Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe she's working on Deltarune or teaming up with George Lucas to delete every digital copy of the Persona parodies
>it's another "webcomic artist thinks they can write" episode
because that worked out so well for hussie/morbi
>the story will be concluded in one big update–not as a comic, but in illustrated script format.
I think they CAN write it's just that, naturally, people who come for a webcomic want a webcomic, not a novel. I hate Pesterlogs so fucking much.
>Go to her patreon
>only 271 patreons
Ah shit dude, no wonder she can't make a living with cucumber quest.
This is really dissapointing for every artist trying to stay afloat using original IP comics I guess. If Gigi can't who can? Besides Jeph Jaques, because mediocrity pays off apparently.
BCB somehow manages to
>the guy with the fucked up face wasn't a destroyed victim of quakemaster
>just quakemaster's disguised bf
oh come on, let one villain be a total cunt
still better than poppy opossum
Cope from Unsounded has more than double that. Oglaf has almost 2k patrons. Gigi is just garbage.
Gigi is a good artist, hardworking as heck. But I just don't get her public shitshow against the 4chainz and her hatred of her old work.
oglaf is wacky comedy, not a serialised story that's trying to be srs
Ok sure, but Unsounded is a serious story.
I wanted to like the series and I did at first and then the pacing skidded to a halt and Gigi got all weird.
>really fucking long running webcoming that's been going on and on forever goes on hiatus
>promises to switch to illustrated script/writing/whatever
am I the only one getting Poppy flashbacks?
>and her hatred of her old work.
I would hate my old work too if my audience kept pestering me about it and saying how much my quirky parody is so much better in quality than the work I'm passionate about.
But on the other hand the way she's so agressive about it is really off-putting and terrible PR. It doesn't help with the good will.
furries are a powerful force, user
once again, CQ also has furries and they didn't care
adding to that, original work is better for the artist, because they can profit off it because they created it. like adam warren actually doesn't own a lot of the things he's created
I wish Gigi had skipped over that ‘bestmaster’ part. It seemed to slow down the pacing too much.
It's all related to Deltarune. Remember how in Deltarune your creations keep getting trashed? Toby and Gigi are going to epically own the 4channers by giving us a taste of our own meta-sin.
mostly underage furries though
I should have specified - Gigi is a garbage person. Her art is fine, but I have never seen her behave any way other than rude and aggressive when someone has any kind of criticism. And the sjw pandering is just pathetic.
She should take Ashley Cope as an example, because she is both professional and her comic is diverse and original.
Hussie suffered from PBS calling his work the next Ulysses and having it go to his head.
>Remember how in Deltarune your creations keep getting trashed?
Gigi is a sweetie poster IRL. I'm actually shocked someone who made the Metal Gear and Persona parodies could be so mean and callous IRL. You think with humor comes a sense of levity, but, uh, I guess not.
Yeah, but original work has to be good. Gigi's comic is mediocre - good art, but everything else is bad. It's so boring.
Her earlier comics were unironically better written.
Besides "your choices don't matter", it's a recurring theme. Your OC, your "beautiful creation" is "discarded" at the start, and when you make a custom machine to fight it just gets blown up anyways.
everyone keeps saying this but i never see any proof
Webcomics are always a big gamble. A person has to dedicate literal decades of their life to making one thing and there's no telling what will change in that time.
I think people like View and Walkingnorth have the best idea of sticking to short stories.
the fact that you're even bringing up the earlier comics is enough reason for her to be so exasperated by mention of them. they were attempting an entirely different thing to cucumber quest. a better comparison would be lady of the shard.
I am not going to look it up now but before Yea Forums got bored we had plenty of Gigi threads.
Yes, they can write, Gigi has prove that she absolutely can't
I'm sure there's some lolcow farmer who has deets. She actually got mad at me once but that was in response to an angry tumblr post I wrote while drunk, so I think that was fair.
I think the most pointlessly dickish thing she did was flip out at Jelloapocalpyse(back then he was a fan who dubbed CQ comics) for saying that he liked CQ but had some issues with it.
Like that's a cardinal sin or something. The guy dubs your comic and likes it, and ya throw shade on him because there's some things about the comic he doesn't like.
i mean caps. you'd think if she was running around being a cunt 24/7 someone would have screencapped it.
There were caps. People just stopped caring. I'll try to find some for ya but the TLDR is that she was a bit of a cunt.
Unfortunately for her, it's true. She did best in the short comic medium. She made classics and did great humor that last in parodies for decades.
CQ was boring as fuck. Gigi's strengths were in her humor, not her art or plot. She should have just gone the AwkwardZombie route.
as someone who follows her on twitter, I used to see lots of mean tweeting all the time a few years back, but not these days
are we doing this?
>CQ was boring as fuck.
I think it's pretty sad you believe this
Um, user? You're not allowed to discuss that comic here or Gigi will cry publicly on twitter. Please show some respect.
Why? It's the consensus
>less than 300 patreons
>nonexistant in fans even on the platform born for it, tumblr
demonstrably unpopular
the main characters of CQ should have been almond and peridot and their gay romance, since that's clearly what gigi was interested in. cucumber was basically a nonentity despite being the main character. i don't think he and the nightmare knight ever had any meaningful interaction, in fact the KN has more meaningful interaction with princess parfait than literally any of the 'main' characters.
or hell, make parfait the main character. that would be hecking cute.
maybe toby fox's muteness is rubbing off on her
Well that’s disappointing
Ironically I think we have Tumblr to thank for that, not us. They apparently got mad at her for drawing cats during Ferguson viewing it as a slight against black people.
Wha the fuck happened to this comic, I haven't kept up with it since Rosemaster. Is it just all brooding bishies now.
>didn't finished the Persona 4 parody
>couldn't even finish her own webcomic
Isn’t she black?
>haha we covered our own creation with shit and ruined everything! you mad bra!
>stopped tweeting
Maybe she's finally happy
Yeah she is. I witnessed some of the drama and a black blogger said they privately talked to her and apologized because they didn’t know she was black. Pretty sure she also had an outfit blog at one point and one photo showed a part of her face.
Ah so maybe Nautilus is her self-insert except Nautilus is a nice girl
She has probably deleted a lot of it, but yes as someone who followed her I can confirm there was a lot of this. She even attacked people who asked her for advice or would ask what programs or brushes she used to make her art.
>Gigi hates her old work and Yea Forums so we turned it into a Yea Forums banner
they met quakemaster, who was bretty cool. he was mob/casino themed, extorted money from people and froze carrot's heart so he couldn't use the power of love anymore. princess piano's ex-gf tried to snap him out of it with a friendship speech.
it's revealed there was a disaster master called mistmaster. for a while it seemed like nightmare knight did something genuinely fucked up to him back when he was evil
this new update:
nightmare knight reveals to QM that their entire mission is bullshit.
QM takes it very badly and NK has to seal him away. carrot is healed forever and decides to leave the party for some reason
also, mistmaster was evil the whole time so NM did nothing wrong by turning him into a permafrozen wraith
Honest question, what IS your best hope when it comes to producing a somewhat larger-scale story other than webcomics?
a graphic novel. something with a set end.
I thought it was a "you don't choose who you are" message, but you might be right. Toby made Undertale, but then fans mutated Undertale into a very different thing than what he created. However I hope he doesn't just turn Deltarune into a meta commentary on Undertale fans he doesn't like, it just doesn't seem like a healthy thing to do.
She really put herself into a corner by having an rpg like structure huh? The abnormal pacing didn’t help, reading this in a sitting is boring as hell
are you stupid
The funny part is she'd probably be able to self fund her original IP comic if she kept doing those parody shorts that take maybe a fifth of the time. Stuck up shit gets what she deserves.
She wouldn't even be able to make them anymore. She aligned herself with the extreme PC brigade, she wouldn't be able to make jokes like
ironically, derailing the rpg structure is supposedly what the comic is about, so you'd think the villains would catch on and team up
>or hell, make parfait the main character. that would be hecking cute.
A comic where a princess gets captured by evil but they become friends? That sounds good.
