

Why and how did Odin make a fake copy of the infinity gauntlet before the infinity gauntlet was even made?

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It pisses me off how inconsistent and retcon filled the MCU became in such little time. They literally just stopped caring

The fuck are you talking about moron the real one was in Avengers 2

It's really pathetic how you losers have to whine like this every time Based Marvel puts out another massively successful movie

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The infinity gauntlet first appeared in odins treasure room in the first Thor movie you retard


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worse, they play anything and everything off as a joke. I'm surprised tony didn't get a quip out before dying

they actually had to try at the beginning of the mcu. once they had enough fans, they stopped caring. fans don't give a shit, because they don't know any better.

And it was fake then too you fucking dipshit

So why did Odin have a fake copy of something that didn’t exist yet

Someone tried to do this once before in the past, and Odin stopped them. He put a fake trophy in the room as a memento, but knew that something that could harness the power of the gems was too powerful and had it destroyed, with only the dwarves able to create another one.

No prize pls.

Because he liked showing it off when he was a prideful king, brainlet.

It’s a stupid Easter egg you seething baby

Maybe the blueprints for the gauntlet have always been around, but nobody has really made it yet until Thanos.

Would Odin in his prime be strong enough to wield the infinity gauntlet himself?

>All Father
>Blessed With Infinite Knowledge and Prophecy
Are you guys actually retarded? He KNEW what it would look like, but he never wanted the stones all in one place. That's why he made a fake one, to throw people off. If they thought he had all the stones, plus a device to hold all the stones, NO ONE would fuck with him

I always thought it was because the dwarves just half assed the gauntlet design, copying an old one, since Thanos was threatening them and stuff

>Are you guys actually retarded?
Most of the people who make MCU hate threads like this usually are

they also make the DC movie hype threads but that's neither here nor there

Fuck off with your company war shit

Frodo, it's comics day, why are you MCU shitposting?

>Gets proven wrong, and why at that
>Let me throw a low effort shit fit

DCucks everyone

This is literally the reason why they made that scene, to address it's presence in the older film.

You're thick AND dense.

They tried to explain that easter egg with gauntlet in first phase.

>Eldritch technology of gauntlet that gives power
>It was already created few times before Thanos did it again
>Odin knew it
>Odin have a replica, artifact of eldritch knowledge

I see it this way.

Then it wasn't fake, it was just an entirely different gauntlet of no importance , with powers.
Sure, but what they could have done instead is have a throwaway line about how the dwarves re-forged the gauntlet from an old blueprint, or finally mastered the design, or something like that.
Calling it "fake" implies that an original already existed, long before Thanos had it forged, and Hela knew about it.

Would you guys have been more satisfied if that was the actual Infinity Gauntlet complete with all the stones?

It was a throwaway Easter egg that was put into a movie when they probably never dreamed they'd be able to put that shit in the movies. They addressed it being fake explicitly to placate people like you who care about granular continuity.

>It pisses me off how inconsistent and retcon filled the MCU became in such little time. They literally just stopped caring

>Make a movie titled "Captain America: THE FIRST AVENGER"
>Several Phases Later
>Aye yo dogs, Carol "Avenger" Danvers was actually the First Avenger and the team was named in her honor, not Captain America's. Just forget about the title of that Phase 1 movie.

That's some 4D chess you're playing, Feige.

She wasn’t a part of the avengers initiative though.
Cap was probably recruited first of them all when he woke up, its hard to say given all of phase one happens within a few days

>It was a throwaway Easter egg that was put into a movie when they probably never dreamed they'd be able to put that shit in the movies.
I can't deny that.
However: If disneyfags on youtube can praise the series for all the Amazing Continuity Details, and make hot bucks off making "future movie predictions" based on the fact that a door in the background said "dr. Victor (obscured)" DEFINITELY CONFIRMING that Avengers 6 will ne about doctor doom, then we can bitch about how fucking pointless the easter eggs are, and how potentially detrimental to the continuity they can be.

>t.Fiege's Professional Asshole Sucker

>She wasn’t a part of the avengers initiative though.

>Fury named the Avengers Initiative after her
>Fury had a beeper that could summon her at any time
>Not part of the Avengers Initiative

Bitch, please. It was said in the original Avengers movie that Initiative was created in honor of Cap ("the first Avenger"). That got retconned in the Captain Marvel movie, where the initiative was created in reaction to Captain Marvel and was even named after Carol "Avenger" Danvers. It was a complete retcon.

