What’s your ideal Justice League line-up?

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>Guy Gardner as GL

>Guy and Wally

What you see pictured minus Aquaman and Manhunter. Just the big 5, all killer no filler.

>Lex Luthor
Regular members would come by sometimes as a support cast.

Anyone but this roster

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>What you see pictured minus Aquaman and Manhunter. Just the big 5, all killer no filler.

See, I have to disagree. You need at least 2 or 3 filler characters.
The Big 5 are your meat and potatoes and need to be the center of things, but you need a little seasoning and garnish to give the team some extra flare and keep it from getting stale.

Can you give me a rundown on the differences between Wally and Barry?

Barry is the silver-age Flash, and is therefore inherently better

>Martian Manhunter
>Jessica Cruz
>Aquaman & Mera
>Blue & Gold
>Cyborg because of course
A bit overstuffed, but that's my ideal roster. I'm a sucker for books that can handle huge teams without feeling too crowded. And I dig Snyder's run for having Arthur and Mera together, it just feels natural.

There is no need since Batman can solo everyone of them and replace them.

Barry is the original Flash of the Silver Age, Wally started off as his sidekick, it wasn’t until Crisis on Infinite Earths, that Wally became the Flash after Barry’s death, with Wally’s series consisting of his journey to replacing Barry and taking on a role of his own, meanwhile Barry had remained dead for over 20 years real time, only appearing in stories set before COIE and occasionally alternate universes. It wasn’t until Final Crisis that Barry came back, most Flash fans tend to prefer Wally, enjoying his character more and finding Barry somewhat bland, and are displeased with current choices done to his character

Toss in Booster Gold and it's the perfect lineup.

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Is Oberon standing on something?

Power Girl
Flash (Wally)

It has to MASSIVE. Like 30+ characters.

Ah forgot Tempest and Arsenal.

JLU style where they have pretty much everyone on the roster at once

I like the JLU concept of a huge headquarters for the hero community, rather than just a tower for the 7 gods.

Still, as far as a standard line up goes, I prefer the one in your picture, whenever one of them is missing the League feels incomplete.

When did they remove Martian Manhunter for Cyborg?

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Fuck off, Dini & Timm.

New 52, not sure why Cyborg specifically,

They needed a black guy.

Yeah but not sure why Cyborg, should have gone for Firestorm or Vixen or at least make him like TT 2003

OP, you lineup is pretty solid. Only thing I'd do is add in some B-Listers to cycle in and out as the plot demands, like they're not in every story, but they're there when you need them. I'd suggest:
Booster Gold
Blue Beetle
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel
The Atom

There, now you can swap somebody out if you need to for whatever reason (maybe the writer doesn't feel like writing Green Lantern today, or maybe the writer wants to write a larger scale story that needs an extra guy or two), or even do a fun once a year story where the B-Team gets together and stops a bad guy themselves.

He was the black guy in one of the Super Friends seasons.

>They needed a black guy.
>"Hang on guys, aliens aren't diverse. We need more human diversity."
>mfw eventually they'll remove Superman because Kryptonians aren't diverse enough

>Element Man
>Lady Hawk
>Johnny Quick
>Minute Man
>Mister Miracle

Aside from what has been said about timelines, another big difference is personality and charisma. Barry is a nice guy and a dork, he is also "the fastest flash" and and suffers the Superman problem, but without the same levels of moral problems to keep him in good faith. Which is why a lot of people prefer that he retire and pass the mantle on to Wally, who is not the fastest flash. Wally is more a class clown, very spunky and charismatic out the ass. Him not being the fastest also allows for his villains to get a leg up on him without people going "why didn't he just outfast them?".

Basically it boils down to do you want a powerful but slightly lacking in terms of personaloty flash, or a weaker but fun guy flash.

Nobody in any industry considers aliens from other planets diverse, especially if they look like a generic, white guy. Now if they're an alien but look like a black guy then that would be a different story.

God, I dream of the day Vixen is a part of the starting 7, if only because that animal power trait is my shit! So much room to get creative there

I’m pretty sure Wally’s supposed to be faster, didn’t Flash War confirm it’s because he just enjoys the Speed Force

That’s only 6.

>Now if they're an alien but look like a black guy then that would be a different story.
Does purple count?

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Wonder Woman
Flash (Wally)
John Stewart

>John Stewart

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I'm sorry, but the animated series made me like him.

Is using Kid Flash really that out of the ordinary?

You just posted it

“Filler” isn’t the right word. Maybe insurance.

Wally, John, J'onn, Karen, Dinah, Curtis, Mera.

Hey Dan.

Fuck off.

Yeah, my understanding is that when Wally first became The Flash, he was nowhere near as fast as Barry, and could only approach the speed of sound, rather than being lightspeed.

But with time, especially after the "Speed Force" was introduced, he mastered it and surpassed Barry and became the fastest.

Batman, Superman and wonder woman join the team and whateve about 3 or 4

>Kingdom Come Superman
>Red Son Superman
>All-Star Superman
>Silver Age Superman
>Jeans and T Shirt Superman
>Fleischer Superman

What about Atomic Man, Atom Man, and Nuclear Man?