All I'm hearing is "If she had made the right choice in the past and kept making parody comics that didn't take themselves seriously, she'd be set"
Good riddance
>because mediocrity pays off apparently.
If that were the case, Gigi would be swimming in cash right now!
Remmeber when people thought Gigi and Toby were dating?
Good times.
This is true. She just couldn't adequately promote her IP comic the way it is because she'd be the subject of some insane callout post about sexualizing teenagers
Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play
I think she just burned all her bridges with people who'd actually read her stuff when she went on a crusade to not have her old parody comics mentioned even in the slightest around her.
Honestly I still like her art a lot but I couldn't get through the illustrated text version of the rest of Chapter 5. What happened to the fun in this comic? Why's everything so overly fucking dramatic, dark and grim?
Barely related to this but I kinda wanna fuck irl temmie
so i guess in this scenario carrot replaces all the main characters on the 'hero quest'? honestly don't think much would be lost.
maybe even just make it a comic about the disaster masters. they were all fairly distinct fun characters. just princess parfait getting kidnapped and having to live in a castle with a bunch of weird villainy roommates.
god, there are so many ways to salvage this premise
I can only imagine what will be her next project that she will eventually bail on in such a public display
she's probably working with other people
deltarune IS likely. Temmie can't do all the heavy lifting
She mentioned having another job a while back, anyone knows what it is?
the undertale kickstarter page promised comics as a stretch goal, i'd imagine she would be the one to draw those
it's been 4 years so I doubt it
toby previewed the alarm clock app around the same time deltarune came out, so i'd imagine we'll get them inside of this decade
Could be going to physical print for remainder? Is it a big enough cashgrab for her to do that?
I admit, it would be good to see comics where Sans is in character, actually chubby, and not fucking crying.
Ah bummer.
He's a skeleton, there's no chub on him.
He's just take a guess
Dunno user. I found it in google. Do you think I keep pics of crying sans?
fandoms often twist character personalities but undertale seems to have it especially bad for some reason
What does the text say?
>Storyboard artist of Cartoon Network series We Bare Bears, Louie Zong, has stated that reading Cucumber Quest inspired him to become an artist.
oh. wow
was it proved they were/weren't?
to be honest i kind of thought gigi might be gay since her stories had many lesbians, before lesbians in webcomics became trendy
Didn’t Toby date the creator of that one bad space webcomic? I can’t remember the name just that is tumblr personifided
I think where she really tripped up is not knowing her audience. I think she really, really wanted Cucumber Quest to be something for teens and young adults to enjoy. But the art design, subject matter, humor and characters are significantly better suited for children. I work at a library and we have all the published versions. Kids love them, they are always getting checked out and we have multiple copies of each. But kids don't have credit cards they can't pay her through Patreon. She didn't create a product her best fans could realistically support.
She would have been better off condensing the story as much as possible and teaming up with Scholastic or something and printing on cheaper paper (the books have glossy paper which I don't think yields good dividends). Maybe eventually she could have put together a good pitch document to shop around to studios. I will say to that effect the budding romance between Almond and Peridot would have/has hurt her chances of effectively catering to the children's market.
Probably because the fanbase is mainly comprised of children and autists
And furries. But I repeat myself
Neokosmos? I'm pretty sure that's made by a married lesbian
I don't know about Toby, but I think Hussie was dating the sister of the Neokosmos chick
>But kids don't have credit cards they can't pay her through Patreon. She didn't create a product her best fans could realistically support.
this is wise.
i think cucumber quest would work pretty well as an animated series, at least its tendency to padding would help it there.
Lady of the shard was actually good, it made me read CQ which was one of the shittier decisions in my life
Given that she's gotten so much done and is effectively writing out an outline for its conclusion why *shouldn't* she try pitching it as an animated property? She's already done so much hard work maybe its worth trying?
isnt her comic in print, at actual brick and mortar stores like barnes and noble? maybe she should take a break or hire an editor to do the final part of the comic instead of prose.
>maybe its worth trying
There is such a crazy disconnect between the comic back then, the stuff that got published, and the comic now. Why does a kids comic about rabbits going on an adventure now focus entirely on brooding ghost men? I know that's Gigi's type, that's blatantly obvious, but it would be like if Garfield comics suddenly started focusing on the lady vet than Jon has a crush on, and only on that vet, and all her interactions with lots of similar female veterinarians.
Would Garfield make this joke?
Is that what the comic is about now? Maybe my library shouldn't order new books if she makes more. No sense spending money on something kids won't like.
>This illustrated script thing AGAIN.
Motherfucker, it's so easy.
Write a comic that's less than 300 pages.
For the love of god. That's an entire graphic novel. If you have more, make a fucking sequel.
>isnt her comic in print, at actual brick and mortar stores like barnes and noble?
>maybe she should take a break or hire an editor to do the final part of the comic instead of prose.
That requires too much effort on her part.
Neokosmos chick dated Toby to get into Hussie's inner circle, and then "Discovered she was gay" (Even though there was evidence she knew that already)
Considering the "Jon drinks dog sperm" and "Vibrator up Jon's ass" gag, Garfield would make this joke
How do you discover you are gay that late in your life?
It's called an easy out.
Pretty much. Bright color adventures that have a strong disconnect between text and visuals in a light and airy fashion is perfect for the Scholastic crowd. If she wanted to attract teens and young adults she should have gone a bit edgier from the start, harder lines and more physicality in the comics, more direct conflict at a faster pace.
people mistake deep affection for attraction all the time, espeically when they're told all their lives what they're 'supposed' to be attracted to
I think one of the things that hurts creators the most is not knowing from the outset what type of audience they are playing to. It is fashionable to tell creators to create for themselves but it doesn't hold up when looking at creating in a professional capacity, not when you need your work to put food on the table. I don't think it's wise to tell a person to make things they hate or to just create fanservice either but there has to be a balance somewhere.
If Gigi had known her audience a head of time perhaps she would have been more successful.
Stop shilling your gay little website, holy fuck.
I’m pretty sure they used this exact joke in Futurama
Serialization definitely has its drawbacks. Dumb twitter drama being one of them. Getting angry at 4chainz is another.
I liked the artwork but dropped it because the pacing was slow.
I met Toby Fox and Gigidigi at a con a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Toby looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The fuck you doing with this stupid cunt? Get with this dick or get raped you whore.", I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Toby you found another goofball?", "Yeah Gigi, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd fuck her asshole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is". Right at that moment Toby jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Gigi jumped on me and held me down she started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Toby undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Toby just kept pushing her head down. Toby looked at me and mouthed the word "Goofball", It was like a silent movie, I watched as Toby then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Gigi who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", she started to twist my nipple as far as it could go, and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Gigi's boner pushing into my back... I blacked out.
>Cucumber Quest the cartoon
Could happen. But it'd be a dick move to just abandon the comic for a cartoon.
so many series get continuations as cartoons. it would be funny to see it the other way around
Unless the author picks a very easy format or gets a team, they probably shouldn't be doing large scale stuff in the first place. It takes time just like any other art form.
Really though, do you even need a project to be epic to be good? The authors I've mentioned have done short stories that only last a few years but they still show interesting worlds and characters.
Didn't this happened to Marville??
never going to happen. people get into webcomics because they want to tell their ebin story with worldbuilding and shit they've had brewing since high school. if they couldn't they probably wouldn't even be bothering
I honestly feel bad for her, but she made the three cardinal mistakes most webcomic artists make.
>Ostracizing your built-in fanbase for a new audience
>Biting off more than you can chew in an attempt to go pro
>Switching tones midway through due to worldbuilding and lore expansion, leading to further alienation
Without fail, artists ALWAYS wind up imploding when they do these.
I've been arguing for a while that long-form webcomics are a bad idea for creators. They can't reliable finish them and they end up being timesinks that prevent them from working on other, potentially better ideas that could eventually make a profit.
In my opinion, it's best to go the short-story/graphic novel route and become a brand onto yourself. Tell a bunch of short stories with conclusions and all of a sudden people start following you to see what sort of story that you tell next.
Once that happens, people might start approaching you in hopes of helping you tell bigger, more epic stories.
Promotion and networking are important, and Gigi doesn't seem to have the people skills to pull that off.
