Questionable Content
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>making the super omniscient AI need, let alone want, a friend
this is worse than alice groove
Isn't love being the downfall of the immortal God being a pretty established cliche at this point?
>wealth hoarding is a disease
This comic is terrible.
I could get into a whole thing with you about the ramifications of packing anything resembling a semi-standard form of consciousness into a godlike supercomputer, and the potential for boredom and the reasons one might desire stimulus and input from beings outside of their own programming and understanding,
but I'm not gonna cuz you sound like you need friends. Cheers m8
go eat a dick, jeph. your comic sucks and so do you
Ngl you just made my day thinking I'm Jeph.
Nah I'm not one of the superfans, and this strip was pretty shit, but he's good at what he does.
I hate that there is always a questionable content thread and it's always active enough to stay on page 0. Why the fuck do you people still read this shit?
>he's good at what he does
>Roko mocking and assaulting someone just looking for some companionship is this dark crazy world
What a fucking cunt
We're waiting for the next hand stab. Filter the thread instead of complaining like a little bitch.
>but he's good at what he does.
He's the best at being the worst
I agree wholeheartedly
It's a fucking post scarcity universe!!!! There's nothing wrong with hoarding wealth because wealth no longer has value!!!!!
If it's post scarcity why can't felon robots get good bodies? Checkmate.
They had two billion and it wasn't in stock exchange or invested in some company or even in a bank?
They legit just had it in a pile in someone's house not being part of the economy at all?
Post-scarcity =/= post-singularity
It is bad though. If that wealth isn't moving through the economy somehow, even if it's just to make yourself more wealth, you're being an idiot
>he's good at what he does.
Vapid soap opera shipping and pointless woke storylines that go nowhere because he doesn't have any actual story or message to tie this endless thing together?
I would assume there are better soap opera writers out of places that focus on that, like Mexico.
besides, gamera is a better partner for mothra than godzilla
>but ill keep posting it every day
He's definitively successful, and he knows how to market and maintain a product over an incredible length of time.
QC is not a world-class webcomic, and the quality varies to a frustrating degree, but shit, I LIKE some of my webcomics not to have much overarching plot or whatever. I have webcomics that do that and I read them too.
Not arguing.
The point.
This guy.
Oh good, more hitting random keys on the keyboard passing as dialogue.
Jesus why do I do this to myself?
They're computers. It's a meme. Not a great one, but I giggle at Roko's random keystrokes now and then.
>He's definitively successful, and he knows how to market and maintain a product over an incredible length of time.
He has literally stabbed his own hand over criticism of his comic. He is commercially successful, but he has no idea what the fuck he is doing.
With friends like Roko, you're better off alone. Actually, this applies to nearly the entire parasitic cast.
I feel like Jeph is like Mr. Burns in that episode where he goes to the doctor and finds out that he's extremely ill but various diseases fighting each other are keeping him at some sort of equilibrium. Like if you were to change one minor detail about his life it'd all fall apart.
The worst part of agreeing with Jeph politically is nodding your head along with his points while also thinking he's a smug cunt who's a perpetual motion machine of bad writing.
Wealth hoarding is immoral, but I'm supposed to believe Spookybot sat on 2 billion dollars for literally no reason, whereas your average psycho billionaire is motivated by gaining more profit.
All of this happened because Roko threw a tantrum over 2 BILLION DOLLARS being donated to charity, when the person she's trying to help is a felon who stole hundreds of millions so she could commit domestic terrorism.
Sever a tendon next time, Jeph.
Do you not understand what the fuck scarcity means? No shit its not the singularity but it doesn't fucking matter because being post scarcity means that there is so much of every fucking thing that there is no monetary value associated with it because it doesn't fucking matter.
The guys that are agreeing with Jeph: you don't see the problem with a guy making $20k-$30k a month sitting at home all day playing video games, napping, and posting on Twitter preaching about people making too much money and things being too easy for them? You know he doesn't donate to charity because if he did he'd be praising himself on Twitter and photographing evidence of his generosity.
Jeph makes at least five times that amount.
I don't think Jeph makes $100k-$150k per month, though it would be even more ironic if he did.
>You know he doesn't donate to charity because if he did he'd be praising himself on Twitter and photographing evidence of his generosity.
