Constantly going after the girl swerving you at ever turn who's made it clear she'll never return your feelings

>Constantly going after the girl swerving you at ever turn who's made it clear she'll never return your feelings
>Ignoring the girl who's arguably more attractive, known you since you were children, shown multiple times that she genuinely loves you and is actively trying to get your D


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Other urls found in this thread:

everyone have such ugly big head.

The artstyle never bothered me til I got older. It's so fucking bizarre, but not enough to make it unappealing.
Fucking French.

he became an incel at the end

Embrace the 5head

I forgot, why didn't Yumi want to date him again ?

Yeah I'll be honest I did like the idea of Yumi going "This sexual tension is too unhealthy and you're too much of a beta pussy to do anything about it, so no"

And also he just brushed aside Sissi. I can't help but feel bad for her


you ever been a kid before buddy

So Jeremy in the end banged Aelita and Odd at least fucked the black chick?

jeremy is such a chad

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the ship no one expected

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this is illegal

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me too

she was best girl

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>I mean, if Ulrich won't do it...

>she was best girl

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>that episode where Xana shapeshifts as random students and begins to make out with anything that moves

I don't think something like that would be allowed to air on today's tv

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Wait I never saw the final. So the don’t get together at the end?

I forgot about that episode
What was Xana's end goal here, again...?

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No they don't. Yumi decides the tension isn't worth it and the relationship is more trouble than it's worth, plus she's got more ship tease with Big Willy. They stay friends though.

the show would have been nothing without her

she alone carried the series on her shoulders

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create sexual tension in the school

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Sissi had it rough. Yeah she could be a bitch but a lot of the time it was more after they went out of their way to rag on her from what I recall. She seemed pretty cool and kind hearted whenever the XANA catastrophes happened and there were times she'd help em out despite them treating her like shit.

Ulrich always reminded me of Teen Titans Robin

I believe they aired at the same time

I don't remember anything about this show. I thought it was about some cyberworld or something, but this thread makes it seem like it was a school romance drama.

He spread himself out like a virus, each time he kissed a person, that person would essentially become a Xana clone that would move on to the next person. Goal was to capture the group, simple as that.

Primarily the former, secondarily the latter. But at the series went on the drama and romance started to play a bigger part.

I mean, it was both

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>I don't think something like that would be allowed to air on today's tv
Well, this was a french cartoon
>She seemed pretty cool and kind hearted whenever the XANA catastrophes happened and there were times she'd help em out despite them treating her like shit.
Yeah Sissi was really reliable when the chips were down. She had her bitchier moments, but most of the time she minded her own business except when Ulrich was involved.

>Hey Jim wanna /sl/?

Gotta ask yourself that ass worth risking jail time?

Why the fuck was she drawn with a (by this arts' standards) reasonable sized forehead and everyone else is rocking 6heads? I just now realized that.

>Tfw Sissi would've joined the gang if she wasn't a snitch
I'm unbelievable angry

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Don't worry. They can just reset the day.

Make senses, always though Ulrich was needy and passive aggressive.

I might be mis-remembering but I think at some point towards the end of the show she did join and just kept their secret. Not only that but she was on much better terms with them by then.

Because she's supposed to be objectively pretty

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At one point in the show William straight up told him to shit or get off the pot. Basically was like "Hey man, if you don't go for Yumi, I will"

Weirdly, the art reminds of Bokurano. You know, that anime about kids having to pilot a mecha that kills the pilot after one round.


Kek, what a fucking cuck.


I think everyone's told him to just go for it at one point or another.
Say what you want about Jeremie, when Aelita showed up, he wasted no time.

To be fair her reasoning was sound and logical. They were dealing with something that could fuck with reality that hard and they should just shut that shit down and let people know immediately. They'd lose Aileeta though which was pretty shitty but given the stakes she had a point and they shouldn't have proceeded to treat her like contemptible shot from that point forward since she had a good reason. Then again they are teenagers so...

