So much wasted potential. Goddamn why even bring Static into this if he barely shows up and when he does show up, he is a literal incel. What the fuck Weisman what the fuck

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Other urls found in this thread:!ykFR0QJD!6zydjquAh1FxJYzQsPSyAQ

That can be said for almost every character

Five year timeskip was a mistake

Hey remember that great cast of characters we introduced in S2? Fuckem here's 50 other literally who's

Except Cyborg. Cyborg has waaaaay too much screentime for being so ABSOLUTELY BORING!

i meant S1 oops

Forager is best boy, though.

>2/3 of the black characters are the only incels on the show

fuck you buddy

Remember Katana was supposed to be relevant?

Yep, all of my this. The showrunners really didn't understand why season one episodes like cold-hearted worked.

Young Justice is essentially just Greg Weisman's (or maybe Vietti's?, Spectacular Spider-Man didn't have many characters) insane quest to put every single DC character in a show.

This show has WAY (and I can not stress that enough ) WAY too many characters. It's actually jarring now. I know Greg Weisman probably has autism and he can keep track of this easily but for us non autistic folks, this is just too much. They seriously need to kill off half of the cast or something because 70% of the cast either don't show up at all, barely show up with a few lines or show up but don't say a single fucking line

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>he is a literal incel

lolwat? Does he call Megan a roastie or something?

Why can't they make Fun upbeat cyborg from original Teen Titans the ONLY teen titans? Why do we need this edgy amg i killed my parents cyborg every time he shows up in anything

But then this show would never have gay Bart.
I'm fucking kidding, I was mad, confused, and hurt when I saw the timeskip for the first time. Fuck that timeskip.

Hell Cassie has probably had fewer lines in this series than fucking El Dorado. That's clearly a problem.

Same reason why we couldn't have fun upbeat Superboy. They wanted a Serious covert Superhero show.

Everytime they were asked what is the show about, they said "THIS ISN'T A YOUNG JUSTICE NOR TEEN TITANS ADAPTATION OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, THIS IS ABOUT THE DC UNIVERSE, KINDA LIKE 52". It turned out he wasn't kidding, he was 100% serious.

Incel means involuntary celibate it doesn't necessarily require any type of attitude or belief.

>inb4 urbandictionary """definition"""

He shows up in episode 16 after not being in episode since like episode 4 or 5 and he literally spends the entire episode being a lonely virgin and saying he needs a girlfriend. Static deserves better than this

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hes not wrong, Cyborg also looks like shit in YJ. one hand and half of his face is almost nothing

Static should be with Frieda. It would be really nice to have a adaptation where they’re actually together. They don’t even have to be couple they can just be best friends but I would prefer Static and Frieda to be a couple and best friends.

Dwayne McDuffie did not die for his child to be made into a joke. Fuck Weisman.

Donna should have been Wonder Girl

Is there a limit to how many characters can talk in an episode? Because Terra hasn't said a single line in 3 episodes yet she is actually on screen. It's so bizarre

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he also missed his chance to become a titan, this guys gonna get mad pussoir

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inb4 Static is the gay icon of the team and only has faggots chasing after him

Halo and Geoforce are the worst. So much drama with them. And then there is Terra, ain't saying anything now but its bound to get worse with her also among the cast.

Im still bothered YJ static doesnt have a costume, whtever the fuck is that shit his wearing doesnt count

Not really. You could say it's due to budget or maybe they just thought "fuck it, you guys already know how this goes" (which is true considering how they were whining non-stop in Reddit about the reveal).

>Have a chance to introduce Static to a new generation and make him be popular and back in spotlight since the early 00s
>lol nah let's just turn him into a joke

I'm actually glad Dwayne McDuffie isn't alive to see what Greg Weisman has done to Static

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this show has to many characters and they just keep on introducing more.

how did doom patrol get cyborg so right and every other one except for OG teen titans is so wrong?

All Cyborg has done this season is bitch, bitch, bitch, and he has had 3 times the screentime of most of the shows characters! He has had more screentime than Miss Martian and Forager! And all he does is go "ARRRG! I AM A MONSTER NOW! I HATE MY DAD!" It's fucking obnoxious! He's the worst part of this season!