Probably. Don't you think this argument's disingenuous though? You're justifying the same behavior you're calling out.
I'm a dumbass.
A police veteran just committed felony assault. It turns out she was one of the bad ones after all.
Also, what the fuck is that bottom text based on?
If Spooky wasn't using the money for anything and didn't really care about it, then why did she have it? Making money takes work. Even if she's practically omnipotent, it's still a non-zero amount of work.
Why would she bother accumulating billions of dollars if she didn't intend to do anything with it? If she made all that money just "for fun" and then did nothing but sit on it, wouldn't that make her at the very least a sociopath if not outright evil?
Why does Jeph keep trying to make the audience sympathize with characters who are objectively in the wrong?
QC is post singularity, (not that a goddamn thing changed that wasn't intimated to have already been a part of the setting since before it began), it is not post scarcity.
It was clearly electronically available, since they snapped their fingers and made deposits happen.
Also, I'm pretty sure the average billionaire doesn't actually have all their money locked up in a big Scrooge McDuck vault. They "have" billions in the sense that they legally own a shitload of businesses and properties and whatnot that are worth that amount of money, and are able to liquidate portions of it to gain access to that money. But the majority of most wealthy people's money tends to be flowing through the economy in some way because that's how wealthy people make more money.
Except for the things they own for themselves, I guess. Does having expensive personal possessions count as "wealth hoarding"?
If post-singularity does not imply post-scarcity, does that also imply post-scarcity is unobtainable? If not, what could humans do that a rapidly evolving, self-replicating artificial intelligence could not?
>Does having expensive personal possessions count as "wealth hoarding"
If it does Jeph is guilty with his exotic music equipment and home recording studio that he apparently uses just for a 45 minute album every few years.
Everything about this makes perfect sense...if you operate under the assumption that Roko is a bad person at core. Roko doesn't see herself as a bad person, and actively goes to extremes to avoid it, but her impulses are driven entirely by a self-aggrandizing egotism. Why'd she get mad at Spooky for doing the exact thing she told her to do a page prior? Because by donating 2 billion dollars Spooky showed her up in a way that she couldn't match. This whole arc Roko has been running around all sturm und drang to get May a new body, showing up Beeps and her advocacy agency, so why get mad when Spooky doesn't even invalidate the work she did? Because Roko is doing this to feel good about herself, to give herself something to point to and pat her self on the back, and Spooky doing the exact same simply because someone asked her to rips that all away. One can go even further with that to Roko quitting the force. She did so despite everyone telling her, including the person who was the reason she quit, telling her it was a stupid idea, and her motivation to quit was contradictory. It's because, even though she didn't act on them, her attitude and thoughts were not those of a good person and she needed to obliviate those thoughts as they were irreconcilable with her self-image. Whereas a reasonable, rational person would accept they're not perfect and that it's okay to occasionally think those things as long as they don't act on them, Roko's ego places an external factor (the "system") that must be avoided as the root cause. Everything about Roko stems from a truth that she herself cannot bring herself to face: Roko Basilisk was a bad cop.
Depends. Lots of wealth is absolutely tied up in stuff that's sitting in a vault with no interaction or viewing. That's where a substantial fraction of the worlds art is, for example. Art people love to bitch that X out of Y of someones paintings are in private hands, and we only know about them and what they look like because of whenever they were last in an auction house.
>Lots of wealth is absolutely tied up in stuff that's sitting in a vault
As far as physical things that are worth money, sure, but I'm not really sure that's the same thing. All possessions everywhere are "tied up" until their owner decides to sell them.
>with no interaction or viewing
This part is shitty, but isn't necessarily tied with the wealth aspect.
True, but art trading (and the vast majority of the fine art industry) is basically just money laundering and speculating. Also non-liquid assets, which things like art would be considered, usually aren't considered wealth hoarding.
what if instead of humans and/or robots, all the the female characters were moth kaiju? do you think this comic would finally be something close to good?
only if one of them died when they fought
Who's the target audience for this comic?
Bored teenagers.
I think it's for middle aged people pretending to be in their early 20s.
I wonder how much of Jeph's readership is relatively new (past few years) compared to how much is just reading it out of habit because they started following it a decade ago.
He's literally not good at anything he does.
