Is he the most powerful character of all time ?

Is he the most powerful character of all time ?

Attached: Capture.png (671x456, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why jaiden isn’t getting fucked in this image???

Attached: 4D5379EA-A966-4A0C-914C-8A4F92A0E0F3.jpg (850x478, 198K)

literally who

the Yea Forums incel who bothered jaiden at the airport

who is jaiden?

GX's main character

>It's a LITERALLY WHO who bothered a LITERALLY WHO

This thread is such hot fucking garbage, holy shit.

Jaiden´s "animations" probably get more views than some cartoons we talk about here, it's hard to call her a literally who when she is better known then all the girls in the waifu threads

>Jaiden´s "animations" probably get more views than some cartoons we talk about here
I couldn't disprove that even if it were a lie, user. That statement couldn't have less conviction.

>it's hard to call her a literally who when she is better known then all the girls in the waifu threads
You're fucking retarded.

wait, who was the Yea Forums incel?

My wife

Lurk more summerdditor

jaiden is reddit tier though.


Attached: 1C8FA5AA-2B43-405F-AF5B-D69C00BC3C3B.jpg (1024x640, 109K)

No she's based and conservative

E-cucks aren't allowed oppinions.

>Zoomer calls everyone else a redditor
Hah, okay.

ohhh god THAT pastebin
that was hot

>hurr look at me guise im so ignorant about the modern worlg omg soooo cool hurr durr

I don't know who the fuck this is and I don't want too, all I want too know is there porn?

Attached: D9wD8yRWsAEFqxg.jpg (649x855, 138K)

>is there porn?
over at /aco/, you bet. they have ongoing thread after thread dedicated to animated youtuber lewds

I read this in his voice.

Wow you guys love worshipping retarded youtubers. "Redditors" are based if snything for not giving a shit about this clown

Not a comic.
Not a cartoon.

You could not be more of a fucking faggot if you tried.
Go donate your parent's money to a twitch thot.

He's tier 0 easily

itt zoomer shit.

Teletubbies probably got more views than her shit but doesn't mean they're good.

Chipflake > Jaiden

Attached: 52773799-0ED8-4608-A082-336A124CFDCA.jpg (900x900, 139K)

Tons. I've been commissioned for some.

Attached: Eager.png (350x364, 176K)

Do you guys think she's fucked odd1sout? Im pretty sure they've fucked.

>Fat Fetished Jaiden

Attached: Delet.png (662x540, 660K)


Attached: Literally.jpg (1024x834, 84K)

everybody talking about how he's incel 4channeller or whatever, boomers vs zoomers bullshit, and ignoring the most important thing on this video. she literally peed on her wallet and keep it with her


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How is a YouTube story timer, a comic or a cartoon to be posted in Yea Forums?

>video is animated
>creator makes animation for a living
>cartoons are animated
>"this is not related to a comic or a cartoon"

Attached: IMG_20190622_084746.jpg (716x366, 36K)

Slide shows are not cartoons.

I guess the same way you could talk about an animator or a studio? Is there some kind of absurdly esoteric definition for 'cartoon' I'm not aware of?

nice and original argument you got there

anyways it's still Yea Forums

Aren't they, though?

Attached: 1c431e1595293addd520c34058d86a9c.jpg (600x209, 25K)

well, the thread hasn't been deleted now, hasn't it?

Attached: evil dog.jpg (640x638, 45K)

Let's not talk about this zoomer trash!

>autistic neg flirting
/fit/izen confirmed

t. Hasnt watched her vids
They're animated dummy.

>Storytime channels

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Attached: People+like+you+are+the+reason+why+we+cant+have+_954bd682e09b8207131f235c0108120a.jpg (712x613, 89K)

Im guessing you're also the faggot who doesnt think puppets belong here, despite them being considered as Yea Forums ages ago

[citation needed]

Sauce me up daddy

Haha yeah nah. This furfaggot is just as boring if not more mundane than JaidenAnimations or Odds1.

all these furry storytimers just pop up out of nowhere

I need a sauce on that.

>hurr guise look i used a homophobic slur im so coooool and ignorant hurrr look at me guise look at me do i fit in yet huuuurrrrr duuuurrr


>Not Tabbes


52 posts in, and thus far we have;
-People that don't know what the fuck this is
-People arguing over if it even belongs here
-E-celeb wank and gossip.

Great fucking thread.
Great Yea Forums content.
Good job.

>Bags are inconvenient!
>But not jeans! not skinny ass jeans which feels like shit and lowers your dexterity, no sir.
Jesus Christ Millennial Zoomers are pathetic and contradicting on so many levels.

>I don't like chocolate!
>I like chocolate with chip cookies in it
This generation takes hypocritical statements to a whole another level.

>Can't even check the toilet after you use it
>Doesn't look at her own shit
>The wallet didn't flush down the toilet
>Despite the wallet supposedly being tiny enough to fit in jean pockets...
Oh so it was a bullshit made up story
>Tiny hotel toilets
Or maybe it wasn't? then fuck Zoomers again.

Not sure what complaining about it is gonna do.

Attached: 1464558844646.gif (419x437, 448K)

>I peed on my wallet
>No I still have it, it's a good wallet
This isn't a woman, this isn't a woman, this isn't a woman, this isn't a normal person

is there porn of him yet

Jeans are sexy, old man.

it's pretty impressive how you can make a story out of such a mundane event

No, they used to be worn by rednecks at the working place because of the thick material.
Also if you love that texture you can just sew a thin texture of it over a pair of training pants.
Yoga pants are hot, if your legs and ass aren't in a weird shape.

Some people don't realize they're faggots until you outright point it out to them, user.

It’s amazing how she can spin stories out such boring stories
Is this shit what zoomers watch?

Go to /m/, say this, and wait how long before Demonbane vs. Aquarion discussions start up.

That blurry transition shit got annoying in miliseconds