Except Superboy learned to chill, which is nice.
But doing that again with Cyborg is just tedious, especially when Cyborg is in 2 other shows.

can they for one not follow the same shit that has been done in older content. terra always being a slade sucker is getting old and how many times do i need to see blue beetle and wally die?

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This is something I noticed with several cartoons. Like they have a limit on how much the voice actor can be used in episodes.

Young Justice's Cyborg is pretty much just Marv Wolfman's Cyborg with a fatherbox. If anything it's the most accurate version (not necessarily the best one).

Holy shit why are they wasting time on the least interesting Superfriend? The retread on Judas Contract and Halo are bad enough, but this just downright asinine.

I swear to god if Weisman makes Static a fag just to get SJW points for having a black gay character I will drop this show and never look back

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Superboy is a dead character. Nowhere to go

Calm down user, Weisman already got his gay quota met. Virgil is safe.

i recall reading there is a limit and it's 14 VAs. Not sure how true it is though.

If they do Supergirl hope they give her the DC Superhero girl personality

they need at least 2 more titans, My money is on Arroette and 13

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Let Static be with Frieda 2k19.

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It's obvious the other members are going to be Raven, Starfire and Cyborg.

I completely forgot that Arrowette was in this show.

He has a non binary and a white gay. Now he needs a gay minority . It's not looking good for Virgil or Cyborg right now

The gay minority is El Dorado. Static is safe.

Virgil virginity, oral virginity, anal virginity, navel virginity and aural virginity are safe

why do the characters all have WoW player posture

Hell I don't even care if they make Richie his fucking love interest JUST GIVE VIRGIL MORE FUCKING SCREEN TIME CHRIST

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what makes you thing Star and Rae are going to show up?

Doesn't he want to fuck the wind chick?

Because Doom Patrol Cyborg deviated from the main line comics

IDK, maybe the fact that 2/3 of the DCU is on the show already.

touche user, touche

No. Greg retweeted a comment about Bart and him being a couple. Greg hardly retweets literal who's unless they are right or to comment and make fun of them. He just retweeted it and that's it. Enjoy your gay POC rep.

Greg Weisman is clearly on a mission to adapt the entire DCU. Give him enough seasons and he'll be introducing Zook and Comet the Superhorse.

2003 Teen Titans didn't get Cyborg "right". That show isn't the source material.

maybe he just trying to gain gay points without compromissing

I like to think he swings both ways and is a massive player. so he's fucking Bart but he also wants to fuck the Windchick.... and everyone else he can.

Prez, Lady Cop and Captain Carrot when?

No. Greg is autistic and had this shit planned out years ago. He probably has a book somewhere where it says when Bart and Mr. Teleport will have sex.

I imagine Tara Strong cost a bit more than the rest of the cast.. that and

We all fucking know how it goes so why spend too much time building it.


Greg is going to make Cyborg and Static a gay couple. You know he will. Do you know how many progressive points he will get having a gay black couple? Young Justice will immune to ALL criticism (He's going to pull a Legend of Korra)

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I bet there's a 300 page tome of Wally and Artemis fucking in different positions with graphic detail.

We already have a gay couple. There's no way will be getting another.

Greg actually does 18 + panels sometimes where he talks about the sex lives of characters from his shows lol. I don't have the screen caps of the answers someone who was at one posted once but he went into Gargoyles characters, YJ characters etc.

I think he mentioned something about M'gann having watched lots of porn lol. And Artemis having lost her virginity really young.

You are forgetting the black community will snap and call Weisman racist. SJWs will always side with blacks over gays, always.

he already made Halo a they/them computerkin so I wouldnt doubt it

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But Virgil belongs with white people. His relationships with black people have always been boring.

Can't wait for the season finale so I can laugh at the morons who thought Wally wouldn't come back
I don't even like YJ Wally

By which point Artemis will be with Will so there can be some ridiculous love square next season.

Doubt it. LGBT trumps skin color these days.

No it doesn't. You are just saying that because we passed WOKE Capitalism Pride Month.

Will is going to knock up Artemis and then Wally will return for an awkward love triangle. Greg is doing a poor job trying to keep this a surprise plot twist. We all see it coming

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wanna bet they gonna pull a "I understand, I have no right to feel betrayed"

to be fair we all knew Wally would come back the moment he died. I think he just want to make drama for Wally to chew on

You also have Jade in the mix too.