Shit user you just remnided me that I'm only halfway through that show

Didn't recall him kissing another girl

the boys had really cute feet in this show

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He friendzoned himself. Dude had a crush from the moment he met her, but didn't say anything until well after they had been good friends for a long time. By that point, she just didn't view him like that.
Also she's like a year older than him, which to teenagers can be a bit of a hang-up

holy fuck they could really abuse that

Honestly props to those kids, that kind of power would corrupt me instantly

>holy fuck they could really abuse that
Especially since there seems to be absolutely no reprecussions to doing so whatsoever. Not even Xana can stop them doing it either.

There was one episode where Ulrich used RTTP to win a lottery for Yumi's dad, and Jeremie fucking lambasted him for it. Like why?

Jesus fucking christ I guess I needed to see it in motion again after all these years but those fucking HEADS

We're approaching Gravitina levels of dome here, shieeeet

because needlessly rebooting the universe makes xana stronger each time

I know right? It never fucking bothered me as a kid but looking at it in the future, is eye opening.

That being said the style some how makes it work in a bizarre way.

So what was Xana's deal anyway?

the forehead artstyle is pleb filter

He was a virus that wanted to take over lyoko and/or the world. There's not much to him, Xana's more of a framing device.

How was it invented and what did the digital girl have to do with it?

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Yeah but like why not have them all win the lottery like once and then they dont need school and can just work on stopping Xana full time?

Did this show have boy nudity?

What the FUCK is that.

I don't think they ever give an exact origin for him, I have to rewatch it, but basically some guy named Franz Hopper made a super computer and Xana was a virus I think he either discovered, or it developed and gained sentience, again I'm not sure.
Aelita, the pink haired girl is Franz's daughter and she and Franz were on the run from the government because they wanted that computer. He created Lyoko, a virtual world to house them in to live out their days and lay low. He sent her first and was about to follow but was killed before he could. The supercomputer was shut down with Xana and Aelita inside until the main characters discovered it years later.
That's about it really. The show was certainly a product of it's time but I do recommend watching it. It's still got a certain charm to it.

Oh right they did have a live action version.
It wasn't very good.

I enjoyed it back in school but all the cartoons I wanted to rewatch for nostalgia's sake end up being worse than I remembered, so I stopped doing that to keep my good memories intact.

It was developed as an AI for some shadowy government entity by Aelita's (digital girl) father.
It was originally pretty tame, but the father went with it through an unknown (but very high) amount of timeloops, which made it utterly bananas and genocidal.
Father shut the project down, and kept Xana trapped in a virtual world inside a supercomputer in the basement of a factory. Dude then ran away with his family. Government tracks him down, wants him to restart the project. Kidnaps his wife. He decides to save his daughter (and himself) by literally uploading their minds to the supercomputer. then he shut the supercomputer down.
a few years later, Jeremie found the computer and restarted it.

no but Williams and Odd's actors were fucking legends

Oh yeah I love Code Lyoko but I will NOT deny that this show has not aged well at all.

For me, Code Lyoko was just another boring fake anime show that replaced my weekday Toonami. It came on right after school and I only liked Megas XLR. I would have much preferred to be watching EEnE, KND, or B&M. To this day I don’t understand why Miguzi was a thing, but I think the mascot was cute and I would obviously welcome Miguzi back if it were to return today since the lineup today is so shit even compared to lame French anime.

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>To this day I don’t understand why Miguzi was a thing
It was pretty much just Toonami lite.

But why

It was made to host French cartoons I think, like Code Lyoko, Totaly Spies, others I cant remember

even as a kid this pic made me feel funny

But Dragonball reruns were so popular. What was Lazzo thinking?

Good tastes dude

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As much as I hate frogs, I love their pervy cartoons.

>that evil teddy episode with Sissi

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Because shut up. Winning money with the lottery is bad. Shaaame on you. Because plot contrivance


You mean the pilot?

Kids don't get to skip out on school just because they're rich.
Hell, as minors they can 't even legally buy tickets

Lazzo hates good things

men of taste I see

To be fair, she was pretty clingy at times, and even blackmailed him at least twice. And another time took advantage of him when he lost his memory. That's pretty crazy, even if you're in love.

