The Immortal Hulk #20

Time for Bruce Banner to go to Hell and back again...

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thank you was waiting for it

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Did I miss an issue? Did he just 100% regen from being half dead 5 seconds earlier? I feel we missed a few pages or something.

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Now that's a page that can communicate the massive impact of that sheer force hitting a body

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God Is Coming

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you know i realized Banner, Betty, and rick all got shot in the face and died how did Doc and ross die?

what is this, neogen evangelion?

Super math and Greg P*k BTFO

Samson died in Chaos War.
Ross was murdered in TNC's Cap run at the end of the first arc.

Who's the guy on the floor?

Love this book

I have no idea what's going on here anymore... well, even more so than before.

Is that first page referring to specific events? World War Hulk? Who is the dead guy on the ground?

Poor Bruce

It's the future, the dead guy is Immortal Man. He's finally succeeded in killing all life on earth, like the Devil Hulk said he wanted to do.

>Hard reset
Fucking hulks and their videogame hax.

Nah it happened while we were watching Bruce. Hulk properly died as opposed to being crippled which meant he could fully regenerate

I hope this means Ewing is writing the actual tie-in. Maybe he'll finally get his stache

More like Super Math confirmed for all previous stories.

finally an eisner nominee that deserves it

Yes, only this time the symbolism actually means something.

>Horseman of War
That's a deep dive.

So that was the voice i'm waiting for him to show Bruce that he has no dick

Also is the guy down there Rick?

Is this the return's of Ross' venom?

Oh shit Carnage-RedHulk incoming

>Metatron (Hebrew: מֶטָטְרוֹן Meṭāṭrōn) or Mattatron[1] is an entity mentioned in a few brief passages in the Aggadah and in mystical Kabbalistic texts within the Rabbinic literature. The name Metatron is not mentioned in the Torah and how the name originated is a matter of debate. In Islamic tradition, he is known as Mīṭaṭrūsh, the angel of the veil.[2][3] In folkloristic tradition, he is the highest of the angels and serves as the celestial scribe or "recording angel".[4]

>In early kabbalah, Metatron is the name that Enoch received after his transformation into an angel.[5] In Jewish apocrypha, Genesis 5:24 is often cited as evidence of Enoch's bodily ascension into heaven: "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him."[6]

That's so cool, from now on that voice will sound like the Dogma version for me.
The best possible voice.

Hello I am Mr. Immortal my power is that when I die I rise from the dead

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Nah Immortal Man

By the hair and costume, it's Mr. Immortal from the Great Lakes Avengers. One of the only truly immortal beings in the Marvel Universe.

>Devil Hulk clearly concerned for Betty's safety and the only reason he didn't rush to help her was because he was already protecting someone more vulnerable.

It might not be the most complicated technique, but it is neat when we see that with this Hulk, what Brian Banner said about a middle ground is true.

Nice damage control

As below

So above

>all time canon hulk kill count for this timeline and universe: 2
am I counting properly?

At last. For years I had been wondering why nobody ever did anything with Mr. Immortal considering just how existentially horrifying his powers are and the implications they have. I always wondered why villains and governments obsessed over replicating Wolverine's healing factor or the Super-Soldier serum but ignored the one true immortal in existence.
Leave it to Ewing to finally do something with him.

Nah he also ate a guy early on in this same run

For this specific Hulk there's two more. He killed that douchebag scientist guy by reforming his body around him, and he killed Bushwhacker by getting a turbo-dose of gamma and turning into Legion Hulk.

Inb4 everyone with a Gamma gene is actually a Homo Supreme like Mr. Immortal

Immortal Man is from DC Comics; you're talking about Mister Immortal.

And he smothered Bushwacker to death.

I gotta say both him and Doorman's powers have been showed properly in the last GLA's run.
The thing is they are meant to be jokes, so they really don't appear anywhere else.

I checked, and this guy could actually be Metatron since he hasn't shown up in Marvel, he was just briefly invoked in magic spells like twenty years ago.

This Hulk kind reminds early Godzilla suits.

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Wait, is Beast-of-Myth referencing Wendigo?

alan rickman told us as much using fewer words

somehow forgot the rest of this run
that "reform around a guy" bit was great

I'm guessing this is how, in the long term, we'll get Blonsky back, given that he left him inside the new Abomination.