Nah Wind Bitch is probably a mole and is trying to scam him. Once the retard tells her his secret relationship with Bart, it is going to blow up in his face.

I don't know what happened to Wally in season two. But season one Wally was a jackass for a full nineteen episodes and then he was great for the last seven. I guess they went back on that in the second season.

>I don't know what happened to Wally in season two
he got laid

yo he's alive with a baby in young justice.

and thats why hes dead and gonna die, he have nothing to do and already has a replacement

Nope, they always complain about how minorities hate lgbt people and how their culture has to change. Whenever some minority tranny gets beat up, they always try to make it more about race and the community instead of the fact that people of all colors generally aren't fond of trannies.

And they immediately shut up when an actual black person enters the conversation.

get a costume

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Haven't watched any S3 episodes yet, have Arrowette and Cassie gotten any screentime?

Serious Cyborg worked on Doom Patrol but that show was a miracle.

How come Greg Cipes gets to voice Beast Boy in Young Justice but Cyborg gets a new VA even though his original VA voices all the black guys?

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they're in at least half of the episodes so far

>Turning Virgil into a incel loser
This is unacceptable

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they dont want people think of teen titans, his voice stand out alot more than beastboys

I'll admit, being able to shit on black conservatives is like life handing me a freebie.

Nah, they continue to go on about "toxic black/latino/etc culture" and how they hate gays/trannies more than normal.

Cipes isn't making his TT/TTG Beast Boy voice.

Plus, Khary not voicing Cyborg is literally a joke considering he voices his father and friends.

No they don't you delusional nigger. They immediately get called a racist white privilege person and promptly get canceled. There's a reason why Dave Rubin and Blair White are right wingers despite being mentally ill.

I get the feeling you just call everyone you disagree with mentally ill.
Dave's just a grifter and Blair's just a coward. There's nothing more to them than that.

>black conservatives
Aren't they going against their own self-interests like women who vote against abortion?

Yeah, they are. However, even someone as stupid as Candace Owens gets ahead in life; by pushing conservative talking points. So, it's a good role for the callous.

Why are there so many goddamn characters and why does Weisman insist on adding more and more characters? How come nobody has this man on a leash? His autism is getting out of control

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Vietti probably let's him do whatever he wants as long as his sono Jason get some screentime, expect more Jason in future episodes.

Weisman is a man on a mission to create his own version of literally every single thing in the DCU.

Snowflame when?

You know you want to Greg.

Greg Weisman posted a picture when YJ was originally cancelled of no more than 100 sticky notes about the timeline after season 2. This guy is an autstic legend. To Greg there isn't enough characters he needs more. He is a DC fanboy and this is why you should never let fanboys work on their obsession because then it's the purest form of autism

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Boring, the show is just boring

its a "meh" at best

was kinda hoping for more

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He made Spectacular Spider-Man. Isn't that almost universally agreed among Yea Forums to be the best version of the web-slinger?

He was on a leash with Spectacular Spider Man. YJ is Greg Weisman completely unhinged and no limitations

I see Yea Forums is shitting on quality action shows as usual. I hope you know how much it hurts due to their rarity and how tough it is to even get one made now
anyway can I get a link? last time there was a weird site that had the episodes as they came out, but I guess I didn't bookmark it

I think people need to kinda realize that post S1 Young Justice is a show about the DC universe more than it is about any particular set of characters.!ykFR0QJD!6zydjquAh1FxJYzQsPSyAQ

there, newest set of episodes.

and I think Yea Forums generally like's Young Justice, we just also like making fun of Weisman's autism.

that'll do, thanks!
I just make fun of Greg for his terrible fucking luck

Hey man Hispanic anime space bounty is pretty cool with his unconventional accent and stuff

He had the same exact amount of power he has in YJ. The only limitation Sony put him was making him add references to the Sam Raimi trilogy.

