Chileanos in charge of killing a classic comic character

>Chileanos in charge of killing a classic comic character

Attached: Sin título.png (600x300, 349K)

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Literally who?

Chilean comic that dates back to 1949. Really normie tier with Latin Americans.

Why does condorito, (or is this supposed to be cone) look so feminine in this?

¿Te gusta el chocolate caliente, Yea Forumsndorchavo?

literally never heard of this country

now you understand Mexicans when El Chavo Animado came put

Latin America sucks so much dick at making 2d animtion

I bet you don't even know where America is located

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Nah dude, there's a lot of good latin america 2D animation, such as
>Irmao do Jorel
>Monica's Gang
>Sitio du Picapau Amarelo
>El Santo vs. The Clones

sorry but your miserable little country is insignificant

imagine being this sacowea

>Calarts-tier Condorito

Fucking epic.

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Do i think Condorito Jr. Is gonna flop?
I think its gonna ¡PLOP!


I’ve seen most of them and I can guarantee they are hot garbage

Villanous is the only good one

Villanos is ass
Looks like the shitty animation project of an student


That's your opinion, but on the other side of America, people might not think so. Humor is highly different depending on the nation, it's just that us 'muricans have a different taste of humor and therefore don't get the Latin American style of humor.

31 minutos trumps all anyways

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I wish I was an american, so I could take pride in being ignorant.

That's not even a cartoon and it's shite


He's right you know

name one important thing this country did in history

Existing is enough, ask the Pentagon.

I remember my uncle sending me condorito comics when I was a kid, maybe that's why I'm into bimbo fetish now

Imagine having this shit of a taste

Why does Zoomerito has those big eyelashes like mascara? Is he trans now?

Attached: condorok.gif (480x360, 977K)

Beat two invading countries with superior and advanced militaries using only the power of angry manlets in 1879

Kicked America out of Panama in 1885

Was the first country to kill nazis AND communists in 1928 and 1936

Was the first country to develop a star trek film set with internet

Cucked Argentina to tears several times

Came up with mixing ice cream and moonshine for a shitty drink

wrong answer
chilea is a waste of space on the world map

I only remember it for this

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How was the CGI movie? Did it sell well in latinamerica?

it's funny how most countries would get completelly destroyed with an earthquake just half as powerful as an average Chilean earthquake.

I was supposed to hate Chile from my nationality, but no citizen in the world has the luxury to ignore geopolitics

This is from Televisa too.

I thought Condorito was mexican like Meme Penguin and Mifalda?


Mafalda. And she's argentinian.

and what the fuck are you waiting for, nobody is used to Chilean seismic activity
also the problem is not how strong they are but how constant that they are

causa,that just a joke, only limeños really hate them

I'm bolivian tha's why it is double funny


Didn't know you had internet over there.

excuse me, i have seen all of them and when they are not political, they are cheap boring jokes, latinamerica sucks at making animated cartoons.

except villanos but thats another story.

its also the richest country in Latin America and the only one thats a first world country

>first world country
si claro

Anime japanese humor is more popular here so there's a big difference in humor as you see.

El americANO señores
Condorito is chilean but Televisa publishes the comics now. Mafalda is Argentinean but I'm not sure if some conglomerate have bought the rights to publish them (which is unlikely considering the nature of those comics)

eres un puto idiota holy fuck!

>Villanous is the only good one

that is wrong and deep down you know it

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Aren't those the niggers who claim to be white?}

No wonder Mufasa looks like a chimp.


When these niggers stop pissing on and doing graffiti on archeological sites we can start talking

>Automatically thinks this user is American
Keep seething at our existence

having a bad reputation isn't good, americanon

Underrated comment right here.

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>that clip where they were doing zoomer dances
Fucking nightmare fuel.

Borderline porn comic.

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Although there is a drop in quality in season 4.

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>Clear as fuck bait
Guys, he's only pretending to be retarded!

there are no earthquakes in texas.

Why people from Chile are destroying the legacy of a mexican cartoon?

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>richest country in Latin America
Sorry user, according to wikipedia, Brazil, Mexico (come on!), and Argentina are the 3 largest economies in the tacosphere

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You got it backwards

the original video received so much negative reception that they deleted from its channel

And the standards of life are shit tier there.

Chile is BASED and os my second favourite South American country
Better than those larping retards at Argentina and Uruguay

>and Argentina

it's because in LA, more money does not necessarily mean better life
just one word: Corruption

si si me encanta

>Monica's Gang
>Good animation

>Thundercats Roar all over again
I'm liking the way this is going

>borderline porn comic
Why are burgers such prudes?

>Good animation
Fuck off argennigga, QUINO is trully kino but that animated cartoon was shit

It IS shit. Songs are catchy but thats it, the rest is nostalgia because you didnt have anything else to watch when it aired.

Chile is the earthqueake rod of humanity, by design

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>Chile just got rekt by Peru in Copa America
Even God hates what happened to Condorito

Condorito has been dead since Pepo died

Argentina will lose again against Chile (now for the 3rd place)

>this is telerisa too
of fucking course.

>Not Te Idiotisa

>Beat two invading countries with superior and advanced militaries using only the power of angry manlets in 1879
You guys sound fuckin based. Also probably the weirdest shaped country I can think of.

Attached: 300px-Mapa_Regiones_de_Chile.svg.png (300x667, 42K)

pon las manos para recibir, che kico

Mafalda > Little Lulu