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Not quite. They stop ignoring her and let her join them for lunch, then shut off the machine now that there's no more threat. She does act like a bitch to her two cronies and basically shoos them off like they were nothing.
They did kind of overreact though when it happened in the prequel. Sure, she snitched, but she was acting in good faith that they were all in danger. Of course, she then made it personal when she spotted Yumi and assumed Ulrich was having some kind of affair instead of focusing on the matter at hand like the killer energy ball. Still, the gang could have just eased up on the trust and kept her at arms length instead of chucking her ass across the campus.

TL;DR: Aelita's dad made a different super AI (that Project Carthage they mention a few times), and ashamed of himself he made Xana to destroy it, and Xana grew out of control and turned evil on its own

So what did Carthage do?

That wasn't the pilot, it's the first episode.

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Is it wierd that I think her animosity toward Yumi was her most interesting asset? It was less that she hated Yumi herself, Yumi acted as a walking obstacle to Ulrich (in her mind, anyway) So while she could be crass to other people, she didn't completely go into "bitch mode" until the second Yumi shows up.

Never explained or alluded to, at least not in the show.

The books (which aren't canon IIRC) imply it had the power to take control of the world's communication systems or something to that effect, think new world order type shit. I haven't read them though so this is secondhand info.

According to Hopper, it was meant to be something of a communications jammer or whatever, but with implications of an even greater purpose which ultimately led to Franz leaving the project and creating XANA. The show and its fifth season never quite fully explained it, while the novels revealed it was something like a massive control device or whatever that a group called the Green Phoenix were seeking to use and had to be stopped by the Lyoko Warriors and XANA.

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Fuck, this scene. It did things to me, man.

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Eh, she kind of did get bitchy with some of the gang, at least Odd and Aelita to a degree. Of course, the former usually had snide jokes to barb her with (which led some to think maybe he had a thing for her, especially after the episode where they were anonymously sexting one another), while the latter was mostly frustration at how Ulrich and the gang were pouring adoration over "the new girl"

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I'm just surprised it never once got censored, though apparently it had to do with the makers handling the dub themselves, though you'd think CN would have objected to Sissi's changing scene and a few others.

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Yeah but it was more of a default bitchiness that, like you said, mostly lead to some back and forth for the sake of comedy and that fan ship (that I honestly, never got).
But it got turned up to eleven the moment she saw Yumi, like a bull seeing red.

Well A) it was french and B) this was around the time the censors started getting more and more lenient. Not too much, but enough to let stuff like this slide.

She really should have tried to just confront Yumi and try staking her claim to Ulrich. Yumi was really the only one ever doubting her own feelings, whereas Ulrich was just sometimes getting jealous over nothing and on rarer occasions getting a buzz for Sissi on the few times she managed to appeal to him.

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They were still strict (and somewhat are today) about nudity in some cases, such as this scene with Odd. Heck, it still happens with a lot of anime that have even the mildest fanservice.

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I mean it was being aired along with the fetish flagship that was Totally Spies so if that was fine then Lyoko should be to.

To play devil's advocate, Sissi and Ulrich have known each other since they were kids and she's made it absolutely clear all those years what her intentions were. Yumi was just kinda flip-flopping, and Ulrich unwittingly cucked himself by not just going for it and being to passive aggressive.
And the few times Sissi and Ulrich had a proper dialogue, they got returned to the past. I'm just saying I kinda feel for the poor girl.

>hijack a bus to drive into a nuclear plant
>hijack a space satellite to redirect a meteor to crash into earth
>control the weather and lower temperature until everyone freezes to death
>possess a dog and give it the ability to turn people into zombies
>create a real world replica in the virtual world in order to trick the heroes into deleting themselves
>cause localized power surges to weaken the earth's magnetic field so everyone just flies off into space

I love how Xana absolutely did not fuck around despite being a children's show villain

Yea, but TS did it "ironically", as in, they "totally didn't think there was anything fetishistic going on. Nope! Nothing at all!" while the girls got into just about every damn thing save for the most hardcore /d/ and gurochan tier stuff.
Which should have tipped Sissi off when it was clear that Ulrich just wasn't going to return those feelings, especially with her more crazy antics. You'd think a girl would learn that after nearly a decade, the guy just might be into her even if she's practically willing to answer his beck and call in possibly more ways than the Asian girl he's got yellow fever for.