I find it hard to believe that Tara Strong is more expensive than Nolan North or Troy Baker

It's not that Yea Forums is shitting on it for the sake of shitting on it. Most of the complaints here have been completed valid. The show does have way too many characters. The show does shit on characters like Static for no reason at all. The animation is kinda wonky at times. The show is trying too hard to get SJW points. Doesn't mean we don't enjoy it. We can enjoy things but point out the flaws. I love this show but goddamn there needs to be a mass clearing of the cast

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I think they're gonna fuck, weisman has the subtlety of a train wreck

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This. It's just so fun to point out Weisman's glaring autism

Also the show needs to get more subtle and a way to do that is to reduce the characters

As soon as Virgil said he was the 7th wheel I knew Bart and Mexican Spike were going to be a couple

I'll give you most of it, but the animation thing, they have good studios, Studio MIR did I think it was episode 15 or 16 or both and their great. They just don't have as big a budget as in the first two seasons and animation is expensive.

>I see Yea Forums is shitting on quality action shows as usual.
Yes, but this a YJ thread.

>Mexican Spike
Goddammit I feel so retarded I never noticed this before

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Also he has a pretty cool accent, is not mexican or Spaniard at all

How many characters alone has Weisman introduced this season? I knew I was lost when I watched the episode where Dick teams up with the clones and does security work and throughout the entire episode I was saying "who the fuck is that"

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You have been using Kingdom Hearts images throughout the thread, you must be pretty used to these type of things.

I know the budget is not as big as it was but still the earlier episodes this season were rough. Somebody post Dick Grayson's derp face when he was taking a picture

Kingdom Hearts is easier to follow than Young Justice at this point. Greg Weisman has managed to out complicate Tetsuya Nomura. That's not even fucking possible

How come people keep saying Ed is gay? I don't see it. Bart on the other hand is a total homo and Weisman is subtle about at all. I'm not getting a gay vibe from Ed at all. Is it shipping bullshit?

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I just say it as I see, I rather have them being hetero because that's what I am

I mean Ed is clearly into the air bender bitch. Bart on the other hand wants that Latino penis

Would you fuck Artemis?

Fact: Static was never a good character outside of his original comic series. Everyone who clamored for Static to show up in YJ just because of the shitty WB cartoon deserves this.

Bana-Mighdall Artemis, or the shitty blonde? Because while I imagine one wouldn't be interested, the other would get me arrested.

Artemis(Crock) is 24 at this point

yeah that was weird, given the cast just called her a she anyway.

Virgil? More like virgiN! Haha.

Dat princess.

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Perdita might be best girl.

I bet she likes to discipline peasants in bed.

Not afraid to hit under the belt or anything either.

You know they are gonna kill her for drama

They brought her back? I didn't think we needed anymore proof that Weissman wants the entire DC universe in one season. But there we are.

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shut the fuck up




>tfw you remember El Dorrito has the same voice actor as Mas y Menos
>and his voice actor was also in the american version of Onions Betty la Fea
Shits wack bro.

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Oh, absolutely. No way they would spend so much time on making a tertiary character likable otherwise when the plot is so busy and she does not contribute to it at all. I've changed my bet on Conner dying during the wedding to Perdita croaking. And Terra will be involved

So is Artemis gonna fug Will Harper?

>So much wasted potential.
That's capeshit in general.

>all this tension between Artemis and Roy clone
H-he's coming back right?

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Probably, Terra will always find a way to destroy Beast Boy's life.

Greg low key confirmed that Ed is banging that tight speedster boipussy.

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He should stay gone. There's no need for more characters.

Whelp. Bart's a goner. Wind bitch will kill him to fuck over Ed.

They barely interacted with one another. Plus Ed seemed to be really into the Aussie windchick.

I mean, he did do that weird midnight note reading thing one time. Y'know, the stuff that told us M'Gann kept a 'catalogue of superheroines' for Superboy to fuck or somesuch.

Greg's one of those weird writers who goes really into the detail of his character's lives.

An' here I was, thinking that black beating the shite outta other blacks for being gay was just a funny joke.

He is her counselor. I'm sorry if most of the "mentors" in your life were shit, but generally they are supposed to really care about you.

Can't wait to rub this in my Argentinean friend's face. Jaime is safe while the only rep from his country is a fucking faggot.

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And yet they interacted more times than Wind bitch did with him in two episodes.

Who made this and why?

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>everyone is acting like a stunted emotional child and keeping secrets from each other
Fuck these morons, this is why old Darkseid deserves to win.

>second time voicing a faggot in the DC
I think Jason Marsden needs to learn how to not sound like a faggot or he'll kept getting type casted this way.

user, her name is PERDITA. She's either going full supervillain or dying. No other options.