>Morbi did this for Poppy
>said he did it to move the story faster
>releases even less when it was in comic format
What the fuck Morbi, why is it that you spend all your free time now buying commissions of your OC?
did anyone actually try rewriting this stuff in any co threads?
I could see a CQ cartoon gaining a fanbase. It's like a saturday morning cartoon but now it has buggery with Almond so CN can continue its degeneracy streak.
In the end it's what motivates you, I suppose. That's why I never busted on Gigi for making CQ, it was always her pathological hatred of her parodies and generally acting like a big jerk.
Those parodies brought people together, man. They were silly and good natured.
The parodies were the only reason I ever read CQ in the first place.
I think the issue there was it became immediately apparent than Morbi wasn't cut out for that style of literary prose, and not only was it bad but it made Morbi look incredibly amateur and kinda dumb. Goosebumps books have more literary merit than the garbage Morbi was posting, and continuing to post it would only damage their public image. Take note of how Gigi said it would be an "illustrated script", she isn't going to attempt to write it like a book. That implies that it's just going to be dialogue and basic description, which is what Morbi should've done.
100% agreed. Webcomics are honestly not a good format for anything but smaller scale works.
I wonder if something like visual novel style chatlogs would be better or if making an illustrated storybook (from the START) might be a better approach.
It's just a logical course of action, if you're a small lesser known artist you're not going to have a big enough following to make such an investment worth the cost, multiple smaller works can help put your name out there.
Though I'm sure we all know the allure of just that one tale you have cooking in your head you just can't wait to get out.
I can respect people wanting to take a chance on their dream story. Even more when that story builds up steam.
It just seems that what happens all too often is that the either the story loses steam or the creator does.
Once a comic hits that first hiatus, the writing's on the wall.
>. That's why I never busted on Gigi for making CQ, it was always her pathological hatred of her parodies and generally acting like a big jerk.
Why loathe so much your parodies?
Must be hard living in your own shadow.
A GC cartoon would just be a SU clone with worse writing and pacing.
cq predates su
Not as a cartoon. I think user is saying it'd be mostly fluff and an excessive amount of LGTBQ nonsense.
I'd say... if CQ got a cartoon it'd probably be like Adventure Time. When Gigi is in charge it'd be pretty good, but then the San Francisco Calarts guys would peer pressure Gigi into being more inclusive and to share an artistic vision and blah blah blah suddenly the interpersonal politics of the crew is a more interesting drama than the show.
The comic was wasted potential, the main cast was unlikeable and boring and the disasters masters oversadowed them, also why was Almond such a cunt
Almond and Nautilus did nothing wrong
Did Almond ever get called out for unleashing the entire evil thing? Or it was never brought up again?
For real, people need to take a note from graphic novelists. You can always do a sequel.
graphic novels also have a chance of being picked up by a studio for adaptation into film and television. Which means getting paid for the license. Only a few webcomics have ever been picked up and licensed for anything compared to the number of comics that have. Published comics also have the potential of netting you Eisner awards which further increase the odds of being approached for adaptations or other, paying work.
How sad that in 2019 the old way of doing things is still more tenable . I really wish it wasn't this way.
>off-putting and terrible PR
I'm genuinely curious of how bad her PR is. Any tweets?
Any tweets from 2015 and back, dunno if she deleted them
I think there was a purge around the time she went quiet.
She deletes tweets and got ride of her old tumblr
>got ride of her old tumblr
What did he mean by this?
CQ had several successful kickstarters though (like 100k USD iirc for the 2nd or 3rd volume?) and the comic isn't a webcomic anymore, it's being sold as physical books. her patreon is relatively new
Look up the drama with jello apocalypse that one was fun. Also is funny how him ended alienating his audience more than her
I liked the Persona/Metal Gear comics.
Her old tumblr account that she had to back away from after making an ill fated post regarding the Michael Brown protests
This is like 2014 or so
i dont know whats going on with it right now, but paranatural did tons of 'sins' and the guy kept on going with it as his main income. i think CQ's end might be because gigi finally realized that such a large long-running project wasnt a good idea to handle early on and it's just become a dead drain, compared to if she did several shorter and digestible comics like shard lady for experience before a much bigger project
my guess is undyne just taking napstablook's ipod asking him what he listens to / what is he listening too.
He is listening to Downy.
Indeed he is, user.
Chapter 3 reached 120k USD for a 20k goal
and then by the time chapter 4 was done a publisher picked up the printing of the comic
Is there a such a thing as a finished webcomic?
Daisy Owl
>delete every digital copy of the Persona parodies
Bastard is gonna have to nuke the entire internet before having a remote shot at that.
it hurts
awkward zombie is the hobby of someone who works at nasa, it's not a monetary venture
Jello's doing fine though.
8 bit theatre
CQ already has gay characters, trans characters, and the main female characters stealing the spotlight from the male MC who has become a nonentity, it's basically the perfect AT replacement.
Dominic Deegan
I haven't heard that name in years
Bob and George, Kidd Radd, Brawl in the Family. Scary Go Round. Hell Misfile is on the final arc and is close to ending within the year.
For damn good reason.
not that surprising. pretty much all of Hussie's inner circle friends are leaches that are only popular because they're friends with him.
The person who made Minus had a few other completed works like that one about a Ramen shop owner.
Once webcomic artists get a large enough twitter following they usually quit because that's all they really wanted.
there isn't any money to be made in webcomics so people use them as portfolio pieces to get hired elsewhere
>now cucumber
Is there a very specific curse since these people knew eachother?
The early music team members (up through Toby) were pretty much the only ones who weren't climbers
heh praguerace did the similar thing
but worse
the author did an outline and let another author of another comic to finish the writing
while she advertise her new eisner award nominee webcomic
Tfw everyone busts on me for not being able to work well with others but then I see collaborative projects like Homestuck and it's a goddamn nightmare of Hussie using people and the people he uses being total basket cases.
And then we have shit like The Odd Gentlemen where they just, somehow, flat out manage to steal over half a million dollars and get away with it.
How can these dog eat dog individuals live in such an awful fucking world and then have the audacity to make games and webcomics about friendship and love.
>illustrated script format
First Poppy, now this. Why does this keep happening.
And I mean that's the thing, Hussie's not innocent in this. Everything I've heard about What Pumpkin makes him sound like a fucking awful boss who has no business running a business. There are some innocent people legitimately getting fucked here, but it's not Hussie and it's not the climbers.
I'm gonna be really surprirsed if Zack is still making Paranatural by the end of the year. The art style has gone to absolute shit, the plot is all but lost, the pacing is glacial, his wrist has been made of glass since he switched to drawing on a tablet instead of paper (which itself was the beginning of the artstyle collapse), and even with him halving updates from twice to once a week, he's still missed two in a row. His passion has clearly left him, and the sooner he puts the comic out of its misery, the better.
There are few things in this world where I'd be willing to use a time machine, and making sure Hussie never does the kickstarter (or at least waits until HS is over) is one of them.
In that case, I am convince that either a squandered inheritence or ill-considered loan is involved.
Wtf is a sweetie poster?
Did Almond/Peridot and Cuco/Nautilus go anywhere?
Inverloch and The Phoenix Requiem
I wish the artist comes back to making webcomics.
Problem sleuth
Spoiler: Nobody has proof.
God, I genuinely enjoyed Cucumber Quest, all the way to the end. But that script version of Chapter 5 just seems so soulless. Like it desperately wanted to be Chapter 3, but it just sort of rushed to the end without any buildup. Maybe it would've worked better as a proper comic. Maybe one day someone will draw it out.
Fuck, I wonder how many webcomics will end up having anti climactic endings like this. I bet Ava's Demon is going to end like this too.
>Ava's Demon
Is that still going? Last time I was all caught up, the protagonist was setting everything on fire, and the comic was updating slower than frozen fucking molasses.
Who cares? No one was reading anyway
I honestly believe Michelle will die before completing AD
Since then, the main characters got on a ship.
That's pretty much it.
What do you guys bet the comic ending had something to do with this?
>207 replies
>70 users
I think a lot care.
