Attached: scp.png (501x284, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


no, thank you


That glass is reinforced, right?

Attached: 1505025855522.jpg (791x795, 412K)

user NO

user YES

Perfecto voice acting

Which scp is this?

this bro

was that stamper voice acting

>Jenson no!
>jEnSoN yEs!
Fucking legend.

Attached: 1518450088894.jpg (500x220, 14K)

>85 second scp shitpost gets better voices than many official projects
I don't fucking understand

Attached: IMG_0927.jpg (480x305, 30K)

>ThEy cAn Be AnY sIzE yOu WaNt!

Breach her containment and send in the D-Class

Attached: Sweaty+teddy+is+ready+for+betty+_3d148f4fa8449e05d7b3af0c67c07c2f.jpg (445x440, 55K)

I'd have tried to fuck it too, desu.

what even is it?

Attached: tumblr_mtv1d3koc91s9b0l1o3_500.gif (500x300, 471K)

Looks like GlacierClear has more fan art of this SCP on there twitter. I'd have to sencer some boobs to post them tho.

Who voices the dude in the glasses?

One of there friends I guess, check the twitter post

Attached: Here's your damn sauce.jpg (547x409, 56K)


>lewds drawn by a horny girl

Attached: 1561025977763.png (1367x762, 897K)

One of the pics on twitter says 33,005, but considering it's a cum goblin it's probably not recognized by whoever manages SCP.

>Pronouns: they/them
Rest, it is not time to wake yet

would 10/10 love to see more of this kind of shit from glacier, maybe even a short series.

now I want a potato griller

maybe it's the fact I've masturbated twice a day for the past eight years of my life and my horny puberty teenage years are gone now and I've given up on love and I just masturbated about an hour ago, but for the first in my whole life I just laughed at sexual humor for the funny parts and wasn't completely distracted by the sexual content
>Jensen no!
>Jensen yes!
haha lol that fucking got me this video is video gold haha yes this entire post is completely serious but also my life is pathetic and I am incapable of turning it around enjoying the good years until I'm homeless

Attached: wow.png (437x403, 14K)

Judging by the description she gave of the thing as "SCP Mod", I think it's basiclly just her OC as an SCP

>Implying non-binary people isn't just the mandatory iteration of grunge/hipster/indie/whatever the fuck that happens every 10 years but this time they tried to turn it into a gender.

the voice acting for this is amazing!

universal incompetence

I can't lie. I'd probably still go in after watching this. I mean there's a chance he died from SEXUAL violence, right?

If you pause the video near the end you can see a sloppy doodle of his dick being sucked.

Would do

I just realized he goes in dick first.

>probably not recognized by whoever manages SCP
i dont follow scp closely and my only exposure is the confinement series by lord bung
why would it not get recognized by whoever manages scp?

You tell me

Attached: 480E20D7-B0C6-48C9-BC4A-DD3B28149493.jpg (1200x1311, 77K)


Attached: 4545222.png (1253x677, 824K)

while I couldn't tell from the ending seeing other posts on the animators twitter makes me think he was SUCC'ed to death

Attached: D-cpClRVAAAkkee.jpg (1190x540, 78K)

Scp got taken over by sjws after all the original people got bored and moved on years ago. They've been censoring all the more "problematic" elements of scps like sex and shit.

SCP's official site it full of self-important wankery the last time I checked.

She posts photos sometimes. but you gotta dig for a bit

Attached: D9GStFBXkAA3RKY.jpg (694x1200, 114K)

inb4 horny people r-rise up!!

i wish i still had that pic of here laying own with no pants.

>inb4 horny people r-rise up!!
I'm already fully erect!

Attached: patrick.jpg (256x144, 8K)

>>Pronouns: they/them

Attached: 1485113486392.jpg (300x246, 14K)

glacier did an earlier art about industrial vacuum grade BJs before making the SCP Mod, so yeah


Attached: haha_cum_die_with_us.png (1000x667, 1.3M)

having a vagina and being okay with it is almost as bad as having a dick and not wanting to chop it off for trannies

She looks like her eyes are the same color as her skin.

Attached: 1476808698951.jpg (383x358, 41K)

Hey man maybe she just identeifies as a small group of people.

that would explain why she has the horny levels of ten women

Huh, didn't picture her as Asian...of course I was the same way about Tabbes so

Holy shit that was something else.

Attached: evil smug.jpg (423x412, 83K)

Attached: D-LK91gXUAA14i_.jpg (464x325, 17K)

Only problem was the glass-humping sounds kept going after she stopped.

Jenson, No!
Jenson, Yessss!

SCP wiki is a submission site. They only recognize scps with articles in their wiki. Hypothetically if you write a cum goblin scp the thing would only be recognized as long as it keeps a positive rating from the site members. If the rating is too low it gets deleted.

There have been very horny scps in the past, but lately overtly sexual articles haven't gotten as high ratings, and most of the raunchier articles are survivors from the early days of the site. Like this literal semen demon here

I bet Jenson is really fucking handsome.
I kinda wanna see horny Jenson fanart.

Attached: comfy shantae.jpg (1200x1027, 93K)

Our power level only grows stronger.
Thanks OP.

if you pause it you can see she is indeed succing him

Looks more like she's biting his junk off.

who fucking assigned Jenson to this SCP

Huh, sounds familiar

Attached: fma09.jpg (500x281, 87K)

811, probably

Attached: 811.jpg (749x1280, 107K)

Jenson is a pretty cool guy who likes SCP's and doesn't afraid of anything!

He at least died with a smile on his face.

good image, user.
and a good file name too.

>bunch of teenagers are fapping this.

Get better taste, you fucking kids. It's a bunch of doodles.

Attached: PlastinoFace_custom-26c477071824f41ea619319ab3ebc20a7d29df34-s6-c30.jpg (948x1308, 48K)

>he can't jack off to the scribbles on the bathroom wall

so Yea Forums, what legit SCP you actually would?

Yo she's humpin da fuckin glass bro!


Attached: Milo hype.jpg (480x499, 21K)

Must be budget cuts.


She can't refuse, and if I word the command carefully enough, it shouldn't be too terrible.


Attached: me and the boys.png (1052x480, 307K)

>remember when scp secret labs became famous
>so much fucking fan art
>loved it
>scp animations comes out
>remember the good old days
>no its never coming back


Attached: 5ccefe415f1aabf079f801525521082e.png (1131x1131, 2.12M)

All I want in life is a porn artist gf I can share lewd art with

SJW and general shit going with SCP Foundation is blown out of proportions buy anons. They always accentate on some specific events or some shitty scps out of literal thousands

I feel as though this has applications. What's a great Yea Forums waifu we can "study"? Panda? Azula? Gogo? She Hulk?

Attached: BILL BILL BILL.jpg (630x354, 25K)

How about that 682? Pretty fucking epic and badass, am I right?

the child breaker

Attached: 1549192982316.png (1067x1139, 426K)

That post inspired me to make this.