>kill off another speedster
>kill off the only gay MC
I'm pretty sure the fandom would riot. They still cannot shut the fuck up about Wally. This would be too much.

I think he doesn't have a costume because he doesn't have a costume yet. Most of the kids don't

That's sound incredibly stupid, especially with Triple G out there.

>That's sound incredibly stupid
That's why it's probably true

>WAAAAAAAAAH I'm a freak, I can blast LASER CANONS and hack into ANY COMPUTER, nobody LOVES ME WAAAAAAHH

Is this his whole schtick from now on ? Why don't they take inspiration from fun and likable TT Cyborg ?

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So are we getting season four if DC Universe will be a thing a year from now?

There's no teen angst drama in being fun and likeable. Have you seen this show?

All he wanted to do was play football, now he can’t. Plus he’s already went on one murderous rampage. It hasn’t even been a month since that day and it hasn’t even been a year since his accident.

They all have the same pose and fucking body type. Jesus fucking christ.

This nigga got yolked up

Have sex, OP.

>Virgil being reduced to a tfw no girlfriend beta loser
I’m actually legit mad

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Why they have to make Bart gay? Just another teenage gay superhero.

>All he wanted to do was play football, now he can’t.

wut ? yes he can

No he can't. He looks like a freak.

>cute girl walks up
>h-hey I'm cool too
>uh... *cums and starts shitting his pants*
it's weird that they did this instead of him saying
"yeah girl, I'll put a shock to your system"

My boy Virgil just needs to invest in those confidence gains

Who says he's gay?

Greg does.
See his first retweet.

Fuck you too Greg. First you "kill" Wally and then make him a cuck, now you make Bart gay? Did Didiot put you up to this you hack kike?


The show now is Halo and Her Amazing Friends.


>Gores Violet every chance he gets
>Victor is basically "internal suffering: the character"
>Static is basically a chump

Weismann needs to talk to someone about his fetishization of harming brownies

Jesus, just how many factions and plot threads are at work here?

>quality action shows

There was hardly any action during the first half of the show new season. Just drama

This show has always been wasted potential. Instead of building on a first season that was only so-so, they added so many vestigial plots and characters without establishing a core dynamic that it's just an outright mess now.

This guy gets it. The best episodes were the 2-part series premiere. After that it was a mediocre first season followed by a dog's breakfast second season. This season is just perro caca.

>The best episodes were the 2-part series premiere.
user, what the fuck are you saying? Those are the most boring episodes of the show, not the worst, but it's just a bunch of forgettable fight scenes put together on a boring scenario.

The character introductions were well done. There was no fluff or meaningless banter/quips. It was straight and to the point. It set up mysteries that could potentially have been answered in interesting ways, of the story were developed competently. The premiere didnt yet have all the baggage that would eventually be piled on.

He probably won't be allowed to play with regular humans again

It's a 22-minute episode stretched out to be a 44-minute special, there is a reason why those tend to be bad. You could cut out half of it and it wouldn't change anything.

I don't like anything more in this world than the women who are against women's rights. It's the sfw version of a corruption fetish.

It’s literally the same voice but less cheerful, Greg has a very distinctive voice that sounds alike in everything he does.

Anyone still need to watch the episodes? I'm streaming some Doom Patrol at the moment.

Yea, I almost thought it was a shop at first.

so ?

he can play with the other metahumans, how is that a problem ? he's levelling up his game

Goddamn this is some racist shit, how you assholes think you have any moral highground at all is laughable.

They are already fucking. Virgil is the only virgin on the team. Pathetic.

>Active Meta-Gene makes you gay
Just wait.

Also, would you rather have this or Timm's Barbara fetish?

Yeah some of the characters are pretty cool, but they definitely shaft others.

Guy was fucking great in his scenes. And Beast Boy has been pretty cool in his arc. But Cyborg's depression/moodiness has kind of dragged on.

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What is this tumblr tier garbage?

That was made here and years before tumblr took over this board. Fuck off newfag.

>Timm's Barbara fetish
I can jerk off to that. I can't jerk off to underage interracial gay sex.

Remember when the nu52 was announced and Yea Forums joked about Bart and Miguel becoming lovers? Goddamn, little did we know Weisman didn't take Bart having a fetish for Latinos as a joke.

But I can. Almost like there is something for everyone.

