Anons who watch superhero movies on their premiere dates...

Anons who watch superhero movies on their premiere dates, how do you deal with the noisy moviegoers who constantly commentate, yell, or chat with their friends while the movie is playing? I personally just shoot them a glare because Im worried that directly shushing them would just end up causing a scene

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I use sigils to ensure a peaceful and enjoyable experience.

I have a roadside emergency flashlight I use to shine right at the people who are disruptive
But fuck outta here OP with your shit

>Pick the loudest biggest guy there.
>Punch him in the face.
>Lift him over head and throw him out the door.
>Date is now wet from your pure concentrated manliness.

That's how.


Yea Forums, please leave.

Going to a movie theater, specially in this day & age with the internet, you know what you'll be in for, specially if it's in the first days of a highly normie anticipated movie.
You are paying for " The Experience™ ", not necessarily the movie, if you just wanted to watch the movie undisturbed, you would've downloaded it and watched it at home. Teens are loud, naturally, if you enter a place full of them that's not a library, expect noisy film viewing throughout its entirety.

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I go to theaters who actually care about audience silence and usually has audience who stay quiet during the movie.

Or going with friends so I'm at least 2 seats away from noisy neighbors when in-between friends.

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>watching cams
>basically being a poo in loo
Some of us prefer not to debase ourselves to the level of animals.

Your ass got a home theater that takes up a literal entire wall viewing size and surround sound properly balanced? Cause I don't, and would rather spend $8-15 to rent one for 3 hours so to speak.

I sometimes wonder what's wrong with some of the audience, my experience watching Far From Home was nearly ruined by a teen in the back who kept responding whenever a character said a line of dialogue like he was a part of the movie.

I never really mind it too much, the audiences where I live can be pretty active and loud, but for some reason it never distracts me from the movie or annoys me. Then again it's also only ever happened twice to me, with Endgame and the MHA movie.

It's very simple. If you're there for the opening weekend experience (which can be fun for movies like Avengers, hearing everyone gasp or laugh at specific moments), then you go whenever you feel like and accept there's gonna be popcorn sounds and wrappers and shit.

If someone is talking or obnoxious, a simple "shhhh" or "shut the fuck up" will usually put a stop to it, since everyone else is also on your side. You just need to be brave enough to be the first person in the room to stand up to discourtesy.

If you're not looking for the opening day experience and just want to watch the movie in silence, then you either go well before 3pm or wait for a weekday (and still go to either an early showing or one that lets out after midnight).

If you're so autistic that you can't deal with even a single human being in your vicinity then just get a camrip and spare us all the spergout when you hear someone adjust their chair after the movie starts.

>specially if it's in the first days of a highly normie anticipated movie
This is why i go like two weeks after that and in weekdays because nobody is middle of the week in movie theaters.

>(which can be fun for movies like Avengers, hearing everyone gasp or laugh at specific moments
I never got into that. I am glad that i live in Finland where these kinda things aren't a thing.

>and the MHA movie
I've seen a few other people say the same thing. That was hands down the worst experience I've ever had seeing a movie.

I mean that's literally the reason I wait until a few weeks into release. You've probably just reached the age where you'd prefer to knock all the loud shits out rather than hear them.

I dont watch capeshit

People eating doesn't bother me, I barely even hear it once I get into the movie honestly. And it's special hearing audience reactions to a particularly good scene or moment, like everyone flipping shit when Cap picks up the hammer in Endgame.

Besides, watching it on my tv and watching it on a barn-sized screen with professional surround sound can be a very different experience by itself - no comparison between watching something like Dunkirk at home and on a theater. For another example, the monolith's leitmotif is DEAFENING in 2001 if you watch it on a theater.

Midweek matinees are really the only way to go to the theater anymore. And to be clear it's still fantastic. Cheap tickets so you don't feel like an asshole spending 5 dollars for a cup of sugar water with your 5 dollar popcorn and unless you're seeing a G-rated flick you're generally not dealing with little vermin.

>People don't laugh audibly at jokes in Finland
I know Americlaps is a meme but come on now

Well they do laugh but they don't overreact and clap like americans do.

A good chunk of Marvel movies get notably worse when you don't watch them with an audience. I was the only one in the theater for Captain Marvel and there was a Big Bang Theory esque pause after EVERY single joke, usually the ones involving le funny PS2 cat.

I wouldn't have even noticed if I was in a crowded theater, but the silence was super powerful.

Well that's what I was referring to. Clapping is obnoxious but movies like Endgame are more like rollercoasters than they are actually films.

Everyone making noise when Cap picked up the hammer made it more hype opening day. Doesn't mean I'd want people whooping and making noise when I go see Midsommar this weekend, but then that's a different kind of movie.

>A good chunk of Marvel movies get notably worse when you don't watch them with an audience
Yeah i know and that is why i hardly i go watch those movies.

What about Drive inns?

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>Everyone making noise when Cap picked up the hammer made it more hype opening day
I didn't go to see it but what i heard from my friend there was nothing like that and it was mostly just few laughs and "OOH"s

>People made noise when Cap picked up the hammer
>"I mean I wasn't there but I heard from a friend was that no one was making noise; instead they made noise."

I turn to the person being loud and whisper in their ear, " *

I don't know how anyone would be able to hear anyone else. The movies are so fucking loud. I wish I could turn that shit down.