Wally wildly surpassed Barry during his run.

But the silver age fetishists who run DC made Barry much, much, much faster when he came back, because to them that's the same as being a better character- and also made him the source of the Speed Force itself to boot- which actually gives him *more* than the Superman problem, because he's more powerful than 100 Supermans.

And then they rebooted the universe, and to try to protect their silver age special boys, they totally recreated Wally as a black kid with a different background and Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, as a gay man from a side universe- counting on diversity complaints to prevent the return of either of those characters to their Old-52 states.
Then they told Tom King to make Wally a mass murderer.

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I feel like J'onn is an honorary black guy like Piccolo

For origin story? Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, and Green Lantern, albeit have Hal in a more limited role. Aquaman only becomes relevant when Atlantis spergs out as a result of whatever the origin story is that indirectly fucked over Atlantis and made Orm or whoever REEEE and want to invade and genocide the surface world once and for all.

Your pic as founders plus
>Red Tornado
>Black Canary
>Green Arrow
>John Stewart
>Guy Gardner
>Plastic Man
>Booster Gold
>Blue Beetle
As rotating supporting characters

I see your point

How so?

"We're building one the legacy"
>Wally replaced by a black character with a different background(who I actually like but isn't the same character), then brought back and quickly made a spaz, then murderer
>Bart killed then, later radically changed into an unrecognizable character and forgotten until recently
>Max gone
>Jay banished to a side-earth, forgotten
>Pretty much every other speedster that wasn't a villain, gone

"Build on" must be DC speak for "erase"

Absolute kino line-up

Wonder Woman
Wally West
Martian Manhunter
Shazam/Captain Marvel
Captain Atom
Dr. Fate
Booster Gold
Hal Jordan

>Wonder Woman
>Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
>The Flash (Wally West)
>Martian Manhunter
>Green Lantern (John Stewart)
>Green Arrow
>The Atom
>Hawkman and Hawkwoman
>John Stewart
>Elongated Man or Plastic Man

Even though it's a big lineup, not every character has to appear in every issue or storyline. Each story could focus on a handful at a time. Like, maybe this story has Superman, Wonder Woman, Hal, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Adam Strange, and Aquaman, while the next has Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, John, Flash, Zatanna, Plastic Man, and Steel. And then in the next, The Flash is absent, but The Atom is there.

Where did this "J'onn is a black guy" Yea Forums meme come from? As far as I can remember, he was played by a black guy in the Smallville show, John Jones has always been a Caucasian disguise in the comics.

Sure, he was voiced by a black guy in the Justice League cartoon, but he still used the white civilian identity.

Green people are black.

I also like the original seven for the origin story.

I don't mind Cyborg on the League… so long as Martian Manhunter's place as a founding and long-time member isn't erased, and Cyborg still has his history with the Titans and Doom Patrol. In fact, it makes Cyborg cooler if he started out as a young hero and then "graduated" to playing with the big boys in a later lineup, rather than just being the Justice League schoolbus from the start.

He sounds black. It’s a thing. Like Frylock

Wonder Woman
Guy Gardner
Martian Manhunter


That would mean Jay Garrick is better.

>Cosmic Armor Superman

i’m willing to bet that we’ll see Jay again momentarily. Because Doomsday Clock can only end with the JSA doing what they did at the end of 52. Beating the crap out of Teth Adam.

Think about it. They show up to interrupt Adam’s attack on the UN,backing up Diana against a country’s worth of meta crooks. They’ve always been there, what are you talking about? Because they’re retconned back into being.

If Mera is officially a member of the roster she would definitely go by "Aquawoman".

My ideal League?

I’m honestly bot sure anymore.

>Nic Cage Superman

Yeah but none of this matters cause we're focused on Jay.

>Justice League
Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash (Wally), Mera, Green Lantern (Kyle)
>Justice League Dark
Batman, Zatanna, Shazam, Raven, Animal Man, Dr Fate, and Frankenstein
>Teen Titans
Batman, Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Crush, Cass, and Roundhouse
Batman, Nightwing, Beast Boy, Starfire, Wonder Girl, Cyborg, Miss Martian
>Justice League Outlaws
Batman, Red Hood, Roy Harper, Harley Quinn, Bizarro, Artemis, Blackfire

Toss in Stripesy and it would be even better.

Why do all these plebs in want Batman on the League? All he ever does is alternate between telling Superman how to angle a couch through a doorway or being decisive asshole.

>how to angle a couch through a doorway

Since when is Batman Ross Geller?


I've only been reading Justice League for the past 8 years and the most arcs have batman saying some variation of "Ive figured it out Clark/Flash/Diana you need to ___". Don't get me started on Vic getting ripped to pieces or Arthur just Fucking bouncing out in the middle of an arc.

They could have used Steel.

Steel's not well-known enough.

People know Commander Steel, Citizen Steel, and Captain Steel though.

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The original roster is perfect. But I don't mind additional heroes like Nightwing being added.

What do you mean no?

What’s your interpretation of how popular these characters are then?