Attached: Where_Do_You_Think_You_Are.png (1025x754, 1.03M)

That's the pinata, right?

I just realized Jenson has a bottle of lotion right next to him.
Of course he's been jackin' it to the SCP.

Not as badass as the coyote with the leather jacket and sunglasses who likes to fuck people and can't be contained!

Which was is that?
It was written by furries, wasn't it?

the sentient company
after successfully seducing it through the language of stonks it would send it's most attractive employees to my house for sex

It probably is a furry.

>what are those? c's? d's?
confirmed virgin

054, 085, 105, 284, 336, and 446.
I haven't read past those and I'm probably forgetting some.

How would you even word that?

There's a bottle of lotion 22 seconds in.

being a genderspecial doesn't mean anything anymore
anyone can be a part of the alluring and exclusive lgbt community if they just slap a stupid label on their bio without changing a damned thing about themselves

>I cannot control this carnal desire to FUCK
>Go get the god damned Taco Bell

I haven't cried from laughing in a good year or so, but that did it

Based on these tweets

Does this video accurately portray this board to a tee?
>Anons dissecting porn/women like it's science

I dunno, I'd have to give it some thought...
Like maybe "give me the best blowjob you are capable of" so that way she'll give an ok, satisfactory one, even if not the greatest?

Unless I misunderstand, she doesn't just automatically do a shit job, she just cannot complete the tasks 100% as instructed.

>She wants the D-Boys.

What SCP is this?

Just being a girl doesnt make them feel special enough

>cum goblin

Oh no my biggest fetish!

Wait what Mod

mod is the name of the character

I'd fuck every SCP. Every single one of them. The piece of paper girl, the fountain pen, the fucking paw snail, doesn't matter, I'll stick my dick in 'em. I'll even stick my dick in one of the holes on 184.

why do girls come here? what's the appeal? you can have sex anytime you want like what's the deal why do you watch cartoons and waste time on shit you have lives why are you on a board of incels and no lifes?

Attached: dooooooooooooooom.png (437x403, 20K)

>dumb enough to think that's a woman instead of a gay guy
There are no girls on the interwebs, just guys pretending to be girls.

Attached: 1408517538474.png (269x357, 89K)

So I heard you fellas like dumb shit.
Like my voice.

Attached: EEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg (640x630, 190K)

This is fucking hilarious. I'd watch a TV series of this.

>SCP-811: Pain. [pantomiming something coming out of her mouth] Red. Red red red. Was… very hunger-y. Scared. Ate man. Skin… like this.

So, after being injected with some sort of mysterious mutant serum, she vomited up her organs and insides, and to replace lost calories consumed the man who mutated her?

Attached: tumblr_pf2lkovm2B1sut6sfo1_640.png (570x870, 185K)

>making six replies just so you could samefag


No clue if it's actually you but your voice is fucking amazing

Damn Skippy.

lol i admit i've posted here in this thread before but i'm not samefagging
you can find my other two named posts above
i was just saving something at least halfway decent for later, and here it is

yeah, it's me. i never expected this fucking thing to actually go as far as it did. i'm glad you like my work, dude. i'm amazed that some people mistook me for multiple voice actors. makes me happy.

what is the nickname of this SCP

It's not a real SCP, it's the artists personal OC reimagined as if it were an SCP

this SCP vs SCP 166
who is better at SUCC?

but it DOES have a nickname

Attached: D-czTRyW4AAIxZV.jpg (1098x1200, 113K)

So will this thing kill me or can I keep her?

She will literally suck your soul out right through your cock.
Hell of a way to go.

I feel the death part is the stickler here.

I'd let her drain my nads all day if she didn't kill me tho.

>SCP-166's effect on males causes her no small amount of distress, not least due to her desire to follow a monastic life based on the principles of chastity, poverty, and obedience.

166 is a good girl, not a cumdumpster

Shes so Cum Obsessed that I dont think even she has the choice

so it has a dick?

If you want it to...

What equipment and software would you recommend for someone wanting to go into VA? I already know CCC is a place to go to get your voice put there and whatnot, any others?

>find out about SCP-1472
ah fuck that sounds like a good time

Attached: 1501093280_pep3.jpg (800x800, 235K)

fuck I read cloak as cock

I think you can train the Cum Goblin to calm down and convince her that you could be a daily diet

Same reason as you
2d is vastly superior.

get her addicted to cum?

This is a good question. I don't actually have very expensive equipment. I just use audacity and have a Blue Snowball iCE microphone., which is only about 50 or 60 dollars. People tend to give the Blue Snowball shit but it doesn't really deserve it. It sounds perfectly clear. You heard it in the damn video. You don't need a god damn $400 Rode microphone to have good audio quality.
Oh also, for shouting lines, turn your gain all the way down and drape a thick blanket over you and the microphone, a lot cheaper than soundproofing walls with those jagged foam squares and it reduces reverb just as good.
Note that I didn't use that method for the shouting on this project as I just edited reverb over it on the end anyway, so you can't really hear the sound bouncing off my room.
As for places to get your voice heard, I know about and a couple of creator's network Discords I don't think I can invite you to.

She's already addicted to cum, you just have to teach her that the gift can keep on giving if properly farmed.

Were you Buzzed Bunny

Thanks a ton for the answer! Also, any tips on finetuning your voice, keeping it consistent during a performance or whatever?

no u

god damn just give me the money and two idiots, i don't care if I'm the sacrifice or not
funny, you sound the same

Attached: b69.jpg (500x615, 71K)

This is one that I've got to say I don't really have a good answer for. I kind of just wing it and try my best to slip into character, in a way. Like I did with this shitpost. I didn't write anything, I didn't really plan much, I just said the lines in order, and rerecorded if I felt it wasn't fitting. Like on a few of Jensen's lines I went too low and would not have caught that if I didn't make sure to play back previous bits of his whiny, incessant voice. On Miller's voice I didn't sound airy enough one time so I rerecorded that.
I guess one good thing to do if you're not good at like- slipping into character is to just try and talk about random things in the voice of the character you're about to play before you record the lines, you know get into character.
If you're voicing multiple characters you might want to do one character at a time to keep your focus from wavering over to the other characters that you're supposed to be interacting with.
And if you're a beginner try to do one project at a time. I'm not new to this and I'm not really all that seasoned at it either, but I made a big mistake a while ago, took on a shitload of projects in March and April that I just finished off this past week.

that short gurgle sound she make right after the whole CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM part fucking made me lose it

I'd gaslight you and say yes for the giggles, but I checked the date and I was like seven when this was made.
I have no idea what edgy teenager voiced this, but good fucking god. He makes me want to shove my boot into his teeth. I get the feeling that's the point of the character, though. Kind of like Jensen

>Where in the the world DO DO you think you are?
An otherwise great image.

