Ben and gwen

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: gee ben why do you get to fuck two hot cousins.jpg (1200x916, 363K)

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Best ship.

Incest is wincest

Ben x Charmcaster OTP

Attached: gwen_10___ben_x_charmcaster_kiss_by_carmen_oda_dczs56r-pre.png (894x894, 489K)

>"What're you lookin' at, Lord of the Dweebs?"

Attached: 58962661_p0.png (945x1000, 483K)

I give this thread 10 minutes


as a mexican I love perverted lolis and their wet puffy bits.

go to 8ch's /gw3n/ board. it's dead as fuck but there's some stuff

A-a-re they holding hands under that blanket?

Attached: ben-gwencest.png (1300x1034, 1.17M)

Thanks janny

Attached: Great+back+to+sadpanda+_cfcb88eb30c7e3ed39637ef8f0c4409c.jpg (760x447, 96K)

if they lived in the UK you can marry your cousin.

This won’t last long, one way or another, but I’ll enjoy the peace while it lasts i guess.

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Yeah but then their roud-trip would have only been around the UK, which would have been extremely boring.

their road-trip is in the US?

yes? have you not watched the show? Like every other episode they're at some famous monument, and most episodes are very clearly stated to be in one specific state or another.

Attached: gwen tier.png (1216x467, 667K)

I remember sleeping like that in a bus with a childhood friend and I used the chance to feel up her puffy bits since she was wearing pants.

I'd like to think she was pretending to be asleep because she was the one who wanted to share a blanket with me.

Let's make it count boys.

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>UAF Gwen
>not F-tier
user plz

who is that?

still looks better than the lowest tier, and Gwen in a skirt deserve some points

user self-insert.

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Attached: Charmcaster Wildmutt.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

now knot her

Accroding to man of action's ducan on twitter, the reboot might have a crossover with omniverse or alien force. And overflow is not water hazard as he will show up.

>Hey Ben, do you want to have tons of unprotected, incestuous sex with me and fill my wonb with your mighty alien/human seed?
>Pfft, no way fag!

I'd be mildly surprised if noone has made a No Way, Fag with Gwen and Ben already.

Then make it yourself

Green Lantern of Sector 2814

Attached: Gwen Lantern.png (1600x1603, 2.68M)

Based and Halpilled

The fact that she was in a swimsuit in the first place shows man of action were pedos

>not coconut oil

Attached: ear cleaning.jpg (1200x1200, 622K)

Based Hal, not only kick that brat´s ass, also fuck gently his cousin too.

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>ear cleaning
I don't understand this fetish japan I really don't its like showering its just something you do everyday

Attached: Ben.10.Omniverse.S07E03.Charm.School.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC[15-57-00].jpg (1280x720, 146K)

People in Japan are still very conservative. Men, who earn less than their wives, are under massive amounts of pressure to try and make more. Even though they don't have to. But, if you're a man, having your ears cleaned are one of the few accepted ways your wife can look after you.
People here complain and radicals and the left alot. But you only need to look at Japan to see what a society without those elements looks like.

I figured it was a cultural difference thing since thats the only way it can make sense since its common in anime

t. El Kevynn or El Brayan

Someone! Post the link. You know what I'm talking about. Right?

This, only MILFS should wear swimsuits

Coconut oil can cause rashes or hives

Do you think this ship would be nearly as popular if the showrunners didn’t change it so they were cousins? Personally, I’d prefer it that way, but I feel like the incest angle is where the appeal comes from for most people.

That's not the point. When you become suitably degenerate for Gwen threads, you'll get the reference.

Do you want rashes on your dick?
They burn like hell

Part of the appeal was that nobody had even half as much screentime as Ben, Gwen and Grandpa. Part of it was that they were effectively living together, while on a roadtrip. Part of it was how well they complemented each other and how, over the course of the original series, they became an effective duo.
These are good building blocks for any fictional relationship. So, I don't think it would have actually changed anything if the showrunners had gone with their original idea.

Well said, I agree. As great as this ship is, the incest thing still rubs me the wrong way. All they had to do was say their families were close friends and that would’ve been the end of it, but what can you do?


Doesn't Hal Jobber have mud eyes? Or are they green too?

>cucked by Hal and Kevin
Heh. Sorry Cletus.

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Wouldn’t be the first time he’s gone after a loli.


Supposedly, the South American audience wanted Ben and Gwen to get together. I've heard actual Latinos argue for and against that claim.

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>overflow is not water hazard as he will show up
They're already almost identical though?

>not 3 gwen 10k

>another thread made by rednecks

That it is, user.
I'd post some, but I'm getting banned for completely SFW shit lately, and I don't want another.

They have defective earwax that requires special cleaning
enjoy your eczema

user if you think japan's ultra-uniform never-think-for-yourself always-do-what-you're-told authority-is-all culture is conservative, think again.

Jesus, I can't win. If I call Japan out for what it is, I have weebs jumping down my throat. If I play it safe, I get a smart ass on my back.

Both wrong
Sticker pack was Chinese bootlegs
They don't source their material from the network, they pull images off google just using the character names and print them. Whoever made this probably only spent 2-3 min putting the page together and didn't even look at what he was printing.

Attached: xdex.png (1400x534, 753K)

is this 3D?

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viejo verde

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This is some weird shit bro
>Proceed to clean eyes

Attached: Cleaning my eyes.jpg (1240x887, 629K)

>user can’t stop talking about rednecks
Sounds like some repressed sexuality mate.

>gwenarms not in A tier
Low test

Is Area still working on that doujin now that Between Friends is over?

For anyone interested in the full-size version.

Attached: gwenpreg.jpg (700x1161, 171K)

Have the guts to get married in a state that allows it, you pussies.

Attached: 1228135402675.jpg (640x444, 33K)

lol imagine gwen waking you up late at night so you and her can make love while grandpa max is still asleep, hoping the quiet noises you two can't help but make don't wake him up haha

Imagine being so compatible with a relative that people talk about how good of a couple you both make.

they will kiss eventually r-right lads?



Both are canon now

lol imagine someone this pathetic to self insert as ben haha

>tfw going back and forth from the Avatar thread to this thread waiting on Azula x Zukoposting and more Bwenposting

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You can't expect less from an amerimutt redneck after all, that's true.

cope and seething redneck

I’m not even American this is just my fetish
Can I be an honorary American though like from a cool state like Texas or Boston?