But you can just jerk off to shipping porn. Why do you need canon gay characters? You really don't need them.

Variety is the spice of life

image search shows otherwise

Oh god I hate this shit with Artemis and Daddy McClone.
This will end in a cuckshow and you guys know it.

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And you don't really need cartoons in general. Or any for of media or entertainment.

Maybe it's just a red herring OR Wally will actually never be back because hes dead as fuck and Artemis just marries her sisters sloppy seconds.

Fuck it, if Greg's mission is to jam as many characters in the series and turn it into a giant clusterfuck then he better put /myguy/ in

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Are you a shipper or something?

Okay what happened so far
>gore as a joke
>black'd slav prof
>our alltime favourite Harper Row
>non binary motherbox-kin Violett
>two other vehicles with sexual identity
>Terra looks like a boy (might be gay too)
>gay Bart
>soon - cucked Wally
>more teen angst
>incel Virgil
I also had a feeling that Livewire and Mist might be kind of gay for each other but this might not be the case.

>Literally told at the end of the episode to "have sex"

What did they mean by this?

This cast is pretty large. It's nice because lesser known heroes or characters without animated debuts get some spotlight but it also means 90% of the cast gets zero development or screen time besides surface level references. I'd prefer a tighter cast to be honest.

Not a big fan of how most of the characters have the same body type too. It's very bruce timm and I hated it in Justice league as well.

>Have sex

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At least he gets cucked by a fellow ginger

So... are there any sites where I can watch YJ with subs? It's kinda hard listening to shit when you've only got one ear.

Artemis and her sis got ginger'd

>All these people pissed that Virgil is an incel
Hahahaha what?

Did you all forget that Virgil is supposed to be a nerd who is most definitely not a ladies' man? In the show he always spilled his spaghetti and in the comics he got straight up friendzoned by Frieda.

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Honestly, the worst part of all of this is how the animation has started looking a lot more like those New52 DC direct to DVD movies. Just look and compare what we're having from before. They're similar but it looks cruder during movement and muscly characters look like they're not on steroids (Just compare S3 Kon to previous Kons)...... I wish we'll get something to follow-up that looks like the Batman/TMNT Crossover

as himself, as Static his better at it

He only had the confidence to be smooth as Static because no one knew that Static was Virgil.

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that's a very manly girl

It's a soap opera

And this is why he needs to get a costume. Everyone knows Virgil but no one knows Static. He can be a different person

So is Jason’s story gonna go anywhere? Or Weisman saving it for season 4? Which i doubt they’ll be renewed, seeing as DCUn is starting to crumble.

>seeing as DCUn is starting to crumble
Well maybe if it wasn't US only

Yeah is there a reason why they didnt release it everywhere else?

licensing, its tough when you don't own the rights to all your shows.

Because you need to wait until he befriends garfield, who is who helps him enjoy life both in the comics and in the cartoon.

Some regions require shows to be dubbed over in their language

It's really a shame the show couldn't just be on netflix. They'd be a higher chance for another season and maybe they'd have gotten a larger budget too.

So... Pretty standard for capeshit?

Goddamn Bluepulse shippers need to shut the fuck up.
>hurr it's not real gay rep if it isn't my ship
Greg said multiple times he wasn't okay with the age gap because of unequal power Dynamics. Shut up.

I'll be honest, S1 Superboy was not fun. S2 Superboy was a legitimately hard working, intelligent, well adjusted mini-Superman with a good relationship with Clark and who is legitimately seen as another of Jonathan and Martha's kids.

The turnaround was amazing.

See that I get
But Canada is just north of the US and they don't get DCU

Quebec exists.

