My internet is bad so bear with me if this takes forever.
Hurry up OP
Aw yeah, here we go.
Ultra wormhole?!
I excluded myself from the last thread. Was there another meltdown like in #10?
The thread died before there could be one.
I don't think so. It got to the point where it felt like it was over, but no one was really sure if it was over or not so we kept going. Then the thread died before it could feel like it ended again.
He has a CAPE! Confirmed evil.
I just remember some guy saying that there were too many conflicting endings.
A cape with shoulder pads no less. That's like double evil.
Does the collar make it more evil or less?
Collars are more of a smug accessory if you ask me.
Hater has PTSD something fierce.
It's superfluous but ultimately it adds an extra dimension of nefariousness.
Ahh. I guess all the decades of being shafted were too much for porygon.
Moore was always an ally of Ray, we saw so all the way back in issue 6.
Huh, all those "five years later"s really added up.
We must've had at least three of those.
The thing that I hope gets in most is soon.
Is this the Evangelion of Yea Forums?
No. That's something else.
And before you ask the Jojo of Yea Forums is Doom Patrol.
It's more of a homegrown Tails Got Trolled.
Which is?
I'm hoping what's on the silver platter will come into play soon.
I'm going to step away from my computer and let it cool down for a little bit. Hopefully that'll help my internet connection.
We'll keep it bumped
Splash pages of bad guy monologues are my fetish.
Damn straight
I wonder if this is going to end up being a cliffhanger or not.
I'm still hoping for the Rodney Dangerfield ending.
I’m holding out hope for the daily dose.
We already got the daily dose last issue.
I sure hope someone does this time since I have to go to bed and can't be up all night trying to keep the thread from dropping off the board.
I really don't want to find the thread gone or unfinished when I finally have time to check it again.
That would be really disappointing.
I hope OP ended it on the Fred stinger, with some creative liberties it'd be kino
>its the last
Perhaps some brave soul would take the responsability of continuing this masterpiece
Don’t be sad that it’s over. Be glad that it happened.
>A Emotional
Oh I am so pissed right now!
And I don’t mean I have to take a piss.
Well, actually I do, but that’s not what I meant!
Donald Trump
Gotta give this a bump.
Bumping this bump
This can't be the last thread. That would fucking suck.
Because you don't like the potential endings it might have?
The likes of OP grace us but once maybe a decade.
Good thing this is the last year of this decade then.
Good luck Bumping
Yes, luck.
I need a ____
A bump.
I feel as if this method of bumping the thread will end up making someone think the thread is just spam and it'll be unceremoniously deleted before OP returns and finishes this.
Yeah would be best to actually have a discussion.
Good point.
Which ending does everyone think that OP is going to use?
Where do you think OP will choose to end it at?
Do you think Nomura, as a part of the story, was salvaged well enough to not feel as forced anymore?
Considering how this is being advertised as the last issue, I don’t think OP is going to do the Fred Jones cliffhanger.
And considering what comes after that, well, he might go after that since he mentioned the sauce wall in one of the pages already.
Hopefully he gets some rest after this
Hopefully he goes though with the rest of the therapy.
Bumping again.
And again
I hope OP is okay.
If you're seein' things
Sleepin' in your bed
Oh shit
Don't let it die
I can only give it a bump before bed and hope someone else keeps it up through the night.
We got you covered bro
Don't rush him
I know that the wait will be worth it.
We all do, we just have to be patient
I love that shit too
(This is my last bump tonight, now it's someone else's turn)
And another morning bump.
I wonder if OP's laptop broke.
I hope not
We've waited for longer before.
It's been over a day. What's the deal?
Is OP dead? I hope not.
Life is like that sometimes.
He's probably not dead.
You never know.
If the thread dies, he could always just make a new one. I’m going to keep bumping though.
I'll also keep bumping.
We have many bumps still to use.
I hope the waits worth it.