Could just be the Multiversal version of him, like there are multiple Eternities but they are all avatar of the real Multiversal version or like TOAA is god above the gods.
Maybe there is a Metatron for Yahweh and one for TOAA.

But i wouldn't take it so literally because most of the fictional figures invoked in this book are usually used just to symbolize other things, like Geburah and Golachab.

Or Sasquatch. He was used by OBA too.

But what about Rick's second face?

I'm going to send that Gamma gene theory from a few threads ago in a mail and see if we can get an official answer from Ewing

We SMT now

Do you wanna post it first? Remember, if it ends up being Ewing actual plan it kinda fucks him over

I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but I love this.

>destroys cities
>born out of The Bomb
>keeps coming back, sometimes in altered form
>fights the military
>fights aliens
>saves the world


What is this symmetry trying to imply?

If it *is* Ewing's plan they just won't print it. The likelihood of it being printed is slim as it is too.

So, in lieu of the last page and the twenty-issues long plot through kabalistical mythos, religion and onthological questions about the human nature and the nature of the Hulk(s), I must ask: is Al Ewing actually better than Peter David?

Building off from his fundamental blocks, did Ewing surpass the unsurpassable paragon and become The Best Hulk Writer?

David wrote Hulk for a very long time, I will wait to reserve judgement until Ewing is finished or until he does something that completely blows me out of the water.
If there's a sex-scene with Red Harpy my mind will be blown

Only Ewing could ackowledge Slott's GLA and Mr Immortal being fated to be the last living being in the universe.
On the other side, this cameo is meant to show that the really true last one will actually be Bruce. And I fucking hate Hulk wank.

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This will be my final post on Yea Forums.

How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?
"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?
You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on Bendis' Superman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!

No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.
I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.

Enjoy your book.

So how was Great Lake Avengers?

As below, so above.

Caution and nostalgia keeps me from jumping the gun in doing so, but so far? Ewing is skirting dangerously close to the title. If he can manage to go all the way without getting fucked in the ass by events the way PAD was, it'll definitely become the new #1 recommended run.

>implying the very next page won't be Immortal Man pushing Bruce off the hunk of rock, leaving him floating through space

You think people are still gonna bitch about her going off about white privilege even with this page literally spelling out that she was an uninformed idiot?

>My rock!

Crossover issue then?

>joined the Bat-Epic hype right at the end
>Hickman Avengers hype died off for a lot of anons
I'm glad we're all on this journey together anons

So...did anyone else legitimitely not see this coming? I was all in betting the voice would be The One Below All. Also I guess the Living Tribunal is even more redundant now, kek.

One shot in October, Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk.
Hopefully any tie-ins Ewing does want to do or is forced to do are all in a similar manner. Hell, most books should do it like that

Been here only since he went to Hell because of the white privilege shitposting but boy am I glad I came.

>On the other side, this cameo is meant to show that the really true last one will actually be Bruce. And I fucking hate Hulk wank.

Don't jump the gun just yet. For all you know that could be minutes before Craig wakes up to Banner being whisked away by Metatron.

Or that.

End of the year.
I really would have loved a cross-over between this and Captain America, like a small four issue story that got shared between two books, kinda like the one Agent Venom and Scarlet Spider shared years ago.

You think Blonsky's somehow gonna rise from hell once Fortean tries using him again?

Awfully harsh to call Jen an idiot when she's one of the best lawyers in the universe.

>One Below All
>Vampire Army in Chernobyl
>Galactus and Dormamu
>Gamma Mutates from Hell

Boy does it suck to be a human on Earth 616, also I'm digging the whole Lovecraftian thing going on in Marvel.

True. Like she's being really stupid right now, letting PC-culture trap her in a pity-spiral to the point that she's only halfheartedly putting in the work to unfuck her psyche because she feels like being a brutish moron is more empowering (which is ironically exactly the same bullshit McGee feels deep down), but that's a very recent development, so I don't think Brian is just talking about that.

The only thing vampires ever accomplished is shaking off being exterminated and briefly making Jubilee even cuter.