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>Evil only has to win once.

Yeah I get it, a lot of her inner pain is self inflicted due to her, sadly one sided attraction toward Ulrich. ESPECIALLY since it's shown that during her softer moments, Ulrich might. While I'm still firmly in Sissi's corner, I get what you mean.

Also, now that I see this pic, I think Sissi looks better with the brown hair.

I kind of wanted to see them using their powers in the real worlf, like they could in the Garage Kids pilot.

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That's the perk of not giving the villain any personality beyond a somewhat primal/singlemindedness. Sure, it means XANA wasn't going to be quite as complex as someone like Nox from Wakfu or any number of great anime villains, but sometimes the bad guy just being a force of nature can work quite well, especially if they're a brutal motherfucker who'll drown kids one moment and wordlessly attack their egos.

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I really wish they had explored more with her and Odd after the texting episode. Even if it didn't get to be anything super serious, it could have been fun to at least have the two learn more about each other when they sat down and really talked instead of bickering and hurling insults. If anything, could have at least put their relationship issues into context for the both of them and maybe have led to them realizing the greater flaws in their approaches to love.

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It helps being able to skip around, but yeah, there's a ton of reused footage and the fucking math equation on the board that never, ever changed

Yeah if there's any one gripe with this show that bothers me to this day it's the unexplored areas regarding the characters. Hell, Odd and Sissi didn't even need to get together at the end, but they could've become great friends at least, they play off each other pretty well.

Some of the relationships turned out alright, like Jeremie and Aelita. And while it wasn't until Evolution that really confirmed Ulrich and Yumi were back together, it was still implied with the finale that they could try going steady now that they didn't have to worry about saving the world every day. And to cap that off they had finally made amends with Sissi, albeit abruptly and with no time to really explore until the fifth season, which even then only did a poor job of really integrating Sissi into the group dynamic from what I understand. But at least it was something

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I really like this show's artstyle
Including the foreheads.

It's got a certain charm to it. I don't know how to explain it, but it just works.

Only thing is, how would it have worked for the likes of Ulrich and Odd? Ulrich's big thing was his super speed, which could have been interesting if he had less control over stopping if he went too fast (and the lack of being able to crash around in a virtual world where he couldn't die as easily). While Odd only really had the Future Sight that never really helped him much. Of course, I know some people have joked that maybe he just got the tail and would have to hide it. Yumi I know had her telekinesis, which could have been fun if it had more strain on her body in the real world compared to Lyoko where it seemed to only sometimes affect her HP.

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>That one time he controlled a swarm of wasps
>That one time he controlled a NOT! Xenomorph to attack people with
>That one time he tried to kill people with music that made them comatose / have seizures

XANA was fucking wacky

Yea, Romain's styles are certainly not bad, just different. But the guy does know how to make them work once they're in motion.

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That Odd hairstyle is ugly.

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Still makes some sense that his hair wasn't always in Super Saiyan form when he first stated going to school.

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Blonde kid looks like Beavis when he turns his head

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>I don't think something like that would be allowed to air on today's tv
The 2000s was a weird time

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So is this show the worst effort in trying to imitate anime style but fucking it all up?

this isn't my life me

>XANA essentially just wanted to make the entire school and the Lyoko gang into horny sluts too focused on making out with anything that moves so they'd be easier to deal with

Huh, I thought it was just to create tension and mistrust among the group, but given the ludicrous shit XANA does throughout the show I wouldn't put it past it to try something like this.

It wasn't really him, it was XANA

What's weirder was this was late series Xana when he was near god-like in power and intelligence so it's even more random.

Even gods cant escape their urges, especially french ones

Pretty sure that wasn't the plot, XANA was just kissing random people as various members of the gang to make them think they were all being sluts and question one another. The only time I recall XANA possessing people with a virus of sorts was the zombie episode.

Attached: Odd zombie.jpg (720x576, 84K)

Fair enough point.