But also yes
Not sure, apparently she's only writing it
>I honestly believe Michelle will murdered by her psycho stalker before completing AD
Well, considering how long the 'illustrated script' is going to take, she probably has to take a day off every two sentences.
This was like 8 years ago
Her ability is just for gags. She should have just done this as an artbook with absolutely no dialog.
I think he means passive-aggressive Twitter users, pic related.
that image really really bothers me
Nautilus is great, almond is a brat. The green girl was fun too before the whole lesbian and punisher shit
>I’ve been trying to avoid writing this post for a long while, but it’s time for me to be honest with myself about what I’m capable of.
If you had any idea that you probably weren't going to finish this fucking thing, why would you ever start book deals. I understand back when you could only get them in smaller runs online, but then she dropped those and did a brand new run with a real publisher to get it in brick and mortar stores. She had to have known at that point that it wasn't going to finish.
Funnily enough that has happened several times to newspaper comics.
Nancy originally was about the aunt, Popeye was an incidental sailor character etc.
yes, actually.
Girly and Basic Instructions both finished.
I remember cheering this.
Honestly, it seems like she's best at short form comics. Has anyone read her Kirby ones? They're amazing.
I don't know if its rose tinted goggles but I would SWEAR there was a time online where general audiences were more willing to take a chance on original stories and artwork. I feel like they've gotten more closed off and are less likely to risk their time on things that aren't already based off of other things.
There was less choice in the early web 2.0
It's how mediocre comics like MegaTokyo could gain an audience.
Its pretty much an objective fact at this point
she was worst character
it brings me no joy to hate a cute girl with a sword, but she was.
Cuco best boy
You know what's most telling?
This has almost no porn and none featuring any of the girls.
And they're all bunnies.
Anyone else find it weird that this guy 100% willingly terrorized and extorted money from innocent people, and nobody seems to care because "muh tragic love story"?
>8 years and now the ending is getting super rushed, doesn’t have any soul put into it and won’t even be made into any other books
That’s sad.
From the OP image I thought it was Floraverse and figured with their S+ rank karma houdini skills it was simply because they won the lottery or something.
Alright that was actually really cute.
It's very weird
I wouldn't be surprised if that twist was the result of a rewrite. Admittedly obsidian had chemistry with quake, but I don't think there was anything indicating that it was mutual on quake's part
God, Yukiko was the fucking worst in that game
Almond/Peridot is pretty much a confirmed endgame, give it some time. Their ship was all I cared about anyway tea bee aytch
She's the most apparent instance of the problems with the game's writing, which are less evident in other characters between localization, voice acting performances and their archetypes carrying over between cultures.
P4 and P5 are lazy as fuck and just take established cliches, ask if maybe they're a bit more than that, then do nothing with it.
A. He realized he was bad and wasn't taking the critique well.
B. Since he already opted to do this to cheat his way out of the hard work of re-organizing and planning and pacing his story as a comic, he was unwilling to condense and rework his prose shit, which meant he continued to pump out pages with little worthwhile being said.
C. He found out he could make more money drawing porn.
D. His family's rich so he had nothing to fear by giving up.
Hes using all his time being a massive hypocrite by being porn police while fapping to shota shit
I hope Cucumber didn’t apologise for that
But Spoony isn't a webcomic artist!
Of course, it's always your type that tries to bypass the nigger language filter
Have sex
He did iirc
40% yourself
>delete every digital copy of the Persona parodies
Wait, why does she want to do that?
I think she got sick of being associated with them and wanted people to like her for her newer work like CQ instead. Having grown past your old work is a normal thing but sperging out about people liking it is weird as fuck.
the series went downhill during the trannymaster arc
>Gives the transmaster the very especific power of controlling people by using their names
>gets defeated by the power of heterosexuality
Gigi admitted it wasn’t intentional and they were more transgender characters. Did she ever say who?
i don't think he did. he said he meant it but 'she didn't need to hear [that]' then i think they drop the subject.
surely rosemaster is het-rose-sexual, her chemistry with nightmare knight is so off the charts i have no idea how gigi did that by accident
that's because webcomics aren't a real job
>He found out he could make more money drawing porn.
He never made that much money on porn (though I enjoyed it immensely) and he's more preoccupied with commissioning other artists to draw his porn OC.
>use a time machine, and making sure Hussie never
I'd break both of his hands right after PS and let his potential autistic fanbase fixate on something else
Bad decision, Homestuck was a necessary evil to contain them.
He's drawing porn right now man.
It's almost all he does anymore.
why wasn't this more successful? it's got distinct character motifs and aesthetics, lesbian shipping, deepest lore, a few unofficial bg music tracks, all the things autists normally latch onto with their mouths dripping.
No hook.
I legitimately have been meaning to read it for years, and I still couldn't tell you what it's about.
it's fucking boring.
I wonder what other thing would've been the Homestuck instead, probably some cartoon
is it better to be boring than trainwreck awful, would you say?
She's an evil fat tumblr nig, and they are fun. Is that not enough reason?
No, of course not.
Nope, because good or bad, people are invested. If you're boring, nobody gives a shit.
That's not an easy question and I'd really have to think about the particulars. All trainwrecks start with a good premise (a functioning train) which is better than a big boring nothing.
>make good thing
>go completely insane and lose all talent
>make terrible thing
>have supervillain meltdown over people liking the good thing you made and not the terrible thing
Doctor Mc Ninja
Sounds like a person with poor social links.
Because Gigi deletes her social media when she fucks up.
It’s really boring. I tried to get through it but it is so boring.
I think Gigi wanted to recapture the emotion of the "rose minions mourn their mother figure" scene. The problem is the rose minions were childlike talking plants and Obsidian is a grown man who presumably knows right from wrong.
I'm sad. I found CQ genuinely charming. But every time I see this happen I look to Unsounded and worry so damn much. Please don't take my Unsounded away from me.
Only death would stop Ashley and I wouldn't put it past her to use ghostly possession to complete it.
Unintentional doesn't mean it wasn't subconscious.
not only that, he was a literal knight.
was he actually sealed into the diaster stone with quakemaster, or are all the disaster masters just harmless things, like an inactive volcano, until the stones are activated? like is rosemaster a tree most of the time? this raises questions.
> "Would the Nightmare Knight really have attacked Quakemaster because he found out about this?"
it's becoming one of those plots that could be cleared up with a ten minute conversation
>working on Deltarune
Oh fuck no.
It used to be successful, and the kickstarters made a lot of money, but it's a non-entity at this point. I think the decline in interest began during Rosemaster, but the kickstarters happened after that and still made bank. It really might just be that the comic's boring, but Gigi shifting the focus to her sad monster husbando characters must've contributed too. This isn't what people started reading the comic for.
No. Trainwreck awful can still be entertaining. Plain boring is the worst offence a piece of entertainment can commit.
A number of things:
>It's too childish.
The deepest lord and angst should have been presented sooner. From the start it's just so cute and kiddish that the stakes just don't seem very high so it's easy to file the comic away as light, breezy reading. Not something you HAVE to keep up with. I'm library user, it makes sense why kids love it. It's so fucking cute.
>character ages
I think aging the characters up could have helped. The cast from the outset doesn't present lots of shipping opportunities that could have been a hook to attract readers. There are more options as time passes but they weren't obvious from the opening. Having such young characters paired with the kiddish presentation means it looks too childish for people to give it a chance
>too much subversion
Subversion every now and again can be good but it's a simply too much in this story. Meta awareness is baked into CQ but it's at the level where it continually subverts all the threat and gravitas. It spoils the sincerity. She should have introduced the grimmer elements sooner. People can't feel invested in characters if there aren't any real threats.
I'm glad this goofy autist has been successful while the rest of that clique has fallen into obscurity.
People remember trainwrecks, that's why people still share laughs about shit like Jack and Moon Over June to this day. Nobody remembers something mediocre.
i think you are right about the characters being too young. i think the only character who really got any sexual attention was rosemaster.
overall i'm getting the sense that the whole standard hero plot setup needed to be gotten over with faster so they could skip to the subversion parts.
