Kinda funny coming from a Muslim don't you think?
Kinda funny coming from a Muslim don't you think?
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In what way?
Ground floor in a godawful /pol/ thread!
Muslims stick to backward traditions and kill people who think differently then them
>because the past isn't coming back
Yeah, but we can try to make the future like the past.
Dumb bitch.
No, that's Christians.
All desert religions*
This. Including the Jews.
To be fair, religions like Baal no longer exist these days.
Actually, in Marvel, time travel exists, so if the past isn't coming back, YOU can go back to it.
Christianity gave you human rights.
Islam and Judaism gave you stoning people to death and genocide of none believers
I think this will be a productive conversation where we can all convince people to our own viewpoint.
>Christianity gave you human rights.
Im not going to say that the Jews and Muslims aren't worse, but
>t. christiancuck that doesn't know history
Guys, again. The only reason why you guys think Christianity, Islam and Judaism are bad is because Baal isn't worshiped these days.
>worships a dead kike on a stick
Point and laugh!
They'd still be bad, just not THE WORST.
So? That somehow make Christianity, Islam and Judaism good?
look just because nobody's throwing kids into a furnace doesn't mean the Abrahamics aren't pretty bad.
Civilization was very rough during those times. When you're surrounded by baby killing fuckers, suddenly those three look quaint. And it's not uncommon for your worshippers to end up worshipping Baal
at least Baal promised me a dead children
and by Baal he delivered on that one
Speak for yourself.
Ba'al would fix everythng wrong with this broken world,
I don't think you understand that the entire shtick of Mrs. Marvel is being a subversive piece of shit for American Muslim. It's simply more subtle than this, but still propaganda.
Nothing wrong with being American muslim
Absolutely haram
A quick heads up to whoever's browsing this /pol/tard dumpster fire of a thread.
Que the butthurt inceI (you)s.
Can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah.
UK Muslims though. Hoo boy.. Now that's a can of worms.
>Nothing wrong with being American muslim
Being either of these is wrong
Being American is pretty wrong
Cry more eurofag. You wanna see mommy get raped by refugee cock?
Kamala thinks of all non-Muslims as "infidels" so she's pretty deep into the ideology.
Islam hasn't evolved since the dark ages, and they only make societies worse, not better.
Oh fuck off, you know /pol/ is my dad AND my mom
What? dude that was just a joke
Did you forget that America was founded by refugees
Just one of those is bad enough.
Get a job and dilate.
>Kinda funny coming from a Muslim don't you think?
The only thing funny about Kamala is that she thought Hillary would win.
They didnt seek asylum from the red man.
Yeah, and look what they did to the natives.
>Christianity gave you human rights.
This is what christcucks actually believe
>Christianity gave you human rights. A lot of 'human rights' had to be won despite christian protest
God you can just hear the fedora
OP here, I don't actually read comics but I come here every Wednesday to skim through story times to look for shit to /pol/ post about and the bait always gets taken. I'll see you guys next week
America was founded by pioneers funded by the Britain government for colonization you fucking sperg, read a book.
And here we see how /pol/tards literally do not understand how jokes work.
i need that
Thanks OP, I always enjoy your threads and keep them bumped.
Yea Forums is the most hated board on 4channel so we have to do our part to make it shitty
Americans rape more than muslim and are way more violent
Nah, we're still not laughed at as much as /x/ or /mlp/ nor are we raided as frequently with porn and pseudo kiddy lewds like Yea Forums. We may be in the Top Five of hated boards, but we're not #1.
You mean make it based and redpilled.
Based. Yea Forums is filled with retards who can't stop taking the bait. They deserve this
I get bet your mommy just stopped fighting back after the 5th raping huh? Not like she can report them or else the police would arrest her for wrongthink
Is this your fantasy? Most white nationalists consume shitload of interracial porn, is this why you think about rape constantly?
>Eurofag can't even deny his mother doesn't get raped by refugees
Me thinks i was right, do you have a subscription to BLACKED?
No I go on yespornplease
>*Trump wins*
>"Nuh Nuh NUH UH! The electorates don't HAVE to vote for Trump just because the people voted for him! Uh, the Popular Vote wasn't in his favor, we should ignore the Electoral College and make Trump lose! Nuh nuh nuh nuh No! Russia did it! They colluded to elect Trump! Impeach! Impeach! IT WAS HER TUUUUUUURN!"
3 years later and I'm still schadenfreuding all over myself. Soooooooooo good.
I don't really like BLACKED though I'm more of a dogfart guy
Baal? As in bocce?
>Christianity gave you human rights.