Thanos isn't the first person to have the idea to combine the stones. The Asgardians already knew about that possibility, its why they intentionally kept them apart (its dangerous to keep two infinity stones so close together, etc).

The Infinity Gauntlet in the treasure room was the original, or perhaps just a mock-up, but the point is that it was never used.

I like to imagine that Odin was the one who was originally going to combine the stones and then had his change of heart, possibly as a result of an encounter with the soul stone, and scattered the few he had instead. The gauntlet in the treasure room was never used, but Odin kept it around as a reminder of the path he almost walked. This would also explain how Thanos knew that the dwarves could make something to control the stones: they were probably the ones to design the gauntlet the first time.

There’s first, and then there’s firster

Yeah, I think we can agree those guys put way too much stock in the continuity. There's probably pages and pages of stuff from these movies that had no payoff or was just abandoned. I think what they like doing is seeding as much as they can into these movies so they can turn into the continuity if they choose to.

>I like to imagine that Odin was the one who was originally going to combine the stones and then had his change of heart, possibly as a result of an encounter with the soul stone
I like this

That point of "fake" is that it's just a decoration. A concept. Thanos had to get the real thing made.

Look how they massacred my boy...

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> wants to combine the stones
> finds out he has to kill what he loves to do so
> refuses to kill his wife or daughter, but he is appalled that he considered the possibility as seriously as he did
> decides its time to chill the fuck out

>>Gets proven wrong
except wasn't
>>Let me throw a low effort shit fit
yes, (You)

Now go fuck yourself in half presses.

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Pretty sure they never actually call Cap 'the first avenger' in any movie. Coulson calls him 'the first superhero' on the way to the hellicarrier and thats as close as I can recall.

>If disneyfags on youtube
>on youtube

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>The title of the movie is non-canon!

I guess calling it "Captain America: The First Avenger" was just a typo. What they meant was "Captain America: Another Avenger".

>>The title of the movie is non-canon!

I mean, it's not unheard of for movie franchises to have retcons in later sequels that de-canonize or contradict the titles of previous installments. The Jason movies did it twice ("The Final Chapter" and "The Final Friday").

But I guess people expect more from the MCU than they do the Friday the 13th series?

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I like to believe she was talking about the stones, not the gauntlet itself. Like if Odin had all the stones then his gauntlet would probably work, but he didn't want all that power concentrated in one place so he used fake stones to complete the look of his trophy.

I guess you saw my thread on r/marvelstudios yesterday?

>But I guess people expect more from the MCU than they do the Friday the 13th series?
yes, because Friday the 13th wasn't overhyped by paid shills.

If this is the case, why is his gauntlet "fake" then if it was real?

Probably the only good joke in Ragnarok, still hate bc Karl Urban could do an a mazing Skurge, though

>The title of the movie is non-canon!
It isn't though, even if Fury didn't get the name for the team for him, and he can't have because nobody ever calls cap an avenger or any variation of it before he gets thawed, Cap is still the first avenger because his origin predates all the others.

the stones in it are fake, which is why Hella comments when they pass the tesseract later in that same scene.

>the Avengers Initiative was named after Carol Danvers
>we created the Avengers Initiative specifically so we could call Carol Danvers to save us in times of crisis
>but Carol Danvers is not an Avenger

That's some shit retconning to try and work around how Cap can still be "the First Avenger".


doesnt odin see the future using his eye thats in the well?

In Age of Ultron, Thor sees pic related in his vision, and it seems like this is the first time he's ever heard of Infinity Stones. Yet his dad had a fake replica of the gauntlet in his vault years before it was ever created by Eitri.

The whole thing is inconsistent.

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Have sex.

Thor didn't know what the aether really was even though it seems everyone else in Asgard did. maybe Thor is just a meathead.

>if morons on YouTube are being morons then we should be morons too!

more importantly why did odin have it made so that it would only fit huge characters like thanos but not not normal sized asgardian hands?

do gloves usually grow in Asgard overtime or is that actually a second fake and smaller sized gauntlet?

those are ice giants next to it, you dunce.

The concept of “a way of harnessing all six infinity stones” probably wasn’t INVENTED by Thanos, he was just the only one who actually managed to pull it off. And have you considered that maybe she was referring to the pretty rocks as fake?

Totally. Odin has always been one of the heavy hitters of Marvel, to the point where he can go toe to toe with the likes of Galactus.

>discussing a possible plot hole is the same thing as hate

>implies that an original already existed
She was talking about the stones, idiot.