And we're prepared to wait longer for this based comic to conclude (if you wanna reply to this wait until like page 8)
OP's track record is solid.
Sorry I acted like everyones dad earlier and left
Fuck yeah!
The important thing is you came back.
I'm crossing my fingers hoping President Taft made it in.
Is that really the last page of this issue, or are you just pulling my arm?
So is this the actual end or is there going to be another issue?
If it's not then OP lied in the OP.
Ahhhh, he's just fuckin' with us.
This fucking guy!
I have SEVERAL questions!
Either the auditors or President Taft.
I have hopes for what happens next, but I know it's not likely.
I would like to be right though.
Hate's great. Best villain.
You know what that means?
It means he's going to get sued.
It has reached critical mass, just as I have reached the limit to the amount of time I can be awake if I want to be able to get up for work in the morning.
Will Manhattan have gotten the futa porn and achieved erection?
>Retcon Ray passed up being friends with Lord Hater for trolls and Yea Forumstards
Fuck this guy
>Rape this guy
Here it comes...
I've been planning on reading all this ever since you began but I told myself it would never end. But knowing that this is the end. . .OP I really appreciate what you made. Comics are a fucking pain to make and your drawing and writing seemed consistent. I'll be sure to binge read all your issues in your honor.
Someone should ask a drawfag to color this in
I’m guessing this page is probably why this issue took a bit longer to come out.
Worth it.
Okay this is epic
It's also a 50 page issue, the other ones have been around 20-30.
Good point.
The word has been thrown around a lot, but this issue was the definition of kino
So is this the final page, or is there anything else?
I'm sure there'll be a couple pages left
>very likable rotating cast of major characters
>great villains
>lots of fun exciting action
>intense final battle
>everything comes together nicely at the end
>asspulls come off as entertaining and not aggravating
>plot points introduced in earlier issues come back later on
LMAC is everything good about shonen with none of the stupid Japanese shit nobody likes
LMAC is the only good Yea Forumsllaboration there’s ever been.
Thank you for this wonderful experience OP.
That's a wrap! I'll post some covers in a bit.
>felt my heart move at this
This was the best comic I've read in ages, you're a real one OP. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you end up happy.
Bravo OP, amazing effort
I'm going to spend the rest of the night getting smashed, if anyone has any questions or wanna know the secret behind my fourth grader quality art, I'll be happy to answer.
Why do this in the first place? Was this some dare you took? Genuine passion?
Read a ton of McCloud and just wanted to get better at sequential art at first. Friends thought it was funny, and it's great practice so I kept going.
would you do any mini-comics if we threw out some suggestions?
Sure, why not?
Thank you man!
Wolverine gets thrown at the Eiffel Tower by Goku, and slices the tower into pieces that go into the air before landing in the shape of a Q, which perplexes many characters who see and try to make sense of it.
Wolverine declares that he will not be explaining.
Are you going to do a cover for this issue?
Scud discusses his popularity with the less common characters that have shown up in these comics, and they state their theories for why he shows up more often than they do.
Garfield has stolen a police car and is chasing what appears to be a teenage mutant ninja turtle, but not any of the ones we've ever seen before, this one uses a naginata for no clear reason besides standing out from the regular 4.
Hooray for American football.
Calvin and Hobbes rob a Liquor Store
10/10 OP
What are your inspirations?
Alright! He made it in after all.
President Taft with his pokemon team consisting of Snorlax, Hariyama, and Guzzlord?
One of the better comics I've read this decade. Sad there wont be more.
Marie Kanker and Tayuya torture Fred with their smelly and hairy armpits, cocks, and balls.
“So which of us smells worse?” asks Marie.
“His mouth is probably too full of smegma to talk,” Tayuya says.
“Then how about we help him wash it down?” “I think that’s a great idea, Marie!”
They both piss all over him and laugh.
This issue was very interesting, thank you OP. I’d really like if you did this, but as always, I understand if you choose not to.