I wonder if when Aarons Avengers ends if Ewing will snap Jen up

But wouldn't she still be just a gamma monster?

I hope so. Like was Aaron really too stupid to get that he was tacitly saying that Jen believes that her being ogled by passersby is worse than Bruce being abused as a child, and that on the whole, worse things haven't happened to Bruce and almost half of those things weren't what he brought upon himself?

Yeah but she would be an interesting Gamma Monster. I also imagine Bennet has some more inventive ideas as opposed to Hulk with tits.

How do you take muscular but confident and sexy to its extreme?

They'll be idiots mad that the Hulk is "magic" now, despite the comic strait up telling you that it's both that AND science.

This was pretty adorable.

My first pass through this I didn't noticed the trio were sitting on the roof.

HOLY DEEPEST OF DIVES. Literally only mentioned twice in the history of Marvel Comics, his unique speech bubble also gives it away. Funny enough, Metatron is called the "voice" of God. Which the LT probably already should be.

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>How do you take muscular but confident and sexy to its extreme?
Anime girls?

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>implying bruce/hulk isn't too chaotic for metatron to even go near

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Maybe they are taking recorder to it's extreme and he is a full blown robot.

He's probably just passing by on his way to pick up Craig

Don't forget: The Many-Angled Ones' Cancerverse is back! Fucking hell Richards, you couldn't put back ONE universe from the lot?

So based on the last page and #24 solicitation, it looks like Bruce made the wrong choice for something?

Aaron was stupid enough to write Whor. I'd believe anything's dumb enough for him to do.

Huh that guy seems kind of neat, has Spider-Man been good again?

It's at least been very funny with Spencer writing it. In my opinion they never should've brought Kraven back but whatever.

Anyone wanting to storytime the Super-Soldiers Warp annual Ewing wrote?

Well yeah I definitely agree with that. Especially not if most people write him as permanently stuck on "Last Hunt" mode despite that not being interesting at all if you do it for an extended period of time.

I'm really glad that Ewing also called dibs on Doc Samson, since Aaron would probably have him try to help Jen in a way that would be dismissed as mansplaining, despite him literally being a licensed psychotherapist.

The Kraven story did kind of derail everything -- If it hadn't been there, we might have gotten some more comfy heroics or fleshing out of the new status quo.

But there's still time for that, to be fair, and we're going back to that soon.

he becomes Superman?

No user.

It was basically Spencer doing cleanup. The story ensures original Kraven stays dead while keeping the Last Hunt characterization, while also providing later writers a new Kraven to play around with this leaving the original untouched. It did derail the Kindred momentum but honestly it was probably for the best in the long run. And hey, awesome Taskmaster and Black Ant duo

>Taskmaster and Black Ant duo
This I do like.

Betty gets fucked up enough that she changes from Harpy into She-Hulk Red again I wager when fighting her dad.

Spencer's forte is writing these kinds of characters.

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>Red She Hulk
Hard pass. Let Betty rock the Harpy persona

>Hill getting spitroasted by Black Ant and Taskmaster
.........yeah fuck it, I want

I'm still betting on Guilt Hulk somehow coming back to make things worse for Banner.
Besides, Guilt gets you sent to Hell, and Banner seems to be questioning his Hulk personas this arc.

Goddamn it, I had told myself I'd never read a Spencer book again after Secret Empire...


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Hulk always has been able to see ghosts.

They tried to explain it with his muscles enhancing his eye sight but I like this explanation more.

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Ehhhnnn, but what if he tries to do a Big Important Story again? I like his comedy, but Secret Empire and SpencerCap were just garbage all the way through.
I will never forgive him for making Sam's story essentially just "the system is fucked, so I'll quit because better things aren't possible". Like, fuck me, how do you misunderstand Sam Wilson's character that badly?

When he's funny he's funny. I'll take that.

War Wagons go way back.

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Hulk smash puny volcano?

So why do they want to Kill the Hulk? Ross thought he was a menace, this guys seem to kill any witness so the safety of the people isn't a concern.

Do they want to take over the world with Gamma zombies of what?

Black Boss Man loved General Ross like a father and is dedicated to killing Hulk to honor that legacy.

based devil daddy hulk

I forgot the Hulk was radioactive.

