ITT: post young mutants who died under the "care" of the X-men
Bonus points if they had particularly shitty lives like pic related.
ITT: post young mutants who died under the "care" of the X-men
Bonus points if they had particularly shitty lives like pic related.
Is this a fetish thing?
No you sick fuck. I'm trying to expose Xavier and the fucking child soldier ring he's running.
That's like 90% of the characters of New Mutants/New X-men post HoM and then the rest in the subsequent book before it died.
I remember this guy called Ugly John who appeared on Morrison's New X-Men and it was killed off immediatly.
not gonna lie
that recent page of rahne getting beaten to death by some random teenagers was pretty arousing
Every fucking kid in Academy X but stop before Wolverine and the X-Men, where sucking the great Logan cock meant you were safe.
God I hope none of Rosenberg's deaths are permanent. Not just because they were some of my favorite characters but also because most of them (especially Rahne) were absolute bullshit.
Wallflower was too good for the X-Men. Is Witter still alive?
Elixir killed Wither
Elixir has rebound from death twice and is currently with Emma's Brotherhood.
Thing is, I would say the way the characters are killed so callously means they will be undone, but this is the same writer who killed Slingshot like this.
And that's kind of what absolutely frustrating about Rosenberg. He just goes "This character is dead, let's move on" and nobody reacts or seems to care beyond "I must beat the bad guys more". Only Rahne seems to have more time devoted to her death, but even then, the death came out of fucking nowhere.
Elixir is evil now? Fuck.
It's like Rosenberg is trying to shit the bed so hard before Hickman arrives so he has to do more damage control of what he already wants.
Gwen Stacy's youngest child
I'm going for maximum anger and confusion with my answer.
Based Xavier killing meme shota kids.
More like he just fell in with Emma after all the shit the went down.
You know, beyond the death, this page emphasizes why I hate the big two comics, the bad guys get away with everything. They never have the villains actually suffer, or get an ironic fate. They just get beaten and thrown to jail, or worst, killed in the most unsatisfying way, like that Minotaur villain in Jason Aaron's Thor Run. He just gets stabbed in the side and shot at, and he's just gone after that panel. What's the point of making villains so hated but never having the satisfying defeat of said villains?
Even fucking Riker who caused the death of all the X-Kids has his death off panel. You can show kids killed so graphically, but OH NO, we can't have the villain's head explode on panel.
Most of these deaths are on Scott and Emma's hands, after they threw Xavier out of his own home.
>New Mutants
Remember those mutants that were supposed to be their rivals and then died because reasons? I remember there was a cat girl that was hot as fuck. Also those kids who died on a bus explosion.
Sounds like a scott fag is mad that he cyclops couldnt do some thing as simple as protecting children
I'm going to say it. Fuck X-23.
In fact, fuck every narrative that has the "experimented by scientist" characters in all fiction because they always, ALWAYS overtake every story by being socially awkward, being better at fighting than everyone else, and just being so competent while everyone with a personality dies.
X-23, Wolverine, River from Firefly, Shadow the Hedgehog, it's always these angsty bitches who overtake every series they are a part of, and it's just lame. Which brings me to the point that I hate how X-23 became THE teen X-Man and all the rest are expendable so this social retard can constantly go on her dog in heat ways!
>after they threw Xavier out of his own home.
Remind Xavier got his first team killed and died like a bitch trying to distract Scott so Hawkeye could murder him out of misplaced paranoia that only ended up making the situation worse.
Or more that Marvel does the typical "when we have hero vs hero, and one side is EVIL, we're going to punish everyone who was on that side".
I think you mean
The worst part is he's been power creeped into virtually unkillable at this point. Hawkeye should shoot him in the head with an arrow made from the same shit as Juggernaut's helmet.
Naw, he should pry his mind into someone way too powerful, creating a feedback that bursts his brain like a pimple. That would be the fitting end to him.
Because he is the representation of the current times but writers lke Aaron don't have the self awareness Morrison had in mind when he created him so they played him straight as this anti-system cunt who has a reason to rebel instead of doing it for the sake of it.
That's not the fault of the character, that's the fault on the writer (or writers) who always throw any character development to go back to ''hurr durr I am a weapon''.
>The worst part is he's been power creeped into virtually unkillable at this point.
"At this point." I mean in the book he was created in they basically killed him then later said "nah he didn't ded he's a being of pure energy." Until someone decided to say he reformed his body and became every teacher's foil.
To add, I think the real thing most recent writers are missing is that everyone hated him BUT Glob because Blob didn't have any friends either. Would be funny to see Quentin get jealous that people like Glob now.
She was better off in X-Men Evolution. I don’t like how she’s apparently now a prostitute and all of this unnecessary extra drama she got that wasn’t in the show. It wasn’t needed then, and it wasn’t needed in the movies when this came out.
She hasn’t been a prostitute in years. It is weird that she was one in the first place, but most people gloss over it anyway.
I think that at some point, some writer is gonna retcon that into ''false memories'' to have her diminished and make her more manipulable.
I can see that happening. I heard that they already retconned her into not being a clone. Retconning her prostitute days is not a far step away.
Do any of them actually die?