Time after Mega Force and onwards because nostalgia and we can't think of another call outline like we did for any ranger team post Zeo.
I mean, it's not like they can bring in viewers with quality storytelling.
If this was about any other ranger it wouldn't sell as proved with Pink.
The only ones still reading this are Tommyfags, as evidenced with Go Go Power Rangers flopping due to the lack of Tommy in it.
Which is a shame because I'm curious what happened to Jason, Trini, and Zack after their Peace Conference.
And here we go. The Tommy shills are here.
The only ones who read this are Tommyfags so of course if Tommy isn't around a title will flop.
If I'm lying, why did they bring him back in both titles?
Read the second line, tard.
Because only nostalgiafags will buy a Power Rangers comic and nostalgiafags love Tommy. I was always a Jason and Trini man myself though.
It's been ~10 months since shattered grid ended, Go Go and MMPR didn't had Tommy. Why bring him back? Why bother? They could've been killed Go Go and give the slot to another series? Why didn't they do that? Deep down you know why
see >The only ones who read this are Tommyfags so of course if Tommy isn't around a title will flop.
You can't read?
>Which is a shame because I'm curious what happened to Jason, Trini, and Zack after their Peace Conference.
pick up the latest issue 40.. it tells you
secret rangers secret rangers
I know. I've read it.
My statement is me wanted to read about their further adventures because I'm curious about it. Learn to read, motherfucker.
Yes, he's made sure that he's the absolute face of power rangers ever since he was on the show and faggots love him so he'll always be the most popular.
>If I'm lying
He didn't say you were lying he even said the only ones who buy these comics are Tommyfags.
Are Tommyfags this retarded?
well good luck for you cause it's gonna fucking tell the story some more.
Mmmm. Look at all the toasty, salty replies from the ASJ fags haha!
Yes, he's made sure that he's the absolute face of power rangers ever since he was on the show and faggots love him so he'll always be the most popular
I knew you were shitposting for shit and giggles. Seriouly, you don't have anything better to do with your time?
I'm not a tommy fag I'm a ranger fag. I thought Jason and Shibas relationship was cute and fun. I've always liked the idea of a Ranger morphing ON TOP of a morph: would it be a battleizer or would their powers blend? Could a body handle that much bullshit? This story delved into several questions I had as an autistic rangerfag.
The tommywank at the end was annoying: it should have boiled down to an Enders Game / XMen 3 ending, with the O5 rangers being the only ones, maybe even just Kim, who could remove the power source or get the last shot off at the core, killing Drakkon....not a fucking powwow
>I thought Jason and Shibas
You mean Tommy and Shiba, right?