A cringe-inducing faux outtake in the original 1999 release of “Toy Story 2” — featuring a leering doll named...

>A cringe-inducing faux outtake in the original 1999 release of “Toy Story 2” — featuring a leering doll named Stinky Pete offering twin Barbies parts in the next movie — was quietly scrubbed from Disney’s re-release of the series last month

Thank fuck. I remember watching this scene as a kid and feeing sick and disgusted whenever I watched it. I knew even back when I was a kid it was wrong.

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Stop being a pussy.

Bad bait. If being serious, fuck off back to whatever social media shithole you crawled out from and stay there.

>people will reply to this OP unironically, treating it as a genuine post
Why is Yea Forums so easy to bait?

Good on them, hide that shit under the rug. We all know stinky Pete mangled those Barbie pussies but we don’t want to know about it because it makes us sick

It's due to Yea Forums's own nature as being "the easy going place to post". Combination of newfags who don't know any better, and posters who believe Yea Forumsmblr is a thing (and I don't blame them too much because dye in the wool SJWs have posted here before) but aren't aware that it's 50-50 chance of being actual SJWs or Bait by trolls.

>Not a SINGLE person so far has done that

Rent free.

quality thread

who else here is gay?

Well, yeah, he's a villain.

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Ironic shitposting was the death of this website.

nobody got baited yet
how does it feel to be this much of a failure?

This reminds me of something.

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>expose the casting couch by having the villain participate in it
>remove the scene to cover it up and protect hollywood's image

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Thank god I saw it before it got nullified and metoo'd by fucking logic
I know women rights matter and are importand, but for fuck's sake, every single person and every single being who does even a small joke about it gets snapped away even faster than Infinity War's deaths at the end what the actual fuck

>Toy Story 2
Should I buy the previous blu ray?

>I know women rights matter and are importand
kek, nigga, women treat their rights like children treat pets, it's all fun and games until they have to take responsibility, so why should you care?
The only reason the "casting couch" even exists is because women make the informed decision that popularity and stardom is worth more to them than not having some dirty Jew's dick inside them for a few minutes on and off.

Yea Forumsmblr and Yea Forumswboys from /pol/and never tire of the same song and dance.


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Just the other night Toy Story 2 was on TV where I live and I thought there was a missing blooper scene at the end.

But flat is justice

Just went and watched the clip because I don't remember seeing that when the movie first came out. It's nothing too bad but it's no big deal for it to be cut in my opinion, seems out of place for a kids franchise.

>Sexual misconduct
I mean, i know that's a Weinstein reference.


literally the first post, faggots

Stop being a pussy could also apply to OP being a fucking little bitch and allowing fake SJW news to live rent free in his head enough that he baits with it for (you)'s.


In this context he's not a villain; he's an actor playing a villain.

how did stinky pete commit sexual misconduct ???

>All the SJWs praising this decision to censor a film as a means of distracting from the fact that the Disney company covered up Lassetter's misconduct and silenced his accusers
These are the same philistines who agree with censoring Song of the South and Fantasia. Disgusting.

Why delete it though? Like you think kids can't handle an adult joke ever now and then? Never bothered me. Are these the same idiots that cried over Dean Martin singing "Baby It's Cold Outside" and trying to get it banned because it's about date rape? Like, grow a spine, people should be allowed to make jokes about rape if they want, if it triggers you that bad you should hug box. I really wish society would adopt a "The complainer is always wrong" mentality when it comes to being offended. People should be allowed to joke about whatever they want and if you complain it's your fault for being too sensitive.

>Are these the same idiots that cried over Dean Martin singing "Baby It's Cold Outside" and trying to get it banned because it's about date rape?
The best part of that is that the song was never about date rape. "Say what's in this drink" was an old joke excuse people would use to stick around once a party was dying down. The entire song is about a young couple wanting to fuck, but not wanting to be judged by their neighbors and family for doing sex outside of wedlock. So they come up with a bunch of excuses to spend the night together (the weather is bad, it's too late, I'm drunk, etc.)

It's all about sexual liberation in a really repressive time, but these helmet-children can't into subtext so they'd rather just delete anything that makes them uncomfortable and pretend the issues of the past never happened in the first place.

>Stinky Pete creepily offers Barbies a roll in Toy Story 3 in exchange for services
>Barbie is a major character in Toy Story 3

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Oh, yes, someone else gets it. It's a playful silly song, no malice about it. I love that song too, really a shame people are too pussy to enjoy it these days.

Well, if you want context, Andy DOES have a sister. It's definitely likely she plays with Barbie dolls or Bratz or something else. Reminder that Toy Story 2 took place in the late 90s, and the 3rd installment is over a decade later.

>modern "feminism" will rewrite history to suit their petty needs
Yep. The amount of knowledge lost due to ignorant villagers wanting shit erased throughout history is absurd.

Good thing I bought the DVD version a while back.

What's next? Remove the n word from all of Tarantino's movies? Removing all scenes that say faggot? Shit like this and the MJ Simpsons thing is just pathetic and opens a can of worms.

Usually I'd be against this but this is a literal rape joke in a children's movie after all.

Is it really rape if the woman agrees to it? I don't remember the Barbies being disgusted or anything by his offer they seemed pretty interested in it to me

They should keep it in as a reminder to people how creepy and manipulative men in Hollywood are. It wasn't a joke, it was a woke moment taking the piss on real things that happened then and now.

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>literal rape joke
It's not, though.

Not rape, but definitely abuse of power.
Problem is most women accept shit like this beause in the end it's kinda worth it if their careers actually soar.