Can almost guarantee Talbot is coming back.
Nice storytime, OP.

>”Tasky! You saved me!”
>”Of course buddy. I know you’d do the same for me”
>”What, the betrayal or the rescue?”

Holy hot smoking garbage.

Absolutely ebin

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Is he a man, or is he a monster, or is he both?

Ewing trying hard to make banners dad his arch foe can't say i blame him but so many other writers have tried but coudn't make it stick even peter david. But best of luck ewing maybe this time.

Actually, seems like Banner's dad helped him get in the right frame of mind to handle his business.

Gamma is now marvel speedforce

Hulk has been able to see ghost for awhile now and always had something of a connection to stange. So the magical stuff shouldn't piss them off unless they just know about the barebone stuff about hulk.

I figured it was now the emotional color spectrum.

Which the speedforce is doing now..

Actually there’s a Strength Force, Still Force, and Sage Force now....

That's what I meant. The Speedforce is copying the lanterns.

>Whenever a gamma mutate dies, they have to go wait in Super Hell with Bruce's fucking jackass of a dad until they resurrect.
While I'm sure it could be really horrifying, the mental image of it honestly kind of strikes me as hilarious, especially since TOBA seems to be hands off unless He has something to gain.

Dad Hulk is the best Hulk.

>he doesn't kill based on the hulk in control
Yeah, I like this.

>What will you become
The madman, the absolute madman.
I knew Ewing had a thing for making everything cannon, BUT I DIDN'T THINK EVEN HE WOULD MAKE A CALL BACK TO THE SENTRY BOOK!


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Well that was a bit anticlimactic.

God I love this pasta

Yeah, I can fuck with this

He's really good.

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It's closer to pre-Johns/pre-Williamson versions of those concepts, which is as it should be. The second we get toyetic shit like the spectrum is when it'll get bad but I doubt Ewing would do that.
I can see the follow up Hulk writer trying to pull some dumb shut like that if they aren't talented enough

Why let something like facts get in the way of shitposting?

Fuck yeah

I love how Harpy's claws are so fucking effective. Straight up murder machines, fuck.

Man, poor Rick.


Goddamn, this run keeps making me hype for what's next.

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So this run is gonna continue for a long time, right?

my sides

So is Bruce going to choose to become the next universe’s Lifebringer or Devourer?

That Sentry was right.

I want to see Harpy and Hulk fuck. It’s probably the most terrifying and hottest thing to witness

I don't think, since Mr. Immortal is supposed to be next Galactus of the next universe.

Defenders reunion when?

It would be funnier if his dad was Nick Nolte.

what Sentry book :0

>Hulk doesn’t know how to feel about his boner

>her rack is bigger than ever
>her ass is tighter than ever
>with her long tongue she can give even better blowjobs
>her nails add a hint of danger to handjobs
Hulk is realizing harpy Betty is best Betty.

If there is a God up above and a Dog down below, yes.


Brian is an asshole we shouldn't take his opinions at face value.

Hulk called Bruce the big guy.

That's adorable.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the other Hulk, the one with the childlike mentality who comes out when things go worst. Would that be the ID?

Immortal Hulk is surprisingly wholesome.

>last issue had a harpy monster eat the heart of another monster who'd had his limbs melted by a third monster that is begging to be killed
>it's still comfy
I don't know how or why but I'll take it.

Yeah this page was very wholesome

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Actually unless he balances magic in particular why would the living tribunal be redundant

Nah, "the big guy" is savage hulk.

We just had one earlier this year written by Ewing, Duggan and Zdarsky

>Who is the dead guy on the ground?
Mr. Immortal. He's a hero whose only power is absolute immortality. He's canonically supposed to "survive until the universe ends." That he's hear means this is a flashforward to the end of the universe, meaning that Bruce ALSO survives until everything ends.

Is Immortality the shittiest thing in the world?

I like the Living Tribunal as a concept, but we were never shown of him actually doing anything but jobbing or saying the universe to fend for themselves.

It is a curse. I don't know why people think it's a good thing to never die, longevity is one thing but immortality just gets you further detached from a world that's dying all around you.

