Why did Thanos' first dead in Endgame feel so morally wrong?

Why did Thanos' first dead in Endgame feel so morally wrong?

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Yes we get it. Thanos killed Muslims and blacks with the snap so he's a hero and his death is bad boohooo. Go back to /pol/

I'm no Thanos supporter, what happened to him here by the Avengers just didn't feel fair...or right

Because it achieved nothing, and was done purely for self gratification and revenge.

Not the actions of heroes, but thugs who gang up to jump on a disabled guy

but...they are named after vengeance. they were supposed to do revenge stuff.

>World flourishing and shit
>Noooo think of the snapped people :(
The avengers had no logical reason to fight him. He was right and justified.

They killed a guy who killed a bunch of people, you gonna be mad at the inmate who killed Jeffrey Dahmer?

Because it was; don't get me wrong, no one is going to prosecute or even care the slightest, but there was no justice in that execution.

>Thanos was not brought before a court and made to explain his actions
>He was not forced to see the full consequences of his actions on even a single planet
>He was not made to regret, to feel remorse, to change
>He was not sentenced to death impartially by a tribunal for his misdeeds
>He was killed by a gang of superpowered vigilantes who cut off half an arm while he was already essentially crippled
>And he was only killed when one of them snapped in rage

That being said, they are the Avengers, and while it would have been kind of kino to make Thanos watch every planet recover it's citizens in 5 years time, that just wouldn't be plausible to even consider at that point.

All he wanted was breakfast, he didn’t even bother fighting back

He was unarmed and literally had no use of one of his arms. He was also outnumbered like 10-1. Thor killing was 100% out of spite.

Never, ever should have killed IW Thanos off. Having him beat the Avengers and send them back to Earth out of mercy and only REEE and regather his army when he figures out they plan to undo his work. The two films have a single, compelling Thanos and Endgame has a greater sense of urgency if the B plot his Thanos sperging out and preparing to wreck Earth whilst the time heist is happening.

It kinda shows how wrong it was by having Nebula who wanted 2014 Thanos dead so badly feel guilty for his crippled older version getting beheaded

You're actually an autistic faggot. Holy fuck.

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Everyone felt bad about it, especially Thor who basically developed PTSD from it as well as failing to stop the snap. Yeah he killed half of all life and yeah he deserved to die more than anyone who has ever lived, but he did what he did in his belief he was doing good, and they basically jumped him while he was making soup and held him down and cut his head off.

It's a really uncomfortable feeling seeing someone you despise vulnerable and not pleading with you, but admitting it was their fault. Tends to knock the wind out of people's self righteous sails.

There is no reason to talk about or pay money to see Endgame.
It's just re setting the table for Phase 4+

>He was not sentenced to death impartially by a tribunal for his misdeeds
The only thing Tribunal cares about is Adam Warlock getting all the gems.


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Still cool how Cap, second weakest next to Black Widow in that situation (as Rhodey and Banner had the suits) walked in like the leader and exuded authority.

They actually shot multiple scenes with the living tribunal including a five minute cut of it observing Thanos and Dr Strange fighting as they move through dimensions, that fight was originally like five times as long. All got cut when they chopped it down from original run time which was near five hours.

Well obviously that would be a better world, but that's just a fantasy, we have to deal with the world we got.

>the kino extended cut the Russos know exist in their minds

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Fuck the morally wrong, it was storytelling fuckup of epic proportions

Based. IW Thanos should not have been killed in EG's first act. Have him survive and rage his purple dick off when finding out the Avengers are undoing his work
>b-but muh contradictions!
Writers could have pulled out a myriad of asspulls to ensure IW Thanos was the dick they faced in the finale instead of pre-GoTG one that also involved a shit Gamora, Nebula, and past Nebula subplot.

Why did 2014 Thanos act so different than Infinity War Thanos and Child Gamora Thanos?

Reminds me of my absolute favorite description of Cap, from Miller's Daredevil, "A soldier with a voice that could command a God..and does".

