Zemo is trying his Thunderbolts scam again

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me yet again and the citizens and law-enforcement officials of the Marvel Universe have got to be the dumbest people on the face of the Earth.

Attached: Thunderbolts here we go again.jpg (1988x3056, 1.31M)

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Uh... Why is ghost green?

That is some really ugly art, did someone break the artist fingers and then make them draw this?


The fuck is going on with Kingpin's Shoulders.

"drawing is hard, maybe I can just use 3d models and trace over them"

"but surely this won't be professional enough to get me a job at marvel?"

(it was)

Remember when Radioactive Man was an anti-hero that had gone through character development rather than an evil super-villain?

The fuck is that ART?!?

Are the citizens even doing it out of good faith and belief that villains can change for the better? Or just as a middle finger to the rest of the heroes?

They're legit retarded, they supported Osborn the two times he went as Iron Patriot.

I find it hilarious how Zemo sees no need to have Moonstone, Fixer, Ghost or Radioactive Man hide their identities like he is (if you can even call using the same disguise again hiding your identity) even though they're all wanted murderers who were all recently seen publicly fighting on Hydra' side, but insists that Jigsaw has to wear a helmet.

I thought this was fan art.
What the hell, Marvel. You're better than this!

>Kingpin cursing
>that art
Why. Why has it come to this?

Jigsaw is goddamn ugly so of course he has to wear a helmet.

I agree that the art is terrible, but what's wrong with Kingpin cursing?

That art is clearly traced over 3D models, even Janin does it better than whoever this artist is

It's not classy enough for him.

It kinda hurts my eyes

Holy fucking goddamn shit this """art"""

Marvels standards are inconsistent as shit


Marvels standards have gone to shit. This is fucking embarrassing, dc would never let this happen.

This is the standard at Marvel now. Horrible 3D models being traced over. I've seen Deviantart works with better skill than this.

don't care for this art

>Who is Mikel Janin

Wouldn't be seen posing with multiple "former" criminals be very bad for Fisk's image?

who did the artist blow to get a job for Marvel?

i 'member
>chen x melissa

Janin is a million times the artist this punisher "artist" is suppose to be. Its not about the poser arft, its about the shitty tracing, a4 year old could do better than this shit.

I don't have a problem with how Kingpin looks.

Attached: kanye-west-lil-pump-i-love-it.jpg (800x450, 53K)

Moonstone is wearing the meteorite gear.

Bigger question: why doesn't anybody remember the last time this happened?
And why would Zemo try it with the Avengers still around?

>Bigger question: why doesn't anybody remember the last time this happened?
>And why would Zemo try it with the Avengers still around?
Because Rosenberg is a hack. There is also no way that the US government would accept sending 400 "UN soldiers" (actually Hydra agents in disguise) into New York for the sole purpose of capturing the Punisher.

You're such a fucking hoe, I love it

Its cute how Kingpin thinks he of people would be capable of killing Zemo. Kingpin needs a reality check.

>traced models
Holy kek

Lets hope he ends up killing black widow in this universe too

Attached: RCO018.jpg (1041x1600, 587K)

>hello new york
Why the fuck is every godamn superhero centralized in New york
How much fucking new York wankery has to fucking go on and on
New York needs like 10 superheroes at most, maybe 5 at the very least to cover all of it well
Fucking batman used to cover Gotham basically alone
Why the fuck does half of the marvek universe reside entirely within new york

Good fucking god. It looks like shit tier art from the mid 2000s.

I forget the thread but the user that once asked if Kingpin was a secret identity for The Rhino is finally vindicated in OP's image as clearly that's the fucking Rhino.

What the fuck is that art

All the villains exploiting India must think that the jobbers in New York are fucking morons. You've got an economy the size of Britain's, expendable human resources that nobody will mind if they go missing, lots of ancient artefacts, and fewer capes than Manhatten.

The fuck is up with Kingpin's proportions? He looks like Pinhead from the Puppet Master movies.

Attached: Pinhead_Puppet_Master.jpg (342x500, 27K)

Neverending comicbook universes are such trash

It's been ugly for 13 issues now. I'm starting to get used to it and that's the worst part

Batman got away with it for many more issues than Frank.


So where are Abe and Erik or even Songbird?

>Parker will never write Ghost again
it hurts

This art is why comics fucking suck dick
Manga is better


not even good ones.

Is this in a punisher book

Yes, Zemo is really butthurt about Frank.

So it's not really canon.

Got it.

Attached: 871c9965dbe62559b39b65626fbc1b9efa3cb0f6.jpg (536x718, 105K)

>And why would Zemo try it with the Avengers still around?
Yeah, you'd think that as soon as Captain America sees "Citizen V" on the news he'd round everyone up and go in guns ablazing to punch some fascist Hydra scum.

I mostly like Janin. But I don't like this.

>give Thunderbolts a big push
>fuck it up by giving the book to Zub
>shove what's left of the team into Punisher's book
Yeah, fuck you too, Marvel.

ew. WTF? WHY?

This art is almost at the level of pic related.

Attached: US_War_Machine_2.0_Vol_1_1.jpg (460x720, 117K)

That art is awful, jeez.

What the fuck is up with these inks
Is this what passes for an inker in Marvel now? Why am i not working for them? I do way better inks than this

>Why the fuck does half of the marvek universe reside entirely within new york
The better question is how the fuck half the marvel universe didn't die in this.

Attached: dead heroes.png (1301x2810, 3.88M)

This is a good idea.

Songbird is still lost in the Arctic.

First the Rev, now V.I.G.I.L.

Wonder what other old Punisher lore Rosenberg will randomly trot out.

Attached: The Punisher 013-016.jpg (890x610, 212K)