Do you think it'd be possible to buy the rights to IPs like this and maybe even start finishing the webcomics
if you were in a good enough place, you could even possibly animate it
Not worth to touch it. Let failures be failures. Readers have to be allowed to grow up.
I dunno man, at the very least cucumber quest seems like it'd be perfect for hitting all the right demographics
it's action, but it's girly so both guys and girls will watch it
it's pastel and soft, millennials love that shit
If done right, I think it'd be worth it, especially because this has an actual plot
I actually contend there was too much subversion from the start that made it seem low stakes.
She’s dating Zack of Paranatural.
thought that was taylor
Oh, shit, you’re right. Also, ew.
Ok hear me out, I have a theory that certain art styles can promote and discourage fan art. If the art style is simple enough anyone can make fanart easily and there's also lots of room for more complex interpretations by more experienced fans. If it's at the right level complexity people are interested in seeing them depicted with simpler art styles. It's possible for something I exist in a weird space between the two. Where it looks good but is just a little too good that most fanart looks unimpressive by comparison. It can't really be simplified further in an aesthetically pleasing way but it can't really be made to look more complex or realistic in a nice way either.
I think a comic like cucumber quest is somewhere about here as well as other comics like Lackadaisy and Ava's Demon. It's a beautiful comic whose design discourages fanart.
its also boring.
Well that is obvious. But it's boring and lacks fan appeal for a lot of reasons. Figuring out why something is BAD is easy. It is comparatively harder to figure out why something is just dull.
Some artists specialize in bringing simple designs to life in new ways, but they are unforunately few and far between.
Because it wasn't that good
Why the fuck does Toby tries to hid his face now? We already know how he looks like
.... they look like muppets.
Fucking hate Zong out of envy. He's too powerful.
That was around the time I dropped Monsterkind. I really didn't expect it to be 90% yaoi drama.
I had really hoped it would be an interesting story about class and race discrimination but it turned out to just be MONSTER GOOD HUMAN BAD. It doesn't help that the creator appears to be one of those people who talk about these themes and subjects all the time while never having seen poverty in their lives. Who the fuck thinks the kitchen of a low class house would be so spacious? Most people I know don't even have living rooms as big as this.
forgot pic oopsie woopsie
that's true. i have no idea what the stakes for this actually are. has anyone actually died because of the disaster masters? i'm beginning to think no.
maybe if a few wannabe heroes actually died going against the disaster masters. now that would make nightmare knight a complex character
that's a really nice kitchen
I've yet to see anyone else critique the terrible environmental design in Monsterkind till now. The author has clearly never been poor, interacted with poor people or so much as visited a poor neighborhood. The apartments are clean, spacious and decorated. The yards are well groomed, the neighborhood is clean and hip. It doesn't look like a poor neighborhood at all. And the monsters don't really have 'poor mannerisms' either, they open the door to fucking anyone, they aren't heating dollar ramen in the microwave or reusing old things. Fucking thank you, I've been thinking this for years but her fans don't take criticism well and shut down any and all.
>this has an actual plot
No it fucking doesn't, which is why it never got really big and anyone with taste hates it.
not to sound mercenary, but you could probably just rip almost all of the characters to this wholesale, change the designs/names and probably no one would be able to call you on it. most of them are pretty generic character types, on purpose
t. Joe Weltjens
Avas demon got tons of fanart though
I think it's a bunk theory because people will make fan art of anything
name a comic/cartoon that doesn't have fan art, style as complex as you want
Compared to most webcomics, it absolutely does
granted you do have a point, but I just meant that it has an overarching goal for the protagonists
but jojo is batshit insane. you'd be a maniac to think you could copy it and get away with it
wheras this is full of characters like 'princess peach but french and not dating a plumber'
She has a stalker?
So is it Peri-doe or Peri-dot?
Gigi ignores the fanart it does get unless one of her friends made it, so that doesn't help either.
Probably doesn't want to get turned into a meme like Hussie's face was.
oglaf has been shit for a while now though compared to before
peri- [annoyed grunt]
It's honestly jarring as fuck that people who constantly preach about this shit have 0 idea what poverty looks like. I just looked up and reread the few pages that took place inside that house and I forgot the detail that the blind monster who lives there has also been jobless for 2 months and has somehow been able to afford living there for at least over a year only doing occasional "on and off work".
I'm probably just being a huge autist about this but this comic definitely scores a 0 when it comes to believability. I have a friend who lives in a collection of fucking shipping containers that the government turned into a cheap apartment complex where college students can rent rooms. One of those shipping container houses isn't even as big as that kitchen.
Gigi really is an asshole
kinda feels like she lost passion for it gradually and by this point had to stop because having to look at and work on CQ for many waking hours was becoming a slow inside death
She deserves it
i guess, but i don't think she's a hopeless hack or anything since literally any other short comic she did while CQ was running that had nothing to do with CQ was decent
Does this mean Let's Destroy Outer Haven is gonna happen now?
Are these the comics everyone is shitting their pants over? My god, it's somehow even less funny than Cucumber Quest was.
the only one shitting themselves over these comics is gigi because some people find them funny and she just can't handle that
it'll probably be whatever this OC she keeps posting is from
They has been used to refer to someone well before people demanded to be called xi.
too much style over substance
people eventually forget about it after a while
If that's the case maybe its for the best. She's been working at Cucumber Quest since 2011, if its not profitable and if there isn't a lot of fan enthusiasm for it maybe its best she calls it quits and cuts her losses before investing more time on Cucumber Quest that won't yield dividends.
That this is a human character that isn't a child aready makes it look more broadly appealing.
>maybe its for the best
Its a completely valid complaint given the subject matter.
Do you think people would be interested in a thread about set design and environmental design?
Stop shilling your gay little website, holy fuck.
It's free real estate.
i'd be interested but i imagine it might die fast, concept art threads etc often do
Eh maybe tomorrow, people will probably be too busy grilling or watching fireworks tonight. Between Monsterkind and Bee and Puppycat there is plenty of bad set design to critique.
this, he was one of the few with actual talent
I still get more faves on an old Steven Universe shirt design I did before the show turned super gay than my new work, but I don't spaz out about it.
What the hell is this about?
there's a villain called rosemaster, who is trans. she uses her dark powers against a knight, but he defeats her via the power of love transmitted to him by his waifu. transness is relatively incidental to her character
And nobody ever thinks to take screenshots or make archives, despite this being a recurring event?
>Gigi admitted it wasn’t intentional and they were more transgender characters. Did she ever say who?
I think the true villain here is serialization and too much talking on the twitter. Or in other words...
gigi's going to reveal one of the mains was a trans after all for internet points, she clearly gives no fucks at all about continuity any more
it's more like webcomic artists thinks they can write something bigger than what they're capable of
morbi is just a horny fuckwit and hussie doesn't know what "too much" means
Homestuck could have ended gracefully if he just stopped adding so much bullshit to it.
as well as the fact that homestuck lacked the vital fluid that problem sleuth thrived on, user input. Hussie flubbed in teh water without it
Maybe her shitty go nowhere comic and her rotten personality turned people away.
somehow i dont think the problem was financial more than personal, iirc she just picked up extra freelance work if she needed to. but then again she does live in high cost state like california for some reason despite being a remote worker who can be located anywhere
thats not what toby is trying to do at all. its literally just because he wants deltarune to have a single clear storyline unlike undertale with the pacifist/genocide split. dont let some faggot user on Yea Forums get you angry with completely made up hypotheticals
>its literally just
Holy fuck, stop shilling your website, little gay.
It's free real estate.
Slow, uncreative and safe. The person earlier in the thread saying that writing style and aesthetics were perfect for small children is right, it's written like it's meant for elementary school students but it wants to be something much more with far coarser subjects.
Updating more than once every six month would help, if she made the patreon when updates were regular she could have easily gotten twice that
He has fully embraced his dogsona
She hasn't posted shit like that since 2015 and, unfortunately/fortunately, not every fandom has that one obsessive weirdo. Gigi used to be a passive aggressive shithead at times. Once she had a mob come after her, she chilled the fuck out a lot because she got a taste of what it's like.