We need a top 10 list of best sexual SCPs maybe a visual list or something.

seconding this


Thanks so fucking much dude
Will cherish and use the advice
Keep on doing neat shit with your voice, it deserves to be heard.

Attached: 1458411837498.jpg (625x476, 20K)


You only come here because you can't have sex?

Gay guys get more sex than women.

If that's you your voice is shockingly sexy.

A man of taste supreme.

Likewise! I'm happy to be of help. I hope you can find your place in the voice acting industry! Good luck, man!

TO /X/!

Attached: 1561958475179.jpg (1010x1006, 107K)

Aw shit. Thanks for pointing that out. I spent so long trying to get it to look just right I wasn't paying attention.

we need a lewd version of the SCP foundation

Might be ulcers developing in her body, organ failure, or like you said organ rejection.

So basically a kappa but sexier? Nice

>Nightmare Girls and Monster Girls


Attached: 3c38484502b7073fb9f1511fa205d1a1.jpg (2140x2811, 3.66M)


don't you mean /trash/?

So you started this thread, posted a handful of replies to yourself with the unlisted video, then gave a bunch of responses to the video commenting on "how sexy your voice is" only to shill yourself.

You should fuck off and die, you vain piece of shit.

The semen demon is a basic bitch easy mode answer, so I'll go with SCP-085. I can't fuck her directly, but if I'm creative enough with a pen, I can make something work.

Attached: scp085-03.png (218x240, 7K)

ya but with original ideas, not lewd versions of the SCP monsters

>SCP that turns anything with the exception of the first guy that goes in it's AoE into an Ecchi Anime Girl never ever.
>It will never be revealed that the AoE is expanding, and has overtaken the entire facility, leaving one D-Class personnel surrounded by Bonerfuel on all sides.
>It will never be theorized that the AoE will keep expanding until the previously mentioned D-Class Personnel is the last guy in the universe.

Attached: image.jpg (500x628, 52K)

I think i’ve Seen porn of these characters.

True, I'd love to see what people could come up with

This could definitely work

2hot bro

Attached: mpv-shot0005.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

Honestly I think the only official one I know of that I'd definitely bone is frog girl.

Don't hurt the subaru it's a classic

p-people actually like this? I don't see the appeal?

Attached: kay.jpg (293x297, 41K)

What the fuck did i just watch and is there more

some guy is actually working on a vn based on that pic

I would endeavor to assure you that I didn't do any of those things but I know what website I'm on and your vitriol seems to tell me you're fairly convinced in yourself. But for what it's worth, I will say I did none of those things and that I understand your suspicion. It is an anonymous board, after all.

Well, at least they finally have a way of getting rid of all the super marysue SCPs.
Turn them into big tiddy animu Waifus.

Could you do a reading reacting to this SCP idea?

More info would be appreciated.

Look I'm just here for drawings of the cum goblin harassing the staff

What the fuck is an SCP

/x/ fanfic autism


Most information is on the /scpg/ discord.
Just go to the scp thread on /trash/ if you're curious.

consummate taste

>no-one posted 1471
In that case, 1471

what is this?


/trash/ tried to make one when mal0 first became popular

>682 with her skull exposed

SCP-184. Shove my dick in it and watch it expand until it's big enough to skewer SCP-3000 upon and leave enough left to give SCP-169 a good shagging.

>That's not my natural voice, I'm pretty southern
I think I just came

What a nice thread.

Attached: 1513222575063.png (909x909, 585K)

>A reminder to all staff was issued that "All Halloween costumes based on Keter Class SCPs are forbidden. Most of them are classified, anyway. And yes, this does include -ahem- "sexy" costumes based off of SCP-682." West sighed at the fact that they had to be reminded of that. He remembered briefly considering taking a Class-Omega amnestic after seeing one of those aforementioned costumes at a party three, four years ago. 682 with tits was just… wrong.

Oh wait a minute I can just post a picture of all the things people think are (You)s lol

Attached: No U.png (818x195, 50K)

And yes. Put my own spin on it.

Someone is also working on this too.

Attached: scp-069-front.png (600x918, 557K)

hah, fucking pussies

Attached: 1504746332117.gif (800x444, 925K)

What's with the pillar men in weird helmets?

Why are we talking about rhis in the firts place?

Attached: Wat.jpg (246x205, 10K)

Oh, I've seen the origin of the flesh eaters thing before, but didn't notice it used a pillar man's body, now I recognized the bodies but didn't get the Warhammer reference.

I want to be 682's friend

Good old Scp 1471

Attached: pussy.jpg (237x213, 7K)

Oh no louis!

Attached: holy crap.jpg (204x247, 11K)

Oh yeah I forgot about this thing.
Yeah I'd def fuck MalO

>This is one of the scenes

Attached: D-boy.jpg (268x188, 8K)

Please don't die Stamper we love you

Attached: This.jpg (500x500, 71K)

I miss my scp RP server on gmod.
Anyone here used to play concordia?

956 is my precious wife

Attached: 956_youre_a_faggot(1).png (812x798, 335K)

This is now a sergal thread, post rare sergals

Attached: Goodfriend.png (350x350, 36K)

I wish I could find Stamper and help him. :[
He's definitely gone off the deep end, man.
Strung out on all kinds of shit.
I'm certainly scared he'll die soon. His voice work has had a big influence on me and he has this talent to him that no one else has quite reached.

9/10, nice cover, needs more purity seals and Imperial chanting tho

Attached: 1497554205663.jpg (500x347, 53K)

Attached: or-bright-is-given-access-bo-scp-1421-at-his-request.png (500x1154, 277K)

>Panda? Azula? Gogo? She Hulk?
One of each, please.

Attached: hynx2.jpg (620x382, 21K)

This is making me want to play the game again. How recently was it updated?


Attached: 2fd6ac15dad09ee1aa95c1054c23263cabde4c89.png (371x208, 27K)

>People who actually know how to do voice acting and wrie dialogue naturally
>Tumblrinas who are too busy living vicariously through their super perfect invincible OC Donuts to do anything of any real competence

Attached: 1464751886683.gif (368x435, 131K)

Reintroduction of the computer. It's long overdue for another, though I think it's the kind of game that will remain popular long after official support dries up

>thread turns to shit as soon as the scpfags show up

Attached: 1532654805620.jpg (600x552, 196K)

Hey, last time I played they had updated it back then too, and it was still pretty fun. Great atmosphere too.

>MFW I can't feel love
>MFW The only thing I can get remotely aroused to is my debase fetishes

....Could be worse I gues...

You mean you haven't looped back around to liking only sweet vanilla yet?

Snowy's Mal0 is so good

Attached: 1471.png (4096x2304, 2.74M)

This, nothing more holesom than makin love the way nature intended.

not the guy you're replying to, but this literally happened to me

And that's how I want to die.

Attached: d31x9gy-c14803dd-8a71-4f5e-ba47-df827df93dea.png (580x325, 248K)

Very nice

Had to draw this literal semen demon.