He was an unarmed prisoner. It was not the Jedi way.

I posted and I don't entirely agree. 2014 Thanos was very, very consistent with Thanos in IW pre-Soul Stone and stuff that did not relate to Gamora. IW Thanos was a fucking prick and threatening villain elevate by the Soul Stone sacrifice and what he became after that. EG Thanos was all the poorer for not having been a continuation of Thanos that did the snap after IW.

>"World flourishing and shit"
i thought the point was that the world WASN'T flourishing, that society literally couldn't move on and completely stagnated post-snap.
They even make a point of that when Cap has to make a completely unrelated stretch to look on the bright side (bringing up whales on the harbor) when really nothing is progressing and everyone is stuck in the past
Even 2014 Thanos changes his mind when he sees how shitty everything has become because of the snap and instead tries to make a new world where people WOULD move on and be grateful for him.

Captain America literally says the world is
>Animal life is flourishing
>Has less pollution
The world was better off.

And yet he also has to run a therapy group for five straight years because thats the best he can do to keep society drumming along
If Cap genuinely thought the world was better off then he wouldn't have been such a hardliner for going back to get the stones and bring everyone back

Because it showed that revenge does nothing.

why does the happiness of humans matter? the other animals and lifeforms that were suffering on the planet were having a blast

>superheroes immobilizing and beheading him, when he was half-maimed already
He deserved even more than that, but fuck this movie, that's not how it goes.

There's nothing noble about beheading a defenseless cripple just because you're butthurt that you lost
It doesn't help that his death literally cuts off a moment of character development and heart between him and Gamora, and the entire thing is played for laughs

>mad at the inmate who killed Jeffrey Dahmer?
Kill-stealing bastard.

Which is kind of a red flag, when you main super hero team has a name that indicates they don't prevent bad things from happening.

Fuck the people that think he shouldn't get his ass handed to him. He deserved a curb stomping and then some. Not even trying to be edgy. Dude killed half the universe. You want to slap cuffs on him and put him in jail?

Imagine having /pol/ inside your head 24/7


Would you have preferred
>Avengers enter The Garden and finds this Thanos
>they instead leave disappointed and not kill Thanos
>5 years later and Thanos sees and realizes that he was wrong all along
>same movie happens
>Young Thanos is still the villain
>Young Thanos stomps
>Old Thanos beams down just in time to face Young Thanos
>O.Thanos tries to reason to his younger self, but he refuses to listen and beats his older self and chastises him for being weak and vowing never to turn like him
>O. Thanos smiles
>"Its inevitable"
>Old Thanos sacrifices himself by snapping Younger Thanos and his goons off of existence
>Thanos is once again beaten by his greatest enemy, himself.
>fading Old Thanos has a talk with Cap and Tony
>warns them that he knows that doom *wink wink* will come upon them, that he was trying to prevent a Galactic threat *wink wink* much bigger than what he brought, but allows them to make the choice, "you still have the stones".
>Cap and Tony says that no matter what happens,they all will face it togehter
>Thanos dusts

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Shit this is kino if only RDJ and Chris Evans wanted to remain in the MCU

Did the Avengers eat Thanos' soup after they killed him? What would it taste like?


>Because it was; don't get me wrong, no one is going to prosecute or even care the slightest, but there was no justice
Exactly, there was no justice in it. Instead of killing him they should have had C.Marvel shear of each of his remaining limbs, then when they get him back to earth have tony whip up a robotic exoskeleton that's fused to his skin with multiple contingencies to keep him from doing something clever. The limbs keep him in constant excruciating pain and he can only watch as hes forced to forever from then on replace the work output of half of the human race.

Sounds much more like a proper Thanos in the defeated by himself part, also a more satisfactory ending.

I mean, it's not like they had to get rid of the characters just because they wanted out. Just don't bring them up.


Its called the Blip, user.

Wait didn't Black Widow say that 50% of all life was killed? Including plants and animals?