>mario’s reflection
Bump since I don't know if OP is going to post covers for issue 11 and for volume 2 as a whole.
Are you gonna make covers for Issue 11 and Vol.2?
I'm kind of surprised how Giorno and Spider-Ham got some good screentime (I'm even surprised Giorno got in issue 10), thought they would be a one of a kind deal
Giorno and Spider-Ham doing auditions for Bluntman and Chronic
Is the pussy tight?
A frog in a car finds a cucumber.
Also, Boba Fett is drinking a boba drink, and asks “What are frogs?”
According to it’s possible there could be another.
Hey, OP, would you mind if, hypothetically, other people did this sort of thing until your possible return?
Anons have been doing this sort of thing for years, just never on a scale as grand as this before.
The big problem has always been commitment to seeing it through to the end.
Whoa, look at this.
Also, anybody wanna share their favorite moments from this or any of the previous issues?
>Pac gets shot...Again (always lose my sides)
>That one panel where it zooms in on Guillermo del Toro smacking his lips as he imagines raping Martian Manhunter
>Ross, Star Platinum and Scud vs Fred
>Everything about the fight against Golden Biggie
>Spider-Ham Experience Requiem
>Samuel L Jackson vs Baseball God
>Demoman vs. Christopher Robin
>"It doesn't get any better than this"
The fight against radical Alucard.
The Doctor Strange jerking off actually being an important plot point in volume one instead of a one off joke is fucking brilliant.
Comparing the first issue to the last, there's a world of difference. You improved throughout the run OP!
Still curious if we'll be getting covers.
Not planning on making the volume 2 mega until after this thread is gone either way.
So what was better, volume one or two? I love how wild two got.
One had the Tupac Biggie fight, so have to go with that
Good question, I can't really say since I was only around for the end of 1, but I got to be in all of 2, and I haven't gone back to read the rest of 1 yet.
Hard to say. Volume 2 is more polished since OP got better as he went along, but volume 1 has more slap-dash madness.
So what's the most memorable moment of volume one and volume two for you?
Bumping still.
Because there are still people on this board RIGHT NOW who pass this over continuously.
Be glad this is underground and not something a lot of people need to shit up
>volume one
Everything with Goku
>volume two
The card game
It's over (for now), so they can't shit it up anyway.
So we had a mystery noir story, a sports story, a two part tournament story, a beach episode, a race story, a battle of the bands story, a court house comedy story, a children's card game story, a prison break story, an election story, and an apocalypse story.
And a few weddings as well
I like how LMAC has so many 'accidental lore' moments
>Issue 2 ends with Goku charging a spirit bomb
>He later becomes one of the protagonists of the following issues and kills Thanos with the Spirit bomb
>The king of Bumblefuck Land and Hater were sidelined in every story
>They pretty much saved the universe by the end of the day
>Goku likes Tupac in issue 3
>Turns out he was actually trained by Tupac
>Astroboy having ligma was a joke I made
>Ligma ended up becoming a powerful force that manifests in most villains of the series, powering Joker and Fred
>Fred is revealed to be Radical Alucard in issue 5
>Every issue has at least Fred in some disguise/shape
>It also sets up issue 6, making issues 4-6 into a trilogy
>Fred says that he has a Smash Bros invitation letter in issue 4
>The same letter is used by Nomura in Issue 11
>Grant Morrison tries to kill Retcon Ray, claiming to Alan Moore that Ray would destroy everything
>Ray wipes out the universe in issue 10
>Ross couldn't use Star Platinum to save Astroboy from Fred
>Decides to go with the gang to defeat Fred, presumably to avenge Astroboy
>It's a recurring joke in issue 8 that everyone loves Krillin, including the literal Antichrist
>Krillin is shown as a ravager in issue 11, meaning Retcon Ray spared Krillin from the genocide because he liked him
>Doctor Strange's masturbation
>Bendis explains everything
>Bendis unintentionally lead to his own demise by suggesting/explaining Stan Lee to do a reboot
>Fred fucked Retcon Ray's attempts to retcon the tournament of power
>Fred would then kill off Ray by feeding him to his chicks
No one ever realized that Dracula's moon base in issue 5 was a Dr. McNinja reference.
