Is there anyone out there who didn’t like Ragnarok?

Is there anyone out there who didn’t like Ragnarok?

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my sister but she's a dumbass

No, but it was forgettable. Moving on.

I thought it was dumb

Is this bait? It's pretty hated. Even by normies.

Of course there are, this is Yea Forums

Are you kidding me, it was the worst Marvel movie they put out. I can't fucking stand this movie.

>it was the worst Marvel movie they put out
I wouldnt put it that low

Unfortunately it's one of the most popular Marvel movies, despite being the worst one.

I didn't care for it. I don't like jokey-Thor and the tone in general. Had a few good moments, but one of the few I don't think I'd watch again.

No, it really is. This is even worse than the Fox Marvel movies. This is worse than Ant Man, worse than Incredible Hulk, I dont care what the fuck you think was worse but it's not this is the worst one.

forgettable besides the funky environment

>This is even worse than the Fox Marvel movies. This is worse than Ant Man
Not a good way to measure. Ant-Man was one of the few good MCU movies. The first Fantastic Four movies are decent-ish. Deadpool was good.


I love it but it's probably because I like Taika Waititi

It's a fine way to measure, you just have no taste.

Only dipshits would say this is forgettable.

Asgard is fucking destroyed you fat airhead

Asgard was in the movie for like 7 minutes. People remember that that happened but forget it was this movie because this movie is so much hot garbage.

They sound like fucking fat fucks to me

I dislike how it blew up Thor's mythology for IW. There was barely a balance with the humor and it ruined some of the emotional beats. The Warriors Three dying without Thor mentioning it is honestly frustrating. He doesn't even meet them when he returns to Asgard.

> This is even worse than the Fox Marvel movies.
Bro I strongly dislike Rag but it's absolutely not as bad as Wolverine Origins.
> This is worse than Ant Man, worse than Incredible Hulk
Both of those are damn good and near great so such isn't saying much.

Me. Definitely the worst Thor movie and one of the worst superhero movies made in a while. Serious contender for worst MCU movie. Watiti is hack

Forgettable? It had Hulk fight Thor in a gladiator arena

It's absolutely the most flawed MCU film...

Thor: Ragnarok...

> The film has zero emotional weight after Odin's death. The Guardians films get away with their humor because before Infinity War they had the most emotional impact of the entire Mcu. This had none of that balance. The entire time I was watching Ragnarok I was saying to myself "Gunn could have done this so much better".
> The humor is unbearably awkward and fake feeling, like a bad SNL skit. It went genuinely into Scary Movie/Movie 42 spoof vibe territory. The scenes with the Grandmaster especially.
> Hela is just as flat a villain as Malekith or Ronan but is given a pass because she is alot more badass then them.
> The sets and outfits on Sakaar look disgustingly cheap. Instead of celebrating the mythos (like aquaman did) and bringing Jack Kirby's designs to life they literally use his art as fucking wallpaper.
> Valkyrie looks and acts nothing like any version of the character in the comics.
> Surtur in the comics is a dark apocalyptic figure as menacing as Galactus, here he is a god damn joke.
> A major complaint against the first 2 films was them doing nothing with the warriors 3 and this film does the same but full on kills them off. People give Snyder crap for killing off Jimmy Olsen in Bvs but give this a pass, hypocritical cunts.
> Doctor Strange is wasted.
> Jeff Goldblum is wasted.
> Ruffalo is wasted.
> Karl Urban / Skurge is wasted and his death (one of the most emotionally powerful in all of comics) is done as a afterthought.
> The destruction of Asgard is given little to no weight. We could have gotten something tragic and beautiful like Thor disassembled and instead they pissed in our faces.

if this is considered the best MCU man the MCU must suck

Is Hulk in this movie an allegory of someone with autism?

>> Doctor Strange is wasted.
he's only there to remind you to WATCH MORE MARVEL MOVIES

For comparison these are all the flaws with Dark World which many claim is the worst in the Mcu.

Thor: The Dark World...

> Comedy interrupts the end battle too much altho not half as bad as Ragnarok.
> Malekith is unquestionably the weakest Mcu villain and doesn't even have a cool or faithful design.
> They cut scenes that would have made him a lot more sympathetic.
> Thor throwing the flimsy science poles at Malekith at the end looked silly.
> Not much done with Portman or the romance.
> Odin being kind of a dick compared to the 1st film.
> The duo of Malekith & Kurse was a waste compared to the comics.

Yeah, not half as many problems as Ragnarok nor any as grave.

At least Wolverine Origins is the movie it claims to be. Ragnarok is a complete nonsequitor for like 99% of the fucking film.

Some pros for each...

Dark World...
> Thor's outfit is much better then his suits in Thor1 or Avengers1.
> More for Heimdall to do.
> Loki is fun as always and got more to do here then he did in Ragnarok.
> Kurse is cool looking & fairly menacing, him beating Thor into the ground was fairly brutal.
> Final battle is fairly creative with the portals.
> Frigga's death & funeral is great. Score is beautiful. Thor's reaction to her death, blasting Malekith's face with Lightning was great.
> A little bit more for Sif and the warriors 3 to do.
> Showed us more of Asgard, their technology and history.
> Flashbacks to Odin's father Bor should have been longer but were cool none the less and Bor was perfectly cast.