>literally, absolutely, positively ZERO mention of anything even tangentially related to /pol/
>"WAH WAH /POL/ :("

no because he is an inmate who already get´s punished for his crime and not a hero who get´s cheered by little kids

Because he was restrained and was offering no resistance. Hence why everyone was like "dude!" at Thor.

What moral code are you following to come to this conclusion?

>war is over, his death would have solved nothing
>he was harmless as far as the future was concerned
>the only reason they found him, because he had the will and foresight to destroy the stones
>he was severely injured
>he was assaulted in his home, where he was living as a hermit
did I forget anything?

It was plot contrivance.

It was a plot device to justify. Now, I'm not arguing that Thanos did it correctly. He was also stupid and wrong. If you can remove half of all living things (and I think it's unclear he did remove plants and animals, however the Antman looking at the tree and bird in the compound would suggest that was the result of the first snap), then that would actually indicate he did something stupid. In general, the plant and animal might be harming their environment due to an incompatible predator in a place where they don't belong, such as some animals or plants brought to another part of the planet from their source environment, they aren't otherwise really a problem - he could have resolved that as part of the first snap by removing ONLY invasive plants and animals. There's no actual benefit or need to remove half of all plant and animal life. And there are uncolonized planet, if it's a resource issue, move them there and give them resources to start off with.

You'd need to find a way to kill off Cap and Stark in there too, because the actors straight-up quit.

I would have kept Tony's sacrifice at the end. It serves to close his story. Still having the old Thanos intervening to help the Avengers and allowing Tony to snap his fingers would have been good anyway.

But... all this seem a bit out of character anyway. his goal was to prove that his crazy theory was right, and it was a mad idea from the beginning.

Because the heroes are the ultimate might makes right oppressive faction. Each if these movies is just watching the person with the strongest abilities tell all the little people what their morals will be and killing anyone who oppose them.

No wonder antifa runs around cracking people in the heads with bike locks

so what

Because you're a faggot. You're probably the same kind of faggot who cried at the execution of Nguyễn Văn Lém.

Because killing him was, indeed, pointless. There was no fight to undo what he did, because it was impossible. Thor only killed him out of regret, out of anger, out of grief-stricken frustration. All the negative emotions.
From a writing POV, it's appropriate. An empty death for an empty moment, one that drives home the heroes' despair.

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For the most part, this would have been a perfect cap-off. But the final push still needs to come from the main three Avengers, namely with Tony's sacrifice.
Also cut out the part of Thanos stopping a bigger threat. It undermines the finality of Endgame as a phase arc. Let us enjoy this victory before looking at anything else And also let me bail the MCU before it goes to shit like I fear it's gonna

10/10 bait user

Here’s how it should’ve gone
>”thank you daughter....perhaps I treated you too har-“
>then Thor slices his head off
>when the avengers leaves thanos disappears in a red light
And you could still keep thanos being at least injured to some degree showing how he can’t murder everyone instantly, plus then he’d have history with everyone
Plus I wanted a rematch with strange

Really, that’s how he went out?

It probably was bait, you just can't fucking tell anymore on this gay ass board.

They fought fair the first time. They lost. Billions paid the price.

>Thanos was not brought before a court and made to explain his actions
>He was not forced to see the full consequences of his actions on even a single planet
>He was not made to regret, to feel remorse, to change

What the actual fuck do these have to do with anything?

>He was not sentenced to death impartially by a tribunal for his misdeeds

Do you think any judge or jury in the universe would have *not* sentenced him to death?

You autistic retards scare me sometimes.

Because you're a dumbass who actually wanna kill billions, go to /pol/ and dream about it there.

I don't understand where you pussies get your morals from. In what culture is it wrong to kill Giga-Hitler squared?

Kind of sad that people actually engaged with you for several replies unironically

he would be a hero if he killed only mudslimes and kikes, but he also killed people

>he was harmless as far as the future was concerned

What an assumption!

I actually don't mind them killing Thanos like that because it actually justified for the team to be called "The Avengers" instead of something nicer and more noble sounding.