No, it was classic liberalism.
Who were Christian.
They should show her interacting with Muslims from the middle east
I think it would be hilarious
>Christianity gave you human rights
We got human rights despite Christianity, bitch
Ok but we are way past baby killing as a regular hobby so why are we stuck with the lesser evil of those days? Arent lesser-er evils these days than whatever Yahvehfags stand for?
>Ok but we are way past baby killing as a regular hobby
Thots, whores, and liberals beg to disagree
I mean, yeah, they did.
It wasnt some cabal of fedora tippers that advanced human rights in Christian countries.
If Christians didn't believe human rights, their countries would look suspiciously like Muslims ones.
gay people are also more likely to be pedophiles
Since when are there so many fedora-tipping plebbitors here?
>Christianity gave you human rights.
Nope, that was the romans and sumers user, Christians gave you Inquisition
No that not real.
Go get on your knees for your dead Jew cock, christcuck
Yes it is.
it actually is
Studies prove it isn't.
>someone bringing up the inquisition
Well I didn't expect that.
post the study
No they don't
French atheists give us the modern human rights.
OK, thanks for proving that homosexuals aren't more likely to be child molesters.
>Christianity gave you human rights.
lol no it didn't.
it said I should be a good little slave.
Wow, what an utterly mediocre and sophomoric attempt at a meta-study. Not only does it NOT prove the null hypothesis that homosexuals are pedophiles at the same rate of heterosexuals, but it doesn't even look at data. All it does is criticize the methodology of another study with unsupported statements.
Do you have anything better?
the writer of this study also has this blog
beyond homophobia
safe to say she has a bias
Do you? because so far you havent provide anything other than
>Gay man bad, somewhere in The Desert Anthology says so
Post a study that proves it then, without the author having a bias obviously.
moslems are bad
It would be even more ridiculous coming from a christian.
Cope, onions.
The children in the group studied were unlikely to have been molested by identifiably gay or lesbian people.
>sample size of ~300
Are you serious? Is this amateur hour?
>sample size of 352, 21% of which were boys
statistically pointless study
>>sample size of 352, 21% of which were boysstatistically pointless study
So only anti-gay groups study have a point?
try harder
If they're the only ones doing good data analysis, then yes, they are.
You can't extrapolate to a national population with just a couple hundred cases, this is basic statistics.
How absolutely anyone could genuinely believe Trump was going to lose still astounds me.
I can only hope his reelection is this funny.
Found the kike.
propaganda is a powerful thing
Not from an American Muslim, especially a young one. Our melting pot breeds tolerance; younger Muslims are now more accepting of homosexuality than Evangelicals, for example.
If we create an underclass of ghettoized Muslims who can't become full citizens or get decent work and who get demonized on the daily by conservative politicians, on the other hand, young Muslims will grow up hating the society that hates them. I heard that's what happened in France but am too lazy to look it up.
>Our melting pot breeds tolerance
no it crates ethnic enclaves and using white people as a scapegoat for all the problems that socialism causes
>it's your fault Muslims are like that!
What an absolutely cucked view.
Oh is that what the small section of white people who got brainwashed by Fox News tell themselves.
A second Blue Wave's incoming, conservacuck.
No I’d say it’s the opposite
This is correct Kant decided and Locke devised human rights b/c Christianity.
What a weird divide and conquer thread. Must be underage summerz
Perfect programming. Good work goy.
get better bait buddy
>two men invented human rights
?? I'd tell you to go back to school but clearly you can't do that during the summer.
Statistically speaking, If you ask a Christian If its okay to beat your wife, the vast majority will say its wrong.
So they didn't receive any assistance, life saving or otherwise, from the native population they first encountered?
Boom. Gottem!
And when the facts show that in a Christian majority country, the majority of wife beaters are Christian, then you'll understand that hypocrites exist and you'll stop being 13 years old.
They were colonists, not refugees.
Trade is not even remotely the same as asylum.
Keep in mind that Kamala's very Westernized and her parents are very progressive by Muslim standards. (They accept Kamala's gay friend and support Bruno, though they were very iffy on Amir's black fiancee until they found out she was going to abide by Muslim traditions.)
Go back to your closet and tell your jew sky daddy how much you love his cock.
>Keep in mind that Kamala's very Westernized
Then she isn't Muslim. She's "trendy social media white girl Muslim". Step one foot in an ACTUAL Muslim country and she'd be stoned to death in a heartbeat.
The Bible a wife belongs to her husband.
>Christians start to act civil
>"haha based Christians!"
>Muslims start to act civil
>"t-they aren't really Muslim"