>that what-if of hulk living until the end of time is becoming canon
That was such a cool story, I'm glad Ewing remembers it too.

Man, sometimes I wonder why anyone bothers trying to kill the Hulk. I mean, he's all metaphysical and shit now, he's making up new forms and powers as he goes along. Conventional science can't deal with that shit. We're talking black fucking magic here.

The only viable outcome seems to be taking a syringe full of gamma blood and injecting it into your eyeballs until you get powers too. Then getting a suit of power armor, working on the idea that "I'm the Hulk BUT I'm also Iron Man AND I'm Captain America" beats "I'M THE HULK".

>So that was the voice i'm waiting for him to show Bruce that he has no dick
I'm an ignorant or marvel's deepest magical lore section, so i'm pretty amused in how everything is developing so far.

Hey now, KeiCapku was good, except the payoff was bad.

I thought Mr. Immortal was just one of the candidates.

Puny meta-narrative concept, Hulk smash!

Look, he just punched a War Wagon into another War Wagon. That likely cost more than multiple F-35s. Once he did that, I would just throw my headset to the ground and go "What do you MEAN he blew up the War Wagons? That's our entire fucking budget! All right, from now on, genetic fucking freaks only, at least they don't cost millions a pop."

Dude it's okay you can just take that money away from NASA or the school budget

So the reading order is
>Avengers: No Road Home
>Avengers: No Surrender
>The Immortal Hulk 1-whatevs
>Defenders 4-shot
>The Immortal Hulk whatevs-now

>The Immortal Hulk 1-whatevs
Those haven't happened yet. Ewing actually just gave a reading order, copying the tweet:
>You can just read Immortal Hulk if you want - that's fine. DEFENDERS comes between #8 and #9, NO ROAD HOME comes between #13 and #14 and HULKVERINES could fit in a lot of places.

That's nice of him.

Oh wow, I didn't even think of Hulkverines. Ewing is handling all these crossovers quite well, but i guess he wrote all of them but Hulkverines.

He's referring to Savage Hulk.

Hulkverines even references the big Avengers fight in one of the early issues, so it's all in continuity anyway.

Old goat = Ross and Copycat = Amadeus? I recognize the others, although he forgot his own grandchildren.

Based Devil Hulk.

Hulk math is the reason why Ultimate Hulk will ever be best hulk

BTW, maybe it doesn't count, but you guys should add the tiger demons from Defenders to the Devil Hulk's kill count.

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>tastes like chicken

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Copycat is probably Abomination

Hulk is established as a man-made devil , and that devils exist. If so, then the opposite is also true. Both sides are wondering just where Bruce will fall in the end

I dont know exactly what he means by it but ningen is Japanese for human

So, Banner becomes the next universe's Galactus?

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Is that Mr. Immortal on the ground?

>They'll be idiots mad that the Hulk is "magic" now, despite the comic strait up telling you that it's both that AND science.
same as the spider totem

>Funny enough, Metatron is called the "voice" of God. Which the LT probably already should be.
No, LT is the System Admin of God.
Metatron is most likely God's Interface with Mortals

X-Men Grand Design has a Recorder being employed by Eternity, so it being the ULast Model Recorder would have a precedent.

Also a Recorder being the last "person" Bruce ever met in Hulk: The End.

I'm expecting it being Rick Jones full on Destiny Force.

Spider Totems were always stupid though.

>Metatron is most likely God's Interface with Mortals
Yeah, basically the Voice of The One Above All, sorta like Brian Banner acts as the "voice" of The One Below All, or at least a conduit. Both manifestations are emanations of the divine.

please tell us more

and Rick Jones' being God's Voice, at least for Bruce, would fit so much in contrast to Brian being Super Devil's voice.

I mean, Rick's soul-less shell in hell still fought for Bruce.

Amadeus has never died, so it might be Langowski or Blonsky.

It had its moments, but something like that only really works if it's actually going somewhere decent. I remember people being hype for it because they were convinced it was building up to something good, but in the knowledge that the payoff shat the bed it doesn't hold up.

Your enthusiasm made me curious. What prophecy?

When did Jen die then?

Civil War II.