Still unpleasant though.

Maybe cause people actually want to talk and not shitpost 24/7? Yea Forums doesn't need to just be shit all the time. If you think otherwise then they should just destroy all boards and make it Yea Forums only again.

Fantasia is censored? That was Walt’s baby.

Except it's not rape. Nor is it even implied he did anything with them. Plenty of dirty old men just like talking to or flirting with younger women but don't actually do shit. Stop looking for shit that isn't there.

How do people reconcile being against this but okay with sex work. Isn't it essentially prostitution? An adult woman chooses to exchange sex for power/money.

This but unironically.

A director can insist on it in exchange for roles, giving him a position of authority over the woman unrelated to her actual job, screwing over her and other actresses as well, potentially messing with whole sets because people are being placed because of who he's diddling.

They try to frame it as if they're victims... as if they HAD to suck Weinstein cock to get their role.

This whole #MeToo crap is about getting attention and money. Notice nobody has tried getting Weinstein in jail. He supposedly raped tons of women and apparently they're all fine with him getting away with RAPE as long as they're given money. It's all a farce.

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I don’t know, I don’t really see how that’s any different than people who complain that prostitution isn’t “fair” and the women doing it are always exploited even if they don’t know it. It’s just the free market at work I guess. If the actresses suck at acting, then the movies will suck and won’t make as much money.

Tbh i dont know exactly what goes on, but i can bet theres no contracts or legal obligations.
That makes it unsafe since he can change the rules any time he wants

Yea Forums is pretty leftist (for Yea Forums)...so its not so surprising if someone felt that way...though even in this case I doubt someone was offended just that it wasn't something that belonged in a kids movie

That's wholly unfair to everyone else who has merit actually trying to get the job while she's fucking for it. The job was an acting job, not an all-nighter with possible benefits later. If you allow that shit in Hollywood then you should be allowing every occupation to be job: Bank Teller, Qualifications: etc etc etc or she just fucks me regularly. This shit is not allowed elsewhere.

THANK CRINGING GOD they removed this cringe filth, I remember I cringed epic style at this cringe scene

How the fuck did the tumblrinas get into Yea Forums?

Grate, fucking click bate

So is this a trip or did they drop that scene?

>Except it's not rape. Nor is it even implied he did anything with them. Plenty of dirty old men just like talking to or flirting with younger women but don't actually do shit. Stop looking for shit that isn't there.

And that's not even the point of the movie, He acting like he's the "fucking mega star" of the show, you know when someone one famous pass your name on to someone.

I mean you do have to admit....

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Honestly user, I agree with you. I’m against prostitution and the casting couch for the reasons you’re staying among others, but not for the “its men exploiting and abusing women” angle. I don’t see how people can argue that, especially if they are the type to praise and hold up sex work in the next breath.

>They try to frame it as if they're victims... as if they HAD to suck Weinstein cock to get their role.
>This whole #MeToo crap is about getting attention and money. Notice nobody has tried getting Weinstein in jail. He supposedly raped tons of women and apparently they're all fine with him getting away with RAPE as long as they're given money. It's all a farce.

It's not about money, the scam has long gone, it's about messing up someones Bio because they didn't get as famous as them, or bitter from the brake up. Women get emotional when it comes to relationship (even tho feminist tell you it's not true) and if you have a crazy bitch on your hand or a women thinking after you fuck her you were going to stay then that's your problem.

In this day and age MEN do you need to fuck too many things, I tell my bro's this (Find a long turn fucking bitch)


One of those posts is a backhanded compliment you know.

Is people just idiot or what?!! Where's the real reason to erase this? No one took attention to this scene for years, and they come with this now?

This is just as idiotic as when they removed Jafar's skelleton from his death's scene in "The Return of Jafar" DVD.

Are people that against topless girls now?

I just realized that shortly after I posted.

No, they just hate seeing niggers.

The perverse thing isn't a woman selling their bodies
Its women who at first think they're getting a chance at a role, only to be given an ultimatum of selling their bodies or leaving.
Yeah they can say no, but it abuses their desire to act to convince them to do something they weren't prepared to do.

>something they weren't prepared to do.
You act like the casting couch is recent knowledge.

because Yea Forums is love

Actually, i think that article is a Dog Whistle disguised as a troll article.

>just watched this scene on the netflix stream last Sunday

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Bro check out /pol/ if you want to lose faith in humanity/Yea Forums's inability to take the bait. This is nothing compared to every thread on /pol/ which is exactly like this but with literal hundreds of dumbass replies.

It's the same formula too, display an opinion that people are going to respond AGAINST and they'll respond endlessly.

This. It's like Hollywood's trying to memory hole the very concept of women WANTING fame and fortune enough to just sell their holes for it. It happens so much, Hollywood is in such deep shit for it they just have to deny it know, women like always have to take zero responsibility and now pretend men just came at them with these sexual offers and they just helplessly caved in for fear of fear of FEAR of being afraid! Poor her.

>It's all about sexual liberation in a really repressive time, but these helmet-children can't into subtext so they'd rather just delete anything that makes them uncomfortable and pretend the issues of the past never happened in the first place.

This. This happens because they can't historically analysis things. Dumb people live in the present moment and can only "understand" anything through present-emotional-association. That's how they come to this dumb conclusion. A song about a guy trying to get a girl to stay the night? Well this brings up modern girls age-old feelings about sleeping with some retard and then regretting is and calling it rape. So she associate's the song's lyrics with THAT, with her own inability to understand intimacy and give in without hesitation to whatever drunken feelings she has.