>go to a friend's house to play DnD, he is the DM as usual
>he tells you he has a new game he wants to try out
>lots of setup and rules to learn but okay
>finally get into the game, having fun but it seems like your characters aren't really affecting the plot
>DM tells you not to worry, this is all according to plan
>he pulls out a 2000-page manuscript and says he just needs to give you a little backstory on the setting before you continue
>try to make an excuse to leave but you find you've been superglued to your chair
>he begins reading and doesn't stop, at one point he turns on the tv in the background and the drone of his voice mashed together with the television noise makes your brain feel like it's going to leak out of your ears
>your party hasn't even been mentioned in the story for the last 2 hours
>he says he needs to go get some water before he can continue
>1 hour later he hasn't returned and you can hear him in his room playing video games with the volume all the way up
>his girlfriend finally returns home after 14 hours of torture
>rather than helping you, she sees the game laid out on the table and begins to read the manuscript from where he left off, but she keeps going off on tangents about how the story would be better if the characters were more like the ones on the tv
>just before the story ends, as you're about to pass out from dehydration and exhaustion your friend comes out and throws you out of his house saying he needs to go to bed and his girlfriend is mad at you
>5 years later he gifts you a copy of Bad Rats on steam and asks you if you want to hang out and finish that game
The Homestuck Experience
>morbi is just a horny fuckwit
You're not kidding.
People honestly thought the comic was just going to be wholesome adventures with a slight winking nudge at cute/thick girls. Turns out it was supposed to be sexual from the start. Fuck.
That sounds like a funny premise for a story desu.
I'm workshopping it into a webcomic
Stick with something shorter something like that sounds like it should cap at like 20 pages max.
Post some visual concepts I want to see it
Also I had the premise idea of a fantasy story that's actually just a TTRPG campaign being played, but the viewer would never be taken outside of the setting of the world and there wouldn't be cheeky quirky mechanical things like dice rolling popping up, just awkward drama and relationship stuff that just kind of bubbles through. The fourth wall would always remain intact. But frequently the characters would stop acting in character and the player underneath would show their true personalities. And maybe at some point the campaign would just come to an end and the next chapter the story just continues in a totally new setting with "new" characters but the old scars are still there.
It was a joke, guys. I'm not making a webcomic out of a shitty greentext I wrote on Yea Forums in a thread about how webcomics suck.
Inspiration comes from the dardest places. You got me hooked better than gigidigi ever did with her cupcake quest shit
That is literally a slightly condensed version of the kitchen from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air mansion.
Well now I'm second-guessing myself...
The GM has a webcam aimed at the gaming table. The stream is about to go live. He whispers low,
>"Your freedom is at a sub goal of 1,000, and if the viewercount dips below 500, you die."
Go make a reddit bot you absolute waste of space.
It did have user input
It's just that tumblr was the majority of the users and just wanted shit like davekat and speeches about toxic masculinity
This is a black thing isn’t it
You can borrow/build on my idea if you want it. I'm not much into horror stuff but other people would probably enjoy it.
>The fourth wall would always remain intact. But frequently the characters would stop acting in character and the player underneath would show their true personalities. And maybe at some point the campaign would just come to an end and the next chapter the story just continues in a totally new setting with "new" characters but the old scars are still there.
That doesn't sound like the fourth wall being intact.
That guy had the amazing ability to draw every day and not improve at all.
>not wanting to fuck both Temmies.
Comedians are terrible people by default. Comedians who are "nice" are the exception, not the rule.
Haven't you realized this?
I always figured most Comedy-Mans were grouchy and depressed, not vicious jerks.
>How can these dog eat dog individuals live in such an awful fucking world and then have the audacity to make games and webcomics about friendship and love.
Sentimental people are almost always AWFUL people.
That's why "queer" culture is so terrible. It talks a big game about love, tolerance, and acceptance, but when confronted with the real world, they turn into screeching harpies who cannot tolerate any variance from their vision of the world.
It really is. Just watched an episode this morning, it's just the same kitchen shown from a different angle.
>it's almost as if
I have never seen a good point follow those words. It's always either something obvious and insipid, or something smug and hollow.
I have one of the screenshots saved in some folder if you really need me to dig it out.
Comedians are 70% bad habits, 30% smug. They confuse cleverness for wisdom, and have little self-control. Add to that mental-illness and depression, and you have a dangerous combination.
You're painting with one heckuva wide stroke, fella.
That actually sounds really interesting. I'd like to read a story like that.
>it's dead
Please tell me there's at least Quake Master porn. I'm thirsty for that bara monster man.
I only followed CQ up until the end of the limbo contest, how close to "the end" was this?
Did it ever get better?
Check rule34.paheal.
A true Yea Forumsmrade
That is not a poor person house.
I wish I could afford a house like that. My flat is nice and all, though I have to share it with two other guys. A house is way out of my scope.
this was a few years ago, but there were like 2 to 3 separate times she passive aggressively would post about a CQ that would happen to be on Yea Forums at the time and about anons saying mean things about it lol. Like, in the end it's only a few dozen anonymous critics who were never going to pay her anything anyway, but she seemed so bitter about it
But if she's been quiet for several years on that kind of stuff and has refrained from passive aggressive behavior since then, I guess something happened in her life to at least adjust her public conduct
I think hussie got it right, reference past work or jokes every few years and so, ita not that obnoxious, makes fans happy and notoriety for you.
But then again, hussie is the master of recurssion
You are a good writer though.
Thanks. I mostly waste it on Yea Forums posts and furry visual novels.
Heckuva lot of people with grudges in this thread
What a cunt
Does she actually think that people saying it was dumb for her to disavow her most famous work are acting on a "grudge?" That's the only way I can see this statement making sense.
She's clearly incapable of accepting criticism and makes decisions that lead to failure later on so if she wants to just blame it on everyone else being "out to get her" I guess that's her choice.
But his face is already a meme
tho a meme almost exclusively used to shit on hussie through success comparison, or play up Toby's success
I could understand how she'd draw that conclusion actually. I looked up 'cucumber quest review' on Google and could only find glowing reviews from blogspot randos, with no real attempts to negatively review it from anyone. There's a few negative reviews on goodreads if you sort by the star rating but that's about it. Its too good to be on bad webcomic wiki and too bad to have lived.
I think painted formats for comics is just too labor intensive for the most part and diminishing returns for the end result. Of course there's something like Ava's Demon but it's not like that's going at a fast speed even with hired help, and authors who attempt stuff like that for that long are borderline autistic savants to be able to tolerate it.
Anyway, this is why most comic artists learn how to ink. Then they can choose to color or hire someone else to do it for them and produce at a much more reasonable pace
>I have a friend who lives in a collection of fucking shipping containers that the government turned into a cheap apartment complex where college students can rent rooms
I heard about those things before, how shit are they?
not that user but I imagine it's not so bad if you live in a state that never gets cold. Otherwise the lack of decent insulation will fuck you over
those show up in lucky penny, don't they?
Holy shit, someone else remembers Kid Radd.
Bless you, man.
I wrote that pasta because Toby's image in that picture is like Gary Oaks level of smug.
the audience of 25 year old soidrinkers and female shota shippers from twitter is oversaturated as fuck
if you want to give a thread a better chance of surviving, fiind a way to turn it into memey bait. for example instead of 'let's discuss enviroment design' try
>draw a mansion
>call it a ghetto
what did she mean by this?
bonus points if you can tie in politics in some way
Here's the thing though, even here people don't think the comic is bad. It's not bad - it's just meh. If it were bad it'd still get daily threads, if it were good it'd get daily threads opposed to these sporadic threads every 6-7 months. It's worst crime is just being poorly paced, and just being boring.
I mean, even in this thread the worst thing people say is that Gigi had a bad temper when she used to obsessively post on Twitter and that's really it.
The houses are very small, but that's not really an issue if there's only 1 person living there. They're not nearly as bad as they sound, honestly.
More like a negative multiplier, bait is good but definitely not politics
This is very true
people aren't even bitching about that latest update being gay
You say that, but he stopped posting regularly once people stopped sucking his dick and left Yea Forums outright once he got feedback on the idea of switching to prose. I remember one user spelling out how his plan (draw fights, script everything else) would actually be more time consuming than drawing the comic.