She was killed in Avengers Disassembled (thanks Bendis). Was also debatable killed in CWII though there she was only """"""put into a coma"""""" (again, Bendis.)

She never died in either, Dissambled was only sending her into a Savage bloodlust state and she was in a coma for a bit because of the boob missile in Civil War.

Wait..he didn't mention the Leader.

There have been a lot of gamma powered people. It would take too long to list all of them.

I think the plans were to kill her, based on the last page of A-Force that made it look like a mourning panel, but then again Civil War II pulled the Pieta reference with Tony and he was only in a coma.

The Leader Lives!

True but I feel like he probably would've worked with the One Below All and Brian against the Hulk.

Has he died before? My knowledge of him is murkier then most characters.

Copycat is Langkowski/Sasquatch

Gotta love how these small dick Hulk writers spend decades trying to emasculate Thor and God like beings with constant guest appearances just to shit on them, Hulk's book must have a record of guests!
Now ever since Pak's planet Hulk they want to push this angle that Hulk is some kind of...God!
Lmao this shit is so fucking bad, so creatively bankrupt!

B-But he beats everyone on his book, he dies and gets ragdolled by nobodies, but he comes back and beats all the guests in the book, so it's good!!!

This is new shitposting to me. So Hulk is a ...God?

Talk about missing the point so bad an on top of that, giving such a superficial reading to a book pulling references from a lot of places to construct a very detailed narrative.
Oh right yeah my bad, Hulk's a god, a guy who can't even keep his multiple personalities together.

Thread music:

She flatlined. "Death"

Brian even says that don't stay long, they're "in and out"

At least he got the "sister's idiot child" part right.

>Puny God
Jk I wanna be a god too kek
btw Hulk is god of what exactly?

The God of evil smiles

The first one.
Remember how Sentry was talking about Hulk "evolving" and becoming something more?

There was more to it, but I can't find the pages.

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Look we get it, Hulk outsold the main Batman series. Batman #75 might still have a chance outselling this issue, but that depends if it already hasn't scared away all of its fans

We live in a world where the most ambitious deconstruction of the psyche of a superhero in the style of Miller or Moore, combined with the epic jaunt of Morrison or Claremont is outsold by a crappy gimmick title where every issue you just have the stupid green man smile ominously and zoomers going "oh that's so fucking scary he's about to do something TERRIBLE I'm literally SHAKING rn lol" and it's just not okay
When did we lower our standards like this? When did we abandon all that was good and turn to lowest common denominator schlock? Tom King's Batman run was going to change everything. But you... you chose Hulk. You chose angry green man with his wicked nihilist smile.
It didn't have to be this way! Tom King served his country in the CIA, doing literal Mission Impossible shit in Agrabah, and what was Al Ewing doing then? Playing with his dick and fantasizing about red bird women.
I'm sorry. I'm just... just so tired.

Where is this from? Age of Sentry? Unfortunately my only Sentry reads have been Jenkins' and Lemire's recently-
>We live in a world where the most ambitious deconstruction of the psyche of a superhero in the style of Miller or Moore, combined with the epic jaunt of Morrison or Claremont
Holy shit, 10/10 troll. This dude needs to become new pasta.

when she first became the She-Hulk.

All Gamma Being get their powers the first time they come back from death

> doing literal Mission Impossible shit in Agrabah
What makes this even funnier is that when random people were polled on whether the US should bomb Agrabah 30% of people said yes.

Wait, is that who "Metatron" is? Sentry finally getting his shit together at the end of the universe?

>Where is this from?
first Sentry mini, IIRC

Mmmmm, new pasta
I really hope you're the user that wrote the original. If not you do a damn good impression, feel free to stick around

Not the original but thanks.

might be. That would be interesting, too.

Last we saw of him was flying into space after merging with Void, and hasn't been seen since. I kept hoping Ewing would reference or use him, so even if Metatron isn't him, I'd still like to see what he'd do with the character.
Also I'd love if Anti-Man made a return in some way...

Attached: anti-man.jpg (811x1002, 97K)

>Ewing work culminates in Bat-Epic style over arching story
Yes please
Also has he ever said if he prefers writing solos or teams?