Attached: Cuuuuuuuuum.png (997x939, 446K)

I was kinda expecting something with the D-Class guy but that was way better

>MFW "Fuck my Pussy's wet"

Attached: image.jpg (500x500, 39K)

>"Does the size of our penis match the size our boobs will be?"
Asking the real questions, that guy is.

It’s literally a child under 12 years old. Childfucker.

she's a sexy little girl, ollie

It's the natural progression. Eventually you'll reach such a degenerate extreme of fucked-up fetishes that all you'll want is something wholesome and natural
Calm down, Walt


Has there been a mind switching SCP? I cannot think of one besides Dr.Bright alum let.

Nigga this ain't computer science

Attached: That's My Fetish.gif (415x255, 1.97M)

Nice try me, I know we're the one who posted that

Attached: 1530748080524.png (2002x434, 232K)

Great shit m8

On the one hand, only guy on a planet of Sexy ass bitches with no competition.
On the other, apparently they keep their guy voices.
So you might be tapping some fine ass only for her to turn arround and demand you fuck her harder in some Tyrone ass sounding voice.


>caring about pronouns
I just want to jack off, dude.

>It’s literally a child
Isnt it a piñata?

I don't either. I expected something interesting since it has so many (yous).

Children under 12 are transformed into it when they eat candy it has created.

Thanks man

Great voice acting, horrible """joke""".

The voice acting is higher quality than expected. That plus lewd is pretty much all it takes.

Thank you my man

You know she's a brony right

so is the guy who draws khajiits
you've seen how much Yea Forums cares about that

Who? I know it's not kaz.

She's even worse. If Allah allows me, she's an am*rican



When you have free reign to:

-say whatever words you want
-say them in whatever accent or slurred funny pronounciation you want
-do them the way it sounds the best to YOU

Voice acting vastly improves. Voice acting in studio projects always falls short because they can't use a vocabulary that matches exagerated emotions, they need to be clear and easy to understand for kids, retarded execs and moms afraid of satanic messages, they need to do it in a set amount of takes because muh production costs, and always according to the preference of some faggot creative director with a 'vision'.

Relax bro, it's probably some man-jawed, nasal-voiced, deformed skeleton, bad-attitude faggotress who only faps to He-Man and muuhhh thick handsome men who has constant asexual and horny states. Can we have call that thing a girl? Would anybody have sex with themselves?

Hmm I'd probably do myself, I'd do myself hard. Most people don't do me because they find me weird and scary when I give them those creepy sexy villainous looks.

Hey what microphone do you use? my garbage mic can never capture the bass and sub bass of my voice. It's a light voice with some bass and it never captures that goddamn bass, so I always sound like a boring faggot.

Sounds like a Yu Gi Oh parody. Jenson sounds like an older Joey Wheeler.

Attached: 1559711226599.gif (487x289, 1.91M)


Attached: TIME_TO_RUN.png (658x932, 651K)

While the vid was funny and had good voice acting, I can't help but get this feeling doing anything with SCP right now is going to bring nothing but disappointment

Attached: CcA5wJ8W0AEb2fT.jpg (641x634, 50K)

Blue Snowball iCE.
Around 50-60 bucks.

I'm not gonna lie that thick black hair does for me

Attached: 1562222315696.png (500x721, 108K)


Attached: 20190704_040956.png (285x101, 7K)

You make that sound like a problem.

where can i read more about her?

Oh also I don't know how regularly you hear your voice recorded through microphones but it is worth noting that due to the fact that a fair amount of your voice is vibrating and traveling up through your jawbone, your voice actually sounds deeper and bassier to you than it does other people. So if you get a microphone and you still can't hear that bass, it might actually just be the way you sound to everyone else, unfortunately.

I imagine your voice as voice of 4999

While appealing at first glance, this thing would probably, actually suck your testicles clear out through your dickhole.

you say this as if it is meant to deter me

That's kinda hot.

who the hell is that even

Please include me in the screencap, thanks.

if only there was some engine that allowed you to search for an answer

I see you too have run out of clean spoons.

He has no poop knife so he must substitute.

I want to fuck this creature in mention

That's pretty badass

>tfw don't give a shit about the shilling actors, just glad I get some shortstack porn from this
Feels good man

So it's not 811? oh well, I'll just pretend it is.

Attached: 811.png (957x1068, 530K)

It's samefagging

Even 162?

>people have different opinions than you
>it's samefagging.
Are you the same user who kept accusing the anons who gushed about Bluehilda were samefagging?


so what is the expected level of "cum goblin", euclid? if she can emit low level horny aura or something, she'd be at least euclid.
they clearly skipped researcher "horny test" for Jensen

Attached: e10.jpg (960x599, 54K)

I think she's also a shapeshifter and can read minds

Attached: 1447456735651.png (569x563, 261K)


>lewds by girl

>Lewds by asian girl

>DooD why are there SCPfags in an SCP thread what the fuck

>his face
My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1280x720, 110K) got a sauce on that?


>Did you just punch the fuckin' class Miller?

Not sure why that got me

Attached: 1342071991266.jpg (400x400, 54K)

It's not that she can't complete it, she can't successfully complete it. She can't fail to blow you but she wont make you cum. Worst case senario she might reality bend your dick to be too small or too big to blow.

>have pet cum goblin
>blowjobs every morning and when I come home from work
>lets me put it wherever and loves it
>eventually get a gf
>she wants me to take my cum goblin to a pound
What should I do?

Don’t you fucking lie to me

>getting a gf

Feed gf to cum goblin, obviously.

>going to anthrocon tomorrow
somebody buy her book and scan it

Attached: D-lClVvW4AE_S78.jpg (899x1199, 263K)

|••|•••••|••|• = 8==========D

If you’re still the lyrics to Ram Ranch thank you

you sick fuck
i love it.

You might not remember, but so was half of Yea Forums at one point

To be fair she was sleep deprived that day.

oh my god thanks happy 4th

Ok, that "here I cum, yeet" got me.

Kill the gf, continue nailing cum goblin

No, thank YOU.
Grant MacDonald gives me fucking life.

Also happy fucking America Day.

Attached: AMERICA.jpg (550x279, 39K)

Nigga you already have a cum goblin, what do you need a gf for?

>try to convince her than an alive male is an endless source of cum

Have fun fur friend.

i was quoting the artist
she's going

I'll be there and I hope to meet them. They're one of my favorite artists and I really want to collaborate with them. And if I get laid, that's a plus.

i'm so jealous
good luck

Attached: Paul.jpg (533x400, 140K)

>get a gf
Are you fucking retarded or something? You have a LIVING CUM DUMP

Attached: 1561206747091.gif (400x225, 1.87M)


You have blessed me, sir

Attached: DE7BCFD8-E68E-4711-AE33-C83F7F70990A.gif (611x681, 370K)

Just the idea that there is either a taco bell within easy driving distance of a top secret, higher than gov.t research facility or that SCP facilities are like fucking airports and have food courts are hysterical.


