Krypton Season 2 Talkback

Time for more Seg and Adam's wild adventure

Attached: krypton-syfy-season-2-ratings-590x218[1].png (590x218, 218K)

I thought it was time for father-son bonding this week?

I'm glad this and Legion are both airing and not on the same day.

>Wanna stream on Rabbit again
>Rabbit fucked up and I'm 300 in line
Guess not.

Superman's grandpa has terrible game

He's going to put Dru in timeout.

>just walks in the room and they are already fucking

you were saying?

>Space Elevator
[Gundam 00 intensifies]

More like time for a dead thread for a dead show

She's still raising his tube baby right?

>Nose bleed

Zod has her mind controlled doesn't he...

How was Dru born exactly, a tube baby again?

they're all tube babies, Kal-El is the only natural birth in millenia

She's going to try to put him in the mindbreaker doodad, isn't she?

Watch Seg being immune to it because Brainiac is still rooting around in there
>Brainiac gets into Krypton mainframe AGAIN

nah he will just use Brainiac enhancements to escape and kill his way to Zod, but Nyssa will stand between them and allow Zod to escape and or capture Seg

I honestly forgot who this guy was until this episode.

I want the beard back.

Just got here a couple of minutes ago, what the fuck happened?

R.I.P beard.

just finished season 1, gonna catch up on season 2 today. Anyone here have webms of brainiacs ship and doomsday?

I should, and yet I don't.

Is he going to ground Zod now?

Seg got home, fucked his wife, and Zod promised an El-Zod alliance if he talked the rebels down.

Brainiac incoming

It's the brain fuckler. Just fucklin' the shit outta everyone.

What about the beard? Did fucking his wife destroy the beard? Which wife did he fuck, he has like two of them?

Called it

Everyone needs a Brainiac upgrade.

He got cleaned up which apparently means ruining his face. And he fucked the evil black one.

Don't shoot the doctor, he's got your evidence.

Oh, I thought he fucked Nyssa and Lyta at the same time while Dru watched or some weird shit.

Was that Bishop in the rebel army

so much for the rebels

Damn, Kem didn't deserve it, almost

Would you take life advice from Brainiac?

>12th level intellect gives you advice

what's the worst that can happen?

Your planet in a collection dome and all lie frezen in place forever.

Seems like a slippery slope. One day he's helping you avoid getting stuck in the slow line-up at the supermarket, the next you're building a black hole machine in your parents basement while their bodies are decomposing in the tub.

That's what you get for following the plan of someone who literally told you she was an enemy spy, dumbasses.

It is kind of odd that no one seems to care that Lyta and Seg's future older than them son is new god emperor of Krypton.

Kryptonian are very accepting of weird shit except Aliens

Does no one want the time travel tech, does no one want to know how time travel is possible? NOPE, just gonna follow the god emperor while he bosses his two parents around.

The remains of Krypton's population are generally not an ambitious bunch. Daron Vex was an exception though. The dude wasn't even very smart but he still managed to brown-nose his way from the bottom to the top. Also keep in mind most of them are now either conscripted or literally brain-washed into servitude and compliance.

anyone else want a superman spinoff? those villain designs are too fucking kino

Lobo spin-off is already happening, so expect more of those

>Lobo spin-off
>not a superman or adam strange spin-off
but why

I like what Lobo is saying in the show, just not in the barely understandable high pitched accent.

t. mutt

Lobo is a biker not a leprechaun

Ron Pearlman or a deep voice will always be how I equate his voice. But this high pitched slur is terrible. Is the actor that untalented that he couldn't put on an accent. Who does he think he is Sean Connery?

Fucking this, Brainiac looks amazing and Lobo, while not the hulking nigga with a deep voice i expect is actually really fucking cool. That healing scene was great, it's a shame this doesn't have actual Supes in it(or Adam acting more like a superhero)

how is adam compared to his comic incarnation? I really like show adam

ya, I can't take Lobo as a serious threat with that high pitched laugh, it's just cringy. I like the writing and sometimes I like the delivery but that laugh just throws it all out the window

>lobo ever being a serious threat


Any Webm request?

Posting Lobo getting shot from Episode 2 for the user that requested but I couldn't deliver for reasons

Attached: Lobo Shot.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

I wish there was something good to watch on tuesday though

Is Dru the conon first name of General Zod?

Or was it just named for the series?

Got a webm of Lobo moving around on his hands?

If there is only one Space elevator to Krypton's moon then why doesnt Zod just have it blown up to kill all the rebel scum there ?

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>fucked his wife

Pretty sure Lyta isnt his wife


Braniac is a celibate though, he has advice that is not desired

dru is his name

Dont have season 1 webms

Can make webms of this weeks episode and maybe till couple of episodes before

Attached: Brainiac skull ship.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

I suppose I do now

Attached: Lobo hand walk.webm (854x480, 1.74M)


>Any Webm request?


thanks user

Lobo's hand giving the finger, best scene of the episode