I get really high and enjoy the movie like a normal person. Also ride your bike to the theater and do a late night showtime. It's a lot of fun and a good work out.

Must be an American problem. People are pretty good about it in Canada. That said, I saw Infinity War in IMAX on premiere day next to the most obnoxious, smelly, laughing at shit that isn’t even funny piece of crap ever.

Yeah but they didn't make shit like you see in some of those videos from america.

Seriously, if you're going to opening night/weekend of a major, highly anticipated film, you know what you're getting into. In the first few days people go to those FOR the shared experience, which often includes highly over-exaggerated audience reactions.
There are very few times in life when you can share an exhilarating, possibly emotional experience with 100+ other people at the same time. All these people complaining need to learn how to enjoy themselves. (Which, if they can't don't like enthusiastic audiences, most likely means waiting a week+ and going to an odd showtime.)

THAT SAID -- I am ONLY talking about the audience reacting. That is the visceral, emotion-driven cheering, clapping, "oh shit"s during oh-shit moments, etc.
TALKING during the movie itself is completely unacceptable outside of maybe a quick whispered question or comment to the person next to you. If people are just having unrelated or even related conversations throughout the film, that's a entirely different issue and one that I can't stand. I've left the theater mid-movie because of that before.

In other words:
Audience reacting, cheering, etc on opening day: Fun, adds to the experience.
People being inconsiderate and just chatting away during the film: not cool, should not be tolerated.

I gotta disagree. The audience is easily the worst part about any film, at least in the area I live in. Any blockbuster, no matter who big the crowd is, manages to draw in the retards that clap at the film. Help me wrap my head around that. They clap at the fucking movie. There's nobody there to receive the applause, it's not a stage production of Hamlet, people just do it because they want validation over liking an action scene.

Watching Bumblebee on the opening week was the worst fucking mistake I ever made. During the last 3rds of the film you had someone all across the theater attempting to start a crowd clap every few minutes, which sometimes worked, but most of the time ended up with a moron doing a couple of isolated claps which completely drags you out of the immersion.

The best and worst thing has become the reclining chairs.

They're loud as hell during the film almost as if moving pictures enhances their loudness. And inevitably a child or the elderly get stuck in their chair.

>Help me wrap my head around that
It comes from a misunderstanding of why people clap: clapping is not just an expression of thanks/congratulations/well done/etc. It doesn't need a specific recipient. It can also be a spontaneous expression of happiness.

It may seem silly to clap "at" a movie, but that's not what people are doing. Would you prefer they scream and cheer? Stand up and proclaim "That was great! I'm so happy right now!" Or just stay perfectly silent and contemplate about how happy they feel? (I know what your answer will be but maybe you can understand where I'm coming from). They're clapping as an expression of joy shared with many other people. Like I said before there aren't many places where someone can have that type of shared experience. If it ruins immersion for you then, again, don't go opening weekend. Since it's actually heightening the experience for those participating in it.

(That said, it is true that after the main, most enthusiastic crowds are gone, having just one or two people clapping is really awkward.)

>girl in front of me would squeal every time her “baby” explosion boy would come on screen
First and last time I watched an anime movie in theaters

I don't go see tentpole movies when they are frist released. I usually wait until the next Tuesday and see it at 10 AM with about 30 grownups in the theater during the matinee showing. I can't remember the last decade someone was a dick in the theater.

My trick is to go on weekdays and always buy tickets online a few hours beforehand. This way I get to see how many seats are already taken. Last time I still ended up unlucky watching John Wick tho, having 6 guys on the row behind me laugh at literally everything, even if it wasn't funny in the slightest. But maybe even worse are the old people who go watch movies not because they're all that interested but because they're old and having nothing better to do so they just have whole conversations during the movie, only happened twice so far but it was annoying enough to have an impact.

I haven't went to a midnight premiere since 2008 when The Dark Knight switched to spanish 3/4 through the movie and the theater didn't do shit except offer a free ticket valid only for the following week

The last time I went to a movie opening night I ended up losing it and shooting a bunch of people who wouldn't shut the fuck up. Some orange haired faggot took the rap for me so it all worked out pretty good I guess. I strictly pirate now.

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Tell them "Shut the fuck up or I'll shut you myself"

I don't go to the movies that much anymore, but if I go, I try to go during the weekday or during one of the morning showings on the weekend so that there will be fewer people there.

The old people not giving a shit thing is too real. My family likes to go to movies as a big group whenever everyone's in town (basically thanksgiving, Christmas, and usually like once during the summer whenever the most people are visiting) But my grandmother and my aunt can't shut up during movies. It's infuriating. Luckily I generally don't really care about the movie itself and am just going to be nice. But if you're paying for a movie, at least shut up and pay attention to the fucking movie.

>watching new MCU movie
>everybody is quiet and turns off cellphones
>laughs and gasps at the right scenes
>cheers and applause when characters have their big moments

based Marvel

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>Toy Story 3 opening weekend
>Good experience, the old men laughing their asses off at Mr. Potato Head as a tortilla made it funnier
>Incinerator scene happens
>The characters are embracing death
>laughing until the aliens pick up the toys
>nobody said or did anything about it
fuck that kid

Why would i enjoy overreacting audience? I am manchild but not that mamchild.