ITT comics you've NEVER seen discussed here
ITT comics you've NEVER seen discussed here
It rarely gets discussed anywhere else. Bad/lack of reprints and Chaykin not gaining any new fans after the 80/90s
Yeah I remember that there was constantly talks of reprints and it took years for it to finally happen. And Chaykin is Chaykin, you just accept him or you don't. Posturing Woke Comics crowd whined about his Divided States and Itchy Bacca and the somewhat more right-leaning crowd were upset about something Chaykin said about Star Wars, on that Disney Star Wars is Dumb blog.
I thought right wing people hated Star Wars
I liked the comic, great art
That was a really fun time to get into comics because a new world was opening up. That and DNAgents were my introduction to comics outside of Marvel and DC.
That's only a recent development. Throughout the 70s, 80s, 90s and even 2000s and early 2010s, The Left constantly vilified Star Wars as a reactionary male power fantasy about restoring monarchy and a fallen Republic and wrote whole essays about how The Empire were the good guys. They constantly bitched about Leia being a princess, Christian imagery and The Force bastardizing Eastern beliefs, stereotypes in the prequels, Lando not getting enough screentime. I could go on forever.
There were some right-wingers who hated Star Wars, but those were mostly crazies like Phil Phillips and Berit Kjos who saw satanic messages in literally everything. The whole "Star Wars is progressive" meme didn't start until 2014 when teasers about the diversity in Force Awakens caused backlash (much of it just trolling) and when Rogue One retconned everything.
only when he's a trap
The only reason I even found out about it was because there was a preview of it in one of the Nexus comics I was reading. Was pleasantly surprised with how good it was.
It is rare that I see threads devoted to the first Superman or Spiderman comics.
What? We have discussions about Ditko's Spider-Man all the time, jokes about Peter coming off as a school shooter waiting to happen are practically a meme at this point.
There is this one idiot who constantly goes on about how ''none of Spider-Man's original enemies are used anymore'' who clearly has no idea what he's talking about, but he's about as well liked as Tommy on here.
Maybe that guy is Tommy Ladderbro.
Most First Comics were quality, supposedly
They only had a few comics but yeah, they were all good, at least the first wave. Jon Sable was amazing and Grimjack was also great. Then later on Starlin brought Dreadstar over which was the centerpiece of Epic.
The problem with First is it all happened in those first couple years. Those hits faded or ran their course and then First died because they had nothing to replace them with.
The only time I ever read about the Ultraverse on here lately is when someone remembers that Marvel bought them and wonders whether we'll ever see the characters again. Of that, I usually only ever see Ultraforce come up, probably because it had an awesome cartoon. I love Marvel, but I hate that they killed my favorite publisher of all time. I loved the whole backstory of most of the original super-heroes being killed offscreen before anyone even knew anything about them. Mantra was amazing. Most of their titles were. Prime was my favorite Superman knockoff of all time. The villains actually felt menacing. Top talent from all across the industry was working at Malibu, so I'm not surprised.
At least nineties-era Valiant has been getting love on here lately, thanks whoever is storytiming X-O! Please do Turok next!
Get outta here son. A kindly user story timed this for me about a decade ago. Grew to love it so Godamn much and it introduced me to Chaykin.
Would American Flagg work as a TV show in today's world? Or would the "woke" crowd complain about it? You have a Jewish protagonist, a supporting cast is either strong females, African Americans, Mexicans, or not human at all. The only complaints I could see is that the primary antagonist organization (not the Plex, but the other evil organization) is literally ANTIFA, which is described in the series as more extreme Democrats.
Remember when he turned into a pony and Yea Forums lost his mind?
>it took years for it to finally happen.
didn't they just do the first eight issues or so?
One co-creator of Prime is dead and the other is in prison for child porn.
So yeah, Marvel's going to keep that buried for even longer than they already have.
Image did two hardcovers that only covered the first 14 issues of the original series. Dynamite did one large hardcover that only did the first 12. The other 50+ issues have never been collected as far as I know.
Huh. Thanks for giving me something to google and read about. Even with that, I don't think that would destroy the character necessarily. People like the Doors and Jim Morrisson was a monster, allegedly. Same deal with Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Mel Gibson, and lots of other artists.
Ghoul was my favorite Ultraverse hero. After the buyout, I was always hoping for him and Terror, Inc. to interact in some way. Speaking of, that's another book I never see discussed here. Has Terror shown up in anything recently? I know he had a 2007 MAX book but that's all I can think of.
I don't remember anyone ever mentioning anything about how Spiderman isn't actually spelled with the hyphen or how Uncle Ben never actually said his famous quote.
That bullshit meme garbage you're referencing obviously does not count for shit.
He was one of Deadpool's sidekicks for a while.
I thought they hated Battlestar Galactica?
Whoa, calm down lad.
I'm going to need a big ass citation needed for that one, buddy. As far as I can remember, any hot takes like that were roundly ignored by literally everyone. Star Wars was, at best, the greatest science fantasy series of the 20th Century and at worst, a dumb Buck Rogers rip-off for kids. Star Wars was literally a movie series EVERYONE loved; you were only ostracized about it if you kept all your Kenner toys from when you were a kid or gave a shit about the Extended Universe.
Oh shove it up your ass you fascist Prince hater
>omnibus never
DC fucking sucks
ones supposedly in development
how did so many of these get published and not remembered at all
It kinda could work depending on what they keep in. I would say both the Woke Comics Twitter and people trying to bandwagon on Comicsgate would be complaining. Chaykin probably wouldn't and shouldn't be giving a fuck about them, though.
They didn't keep it in print.
This was a HUGE hit in the 80s.
Chaykin interviews are so great, he doesn't give a fuck about anything
I may think that his art isn't as great as his 80's/90's stuff and I'll disagree with him on things, but I think he has far more earned the right to do what he wants and say what he wants compared to so many fucking awful people who grandstand about being morally right.
Kind of? Paradox press stuff is kind of weird in that way they had many important books but no one talks or remembers them.
They did Road to Perdition which got that big movie with Tom Hanks.
There was also Stuck Rubber Baby which while important at the time faded from memory and is only ever brought up as important gay comic but even then I see more people talk about Northstar in Alpha Flight than this.
Though I like the big books the most just to see what creators did for them you have Howard Porter basically dod an NTR blacked story, and Doug Moech going on big conspiracy tangents.
and he has integrity which is so rare in any entertainment industry
> and when Rogue One retconned everything
Like what?
And R1 actually did diversity really well unlike the new Trilogy.
>and Doug Moech going on big conspiracy tangents.
That was probably the best book to give him to work on. I remembered when SDCC had a Doug Moench panel, he was talking about stuff like the conspiracy theories of the JFK Assassination, stuff like that.
I remember he did a Moon Knight miniseries in the late 90's that had Texiera art and was dealing with alien conspiracies.
Anyone else here like the Ghostbusters comics?