does anyone actually give a shit about rick and morty anymore?
Does anyone actually give a shit about rick and morty anymore?
I hope not, the show and humor is zoomer-tier
Not here but on other social media places yes
I'd like the show more if it would stop wasting its best characters (the supporting ones).
Seriously, the only characters who seem to survive are hot blue women (the bounty hunter with Jerry, Unity, and Nova).
the only episode that I remember liking from season 3 was the one about the citadel or whatever the space station city was called
The first episode of Season 3 left a bad taste in our mouth. it was a mix of pickle juice and sichuan sauce
id rather see more of the new zealand one.
Yes but, yo be fair to the masses, this is a very high IQ show and not just any simp off the street can truly understand it. I’ve read Chaucer, Einstein, Lord Byron, Hawking, and many scientists and poets you’ve never heard of. And I still get caught off guard at times by the depth of knowledge on display in this show. The witticisms and literary references are mind blowing.
Not really, no.
All the normies I know do, so yes.
in a way too see how it develops for the rest of it's run yeah, like meme all you wan't but we still got 70 fucking episodes being produced.
I don't give a shit about Dan Harmon and his wimp attitude.
There was like maybe two or three good episodes last season and that's being generous.
It's a good show. Fast paced stories, humour, attitude. Contrarians hate it because it's popular.
I don’t think the show ever fully recovered from the Szechuan sauce fiasco
Where does “This show is for high IQ” meme come from?
People who’ve watched rick and morty took Ricks drunken self loathing rants as genuine speeches of intellectualism
Litteraly from Reddit
In everywhere outside of Yea Forums absolutely.
I still think it's fine but the show has only gotten worse with each new season.
>Szechuan sauce fiasco
Which was mostly just shitposting IRL. That Asian guy jumping up on the McDonald's counter was just one of those "prank" youtube channels that did dumb stuff for attention.
Of course, Harmon and Roiland's antics didn't help, what with Harmon throwing a fit about not getting a cut of McDonald's sauce sales when they brought it back with Sci-Fi advertisement.
But with everything, if the new season is good, the downtime won't matter. And even if the new season is bad, people will watch it. The last season of game of thrones was horrid but tons of folks watched it
The show has definitely gotten worse but it's proof that Yea Forums stands for /contrarian/. I remember when the first season came out and you guys were sucking this show's dick better than a politician's bootlicker!
> I remember when the first season came out and you guys were sucking this show's dick better than a politician's bootlicker!
Oh come now, surely you're allowed to enjoy the first season of a show and hate the rest of it. I'm not a hypocrite for loving the beginning of Arc-V and despising the rest.
The Chad Boy Adventurer vs the Virgin Scientist
the only people i know who watch it are my boomer cousins when basketball isn't on.
Season 3 made me realize that I only ever liked the B-Plots involving the family. I never really gave a shit about rick and Morty A-Plots at all. Jerry and Beth made the show funny. And when they removed Jerry the show was terrible and unfunny.
When the second season was making it super popular, this was the main thing said to anyone who ever stated in public that they didn't like it.
The fans would constantly say shit like
>You only didn't like it because you didn't Understand it!
>The humor is too sophisticated for you to grasp!
And yea what said, a lot of people actually genuinely thought the Rick rants were actual intellectual musings.
The Jerry and Beth at each other throats plots is one of the things that killed it. I hated seeing them fight then make up and then hate each other again next week
opposite for me. fuck the rest of the family.
No one looked good after that event. But it was a huge eye opener to a lot of people that this was quickly becoming the new Invader Zim, attracting the same level of annoying asshole who thought they were just as funny for shouting quotes loudly in public.
>But the counter jumping moron turned a lot of people off
>Harmon's ranting assholery the next day turned a lot of people off
>Harmon's bragging about being rich and famous to McDonalds employee turned a lot of people off
not them fighting, but the things like having to deal with the weird shit Rick brings into their lives like the Mr Meeseeks episode. I liked seeing Jerry and Beth have to deal with fucked up scifi shit.
Turning their story into nothing but "they hate each other" bullshit was annoying
The show has run it's course. It need to be put down. Ever since the Unity episode, cracks started to show and season 3 was the confirmation that it's dead
>Too much 4th wall breaking
>Too many non ironic 300 IQ moments like the therapist's monologue and "Am I evil? Worse, you're smart"
>Too much Gerry and Beth hate each other
>Rick has become Deadpool 2.0
>Morty has become Rick jnr
>Side characters are forgotten about
>Pandering to the memey crowd
>Roiland has clearly run out of steam with the improving
Season 1 was good, season 2 had a few good ones but I can only see the show getting crapper and crapper
Rick & Morty is good way to filter out the retards.
Im excited for season 4 and most anons here are too and are just being tsundere.
I liked the Citadel Episode in season three quite a bit, and I'll probably watch more at some point whenever the next season shows up, but I'm pretty burnt out on Rick as a character. I'm not quite sure what they want to do with him and the family tonally.
They had a direction for him at the end of season 2, with him falling somewhere between being a suicidal bastard and finally accepting some of his mistakes for the sake of his family rather than just getting away with everything again. But season three backtracked on it by just making him an unstoppable unkillable god that half of family blindly loves, and the one who doesn't is treated like a complete loser.
There are still episodes that touch upon Rick being in the wrong, like the therapist episode, but I think the character arcs in general are kind of back-and-forth with how we're supposed to interpret them. In some episodes we're meant to empathize with people and treat their flaws like a serious character study, and in others they're so cartoonishly despicable that there's no one in the main cast that can be feasibly redeemed.
Justin Roiland is actually a pretty chill dude though.