Why's the third one always crap?

Why's the third one always crap?

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You kidding? Iron Man 3 was based. Tony actually had to use his brain instead the magic armor to save his ass.

This. Also it was one of RDJs best performances.

Honestly I think Spiderman 3 is pretty good and alot better than most post-2012 superhero movies. Although that may just be because we've had mostly shit Superhero movies (with some outliers) for so long it feels like an okay one is really good.

Live action capeshit is always crap so I don't know why you'd specify the third installment

It's pretty retarded how he just kinda gets over his PTSD deal after a conversation with a random kid.
At least IronMan2 had him get over his suicidal alcoholism by an inspirational message from his dad and fucking inventing a new element.

Granted it was the worst of the three, but if you didn't at least crack a smile at the Robin/Nightwing/Batcave reveal and when you find out Bruce was still alive you are a soulless fag.

Dark Knight Rises was a great action movie, it was just more of an action movie than a batman movie... and the script was crap.

Iron Man 3 > Iron Man 2

All of those movies could have been good.

Blade fighting Dracula should have been a badass slam dunk. What the fuck happened that made them drop the ball so hard?


Iron Man 1 > Iron Man 3 > Iron Man 2

This is objectively correct.


Were they going to have Christopher Lee as Dracula?

He just wouldn't open them.

Had some good moments but the writing was garbage, what he just forgot he had PTSD? he just got better off screen?

Ragnarok broke the curse.

What about Civil War, Ragnarok, or Infinity War?

That's garbage though.

>muh Occupy Wall Street movie
>not crap
Jesus it was dated before it even released.

Iron Man 3 wasn't bad, it was somewhere between alright & good. Definitely the worst of the Iron Man Trilogy, though.

I dunno man

Thor: Dark World is worse than Thor Ragnarok and Avengers 2 Age of Ultron is worse than Avengers 3 Infinity War but, Captain America Civil War being the worst Film in the Captain America Trilogy is true.

Usually it goes like this
>first movie establishes setting, can't got too crazy yet
>second movie has got the basics down, writers comfortable with writing the characters, can really let heroes shine, movie usually becomes a big hit
>producers insist that the third movie has to be bigger and more successful than the second one, writers under pressure, character interactions feel stilted and forced, effects and "epic" scenes take center stage.

True. It was like DreamWorks Madagascar, very low bar to jump over.

Also Back to the Future III and The Return of the King (yeah it’s probably the weakest of the trilogy, it’s still not terrible, so shut up).

Legit don't get the idea of 3 being better than 2.
2 had the better villain, the better dramatic internal conflict for Tony, and hell even better side characters since it was Black Widow at her hottest.
3 had a plot twist so predictable by the time he was covering up for the AIM mercenaries at the Chinese Theater. It's the same plottwist that was done in the 4th fast&furious movie except worse. IT IS LITERALLY WORSE WRITING THAN A FAST AND FURIOUS MOVIE.

His PTSD doesn't just disappear but he realizes how to control it. The entire fucking point of the movie is that Tony does not need to 'build a better Iron Man' because he's the best Iron Man there is.

Iron Man is not a suit of armor that Tony needs to build around the world, he's Tony himself. He learns that he has to face his problems head on.

Now, the irony of all this is that this revelation leads Tony to...build a suit around the world. Not because he feels like he needs to to save everyone but because he feels like its the best extension of the Iron Man concept.

That blows up in his face, we see a downward spiral of Tony's character from there, and by Endgame he's accepted the fact that he's the only 'tool' he needs to save the day - which he does.

>Captain America Civil War being the worst Film in the Captain America Trilogy is true.
objectively wrong. all cap movies are good

Still retarded that he just suddenly knows how to 'control' his PTSD after a single emotional beat. It feels entirely unearned.

Also that has nothing, and I mean NOTHING, to do with

>The entire fucking point of the movie is that Tony does not need to 'build a better Iron Man' because he's the best Iron Man there is.

You bring this up as if it somehow justifies the shitty thing about him suddenly learning to control his PTSD, but it doesn't. It is entirely unrelated and you sound like raving fan boy the way your rant about it.

Watch more movies, read more comics, get better taste and a wider breadth of good stories to uses a reference so that you don't end up looking like a clown in the future trying to defend shitty movies like IM3.

>your real name
Jesus Christ that was so corny.

Crack a smile? Oh please, I still remember how everyone in the movie theater I was in groaned when they saw that. It was so corny.

for you

i could not take DKR seriously with Bane's cartoony voice.

because the franchises are all crap. watch a real movie

Ironman 3 sucked.

All the cap movies are GREAT, with civil war being less good

Because they try to apply 3 act structure and wrap everything up in the 3rd installment, but do it poorly because the universe is too big to cover in 3 movies and there's always shit missing/wrong.