Turned out they were right.
That's how Yea Forumsmrades work, m8
I know you're taking the piss, but fuck Morbi.
Are there any examples of Gigi being a shithead from more recently? She seems to be more chill nowadays so she could have changed.
Not since ferguson caused tumblr harrassment
She was never a bad person, just a dumb, sheltered young adult. She stopped being a piss because she grew the fuck up.
That was his plan?? Skipping having to draw fights is the main reason you'd swap to script-only to begin with.
But nah, he wrote a bunch of empty paragraphs for everything else, spent like 20-25 comic pages on a completely pointless fight, then went back to text for a few pages before giving up.
The interesting part is that, instead of failing to speed things up, this actually made it take longer than it did before the swap. The fight pages came out at the same rate as befire while prose pages tended to be extremely late and cover even less plot than before. After a year and a half he wasn't even halfway through a single chapter.
The moral of the story is that nothing wastes time quite like trying to save time, and that it's better to work smart than "efficiently." If he got over himself and condensed his storytelling he could have drawn several chapters in a year.
The little dog overtook him. He's no longer Toby, only dog remains.
>Vibrator up Jon's ass
i'm not familiar with this one.
Don't look that one up.
That looks like almost dead, not dead.
so, uh
what program does she use?
>never ever
>implying it won't end with a flash forward to their real wedding
thank you
Her temper was so bad that she started yelling at active Yea Forums threads publicly on more than one occassion. We used to actually have threads for each update, until Gigi kept going crazy and it became impossible to discuss anything in the threads because so many people were going out of their way to bait her for more outraged tweets. This was back around 2014.
Fuck you, Gigi.
8 years for fucking nothing.
8 years just to TL;DR your goddamn audience.
"But user! She's at least giving us the illustrated script!"
Fuck that.
I came for a fucking webcomic.
Fuck you, Gigi.
You wasted everyone's time, including your own.
Don't start what you can't finish.
Good fucking luck with She-Ra.
nothing that would show up in the archives, then? i don't even care that much
It helps to somewhat separate their work from their person as well as somewhat maintain some privacy. It’s how Daft Punk does it - you can look up their real faces on Google, but you don’t see their private lives being a matter of public discussion like a lot of other musicians who put their faces out there 24/7.
i think gigi went 1-100 with deciding to stop drawing the story completely. she could probably have swapped to a more linear style and had an easier time of it. not to mention the fact that the whole thing is hand lettered instead of using a custom font, which is frankly the decision of a lunatic
I don't think we have threads archived back that far anymore. There was a crazy thing that happened during it, one of Gigi's friends posted a screenshot of a post from the thread to twitter instead of another image by mistake, and then a screenshot of that screenshot was posted in the thread.
Yea Forums has a bad history of losing archives. I remember when we had them back through 2009, now I doubt they even go back to 2015.
It really is easier to just draw each letter once.
People pointed out she couldn't finish at the rate she was going like five years ago, user. Your fault for not wising up.
>she could have given someone a few dollars and got a working custom font of her handwriting , thus saving herself many hours of work
hard work really doesn't pay in this life
he's not, brainlet
smart work>hard work
its absolutely retarded, my hand cramps up thinking about it.
But who would you even contact to help make one?
I think that's the worst possible outcome for an artist online - just being mediocre. People don't want to follow down the rabbit hole to see how much worse it could get, and people aren't engaged enough to prioritize reading it.
See, even when there were semi-regular threads I recall them devolving into what we have here essentially. A little discussion on CQ, most of the conversation about how it seems to being going there, then it being about the drama she was stirring and her old work. The comic itself wasn't even the focal point of the threads - it was always Gigi herself. The comic is so much fluff there isn't much too say.
It's a shame she doesn't have a collaborative writing who could really fully form her ideas for her. Her art is gorgeous, it's lovely to look at - but there is an abdunance of beautiful art online. Without a cohesive story it just feels like a waste.
More if you want custom versions for accents.
Pretty sure there are websites that you can use to make them
>I’ll never get to see proper fanart of the waifu orb
Cucumber Quest is a thinly veiled Nintendo JRPG pastiche as is. It's still a video game comic, just boring.
i hope toby fox will help write a comic with her at some point.
i feel like this premise itself could have been great if you cut off a lot of the whimsical filler and maybe told it from a different POV. the villains at least have potential to be very fun characters.
Fuck you.
She was the one who should have wised up.
Whatever you say shill
Nope, still just the kids. Not a single person is horny for Saturday, Rosemaster, Cordelia, Parfait, or Piano, I guess. Honestly baffling to me.
what the fuck is with this Heck and Sweetie talk get fucking bent you fags
I understand thinking the comic is mediocre, but what's with the vitriol in this board when it comes to this one comic?
Supposedly she was "ashamed" of her past jokes.
You could always read the thread
gigi used to be a bit of a passive aggressive cunt a few years ago. Maybe she's still a passive aggressive person among her friends, who knows, but she hasn't put it on any kind of public outlet as far as I know for a few years
unsurprisingly, that doesn't mean bitterheads on Yea Forums would let her past behavior go
I actually do wonder why she didn't try that out at least once. A change to lineart would probably be easy to get used to for the audience since she has strong enough fundamental skills and could probably pull it off. Makes my opinion stronger that she was struggling to kick up enough passion to continue investing work into CQ and it felt oppressive to continue with it
She was fighting with this board on twitter live, it isn't something you forget if you were there for it. I've never seen that happen before.
'fighting' for a handful of cunt-y tweets is a bit overdramatic, isn't it? almost sounds like you take Yea Forums even more seriously than gigi did in her bitch phase
t. Gigi
It was pretty bad back in the day. Just being mad at Yea Forums is fine, plenty people are, but she would go after her own fans for saying "Ya know I kinda wish the pacing was a bit better."
it wasn't a handful, and if I didn't know about the board I would think Gigi was losing her mind for a few hours every couple of weeks. she's learned her lesson yes, but when people wonder why CQ is off the table for discussion on Yea Forums they should probably know why.
I mean the art is incredible and Gigi is talented, no one will deny that, but for me at least the art just ain't my cup of tea.
I honestly don't care that much, I just think it's funny how anons take themselves so seriously on a mongolian leather stamping imageboard, while being mad at gigi for being a cunt who took herself way too seriously
In that case I think a grudge is completely justified if someone tried to approach her directly on twitter/email, in good faith, with well-worded criticisms, and got a cunty or cold response
I remember reading this comic because it seemed like a love letter to games like Paper Mario which it still was at the time. Seeing it turn into generic bishonen OC drama was pretty painful.
You read the scripts of CQ and you can see Gigi has a big story to tell with callbacks and foreshadowing. But it's sort of like Homestuck where if you don't have investment in the characters or plot, then the story is basically just a Rube Goldberg device
Don't know if THAT happened, but Jelloapocalpyse, who was a fan of CQ made a very mild critique of CQ's pacing and got put on blast for it.
>good faith
is such a weird concept. These days everyone is a fucking super spy on the internet. Back in 2014 I was probably one of the vocal critics of CQ, but it was more I just was aghast at how Gigi acted.
Like, to critics, both mild ones like Jello and us edgy structure obsessed 4channers, Gigi would put them on blast. But then she would bend over backwards to appeal retarded cunts on Tumblr who didn't even fucking care about her comic at all, just cared about if it had a tranny in it.
Like, shit. How the fuck do you do that? If you're going to disregard criticism and create your comic with pride, then go all the way. Ignore folks like me on Yea Forums AND ignore the tumblr idiots.
But instead she was in a weird position where she was hostile to people who, if edgy and cliche, had SOME decent advice for her comic, and OVERLY accommodating to teenagers on tumblr who just want to get their rocks off.
Gigi is a hard worker, I think that's what pisses me off so much. I think serialization and over engagement with the fanbase fucking ruined it
I'm not talking about people who wouldn't be into something like CQ in the first place, but saying that for the people who were already there and reading it, that they likely wouldn't mind it if the comic's style changed to lineart-based with color for practicality.