The best answer I can think of that would be in line with her character is she at some point perceived the accumulation of wealth through the application of skill and intellect as being an intrinsically fulfilling activity in humans and sought to emulate it, scaled to her own considerable capabilities. However, she ceased to find novelty in the activity at some point and stopped, instead turning her attention to some other inscrutable pursuit and more or less forgot about the money, having found no value or purpose to either possessing or disposing of it.
Shut up trannies, we're here to laugh at Jeph, not unironically talk about his tranny comic.
He's still a hack writing inconsistencies and token traits into his characters and stories to play pacifier and vindicator to a readership of people drunk on outrage culture.
Literally the meta plot to Tenchi Muyo these days.
>God was lonely
>So he made three goddesses, but accidentally made them so insignificant he could barely perceive them on his own level
>They created the entire universe to try and understand him, then 2/3 of them went to live in it and refine it by making complex physics and creating all life
>Eventually God miniaturized himself to live in the universe
>Then all three goddesses, and their creations, and their descendants, all fell in love with him
>One of their parents turned out to be God’s evil equal that was going to destroy the world because of all the misery in it. But he defeated her by just refusing to fight, which turned out to be the plan of his God self all along as a test to see if the universe and goddesses were worth letting live
>Also, he had a bunch of kids
>tranny comic
In another comic, I would suspect that Robot Devil’s fumbling and uncomfortable expression was indicative of a lie, and that there was some conspiracy afoot that would pay off with a big plot twist about her having ulterior motives. But it’s Questionable Content so I know nothing will come of it.
>make new character with interesting premise
>degrade them into acting like everyone else
Literally every character
To me it looks more like a lie in the sense that she doesn't actually know why she wants to be friends with Roko and is trying to come up with a socially-appropriate reason for wanting to be friends with someone.
But I can't tell whether it's that or if that's just genuinely her reason. I feel like the former would be giving Jeph more credit than he deserves.
True post. Dead weight wealth is what fucks up economies in the mid to long therm.
That's capitalism, baby. Vote with your dollar.
Trannies, triggered perpetual victims, and people that look like this.
>Ngl you just made my day thinking I'm Jeph.
You want to be a doughy middle aged man with no talent or other redeeming qualities?
I mean, sure he's paid well, but that's pure luck on his part. He just happened to be there when the internet needed a Garfield for edgy white teenagers.
oh shiggy I delete my browser history and don't remember what comic I was on
I been there, girlfriend!
they just upgraded pintsized
is this the beginning of the end?
seems uncharacteristically ableist
I must be hard-up cause those tits are doing it for me
For fucks sake. What made spookybot work was basically being a deus ex machina so we could get faye banging bubbles. Except the god is Cthulu and/or the devil.
That was a mysterious character, with lots to think about and be expanded on later. Wanting to be rokos friend is none of these things,. Fuck jeff and fuck myself for reading.
I worked for a guy who collected important antiques and he made a point of showing them off. He would set spending limits at auction but would make a point of trying to beat an American bidder if he thought the item was important enough as things have a habit of going to the states and the next time they were seen they would be in a worse condition, or have poor alterations, etc. Or just tucked away in a private collection never to be seen by the public again.
Sure, if its your money and your possessions that you can do as your wish, but if you have significant art/antiques, you should really be just a caretaker and allow to public to appreciate them.
>It belongs in a museum!
This guy's stuff was kept in better condition than things in museums. He would drop vast quantities of money to sympathetically maintain and restore his collection, and have viewing events with the proceeds going to charities.
Things don't appear safe in museums nowadays!
That's because a lot of museums are understaffed and under-budgeted, and your guy has a fraction of the pieces needed maintenance.
People who watch The Big Bang Theory.
How long before he goes fully tranny like the goblins guy?
Still better than Oh My Goddess.
Trips of truth. Say what you will, but I fucking love working for rich people.
did this dude just copy and paste a hand?
and after that soapbox I think I'm done til next thread
How’d it progress beyond cosmic neutering?
>fully tranny like the goblins guy
is that what happened to I'M SAD
This guy?
that guy
The comic was great though.
>That one chapter where they turn the kid into a car.
I miss the days when QC was about obscure band references
when's the last time they did one of those
before Obama
Jeph's too old for music, all he does now is browse twitter which is why the comic is about all this.