>Cum goblin got into the whey
>Barbells have disappeared, have to go to a gym to work out now
>Get back one day and Cum goblin can’t even be found
>Won’t respond when I call it, but is definitely still here
>House, inside and outside, is conspicuously free of roaches, frogs, or any small life at all
>Any time I buy more Whey it disappears
>Sometimes I find cum on my toothbrush or in my cereal in the morning even though I don’t cum on my toothbrushes or in my cereal

Guys? Am I going to be okay? I can’t see him anymore, but sometimes I think I hear him growling through the walls, but I don’t know where he’d be

Attached: BA2196BE-9A71-49E8-ACA4-053E178D7AEE.jpg (286x326, 51K)

Boy you gay

She's going to suck your ass dry if you're not doing at least 4 scoops come on

He was all I could afford, user. His mouth works fine for a warm place to cum

Attached: every fucking time.jpg (324x586, 22K)

based drawfriend

it's a fucking dog skull, how the HELL do you find that erotic?

Attached: a2e.jpg (640x480, 228K)

How do you not?

Attached: malo.png (1920x1080, 83K)

Lonely furries

yea what r u, gay?

You still haven't explained why you think a dog skull is sexual to you.
But hey have millions of other anthropomorphic creatures at their disposal. Like, why this one?
Silence, virgin. Next thing you'll do is probably dig up some family's backyard to do sick things to the corpse of their deceased dog.

that dead dog is ASKING FOR IT

It's aesthetically pleasing.

Attached: tumblr_inline_orgflwfkDv1ranosv_500.png (500x562, 269K)

She just wants to be loved

Attached: vhs-glitch-effect-play-button-footage-097260069_prevstill.jpg (1920x1080, 3.47M)

Isn't it more that you get bored and eventually stop masturbating to the same shit over and over again?
I was into vore for around 6 years of my life and I was sure the impact would be greater because I had it since I was 12 and it was quite honestly my first sexual experience,
but now it just bores and disgusts me and I get more into other stuff. It's like I've seen and thought of everything and in the end there is not much variety to any given fetish

Okay, I'll try to be reasonable with you.
Let's assume that this thing is your soulmate, and it's physically tangible, not following you in reflections. Are you 100% certain that you'll get used to waking up every single morning in bed with a dog skull in front of your face and feeling that skull's texture any time you get intimate?
Does it *not* creep you out, having this menacing boney face stare at you? Like, at all?

Attached: 1561742908729.jpg (250x246, 19K)

Nope, 1471 is one of the least creepy SCP.

Attached: yk4u18fgaiu21.png (3840x2160, 1.84M)

I found out that this artist ran Pokemon myths and legends on /qst/ and it fucked me up. Granted considering their name was glacier and the qms name was also glacier i should've put two and two together.

No, the crippling loneliness I feel does though, I'ms sacred i might just end it all soon.

That's a gains goblin, not a cum goblin.


SCP fanbase is autism
But the animation was fun

>FIJI water

Shitty Creepy-Pasta

Real talk that shit tastes good

Welcome to SCP.

Attached: mabel sintiendo asco de tu mierda de post.jpg (795x960, 89K)

Why would anyone do that? They are not supposed to be fucked.

Attached: 1557266260763.jpg (512x396, 27K)

neither is the creature in your image, and that doesn't seem to deter the internet much.

Fuck off, reddit.

Literally any and all of them

I know, I was just baiting.

682, maybe my dick is what they needed to finally kill it for good, after all, nobody can beat the cock.

She is the memest SCP so it fits.

Attached: 9XU5yyJ.png (720x946, 965K)

jumper cable meme

You’re not supposed to be fucked

Best sounding of my life.


There's one that's a literal catholic schoolgirl succubus, what do you mean you can't fuck them?

>specialized cum sensors
I raffed

Attached: 273438B2-E90B-430A-9925-138034A6D641.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

Some people get off to watching snuff, vire and literal shit. A spooky skull is tame by comparison.

We lose so many interns that way.

but I love it

Attached: Anon that's lewd.png (444x608, 335K)

I appreciated it for the humour value too, user. However, my dick tingled at the same time. It was a good video for me.

The following is part of a comment section in a apart website

"I've seen that wolf skull mask that this SCP is based on in quite a few places over the years where there creepy images to be found, but I never found it frightening or repellent in any way. I might even go so far as to that I feel oddly drawn to it, like there is some beauty to it that I struggle to describe even to myself. It's like if you replaced eldritch horror with eldritch allure. Whatever it is, I enjoy looking at it.

Does anyone else get this, or is it just me?"


"Skulls are very elegant. it's normal to find it pretty. i wouldn't even count this as teratophilia."

Then another reply.

"Right. "Teratophilia". Had to look that word up. If my post came off in any way sexual that was neither my meaning nor my intent, though knowing that term now may come in handy at some point, so thanks.

I've got a few skulls myself actually, besides the one in my head. I've got a cat, a rabbit, a squirrel, and two full cat skeletons though one is still inside a living cat. I named the one that isn't "Fuzzy"."

And then another reply

"oh sorry it's just that i would definitely fuck it."

End of it

For anybody that is new in this scp thing, go check out the website.

>but for the first in my whole life I just laughed at sexual humor for the funny parts and wasn't completely distracted by the sexual content
Now you can play those panty raid weeb games Yea Forums talks about

Attached: Jealous.png (540x486, 271K)

Skulls are just aesthetically pleasing.

Attached: da6.png (1086x1086, 358K)


Attached: lul.png (112x112, 21K)

>She can't fail to blow you but she wont make you cum.
Unless you tell her to make you cum twice.

My headcanon says she's not a furry,
It's a sexy black stalking mommy with a skull mask (or something)
I've fuck some girls with fetishes and a skull head sounds like a minor problem

Actually married with a IRL Anna(shimoneta)less big tits just regular ones and let tell "it's exhausting"
And I've date and fuck black girls

>And I've date and fuck black girls

Attached: 1513222575064.png (835x1034, 133K)

I love Mal0!

Attached: malo gf.png (143x245, 3K)

I just made this for you glorious bastards!

Attached: JENSEN YES.jpg (430x606, 35K)

Attached: 1553258587932.jpg (200x200, 11K)

user NO!

user YES!

Attached: 1458654449154.png (500x331, 137K)

Dr. Mrs. The Monarch already prepared me for that, i'm good.

Attached: d23jud4-357f6aef-ee0a-47f2-998a-67b4c483ac9d.gif (1000x1280, 62K)


I'd rather open it.

>Her tits are just out there, bro
>She's humping the door, bro
>She's just asking for it, bro
Shut up, penis

Attached: 1553101142272.jpg (970x545, 143K)

WHAT ARE THOSE? C's?! D's?!?!!?