Writing less than a paragraph a day makes your head cramp up just thinking about it?
>I honestly don't care that much, I just think it's funny how anons take themselves so seriously on a mongolian leather stamping imageboard, while being mad at gigi for being a cunt who took herself way too seriously
You're fucking stupid. Stop posting here.
>In that case I think a grudge is completely justified if someone tried to approach her directly on twitter/email, in good faith, with well-worded criticisms, and got a cunty or cold response
That's exactly what happened. Fucking idiot kid.
Hand, user. And it's custom font in a very well drawn comic. It's hard work.
>unsurprisingly, that doesn't mean bitterheads on Yea Forums would let her past behavior go
Why would or should anyone let her past behavior go?
By good faith I mean simply "not malicious". Like, the shitposting about how "all Trigger shows suck ass and are gutter trash" is obviously not in good faith and there's no room there for reasonable discussion. Someone saying "Hmmm I think the pacing could be faster it's kinda slow and plodding" is obviously fine because it's just someone expressing an reasonable opinion. If she put people on blast for that (lmaooooo) I don't blame those people for writing her off from that point forward.
Well, with Yea Forums critique you're going to get literal buzzword arguments, and arguments that aren't afraid to have "no no words" in them but still have validity.
But I've come to accept that any posts written here can be hand waved as bad faith or negative, fine.
Kinda sounds like she got too sucked into the PC rabbit hole and felt like she had to be and active part of "the community" or however she saw it, which of course makes it easier to write off "the enemy" despite whatever crits they had that could've been worth weighing.
Mixed with being too immature and insecure (that need to bend over to accommodate to 'her people') in general to get a fucking grip and pull back when she needed to see a broader perspective. Maybe when she's 35 or something she'll fully mellow out
>all Trigger shows suck ass and are gutter trash
But this is true, Trigger hasn't made a good show yet, KLK was decent and that's about it.
Ninja Slayer was also decent
I love CQ but there is absolutely no way this is gonna go well. I've seen so many comics try and do the script thing and to be fair none of them were very good comics in the first place but anything like that always ends up being the worst point.
Gigi has been going kind of insane online these past few years so I kinda feel bad for her. I hope she realizes that she can just keep having slow updates and is able to come to a good decision instead of freaking out about not putting out enough stuff.
it was a different time
I agree but a most people didn't understand that was a joke series with some genuine cool moments
>Forgetting Inferno Cop
They're old joke comics. It's like tracking down the guy who did the original ffffuuuuuu comic and getting mad at him because he won't make more
I think at the core she mostly just needs to be more secure in herself. Not in the egotistic way she seemed to take it before, but as in not taking statements on her work personally as if they're statements on her as a person.
Not excusing any of her past bratty behavior, and ideally she should own up to it even if it takes many more years, but to some degree I do sympathize with how twitter can amplify someone's neuroticism and make things seem a lot bigger than they actually are to neurotic types. Whether it's from gradually getting more stuck in echo chamber-ing or the general way fast-paced way social media works.
>A comic about a man shitting is the same as a series of video game parodies.
>paper mario as a franchise becomes worth less and less and seems dead now
>CQ is dead now too
The end of Chapter 5 already felt pretty limp dicked, like it just sort of ended without any fanfare. Like Chapter 2, except all the cards are already on the table. The script makes Chapter 5 feel like another mini chapter, like Chapter 4 was. It doesn't bode too well for the remaining story.
sometimes it's blatantly obvious when someone only has internet drama as a reference point for human behaviour
The biggest reason people stick with QC is that for as boring of a writer and inept of an artist as Jaques is, he is consistent. That reliable update schedule goes a long way to cementing your work in someone's routine. The alternate form is what Hussie used to do at the height of his popularity, where he was churning out updates endlessly and at a breakbeck pace. The constant flow of content gets a hold on people, especially in a world where endless competition is a click away
This was a neat rage thread. Before I leave, I shall LEAVE you with this:
Though very unlikely, it is possible she will see the light, and finish the comic properly some day.
Goodbye, beautiful people.
It doesn't even have to be 'proper'. I'd take lineart and comic sans. Despite all it's flaws, I genuinely loved the comic. Maybe I just have bad taste. I'll goddamn do it myself in MS Paint if she won't.
Lineart would probably take more time. Her art looks great but it's decepitvely easy to produce. Characters are just blobs of color.
You can commission things, you know.
drawing out a sketch layout of the page, making sure they're clean and presentable blobs while smoothing out all the rendering to a certain point (with many different colors to account for) definitely takes more time and mental energy than simply drawing a sketch and then inking where you only need to think about black ink, assuming the level of detail is about the same.
how are you so sure?
>she could probably have swapped to a more linear style and had an easier time of it.
>lineart = easier
Yeah no
there's obviously a reason lineart is the common choice for comics though. if it was easier to paint out everything why aren't more people doing it to save time
It sucks to be Weegee.
Honestly, I'd prefer if she just went on a REAL long hiatus and then came back to this later when she has the motivation and time. Even if it meant waiting two-three years that'd be fine honestly.
Illustrated scripts tend to be shitty quick synopsis that leave everyone disappointed, especially when you get into this comic which has 500 things going on at once with no real end in sight.
Because the most mainstream comics have a much more complex and detailed style than Cucumber Quest.
Cucumber Quest has an incredibly simple style that is tailor-made for doing quick paintings of. Taking this page as an example, we see that most of the characters are made of simple shapes and 2D forms. The shading is either absent or is very simplistic cel-shading like we see in panels 2 and 6. And lastly, there is no rendering, which is the most time consuming process of digital painting. For most digital painters just painting in the sketch and adding basic shading is the "blocking in" phase, and is a relatively quick process compared to rendering.
If you aren't an artist, and especially if you're not familiar with digital painting, it's easy to get the idea that painted = more time. But that's not the case at all for many artists. Lineart can be a very time consuming process because it must be precise and tightly executed with a simplistic style like Gigi's. Most of the background foliage in panel 1 could be easily painted with just a few brush strokes, and would take longer to draw as precisely with just lineart. When she does do lineart, like in her Lady of the Shard Comic, likes are sketchy and not fully connected, which would make full-color difficult.
I tried copying her style myself just now, and pic related only took me about ~5 minutes. Not trying to diminish her as an artist or show off, mine is very flawed, but this is just to show that her style is highly optimized for digital painting. Any digital painter with a bit of experience could paint this simplistically very quickly.
Gigi should have gotten a team together and loaded off responsibilities towards them.
Unless she did but she was so toxic to work for they all quit
I think anyone that wants to start a comic should read this. Not because it is very good (it's alright, super woke if you're into that), but because somehow she was able to tell a complete story in one volume. We ordered this for a newly expanded manga and comics section in our library and I read this and was shocked that it actually concluded.
Webcomics are honestly just a terrible format for stories, it sucks but I really believe this. I think something like this comic in particular might make a good storytime if only for educational purposes, the subject matter is a bit dull but the author told her story with remarkable economy. I'm sure Gigi was burnt out on CQ after 8 years.
>Lineart can be a very time consuming process because it must be precise and tightly executed with a simplistic style like Gigi's.
not really if you spend enough time on it and use stabilizer. disney artists managed it fine on tight schedules
Do you think something like Homestuck's or Prequels visual novel 'pesterlogs' format would be better suited for a comic?
Or how about starting a comic as an illustrated storybook? Mostly prose with some pictures?
Regular comic format isn't working out for a lot of creators.
Most ""lineless"" art is traced over sketches. Made with lines.
>Regular comic format isn't working out for a lot of creators.
Nah, it's working just fine.
It's just that a lot of creators are inept
There's a difference in you shitting out a sketch with no context and composing a comic page you moron. Not to mention you can see she's changing colour palettes to fit the scene all the time.
She's sketching everything beforehand and then needs her blobs to fit the page and colour requirements.
Based user for putting his money where his mouth is
A lot of the newer pages have mood lighting and shading though
Yes, and a sketch is different from lineart. The point of a sketch is that it is done quickly as a basis for the rest of the finished drawing. The lineart is another process that takes longer than doing a sketch.
All of that time and effort down the drain