> Hela is sexy & badass. Her slaughtering Asgard's army & fighting Thor 1 on 1 in the throne room are great well shot sequences.
> Thor's personality is more fun & enthusiastic.
> Skurge's outfit is perfect & Urban was perfectly cast.
> Thor vs Hulk battle was solid.
> The "get help" joke was genuinely fun.
> Tessa was decent as Valkyrie despite not being anything like the comics.
> The film has a sense of wanting to display Thor being badass that was lacking in prior Mcu movies. He gets some good feats.

I liked it, but can see why more hardcore fans would be turned off by its campy tone and recharacterization of Thor.

I just dont like every emotional moments are used for laugh.
Like asgard destruction and Bruce sacrificing himself knowing hulk will take over next time .

Too many quips. I liked that they went wacky with the set pieces but it’s hard to think there is any threat when everyone is non stop joking. That being said it’s not bad just not my cup o tea script wise

Should have been split into two movies. The gravitas of Ragnarok is almost absent. At least in Dark world there was the scene with the disheveled Loki in prison

A really good film almost ruined by Cate Blanchett. I can't tell if she was miscast or is just a shit actress but she was awful.

> Hela is sexy & badass
> Tessa was decent as Valkyrie

Why do you turn this thread into a den of lies.

Tessa was decent as Valkyrie, the issue is that Valkyrie was one of the most unpleasant characters in the whole MCU and is more villainous than several of the actual villains.

I found the shock collar idea unsettling

Anyone with even a bit of taste knows that it's shit. it's badly-written unfunny Guardians of the Galaxy-wannabe trash.

What do you mean? Didn't like as in hated it, or didn't like as in it was meh?
The latter was very much the case for me, as it had some fun scenes, but overall it was one of those crappy movies that you can bring a girl to, because it has no substance whatsoever.

>The destruction of Asgard is given little to no weight. We could have gotten something tragic and beautiful like Thor disassembled and instead they pissed in our faces.
It would have been fine if the rock-face dude didn't have a scene-long gag about how it can be rebuilt.
Which just reminds me that this movie cannibalized Planet Hulk in the worst possible way.

Meant to

Here user

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Are you for real? Normies love this movie. They like that Thor is now a GOTG Rip off

Great analysis, user

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It was the best Thor movie because it destroyed Asgard, a shoehorned setting that they couldn't make work for the whole decade and a half in which they were making MCU movies. They were never going to tell the stories that the setting needs and the setting was never going to be anything but a weird distraction that raises more questions than it's never going to answer while being populated by characters nobody cared about. I guarantee chocolate Valkriye is remembered by more people than any members of the "Warrior Three" (or four or whatever?) who were gleefully murdered on-screen in this movie to represent how we're moving the fuck on from this nonsense setting alongside its complete destruction and I doubt anyone even noticed because of how forced and forgettable they are.

>Hela not sexy and badass
You slanderous piece of shit. You fucking garbage person. How dare you.

>goldblum is wasted
kek get fucked


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It was kind of mediocre. A goddess of death but she only attacks with blades? Where is her mystical death magic? Where is the aura of death around her that makes plants die? She is just edgy and generic.

i domt remember much but one thing i do remember was when assgard was destroyed it was immediately followed by a quip... and i remember it bothering me because the movie just felt like a constant joke.. nothing matters because its followed by another funny. Its probably why i dont remember much of it.

Nah, I fucking hated it. One of the most genuinely unfunny films I've ever seen.

*slips over*

Not an argument. Asgard was an objectively wasted setting that was never going to be what it's supposed to be and nobody gave a shit about anyone there who wasn't Loki.

She wasn't a goddess of death, she was a goddess of causing death, she was a warmonger who is really good at killing, that's it.

Forgettable like most mcu movies

Scourge being wasted is the only point I agree with. Odin's death is a major plot point. Hela is better than Malekith at least because she can guilt trip the "good guys", making the conflict grayer overall. And the jokes were great, second only to Shazam.

Thor is not a GOTG ripoff.

it's disappointing that they turned most things into jokes just to fill up seats in the theater.

Normies loved it but fans of Thor disliked it being a shiny joke movie

is there a mega or magnet for this?

I honestly like ragnarok more than everything else they show on fox movies.

Thor cared more about befriending a slaver than about his friends getting killed.

I loved the "Let's you and him" fight-style ending.

Battle of the evil horned individuals, just with opposing motivations.

>lmao we're gonna have Deadpool
>oops just kidding

It did well in the box office, which disproves this.

Every thor movie besides ragnarok is forgettable and bad.
Ragnarok would have made a perfect thor introduction movie. All the stuff on earth was boring a gay.

>which many claim is the worst in the Mcu.
Not IM3?

The movie absolutely destroyed Thor and his associated cast forever. The Russo's seemed to be salvaging what they could in IW only to throw it all away in Endgame. I have no interest in seeing the MCU release another movie with Thor and I wish Taika nothing but matching misery.

But Suicide Squad was also rather succesful. And many people shit on it

but hey it works!

>Ragnarok would have made a perfect thor introduction movie
>the movie that kills off the Thor supporting cast
is this bait?

I thought it was total shit. It was two vastly different movies shoved together, which made for a discordant mess. On one hand they wanted to do the serious death of Asgard storyline, and because GOTG was popular did some wacky comedy shit that ruined any chance of getting a decent Planet Hulk storyline. It also completely destroyed Thor as any sort of unique character, and now he's just a rip off Starlord. Pure shit tier.

Okay movie, bad Thor movie.

Everything about it except for the comedy was bad.
Even the comedy just ranged from fine to middling. I think I laughed out loud once, but I don't remember when.

Not even the movie gives a shit about that.