Attached: 1247650b515535ffed880bd9a2286ea0.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

Dr. Ms. The Monarch actually has a personality and is intelligent and an attentive caring lover, tho. If you just had a girl with a man's voice, it would be offputting because it would just be a thot with a man's voice.

"Connor, because of your regenerative abilities... you have been selected to feed the cum goblin."

Attached: Connor_Cornwell.png (434x638, 112K)

What scp is that?

user NO

>Cum Goblin sucks one Conner dry
>He immediately respawns
>She jumps him again and sucks some more
>He respawns again, she jumps him again
>Rinse and Repeat
>This keeps going until the entire base is filled with dead dried out Conners and a loose Cum Goblin looking for the next respawn
>Or alternatively till the cum goblin is made full by all the conners
Somebody fund it

Attached: 1524082064778.jpg (200x274, 24K)


>enter room dick first
Jenson you crazy fuck

“I’ve been what now?”

>female research hears about this
>”Oh my god how could you people do it still happening?”
>She goes to watch, pretending to take notes while holding the clipboard up to her face the whole time.”

NGL, I'd read the reports of two SCPs going at it desu

Attached: 1503278708736.png (331x304, 67K)

>All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

They can be any size you want

Then bigger

>Cum Goblin bloated like a tick
>but it's cum
>too full to move but little limbs scrambling and clawing desperately at the ground trying to inch herself closer to the new Connor respawn to get another dose

A̢̟͈̘̙̦͓͛ͩ͂̌̚N̄Ö̞̯̬́̔͗͗ͫ͡ͅN̘͙̙̊̎͐̚ ̫̰͔̬̖̇̽ͣͨ̚Ÿ́͒ͭ̈́͌E̵͕͎̞̙͙ͫ̎̾E̶̝̘̦̪̠̜ͮ̊̑̓͊S̥̘̜̬ͬͮ͐ͩS͎̯̥̟̬͎̉ͧ̔ͦ͋S̗̘̯ͦ

Anyone else think that she's actually kinda cute?

We talking literally bloated up circular like blueberry cartoon style or a big overly swollen stomach full of cum stopping her from moving?
I ask because One of these is specifically hotter then the other and I must know for my dick


She can be anysize you want, babe

Whichever you prefer my guy.
The first option sounds funnier but the second is hotter for me.

Attached: 1501362140464.gif (250x250, 1.11M)

hell yeah

i'm pretty sure you're the only one itt who thinks that

Mod is always cute (and hot), no matter the presentation

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Attached: delight.jpg (762x768, 63K)


Attached: WONDERFUL GLORIUS.png (762x507, 610K)

>Everyone's making bets on who stops first, Connor or the cum Goblin

>For your safety

Attached: 1516892302720.gif (400x296, 443K)

She has separate stomachs for cum located in her boobs.

>The more cum she gets, the bigger her boobs

women don't like sex

As she said, "They can be any size you want."

Attached: The More You Know.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

Huzzah! The boy can learn!

From the one short story, it seems 1471 is male.

The artist's other work states that the cum goblin gets "unstable" after going too long without cum, which implies she's more lucid when she's recently fed. Presumably she can be sated, or at least, won't still be scrabbling desperately and screaming "CUUMMMMM" when her belly is bloated with semen.


Attached: whymypphard.gif (480x270, 2.75M)

you assume her cum addiction is a result of unstable mental state and not her normal priorities

You've increased my life expectancy with this

Attached: 1550007367562.jpg (558x908, 491K)

You'd be surprised to learn user.

i would hope by about 9

Attached: Bloodborne Bloodsucking Beast.jpg (900x645, 261K)

If you posted this thinking it would detour or stop me then you are most certainly wrong user

Attached: 1523792638879.jpg (1200x675, 75K)

>Cumsucking Beast

Attached: 1556133429829.png (949x471, 318K)

Attached: slither brenda.jpg (364x279, 22K)

See thats exactly what I wanted to avoid

Attached: 1484520302105.gif (463x426, 275K)

keadonger>lord bung

Attached: keadonger.gif (100x100, 7K)


So is taco bell an equivalent to cum for her?

I think the implication is that she just also likes to eat taco.

> you can't like a hing more than other different thing.
Fuck you oranges are better.

Guys guys lets all just calm down and get back to fapping to the monsters alright?
Besides, everyone knows pears are better then either of those shitty fruits

Pears ARE better, but try choosing 10 good, non-gritty pears in a row
I dare you

Does Glacier have a color ref for the Cum Goblin?
I wanna draw somethin'.

No, it's just Taco Bell is the junkiest fast food

Attached: D-dV64QXYAYf41w.jpg (1200x1367, 485K)

Fools, the lemon is the mightiest of fruits

Attached: Dorn.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Best pic of her that isn't just a doodle is this, but if you look on the artists twitter I'm sure you can find some normal pics of Mod to help you get some color options

But lemons hurt to eat

Attached: D-czRxhW4AI3YeG.jpg (1200x1311, 58K)

>scp mod is gonna get a ton of love
>dragon mod is forgotten

Attached: D-dPXFyWkAYCZdE.jpg (1200x1367, 189K)

Well I mean we did a whole video shitpost. You gotta be fair.

i like how they were apparently gonna get her a single potato griller

Where the fuck did this come from?

It's one of the best thing on the menu.

exactly why stop at one

Pound the cum goblin.

You have to use the scientific method, you need to gauge her reaction to each individual menu item to determine the optimal distribution method of tortilla food.

literally the second post in the thread

I saw the video, I'm asking where did the idea for the video spaw from.

Also in the thread

Is Jensen /ourguy/?

Attached: 1525411613526.jpg (500x500, 52K)

For centuries the bottom of the deepest seas of Yea Forums have been shrouded in mystery and superstition
Some say it's a hostile place inhabited by the strangest of Anons. Others that it's a prison for the most vile outcasts

Attached: 1525468724744.gif (800x450, 3.12M)

Take your gf to the pound

I might risk it too.

All I can think of is her getting more lucid and reciting lines from this video

Attached: D2589A34-0916-4E6D-B0DD-D93CE5FE07D7.gif (460x480, 404K)

Sorry, the Orange is the strongest fruit on stage

Attached: 43D4D4A1-F9DF-471F-B9F8-1E9E03A71571.jpg (338x879, 56K)

Uncensored version where?

>theres nine godamn versions of this
thank you

Who is this Mod

Attached: we just don't know.gif (250x251, 999K)

Attached: 1531241604774.gif (540x305, 603K)

what a shame that the SCP foundation got infected with SJWs that will rather die with the site before being proved wrong.

well we have the RPC Authority.... just without Malvyn because the author is a faggot who doesnt like memes being made of his work.

Would you go in knowing there is a good chance all your cum would be sucked out killing you instantly

"as long as it keeps positive ratings" hahahahaha, do you believe in santa claus too?

Sure, just go in with some mates in riot gear to subdue and bind her, then proceed to feed her the cummies.

I feel like that wouldn't kill you necessarily.

