What did CNN mean by this

What did CNN mean by this

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We're in a post-MCU world.
All comics are Marvel now.

That’s hilarious honestly

it's a series of tubes

>the walking meme is ending
>marvel zombies are back


Like how all tissues are just Kleenex, all comics are Marvel now. No other publishers really exist.


Anything comic book or superhero related is now a Marvel.

I can't wait for marvel to cancel Saga

Thanks CNN

Unrelated, but Sean Phillips art in MZ has grown on me, even if it is kind of shit

What is your favorite Marvel comic? Mine would have to be Spawn.

For me, its justice league.

for me its the old classic Commando

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Mine is Dragon Ball Super.

The hobbit

Calvin and Hobbes

hello fellow nerds. comic book. awesome! yeah. high five.

my favorite nintendo game is halo

I quite like the green Lantern.

Is SONY still making that Not-Spawn movie about Nigthwatch?

Attached: Nightwatch.jpg (873x1204, 337K)

Astérix le Gaulois
The fact that Stan Lee could craft such an amazing comic is a testament to how great of a writer he was.


Based Marvel is the king of comics just like Based Disney is the king of movies



While we’re at it, my favorite Pixar movies is Minions, How to Train Your Dragon And Ice Age

Mine is Akira.

Betty & Veronica, followed by Tintin

Is it like one of those "mom calls my xbox360 a Nintendo" situations?


I love me some Mouse Guard.

Beautiful Darkness. I can't wit for Aurora to cameo in the next Ant-man book.

>all comics are Marvels now
>Disney immediately has to spend all its MCU profits on fighting trademark genericization

CNN, always dependable....

At embarrassing itself.

Attached: hetrustedcnn.png (314x390, 99K)

Jesus Christ, american journalism really is dead.

Comics would be better if Marvel was everything desu. Who doesn’t want to see Batman and Archie join the Avengers

This is the well investigated reporting I expect from CNN.

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I like JoJo's Bizzare Adventure. The best Marvel comic in years.

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Who's everyone else? I legit am curious what the scenario was and if they tried to unironically make it a big deal.

The president's eating habits are clearly the most important thing CNN has to report on.

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Good ol' Naruto.

>twitter screencap

I can't belive Stan Lee wrote and drew all of Marvel,and was doing this until his death.
I drew a pic of Thanos crying about the death of his creator

Marvel Now....... Is this what they meant in 2012 and So on

Well, I am pretty sure Jim Lee drew a bunch of the X-men in the 80s.

Attached: cable deadpool 1.jpg (900x1329, 329K)

>the job of the news is to report on the important stuff
you're not in the nineties anymore senpai
the entire tv news industry is a rat in a barrel
their only job is to stall viewer loss as investors gradually pull out

>you're not in the nineties anymore senpai

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Attached: Los Angeles Times Vertigo.png (645x677, 43K)

Judge Dredd, definitely.

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

Ah yes, I love reading Stand Still, Stay Silent, featuring such memorable characters as Iron Fist, The Ray and Chuck.

lol typical western trash way.

>cant make new stuff

fucking stupid shit.
this is embarrassing.


Literally fake news.
Here's a link to the actual tweet.
OP is a faggot.

I Hate Fairyland

Superman is my favorite Marvel hero. Too bad that Bendis got his hands on him by leaving Marvel to write for Marvel.

Used to love reading Sonic the Hedgehog but you know after the fire at Marvel and Penders taking them to court

Hopeful no one clicking that link scrolls up or you're going to look like a complete moron

Mortadelo y Filemon

At least DC was able to pick up the license.

I read it in the "This is CNN" voice .

Well it's about as accurate as anything else from CNN for the last forty years.


Historical revisionism.

You are a fucking retard.