>Hmm what crazy stunt should I pull to defeat those pesky kids today!?
>Drop a meteor on them? Nah too cliche
>Water monster to drown em? Ehh...
>Firestorm? Could be fun.
>Terminator robot?

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I'm surprised it never tried something similar to the Ghost Channel, but with more mind fuckery and placing each warrior into their own nightmare world to break them before killing them. By the time of season 3, it had the power to be much more sadistic and able to calculate the actions of the kids more precisely than expecting one constant reaction like originally. Imagine if it made Yumi "wake up" into a world where she thought Ulrich or Odd were dead and she becomes frantic to try and bring them back with returns to the past while the fake Jeremie and whoever else start to make her doubt her sanity. Of course, I could also see that working if the series had ever gone further with the Quantum Physics, maybe having one of the Return trips somehow dump one of the kids into a parallel universe where everything is the same save for one difference that nearly destroys them emotionally.

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Yeah something like that would have been kickass, but by the later seasons Xana was on his "kill fucking everything" plans it wouldn't have fit IMO

Shame Jim never joined the team. He was fucking based

It still had a few "fuck with their heads" moments here and there in the final season. Like the time it went all Cell (the Stephen King book) on Odd and Sissi by possessing people with a phone call and largely focusing on making the two jump off a roof while their loved ones shit talked them like lunatics.

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My only guess is that he might have been too OP and would either have to be used in moderation, or opt to largely serve as an inside help at the school and also keep guard for attacks that stay within the school to protect the kids.

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>Ulrich didn't go for this

Yum isn't a slouch when it comes to the looks department.

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I think it affected the dynamic of the team a little, adding a member of the team that wasn't really that involved.

Although I agree with in reality Jim is just THAT powerful.

The first season especially holy hell. I've always been a gigantic Code Lyokofag but my god watching the first season was grating. The constant reuse of the same scenes and it being a really boring monster of the week show didn't help. It still had some really good gems like Ghost Channel. One of the few episodes that made XANA scary as fuck.

I love to think that Jim's unique history would allow him to either have a seemingly unlimited number of forms, each one with varying stats that let him adapt to different situations. However, he largely decides to remain on earth and only sometimes to goes to Lyoko if things are super dire. Could even lead to some interesting moments where he chews out the gang when William enters and is immediately taken prisoner.

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>That time it was starting to tentacle rape Yumi with plant vines

It knew what it was doing

Honestly him controlling a bunch of food into some monster was one of the dumbest and funniest things XANA could conceive. I mean in season 1 he almost drove a bus into a fucking chemical plant but today? I will kill them with boxes of cereal and fruit!

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I guess it figured how fucking weird it could get as its power grew for shits and giggles

The last two episode are pretty good since it broke the repetitiveness with them actually freeing Aelita and then Xana using that same code to his monsters in the real world.

Look sometimes you get bored as a big bad and when you know that win or lose the end result won't matter you might as well take a chance and fuck around.

Like that time Cobra created a McDonalds knockoff.

It also unleashed based Jimbo upon us. I'm still sad that he couldn't be a part of the group. Jim did have some great moments like the training regiment episode with the XANA'd boar.

Or the time it nearly made her get a hernia from trying to lift that grate trapping Odd in the well

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What I'm surprised about is that Xana never went for any attempts at long-term damage to the team that returns to the past couldn't fix, outside of the one or two "just keep sending mundane attacks to make them exhausted and lose focus". Like, assuming it can only go back to the beginning of the current day within X amount of time, he could engineer attacks to physically injure or mess with the team in minor ways over a span of time and by the time they catch on it'd be too late.

Pretty sure the first season finale established that they can go back more than one day, since they apparently went back to the very day Jeremie was meant to bring Aelita to earth, and thus was before he spilled the beans to Jimbo and got him onto the team.

>Especially since there seems to be absolutely no reprecussions to doing so whatsoever
XANA gets stronger, also, it can't resurrect the dead since it's not even a time machine, the thing literally just manipulates matter into a former state and deletes everyone memories.

>deletes everyone memories.

*deletes everyone's memories.

So it's basically King Crimson in reverse?

King Crimson does manipulate time and space.