This is oddly cute and sad.

yeah, and it will be even more interesting once they'll show how much a healthier relationship Absorbing Man and Titania have

You know "God" is just another skyfather, right?
TOAA has nothing to do with any kind of religion.
Metatron is the voice of the Christian God, that's it.

I don't wanna get into lmao cucked shit but if Harpy and Hulk fucked what's the logistics of that? How much of a separate personality is Harpy for Betty compared to Devil/Savage for Bruce? I imagine She-Rulk was like Jen?

Digital sales tell a completely different story tho.
Speculators are the only reason physical sales have been so good for Hulk.

>Metatron is the voice of the Christian God, that's it.
Ehhh... No. For starters, this is more in the gnostic sense of the concept, disconnected from Christian theology and tied more to Kabbalah, which is decidedly Jewish faith.
Besides, the book isn't really touching upon the Christian aspects of it or else it would focus on the Devil and not The One Below All, a concept that's direct opposite of The One Above All, as you put it. The Metatron is then used in the context of TOAA moreso than anything else, just like every other Qliphotic reference that has already been used (like Thaumiel for Hell).

TOAA has always been treated as the Christian God user. One of its first appearances was Reed literally going into Heaven to bring back Ben.

Lol, just read this after fucking my side bitch. I'll think of you after I hug my wife after work today.

Original Harpy had a mostly different personality but I'm pretty sure that was because MODOK programmed it in, Red She-Hulk was like Jen yeah.

Also she actually did bang a Hulk before, though I'm not sure how to quantify this Bald Hulk, I feel like he's Savage but on one of his rare upswings in intelligence?

Attached: smash.jpg (600x923, 134K)

>Speculators are the only reason physical sales have been so good for Hulk.
Absolutely false. This is what Comixology's top 10 for June 12th looked like, when Immortal Hulk #19 came out:

> 1. Event Leviathan (2019) #1
> 2. The Batman Who Laughs (2018-) #6 [UK and the non-Francophone EU's best-selling comic book for that week]
> 3. Superman (2018-) #12
> 4. Detective Comics (2016-) #1005
> 5. Immortal Hulk (2018-) #19
> 6. Amazing Spider-Man (2018-) #23
> 7. The Flash (2016-) #72
> 8. Spider-Man: Life Story #4 (of 6)
> 9. Silver Surfer: Black #1 (of 5): Director's Cut
> 10. Wonder Woman (2016-) #72

The speculative market is a drop in the bucket when it comes to the wider market, specially when that issue in particular (as well as others that came after #16) didn't have variant covers to "prop it up". These are organic sales.


As in the actual fucking voice of God?

Please, please tell me this is real and not an edit.

He has died at least twice.

>Hulk is god of what

Of anger.

No, and Marvel was never stupid enough to imply anything of the sort.
Why would the Christian God be the God above all?

Yep. This is the end of the universe, so good on Ewing for remembering that Mr. Immortal should be there.

>Absolutely false. This is what Comixology's top 10 for June 12th looked like, when Immortal Hulk #19 came out:
What are you trying to prove?
None of these books are moving 90-70k units in the physical market except the top 2, tell me a week with Hulk In the top 4.
In the digital market, Hulk is not selling better than 50-40k sellers in the physical market.
What else could it be if not speculators?
Or are Hulk readers all boycotting comixology?

>None of these books are moving 90-70k units in the physical market except the top 2, tell me a week with Hulk In the top 4.
Now you're moving the goalposts, that's funny. Hulk basically just broke into the top 5 recently, and every other week the ones that are consistently at the top are Batman minis and #1's. It's crazy the amount of denial that exists here.
Yeah, turns out Immortal Hulk wasn't a top seller from the start, who would've thought? It still climbed until it got there, from the #15 onwards, and hasn't dropped since.
>In the digital market, Hulk is not selling better than 50-40k sellers in the physical market.
The digital market shows a different picture than the physical because a lot of the books in the top that appears there sell way less in the physical, and viceversa.

Furthermore, and this is exactly what you're openly neglecting to mention, this list corresponds to last week, when Immortal Hulk wasn't released yet. That's why it's not showing up in the ranking. You have to wait until next week in order to get the proper ranking, and I guarantee you it's gonna be in the top 5.

