I just realized something
Leo is white
Raph is black
Mikey is Latino
donnie is Asian
I just realized something
Oh wow, I never realized that, but it seems so obvious now. But which one of them is gay?
Oh my fuck, you're right.
Its obviously Raphael. Why else do you think he is so desperate to act hard and tough.
>Donnie is favorite
>But hate Asians in real life
That can't be right...
its okay user, donnie is a good asian aka japanese. you can still hate chinese and koreans though
I'm pretty sure they're all green.
Also wouldn't leo, the one who took the ninjitsu stuff the most seriously, be the Asian?
Pretty sure they are turtles.
I thought they were Italians
I just realized something about OP.
>Leo is white
Ahhahahahaha, no.
It's amazing that at this point I recognize that letter from the thumbnail.
Donatello looks like the darkest to me.
i have always loved these skin colors, the first time they ever had unique complexions. Raph has the most intense color, Mikey has the most dark and chill, Don has the warmest and most pensive color, and Leo has the best camouflage. totally suits them.
one of my favorites
smooth as fuck