It should be illegal for children's media to pull the "if you kill him you'll be just like him" stunt. It leads to stunted freakish manchildren like the OP and everyone who agrees with him.

In the real world, if the Snap happened, you'd get the living fucking shit beaten out of you if not outright killed for even suggesting that the Avengers were being mean or unfair to Thanos, the most hated enemy of every living being in the universe. Notice how few people complained about Bin Laden's extrajudicial killing, when what he did was maybe a thousandth of a percent as evil as the Snap.

>Everyone felt bad about it
Lmao this is headcanon you worthless retard. Everyone felt bad the stones were gone and it was too late. Nobody brought it up or gave a single shit about it after. Rhodey even suggest strangling kid thanos. And thor felt bad about failing not only the asgardians but the universe. Not killing a poor sickly thanos. How can you be this braindead dumb?

Thank you Atticus

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quads of too late

Amazingly you weren’t supposed to feel good about it, it’s not a throw up your hands and cheer moment, watching heroes break down and take vengeance on someone unarmed, disarmed and on his knees is pretty jarring, that shouldn’t imply that this can’t be the case , look at the end of the Slavers arc in Punisher MAX. This is why everyone around Thor looked shocked when it happened. Avenging is an ugly bloody mess

Because he was weak, for the most part harmless, and had no intention of doing anything but hanging out on his planet
that said it was justified are punishment for killing half the universe


It starts the story on an ugly note and makes it more righteous when they eventually take down a fully healthy version of him.

The cases are different. At its core,Thanos was misguided, believing that he was doing good. Bin Laden knew that the stuff he was doing was evil.

>Calling other people stunted manchildren when you're advocating for executions in cold blood

Infinity War is the only mouservel movie I would dare to call capekino and this was nearly as good, which is why would had never happened

It wasn't morally wrong. It was wrong from a film-making perspective.

Disabled himself to cause something awful to happen.

Justice has to be done.

The heroes were too dumb to realize Thanos would destroy the stones after using them to prevent his work from coming undone. The Avengers were pretty much a blinded angry mob in that scene, they would’ve lynched Thanos back on earth of Thor didn’t lose his temper

>Disney Zombies fall for satanist propaganda

>Literally believed God wanted him too
The absolute fucking state of you

Wow. So if several of your family/friends have essentially died and you have no idea if they're coming back, you'll expect yourself to get over it within a year and society to "flourish" again?

This is why Marvel movies are for kids, because idiots like you don't have the emotional capacity to understand how people work.

Why is everyone acting like the whole team approved of killing Thanos? Thor killed him in a fit of rage and the rest of the team were like "what the fuck dude?" And they didn't know that thanos wasn't going to the resist. The dude was a titan, incredibly strong even without the stones and took down several civilizations.

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That’s frontier justice. Frank Castle would be proud

>kill half the universe
>cripple and ostracize yourself in the process
>heroes come to end your shitty existence out of simple duty to the fallen
>"woooow you guys are being so rude rn"
Is OP just another time displaced Thanos or something?

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1. He was just and old man eating in a farm attacked by surprise who due to that had no actual chance of defending himself
2. his last words were about remorse for his daughter
3. it achieved fucking nothing. Killing him didn't do anything
I don't really like Thanos but those are the reason his death might feel that way. It was just petty revenge/pointless justice against someone who intended to spend the rest of his days in a small shack on some distant planet. It's not like pic related where if you let him go you know he'll just cause more suffering for instance.

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>talking about a movie featuring Captain fucking America, Spider-Man, Hulk and Thor

Killing a villain not for justice but just for revenge is morally wrong. The man was badly scarred and injured from the stones exploding on him. He was busy making himself some breakfast when they came bolting in.


Sounds like pure Kino just cut out all the foreshadowing, keep Tony sacrificing himself, keep Steve taking the stones back to their rightful times and it sounds perfect.

Also if I could pencil one thing in, have a silver shining figure watching all of it and zipping off in the post credits scene.

Another thing that doesn't help is how much that scene resembled the beginning of Shrek.