Don't care what anyone says, Eye Beams are the coolest superpower

Don't care what anyone says, Eye Beams are the coolest superpower.

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You mean Cryokinesis

>beta beams

*blocks your path*

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>bad guy is called Dark Side

eye lasers are fun, but the power to make everything you touch metal as fuck still my favorite

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Do you think Darksied uses these to shave his asshole?

can confirm

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A weapon that returns to you when thrown is superior.

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He has slaves for that.

You know it.

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So like an Ant-Man?

is that a canonical power of ghost rider?

he can infuse things with hellfire and make them metal?

you throw your weapon, and while you wait for it to return Superman super speed punch you in the face. stop.throwing.your.weapons.

You meant to say Lightning Manipulation.

You mean the ability to travel backward in time.

Wouldn't you shave your god's asshole if he told you to?

Honestly, if I could travel backward in time, I would use it to fix every little mistake I've ever made, avoid every regret, prepare for every misfortune that has ever befallen me, correct every instance in which I almost got lucky and then screwed myself out of it, and then return to the present in my perfect but soulless life in which I have everything but have earned nothing and never had to grow, learn, or develop.

guns, vehicles, but he also can summon them

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What a nerd

I'd kidnap baby Hitler and prevent 9/11.

fuck yes.

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if I could travel back in time I would invet facebook, twitter and flappy bird

user never ask me that again.

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>what if he was cross-eyed?

>killing something with just staring at it

>Nazis lack a charismatic speaker, never rise to power
>France, Germany, and UK are not decimated in WWII
>USA doesn't become the primary western power
>CIA doesn't stick their noses up the extremist Islamist's asses to send them after the USSR in Afghanistan
>Bin Laden never gets training or funding
>9/11 is averted
Well done user.

size shifting is the most fun power

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but what you can do with it besides killing people, make toast?

> the power to make everything you touch metal as fuck


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What if the beams are supposed to travel straight to the target but Darkseid is too proud to get corrective surgery?

I can see the benefit of beams that can go around corners and shit, but it does seem kind of a waste to have the zig-zag all over the place even when they don't have to. Sort of seems like an unnecessary weakness, making them slow on the draw.

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Didn't work so well for Superman when the Persuader nearly killed Superman.

>Make toast with just staring at it

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It's to flex on his victims as the beings that can reliably hurt him can be counted on one hand

If I could travel back in time I would just to tell my teen self to stay in school

I believe you meant to say force-fields.

>The league of justice is called justice league

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can cyclops control his beams in the future like that?

>If looks could kill.

Not with Cyclop's power, he would just punch the toast so hard it would rip.

No. His eye beams are actually a projection from a dimension of pure force via portals in his eyes. Once they leave his body he has no control over them beyond the fact that he could absorb them with his hand or something because he's technically immune to the dimension (otherwise his head would explode like in Deadpool Kills...which makes no god damn sense due to the aforementioned immunity).

I mean Cyclops could probably use his super geometry power to angle his beams across toast so slightly he could cook it with friction.

People don't get creative enough with power combos.

Don't Havok's powers come from the same dimension or am i thinking of something else? I know that he's already immune because they're brothers, but i thought i heard that they have the same power source too.

I think it's that way in some canons, but not in 616. 616 Havok doesn't even fire concussive blasts. He fires plasma.

Scott has the lamest eye beams desu. Wouldn't even make my top 5.

Why doesn't anybody ever try to reverse engineer cyclop eyes into an infinfte energy source, or at least some portal technology

Because that's like the 27th most convenient way to do either of those things. Pym Particles are number one given that both have literally been done.

Go to bed, Logan. You're drunk. Again. And stop with this Japanese "desu" bullshit. Yeah, you've been to Japan, we get it.

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Last I checked, desu still filters to desu. He might have typed desu instead of desu, senpai.