Ha. Okay. We're talking about Canada, bud

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Eh not entirely and it also depends on what you consider conservative beliefs such as:
>Gun Control
Most black people who aren't wokegasm puppets don't want gun control for several reasons. The first being that what most democrats are prescribing is a mandatory gun buyback where those who don't comply get swatted and gulag'd for wrongthink. Also it plays against the idea that the Cops are Elmer Fudds hunting anything darker than mayonnaise and Trump is KKK Million Dollar Extreme. Why would black people give up their guns/defenses to the the facists/racists they claim are going to genocide them.
>LGBTQ+ & Abortion
Honestly it's mostly religion. Get out of the liberal cities and most African-Americans, Arabs and Hispanics are heavily entrenched into the Abrahamic three. Outside of the "ethnically religious" types, the practicing types see the liberalization of their religions as an invasion against their beliefs. They rebel because they see themselves as being gentrified by woke fedoralords and hedonists.
>Immigration & Entitlement Programs
Now this is a funny kicker on both sides. Conservative minorities see both issues as a placation and hobbling effect on the black community since it encourages them not to build themselves up. On the Liberal side, it's a numbers game of who gets the gibs first. There's only so much Social Security, Food Stamps, Section 8, etc to give. So adding an influx of migrants from other countries that get the gibs first over American minorites rubs them the wrong way. Even liberal blacks and Mexicans on the dole hate that they might lose their benefits after Congress changes the qualifications that favor the immigrants over themselves.
It's mostly because it's not about conservative or liberal in the end, it's about getting my shit first before everyone else and not wanting to get their piece of the pie taken by someone else.

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Moral high ground is a false victory. The most principled fighter dies first.

He just needs to get a girlfriend.

Does anyone here read comic books? What are your thoughts on Donna Troy?

I'd let her discipline me in bed. And then mutually discipline her in return of course.


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I read comic books, but none with her in it, so I generally don't think about her, period.

Young Justice has two major problems, there are too many characters, leaving little time to develop anyone, and having a long time skip between every season because the little development the characters have becomes meaningless with all the things that happen off screen between season. (Remember when Superman had issues accepting Conner?)
Lets see season 3 has:
Mayor characters:
>Black Lighting
>Miss Martian
Secondary characters:
>Red arrow
>Blue Beetle
>The Justice League
Supporting minor characters
>The dozen people in the baby shower
>Beastboy's girlfriend
>Red arrow
>Batgirl (Cass)
>Batgirl (Steph)
>Live Wire
>the wind girl
>Dr Stone
>Tigress' mom
>Red Arrow and child
And that doesn't include the 4 different teams of villains with different agendas. or the heroes that only show once and have two or three lines but the show makes it seem like they are going to be important.

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What the fuck is Weisman thinking? That is too many fucking characters. Does he think we all keep a book of notes like him to follow this shit?

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Lol what?

this was the first time I didn't find cyborg insufferable since they tried to put him on the 7

that job should have belonged to mr terrific, or omac. though using omac creates the same plot issues as using cyborg

Okay who the fuck is Ray and 13?

Ray isn't in this show.

Traci 13.

Isn't the latino guy who isn't Blue Beetle the Ray? You can't blame me for getting confused, there are so many characters with double identities that I still don't know if some of them are new or characters from previous episodes. I'm not sure who the guy who owns the apple farm is.

Ray Terill is not Eduardo "Ed" based on Superfriend El Dorado. He is now gay like the Latino, but not Latino.

That's one ugly Arrowette

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I forgot,
>Red Tornado
>Black Lighting's Family
>Dr Fate
>Black Canary
>Green Arrow
>Guardian (Both)
>And Doom Patrol GO

Snapper Carr. Brah it's not that hard.

Terra and Red Arrow are at least secondary.

Really? I had to check the wiki to remember when he appeared, and apparently he was barely a character in previous season, why would they show him in season 3 so non nonchalantly as if he was a main character that everyone knew?

My memory is shitty. I honestly have trouble remembering anyone that isn't also prominent in other shows/comics.
Except for fucking Halo and Forager because they can't stop autistically saying their names.

yeah we really need Ion on the titans but that involves wayyyy too much lore to do well so we get shitty halo instead

Doesn't even need to be Ion. Just have GL Kyle on the Titans. Plus the show's already a mess, not like more lore is going to fuck up too much

>he can play with the other metahumans, how is that a problem ? he's levelling up his game
Nobody else is interested in eggball rugby with metahumans, and most importantly, there's no money in it.

I think people here really need to realize that when Weisman said this show isn't about the Teen Titans or the actual Young Justice, but about the DC Universe, he really wasn't kidding.

When we inevitablely get to final crisis it'll be even more bizarre to follow!

... What if they got enough metas for a whole league?

Unironically yes.

Unless they wear masks that cover mouths or use telenomouthmove-jutsu. It's cheaper that way.

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>Young Justice thread
>quality action shows
Made me reply, here is your (You).