No one probably knows that Florida Man's emotional support shotgun is a reference to something.
I have doubts that anyone realized Thought Machine Abraham Lincoln is both a reference to Thought Machine Superman and King of Mars from Adventure Time (both I thought I was being obvious about).
Those are all very obscure to be fair
I know about king of mars Abraham Lincoln from the original Adventure Time, but I don’t know what thought machine superman is.
Thought Machine Superman is a thing that comes up in power level wanking conversations, sort of like a precursor by several years to Gohan Blanco.
I still don't get it.
The only shotgun reference I can think of is this. I don't know where it's from, but here you go.
That's probably a better reference than the one I had in mind when I threw it out there.
This is the Florida Man and his crew from Ennui GO!
Villain Based Rankings:
>Golden Biggie
>Gay Aliens
>Radical Alucard
>Kangaroo Jack
>God of Baseball
>Egg Plant Warden
>Fonzie being that low
He was one of the few entertaining things to come out of Vol.2 (heck, issue 8 felt like an issue from Vol.1); he's way higher than the Gay Aliens and Nomura in my opinion
Nomura had the best character arc though
worst to best, or best to worst?
Or is this a power scale? In which case, strongest to weakest, or weakest to strongest?
I think it's in terms of raw destructive power.
well according to neither of you are inherently right or wrong.
Anywhere to read the previous issues?
Check the archives, or the Yea Forumsnservatory
Volume two is pleb filter, it has the best stand alone issues.
What happened to Ultra and Mecha Takeshi? Aren't they villains?
That's like saying Handsome Tulio was a villain, they're forces of nature.
Takeshi and a literal who from an obscure cartoon are forces of nature? Never knew that.
>handsome tulio
I was talking about how an user had some obscure character pilot Ultra Takeshi.
Bump, because.
There's links to all the archived threads and mega links for downloading the issues.
Once this thread is gone I'll make a mega for volume 2 to replace the individual issue DL links on the page.
That was weird.
What WASN’T weird?
Thanks doc
The greatest contribution I feel I made to this series was getting Scud in it. I still have no idea how or why he become so prominent.
He's the perfect character for any situation. He just... works.
Are you saying I have a point, or are you answering by saying an example of something that wasn’t weird was “point”?
Damn it bendis I thought they didn't bring you back
I’m not bendis, I’m just not sure what gou meant because that wasn’t a complete sentence.
Alucard and Fred are the same person, but other than that, spot on
He's saying you had a point.
Okay then.
Issue 5 Radical Alucard is Fred, but the real one shows up in Issue 9
Pb 82
That is lead, yes?
And how biggie comes back in a cameo in issue 10 implies Pac and him patched it all up.
It's Yea Forums's AKIRA
Watch TESUO and KANEDA show up next time to scream at each other.
So are we just waiting for OP to deliver the covers and mini comics now?
I'm hoping for the covers so the volume 2 mega can be a truly complete collection the first upload.
Well, we'll see if that'll happen.
Here's the cover for the issue guys, sorry about the wait!
Fuckin tits
It would seem so.
But seriously, would like a list of which characters are in there, and maybe something to let me know which ones are which, because I don't recognize all of them, and could be wrong on some of the others anyway,
Pretty sure the dude in the middle is Retcon Ray
Well I know that, but there are some I can't identify.
>Pixar lamp
Holy shit I'm dying
Here's these
I didn't notice that until you pointed it out.
This is why I need a character list!