>what a shame that the SCP foundation got infected with SJWs that will rather die with the site before being proved wrong.
What happened now?

the fork one
i dont want to fuck monsters that could kill me, so i would just cum on the damm fork and call it a day

Attached: 1468645028243.jpg (981x733, 103K)

Jensen reminds me of Scout.

Attached: pity the dead.jpg (286x323, 23K)

oh not much, just... sjw doing her own thing again, now you can have the pride symbol on your articles all year, they will rewrite or completely remove your SCP if it is "problematic", they even said that saying traps was transphobic, they protected a poorly made satellite SCP that it says and i quote, "identifies as a black trans woman" that uses tumblr, normal people got so angry over that SCP that the mods literally PROTECTED that SCP to prevent it from being erased.

Shitty SCPs and people being made unable to voice anything against the bad ideas. Like a literally trans alien satellite with a homestuck tumblr account.
The worst part is how some of the ideas if tweaked and worked with could be clever stuff, but you can't have criticism cause it makes people feel bad. The Alien Satellite idea for example had another 'twin' with it who didn't understand anything about what its other was doing, yet for some reason just accepted it and then thats that nothing more.
Remove the extremely clear pandering and the idea of two connected alien beings being slowly corrupted by the cesspool that is the internet is a good idea. Hell work the Trans part into that instead of just having the thing be trans because you want it to be, have it reflect the total insanity that comes with that side of the net. Or just do SOMETHING with the idea besides having it be like that for the sake of it.

i think your underestimating her desire to get to the cum

the same girl drawn in every post bro

Attached: 868928787.png (1516x1492, 3.34M)

oh this brings memories. like when they lost the hateful star (it went to the RPC Authority) and they said that it was a bad SCP and they where glad that they got rid of it.

>twin alien satellites orbiting earth have connected to the internet to develop sapience based off of humanity's template then report back to homeworld as a sociological study
>out of efficiency they divided cleanly in two
>thus both are fucking insane in different ways and SCP is purposefully delaying their return to make humanity not look like fucking assholes

>explaining what is clearly poor writing
"her" "brother" said that he fixed her tons of times before, but she doesnt do that now because... reasons!.


Remember when shitposters here turned a google AI into one of them?

Alright, best I could do in terms of color pallete.
Forgive me if it's kinda unpolished.
Trying to get it in before the thread dies.

Attached: gnot a gnelf.png (473x419, 115K)

I'm not explaining shit, i'm trying to find some way to make the base idea not fucking suck.

its unfixable, the only way to "fix" it is to delete it and start over


dude, teach me how to color and shade like that, please i beg you


Now holy shit that is some top tier stuff!
Seeing your work is always a pleasure thank you 'user'

Attached: 1497405972750.gif (250x188, 989K)


Attached: LETS_GET_THIS_OUT_ONTO_A_TRAY.jpg (357x524, 33K)

>its unfixable
You're either lazy or blind if you think
>alien satellite interacting with humanity through the internet
is unfixable. Fuck it, you could turn it into 079 lite and its fixed. Bad but fixed.

Do something from if you’re still here takin requests


Attached: 1458534568930.jpg (424x736, 85K)

this is the perfect thing to actually do because i'm gonna go ahead and use the voice and modifications i used to do scp mod's voice in the first place
you're getting khumd'ahn, motherfucker

good good

Based OuttaSync

Probably mostly all of the female ones

Didn't the SCP threads on /trash/ just turn into gay furry porn of one SCP, that fucking stupid Mal0 character?

So where did this shit come from?

Attached: 2AA8E0AA877A41BC9D1DA394051BA7B2.jpg (632x488, 75K)

Imagine exploring those caves.

porn, humie porn

I hate that this thread is gonna die cuz I wanna dra more of this dirty little cumpire

What the hell even is the original idea of Mal0. Some furry black thing with a skull?
As for the stuff in this thread, a horny artist on twitter called glacier_clear drew her Extremely horny OC Mod into an scp and made a little comic about it, which then got made into an animation ( )
And now everyone is having a fun time talking about stuff they want to fuck.
For all the shit Yea Forums gets about being horny and only liking waifus whenever it is in this kinda mood its just a pleasant time all around with art and OC getting made and discussion with no trouble.

You could try to do more of her in /aco/ monster girl threads? I'd be amazed if no one has introduced her over there yet.
I mean shes a human in design sure but some of the pics do have a nice creepy atmosphere to them

where can I learn more about dragon mod?

Attached: 71eb169734c7145cb2d7bff1626448ee_20190625210514792.jpg (586x585, 173K)

You are the 500th post of this thread!


Attached: 1559612236798.png (750x711, 87K)

>What the hell even is the original idea of Mal0. Some furry black thing with a skull?
A picture some russians took of a bear's carcass

that's 682

no, that's 682
mal0 came from someone's edgy fursuit

This coming from the oficial website, here the link:

SCP-1471 is a free 9.8MB application for mobile devices named "MalO ver1.0.0" in online application stores. SCP-1471 has no listed developer and is somehow able to bypass the application approval process to go directly to distribution. SCP-1471 is also able to avoid removal by other program manager applications.

After SCP-1471 is installed, no icons or shortcuts are created for the application. SCP-1471 will then begin to send the individual images through text messaging every 3-6 hours. All images will contain SCP-1471-A either within the background or foreground. SCP-1471-A appears as a large humanoid figure with a canid-like skull and black hair.

During the first 24 hours following the installation of SCP-1471, the mobile device will receive images taken at locations commonly frequented by the individual. After 48 hours, the mobile device will receive images taken at locations that were recently visited by the individual. After 72 hours, the mobile device will receive images of the individual in real time with SCP-1471-A appearing within close proximity to the subject.

Individuals with >90 hours of exposure to these continuous images will begin to briefly visualize SCP-1471-A within their peripheral vision, reflective surfaces, or a combination of the two. Continued exposure to SCP-1471 after this point will cause irreversible and sustained visualizations of SCP-1471-A. Individuals at this stage have reported periodic attempts made by SCP-1471-A to visually communicate with them, but fail to understand or comprehend these actions. Currently the only known treatment to reverse SCP-1471's effect is to eliminate the individual's visual exposure to these images prior to 90 hours after installation. To date, no apparent hostile activity has been reported regarding SCP-1471-A."

I ain't gonna lie user. It's been so long I legit forgot /aco/ existed.

Got two versions for you, folks.
One outside of the glass containment chamber:
One where her voice is muffled as if she's still inside of it:

That is so fucking lame. It doesn't even kill people just stalks them but not to the point of making them insane? It does fucking nothing but be seen by them.
Its no fucking wonder why it got waifu'ed but christ why was it allowed in the first place?

Fucking based thank you

>Zou arc

oh, the cell phone one, my bad

I thought 682 was whale carcass.

Now i gonna leave here the history of "Capone"
Hee is the link:

I need the full picture and artist name, user.