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I like that it's an ensemble show. It makes it stand out from all the other shows. You aren't going to like it if you only care about one or two characters though. And the girlfriend thing was obviously setting up for a pay-off later so stop bitching about Static's dry dick in every single thread.

Who is the ginger skipping legdays on the right?
At first I thought it was impulse/kf but dude has major chicken legs, he'd probably snap his legs if he tried to as much as to jog with that kind of body build.

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I kinda want to lick that chin

And that makes it hot.

dude, anyone associated with sufferingboy is doom'ed.

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A race traitor faggot. Not even memeing.

You can stop trying to revive the thread op.
It's as dead as the show.

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Haven't had a chance to see the new episodes yet. Did they really introduce Barda? Did they ruin her too?

My biggest problem is too many characters look too similar. I was honestly asking myself if that wind girl is the princess or what. Not to mention that security guard episode. I'm just a casual viewer.

Yes she has a small scene. I don't know much about her. Here is what happens:
- talks like a dumb grunt
- disobeys Granny to fight the JL
- Granny punishes her
- afterwards she fights the JL (with the Furies)
- they get their ass whopped and the JL has to bail them out of "certain death" when Granny decides to "activate the thing!"
- she escapes the JL in the end

I live in Puerto Rico (Us territory) and I can’t use CBS all Access or IMDB TV or Shout Factory

Or boyfriend

He wants you to experience the DCU as much as possible, I'll be shocked if we don't start seeing guys like Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Rac Shade.
Brother Power the Geek when?

Virgil got the short end of the Runways
>Tye gets to fuck qt Jap waifu all the time at his mom's place
>Asami gets to feel that Apache Chief dong whenever she wants
>Ed gets to have vibrating speedster boipussy


Are you serious? He looks like an actual Cyborg and not a robot with a human face.

The doc lady is doing so much wrong that at this point it would make sense for her to be a Fury in deep cover desu

Darkseid’s always deserved to win tho, even in the DCAU at the end they only survived because Luthor showed up with exactly what he was looking for and just gave it to him.

If you have no principles then that means you don't even believe in what you're fighting for.

>Final Crisis
How do you even do Final Crisis with Young Justice powerlevels? You can’t just go “ACKTCHUALLY Superman owns a metafictional robot scar made of god-metals and the Darkseid you’ve seen isn’t Darkseid, it’s just the avatar of a higher dimensional living idea” during your show when Orion hasn’t even technically shown up on-screen.

Same with dadbod Roy.

you should be happy he is even in the show m8

Even someone in the show pointed this out.

>decided to marathon season 3 when I heard Big Barda was in it
>get the most woke show I have seen in a long time
I can get past sjw shit in a lot of show but they are really shoving it down the audiences throat

Final episode of the season is called Nevermore, so at least Raven will show up.

>Trigon and Darkseid get into a slap fight

Did they ever fought against each other?

Also Why is beast boy gained so much importance, long gone is the version where he was a bald old man trapped inside a circus cage.
Now he is a famous star , superheroe , left that disgusting terra and is coupled with an almost disney pricess.
Static Shock will be fine , in my mind when watching the cartoon he was Dc's spiderman before anyone else, and when miles morales appeared i just thought they are making their own static shock, so it's okay static should have weird on and off relationships if any.
Also i think they are acknowledging that they went all Opra giving away boyfriends and girlfriends to everyone.

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>Now he is a famous star
BB trying to become a Hollywood star is not something they made up for the show. The fact he became famous in the other hand...

Other than the non binary Muslim girl and the gay couple, it's not that bad. Calm down you spaz.

ok why the fuck is a mortherbox a muslim
it's a religion not a race. There is no reason for her to still want to wear a hijab

It probably feels better being in a case

What the fuck does that even mean, isn’t there like 2 years gap between them? Eduardo is a year older than Bart at least.

It's his Kevin 11 voice.

3 years. That's too much for Greg.

Again all his voices sound alike, Greg has no range. Which is why it’s finally unfair he’s the sole actor to reprise his role.

Bruce Greenwood is also reprising his role as Batman. Darkseid's VA is the same one from BTATB.

he looks like fucking kick from divekick

>They don't want people to think of Teen Titans
>There is a Teen Titans GO! parody and Beast Boy even uses his black/purple suit at one point.