>Angry Elephant
>Dr. Pig
>Wonder Woman
>Gay ayy
>Ultra man
>Handsome Squidward
>Astro Boy
>Hank Hill
>God of Baseball
>Dr. Piccolo
I love this
Where's Waluigi?
Hidden behind the C.
Where's my family?
In the real world.
Where’s Carmen Sandiego?
Wrapped around Waldo's dick.
And where’s he?
Balls deep in Carmen Sandiego.
But whatever happened to Robot Jones?
In terms of how based they are
Bump 4 mini comics
Did Nomura come back with everyone else, or was he F?
I don't see him in the big come back page, so he's probably gone for now.
Sad, he grew to be my favorite.
I don't think anyone saw him turning over a new leaf coming. Part of the fun of this was getting to twist the story in ways no one expected.
Top ten anime fights (Updated)
>Goku and Gohan Blanco vs Golden Biggie
>Fonzie and Nomura's Yu Gi Oh match
>Everyone versus Retcon Ray
>Oswald vs Marmaduke
>The baseball game
>Shrek vs the universe 7 team
>Fred vs Star Platinum and Scud
>Mario vs Mecha Takeashi
>Pentacop vs his wife in the car
>Joker vs Shaggy and Handsome Squidward
Should I do a complete saga storytime to celebrate the ending?
I'd wait until after at least this thread is well and truly done.
Who knows when it'll be done, I say do it.
I'm doing it
So you are But that thread won't bump for you.
I'm still going to bump this thread.
You're a hero
as will I.
Good, because I'm going to bed.
I don't actually think OP will do the mini comics, but I still don't know if the thread is well and truly over yet.
Well I'm hoping he does. Either way, this thread still has some potential, so I'm keeping it alive.
Here's something random, don't tell anyone I made this for you.
Okay, thanks.
I don’t get it
There's nothing to get you dunce it's just a good ass alt. cover
the cover of the issue as an middle-fold
What are you smoking?
I won't tell anyone, thanks!
weed and cigarettes
But why not just smoke a blunt
Is there a link to the whole series?
An user is storytiming the whole thing, and has done the first 6 issues so far
Obligatory K I N O post
After the thread is over I'll put a mega link for volume 2 on the wiki page. There's already a mega link for volume 1 on there.
Thank you for your service archive user
I'm still going to bump it though.
So will I
Issue ranking (bottom to top)
>Issue 6
>Issue 10 + Issue 11
>Issue 5
>Issue 3
>Issue 2
>Issue 8
>Issue 1
>Issue 4
>Issue 9
>Issue 7
Also my fave char is Goku but I liked how Giorno ended up being better than the actual Giorno (and it looks like OP liked him judging by how he appeared in a lot of cameos and covers post-8)
>Goku, Gohan, Iwata, Tupac and Ruber vs Golden Biggie
Fixed that for you
Not bad.
So which issues did what again?
Copy pasted from the wiki
Issue 1 - Penti-cop must arrest the villainous KEK-HOLD!
Issue 2 - The king of Bumblefuckland's day at the ball game is interrupted by the Dark Lord of Baseball himself!
Issue 3 - Goku must assemble a team for the Tournament of Power II while gay aliens invade the Earth!
Issue 4 - The Tournament of Power II begins! Continuity is destroyed when characters clash in this crossover event!
Issue 5 - Scud, the disposable assassin, is determined to kill Dracula! Will world peace be achieved?!
Issue 6 - Robbie Rotten (may he rest in peace) descends from Heaven and decrees there will be a race to decide the new #1!
Annual - The Battle of the Bands awakens an ancient evil! Only an equally powerful force of destruction can hope to stop it, but at what cost?!
Issue 7 - The next generation of shitposting! Watch as this thrilling tale is taken to court over its own plot!
Issue 8 - The Anti-Christ is summoned! The Shadow Games begin! And Giorno Giovanna gets high!
Issue 9 - What's worse than being in jail? Being forced to participate in Japanese game shows, while still in jail!
