Can a cartoon like this exist today? Or would it cause too much controversy?

Can a cartoon like this exist today? Or would it cause too much controversy?

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It would be considered "Problematic" by today's standards. And networks are too scared of the various twitter movements to even consider a show like this nowadays.

Are you high?

Family Guy, American Dad and South Park are going as strong as ever. And, if you actually watch Drawn Together, it's not nearly as mean spirited as any of those three and gives every joke far better context.

Yeah, but SP isn't "problematic"

Tell that to Drumphf supporters that decry free speech

Sad that good characters like Ling Ling is a part of a shitty cartoon like this

This had so MUCH potential, but they had to fill it with grossout and offensive jokes up the ass. What a fucking waste of a concept, glad the creators have done nothing noteworthy since.

Shut the fuck up Ling Ling

I personally think they focused too much on Toot and Captain Hero in the later episodes.

But the roleplaying episode with Xandir's parents was top shit.

They literally don't care mr. Garrison is larping as trump

Could? Maybe. Needs to? Definitely

Do you look at the South Park threads when the new seasons are airing? They're full of people bitching about how the creators are cucks or whatever

because one of them is literally a cuck raising a child that isn't his

It wasn't even good, who cares, the only thing it even had going for it was how tryhard edgy it was.

>It wasn't even good


It sucked, CC hated it, Trey Parker hated it, Pieguyrulz hated it etc..

Pains me shit like this had more episodes than shows like Mission Hill and Clone High

>trey parker
seems based to me

because they said trump jokes were played out and then made trump jokes for an entire season

it's more about calling them out for lying

None of those have been considered remotely “problematic” in years, including South Park.
Barring a few exceptions as well as Xandir being “it’s not gay if” bait it really wasn’t good.

The movie was fucking abysmal, what Were the creators thinking?

>And, if you actually watch Drawn Together, it's not nearly as mean spirited as any of those three

What fucking show were you watching?!? DT was far more offensive than anything the other three shows have put out in the last three years. SP used to be based, but AD & FG were NEVER as offensive as DT. But SP, AD & FG have all lost their teeth and aren't as offensive as they used to be, so DT would NEVER fly with today's snowflakes.

If you only watched the first season then yeah, it wasn't very good, but after that they hit their stride. The writing was punchy, the voice acting was top notch, and it wasn't even as edgy as everyone likes to pretend it was. The only reason you couldn't make this show today is because a network wouldn't pay for a show that isn't cheap flash shit unless Seth MacFarlane is the executive producer.

it could exist but it would have to be a far more strongly left leaning vehicle for intersectional ideology. the twink-link parody would be replaced with another black woman in his place who would be a strongly sympathetic straight man alongside foxy. nearly all jokes at the expense of white/male/cis/straight characters/'identity' and the show would have a much stronger genuine animosity to it, directed specifically towards anything in any way 'right-wing'.

Money, dear boy.

>DT was far more offensive than anything the other three shows have put out in the last three years.
Not even close.

Why does Yea Forums have this retarded notion that edgy humor doesn't exist anymore? Drawn Together was he 2004 equivalent of shit like Brickleberry and was just as funny just edgy for the sake peing edgy.

What the fuck are you talking. SP made a joke about school shooting and molestation last season that pissed people off. DT lost most of its teeth come the third season and it was just the same tired jokes over and over again.

Did Stephen Hillenburg ever approve of Wooldoor being a Spongebob clone? His theme song is even the exact same style as the music used in Spongebob

They’d never have the balls to do shit like repelling Jews with scarecrows bearing a “please donate generously” message on them.
The movie may have been shit, but it made it clear they despised the fact that those shows largely had to hide behind making a point in order to be offensive.

I miss drawn together like a retard misses the point

>but it made it clear they despised the fact that those shows largely had to hide behind making a point in order to be offensive.
Which was a retarded point to make and didn't change the fact that the movie was a pile of unfunny shit on top of showing how butthurt the creators were.

Morning Trey

Sup Jesser! Have you found any work after Golan got cancelled?