>King Crimson

*Emperor Crimson

It's more like if you walked from point A to B and when you reached point B, someone activated THE WORLD to take you back to point A while time was stopped and told you that you time traveled after time flowed again.
Like that but on a global scale.

>carried the series on her shoulders
I know theres a joke here and its building up in my sides but for fuck's sake I just cant articulate it.

That's JIMBO, to you

Jim is dummy thicc

>Ulrich went for the silver medal when the Gold was handed to him on a fucking platter
>Ended up with neither of them
This was a cautionary tale

just like real life

Ulrich probably browses /r9k/. I can see it now
>Why do women hate me I'm a nice guy

It's weird, but it stuck to its own style in a competent way. It was worse when other shows would throw in the sweat drop, chibi faces, etc willy-nilly.

>first episode has loli crushing on him
>he doesn't do anything with that either
Opportunities were flinging themselves at his feet, and he still managed to drop the ball each time.

>XANA's new attach approach? Teen pregnancy!

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Odd fucked everyone. Which makes you wonder why they made him a shota in the Liver action sequel
I mean, I'm a shotacon but i'm pretty sure 90% of France isn't. Maybe

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>Jim with swords
Eh, I never really saw Jim as an DPS guy. I imagined his Lyoko form would be a heavily armored guy with a hammer/axe and a big fuck off shield who would be able to attracted Xana's creatures too him and shrug off a lot of damage.

>who would be able to attracted Xana's creatures too him

*who would be able to attract Xana's creatures to him

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That's what happens when your villain is less a proper character as such, and is more a malignant eldritch abomination.

>the thing literally just manipulates matter into a former state and deletes everyone memories.
Except that's not the case, it is a time machine and the whole death thing was just a cheap trick by the writers to create drama.

That's just when he's calling forth his expertise as a fencer, which he'd rather not talk about.

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if you go by the original french voice for Odd, it's very high pitched and shota-like

You are right, except you don't. It was created by the writers for cheap drama but the implications were there and they literally explained how the machine worked in one episode.

Jim was pretty great.

>but the implications were there and they literally explained how the machine worked in one episode
There weren't any implications that they were using save states, nor did any episode suggest such a thing. The only thing they ever explained was that going back in time created qubits and leveled up XANA exponentially over the year and a half that the gang were fighting him.

They let this slide because it wasnt japanese. They only cared about japanese cartoons because for a decade people complained that the anime OVAs they rented werent appropriate for children, so in the industry Japan was poison. They only bothered to heavily screen anime for that reason. They werent putting anything over the absolute minimum effort for a european cartoon that already passed French standards because no one ever complained about european cartoons yet.

what was his problem ?
he's obviously not shy, is he autistic perhaps ?

They fell for the phenotype meme

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No, it slide by because the company that made CL oversaw the dub and that means they can call the shots with how their dubs are aired on television.

Is there a mega for french dub with subtitles? Tried watching this in english, but can barely stand the english dub.

Guys, i'm about to reveal something quite embarrassing, so please be gentle. he's named Jim the gym teacher, god i'm an idiot.

bravo reddit


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Not Yea Forums, but I also never realized what an l.a.d.y was in the One Piece opening, as well as what GX or GT stood for in Yu-gi-oh and Dragon Ball until early this year.

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So apparently if the series hadn't been rushed to its original conclusion, William would have turned evil on his own after being freed of XANA.

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>William would have turned evil on his own after being freed of XANA.
I can see it.

I can't. It doesn't make all that much sense unless somehow the length of possession affected him. The abridged series did try something like that, but in that they had made him even more stupid than the clone Jeremie created.

>the implications were there
Yeah, the implications that every time they use RTTP, a few hundred thousand people across the globe suddenly drop dead, because they died in the day that was reset.
The death is permanent clause is utter bullshit

GX's meaning is literally in the theme song you dunderhead

Strangely enough, the artstyle bothered me A LOT back when this series was relevant. Now that I've seen it again it doesn't bother me that much. I wonder if it's just CalArts lowering my standards.

It always fucked me up how they deleted the clone in the end

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rent free.

>The clone could've been taken over by Xana later
That would've been fun.