Issue 10 - The Pet Primaries are in fully swing, but there's trouble in the editor's room. What's the worst that could happen?
Issue 11 - The universe can't handle all these retcons!
Wait you can't say cuck anymore?
Okay, can you explain your reasoning for why you ranked them the way you did?
I'm not that same user, my list is somewhat different.
Issue 8 should be considered a national treasure. What's your rankings?
>What's your rankings?
I honestly can’t decide.
I don't get why a lot of people don't like 4, it's the issue that gave us Fred and Tupac
im right there with you, it has its moments, like Optimus Propane, and Bendis. I think Retcon Ray's first appearance was 4 as well.
>gave us Fred
And that’s why.
At first he was a fun villain, but then, even after he was defeated in 6, he kept coming back because we didn’t want him to leave, even though he ended up overstaying his welcome and hogging the spotlight until we booted him out again, only for him to return again and repeat the process.
We get it, he’s an iconic villain for the series, but sometimes a villain’s death just has to stick and let the story move on!
This is why I think Norman Osborn should’ve stayed dead.
He was regulated to just cameos after 6, I don't think he even appeared again until 10.
He showed up in 8 as the pizza box, he was mentioned in 9, he showed up in 10 and got faced with a fine from the villain's association, he showed up in 11 as a snake.
No he's a bird, Ray was the snake.
But still, he showed up a lot, almost as much as Goku, to the point where they were booted from the plot with excuses.
I thought Scud was way over exposed comparatively for having no real prominence in the story. At least Goku and Fred served a purpose.
You were the one booting them, weren't you?
Only once.
does anyone have a link of all the issues?
Can we post everything we created?
because I made something on MS Paint I posted on [s4s] the other day and I want to share it with Yea Forums
Is it LMAC related?
Here you go!
Happy reading, enjoy the autism!
Yeah of course you can no ones going to stop you. But this isn't a "share what I've created" thread, it's LMAC which is where the OP would make entire threads into actually pretty decent comics.
It's an anime parody, well let's go!
here are the characters.
Sure buddy go ahead
>pretty decent comics
He turns them into the highest quality of shonen anime you pleb
Well I will just post it to entertain you waiting for new pages of LMAC.
Is it a comic?
user, LMAC is already over. Were you even paying attention?
an MS paint comic, I'm basically parodying stereotypes and making some references.
Nice man, keep posting
Well this is much longer than I thought it would be, I'll give you that.
It's the last one I made.
Read Final Crisis: Superman Beyond
It's basically a giant fuck-off mechsuit that's literally bigger than the entire DC universe and is literally powered by the very idea that The Good Guy Always Wins, which means it's literally unbeatable as long as it's fighting something unambiguously and purely evil
I genuinely don't get it, found it unengaging with the ms paint layout, but hey keep making comics. Do you have any plans for this or is it a random thing?
I will probably create another thread on |s4s] with new pages, I do that just for fun.
though they loved it and even created some fan art about, it was unexpected and I liked it.
Truth right there.
That's cool, keep at it
Those are just fun harmless cameos, he never hijacked the plot or anything, regardless of how many anons were trying to force him in.
I feel Nomura's affinity with card games is understated since there was an entire Kingdom Hearts game with mechanics centered around cards.
We all forgot about that game
I didn't even know about it until after the fact.
Imagine my surprise, the one who suggested the children's card game, that Nomura made a game about such things are one point. Like the comic just wants to have lore and meta stuff regardless of what the people throwing ideas into the mix actually know.
Meme magic is real
I didn’t.
I was reminded when 3 came out earlier this year, but quickly proceeded to forget about it again.
Pretty KINO if I do say so myself.
I literally got most of my knowledge from a good enough summary, so unlike Sora, I remember that game.
That was supposed to be a funny joke. Did it work?
As someone who doesn't understand Kingdom Hearts at all, I don't get it.
Oh, well then that's fine.
You're probably better off.