Attached: ACTIVATE_IT.jpg (500x500, 66K)

great work

Fucking rad, dude.

It wasn't too long a drive from the doctor's office to home. Five, possibly ten minutes if there was a train. He always saw the creature through the rear view mirror when he drove, riding in the back seat. It looked innocent, in its own, alien way, waving to William as he saw it.

Despite everything, William found himself talking to it, like one would talk to a dog or cat about their day when they're alone. It seemed to listen when he talked, and after a while, he could swear that it understood. It's hard to tell with a face like that, so all there were to go by were various head tilts and waves, and even then, he had to teach it how to wave.

"At least I know you're interested."

Fuck it din't paste right

I don't give a fuck about SCP nonsense, I just find the idea of Yea Forums studying a cum goblin humorous

This is the firts part of this.

"I was scared when I first saw him. It happened just as you told me: the messages, the pictures, seeing him around every corner afterwards. I was so young; who wouldn't have lost it?" William sighed. By then, he was over the creature following him. It wasn't like it was going to go away, no matter how much he begged, or pleaded, or attempted to bribe. He knew that the best and only solution would be to just get used to Capone being there. At least he had the solace of knowing he wasn't going insane.
“Believe me William; I know many people have reacted the same way. Fear is a more common reaction to the unknown than you’d think.” Dr. Laura Breynz consoled him. These cases weren't exactly common, but they were commonly known.

“It’s not even that I'm afraid of him anymore. I mean, he makes me jump when I see him in the morning, I don't think I'll ever get used to that; It's the just the bad connotations he has.” William rebutted.

"I know that he does, but it happened two years ago. I know it's hard for you, especially with your shadow, but you need to carry on." Dr. Breynz stated. William just sighed as she continued. "Our session is almost up. We made some real progress, William. I want you to do something for me when you get home. Do you have any homework or anything?"

"I did it all on my break."

"Good. When you get home, I want you to think back to your first experience, and write as much as you feel comfortable sharing. Is that alright?"

"Yeah. Thanks for seeing me."

You spoil me, thank you so much

Hey, before the thread dies can you do a thing about a D-Class personnel bragging about all the SCPs he's shagged?

There'd be 800 Jensons a day if that was a case
Anons would literally be falling over each other to die from sucking.

Its still lame as an SCP. The sis killing herself was interesting but I saw no reason why she couldn't try to get along with it. Like, seeing the same thing every day eventually you just get use to it. Look at the Actual Cursed images like goatse, its disgusting but for many anons they've seen it so many times its just 'eh' to them now.
Especially when you KNOW it can't actually hurt you and showed no sign that it even wants to. Like, nothing the boy describes the monster as being threatening, Just there. It mentions claws but never like it wants to use them. It has a skull for a head but we've clearly established this thread that people wanna fuck skulls.
It feels like an idea that was Meant to be nothing more then furry waifu bait. The idea of a stalker works but having no real ending just blows

Drop the backpack near the door, go to the patio, wave to Capone from the mirror, fridge, drink, chair, crash. William's afternoon routine was more clockwork than it should be. He thought back to his session with Dr. Breynz. "She wanted me to try and recapture the experience when I first saw him, huh?" William mumbled as he grabbed a few sheets of paper and a pen. Bit by bit, he pieced together the sequence of events that lead up to this point.

Ok i will stop posting this now,

Man I would, but I'm dog tired.
I'm archiving this thread though and capping this particular post, I hope I'll think of something eventually. If another thread comes about on Yea Forums again I'll try and make sure that I broach this'n.
May the spirit of Jensen be with you, ignore Miller and get the succ. Sending this thread to greener pastures, signing off.

Basically it's a downloadable Tulpa.
Mark my words, somewhere out there IRL is someone who have made a MalO Tulpa, and it's screaming incessantly like that one pinkie pie Tulpa.

Goodbye everybody. it have been a good ride

I didn't mean to scare you off like that user and thanks for posting it all so I'd know. You a good guy, have a happy 4th

Tulpas are terrifying to me, maybe its because its literally someone making themselves insane rather then an outside force slightly bothering them

I'll see ya when the next episode of that SCP YouTube cartoon comes out.
Also, You should contact that guy.
I think he goes by lord bung?

Thank for all

Bruddah, all I can say is look up some tutorials and experiment.
You'll find your own way of doing things eventually.
Practice everyday.
And when you're practicing make sure you're aiming towards getting better at a specific thing.
You wanna get better at blending colors, focus on that.
Simulating textures, focus on that.
Just, know what you wanna practice on.
You'll get there.


Honestly didn't expect anyone from this thing to show up. Your company was a welcome surprise.

I second this user, all memes aside you're a great voice actor and I'm sure bung could use those

yes sir, i will practice!

One more. It was a funny short.

Attached: cumm.jpg (768x1169, 72K)

Aaayy, that's pretty good.
Nice job.

No shit, from what I read how Tulpas work is that you split a portion of your consciousness to act independently. Now initially it's a sort of meditative exercise, a way to see yourself from an outside perspective of sorts, but it's done by those whose mind are trained (Tibetan Buddhist monks).

Of course shit's gonna go south fast when the ones trying to cleave their mind in twain is the untrained occult fanboy that probably has schizophrenia already that is /x/, much less if they're also /mlp/.

We should have more threads like this.

My friend you have no idea of the true horrors that comes with that

Attached: 1372042627680.png (1600x5000, 2.29M)

something like the Monster girl Society where a guy or group of guys are documenting their experience banging Supernatural slash monster girls

Precisely my point when I referred to the screaming Pinkie Pie Tulpa. Now, I think it would be scarier if there's an anomaly they is a weaponized Tulpa. Downloadable, hackable, Tulpa that makes the brain shit itself real quick due to psychological attacks. Imagine a phone app that makes a Tulpa of your worst nightmares when you look or listen to it. Fuck, imagine you get a phone call from an unknown number one night, and you managed to listen enough of whatever freaky shit going on on the other side of the line before you hang up - and then later that night you awake from a nightmare only to find that thing chasing you in the nightmare is now on the foot of your bed, haunting you with your deepest, worst regrets. Hell, you might even be so spooked from the initial phone that you can't sleep and decide to pull an all-nighter, but then from the edge of your vision you start seeing your worst nightmare. Peeking, lurking... waiting. And you just know it's going to lunge at you anytime.

I somehow missed your filename. Fuck, my bad user
Good idea too, much better then the furry bait thought I'm not sure how containing a phone number would be possible for the Foundation to do

Yeah, what would be scarier if they added that MalO is the only one of these 'downloadable Tulpa' kind that the Foundation has been able to contain (due to it being a prototype or has its killy things malfunctioning), and mentioning of possible other deadlier forms of downloadable Tulpa that they have neutralized/encountered.

I vividly remembering entering one of those tulpa threads back in the day and finding a stream of a guy playing mega man while talking to his Fluttershy tulpa

I will never forget that