>Physical sales
Immortal Hulk 18 $3.99 05/29/19 Marvel 75,983
Detective Comics 1003 $3.99 05/08/19 DC 65,709
Superman 11 $3.99 05/15/19 DC 47,933
>Your list has Hulk bellow Superman
How do you explain this?

>How do you explain this?
As you can see, it's not even the same issues. Do you even know what you're looking at?
Am I getting pelted with bad trolls or it's just really lazy fucks who don't know how to read?

You're doing the TOAA's work dealing with these trolls :)

>measurable scientific phenomenon
Was this seriously written here? Considering WHAT IT HAS DONE OVER THE YEARS?

>imagine being that much in denial

Sad batfag is sad.'s Best-Selling Comics/

It's kinda like when you see mortal heroes believing in God even though they've had encounters with literal gods in the flesh, rendering their beliefs redundant.

>Your list has Hulk bellow Superman
>How do you explain this?

That issue was a gimmick crossover between all the supes, and waifufags gotta jerk off to Supergirl's covers as always

>The digital market shows a different picture than the physical because a lot of the books in the top that appears there sell way less in the physical, and viceversa.
We're talking about Marvel and DC, not the Walking Dead.

Furthermore, and this is exactly what you're openly neglecting to mention, this list corresponds to last week, when Immortal Hulk wasn't released yet. That's why it's not showing up in the ranking. You have to wait until next week in order to get the proper ranking, and I guarantee you it's gonna be in the top 5.
No shit genius, no one said anything about Hulk not being ranked in a week it didn't came out, I said Hulk is not selling better than books that have much lower numbers in the physical market.

It's an average from the issue before idiot, how could I have June's numbers if they haven't been published yet?

>I said Hulk is not selling better than books that have much lower numbers in the physical market.
And that's false, because as it shown in the list I already posted above, you can see it was ranked among the top 5. Should I post it again? Okay let's do it: (from )
> 1. Event Leviathan (2019) #1
> 2. The Batman Who Laughs (2018-) #6 [UK and the non-Francophone EU's best-selling comic book for that week]
> 3. Superman (2018-) #12
> 4. Detective Comics (2016-) #1005
> 5. Immortal Hulk (2018-) #19

>We're talking about Marvel and DC, not the Walking Dead.
Yeah, and that's why you can see books like Ms. Marvel, Champions and Doctor Strange selling better in the digital market because more people pick it up on that channel than they do over physical. Is this a difficult concept to you?

>It's an average from the issue before idiot
Then why don't you compare it with the digital issue that came out that week instead of using the latest as a reference?

>comiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting May 29, 2019
> 1. Doomsday Clock (2017-) #10
> 2. Heroes in Crisis (2018-) #9
> 3. Batman: Last Knight on Earth (2019) #1
> 4. Amazing Spider-Man (2018-) #22
> 5. Immortal Hulk (2018-) #18
> 6. Fantastic Four (2018-) #10
> 7. Thor (2018-) #13
> 8. Detective Comics (2016-) Annual #2
This week had no Detective Comics ongoing, yet it surpassed the Annual.

>comiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting May 8, 2019
> 1. The Batman Who Laughs (2018-2019) #5
> 2. Detective Comics (2016-) #1003

This week had DC ongoing, but no Immortal Hulk.

>Supergirl's covers
>digital sold better than Hulk
>Floppies sold substantially less than Hulk
Yikes...I thought the covers gimmick was meant to sell floppies!

I submitted too soon, but I wanted to add an addendum: Why the fuck are you dumbasses nitpicking the data and trying to come up with a scenario that makes Immortal Hulk look lower than it is, when the data itself says otherwise? Specially when none of us have digital number sales beyond the ranking, so it makes all of this fucking pointless to compare to physical?

FUCK man, why doesn't Marvel Unlimited have this? It only goes up to issue 10....

COme on, Hulk! Don’t be like Thor! Don’t let feminism win! You defeated the super devil of the Marvel universe for crying out loud!

no Supergirl's waifu fags just wants to jerk off, not hot-glueing a book, that would be a waste of money. While they can cum all over their monitor multiple times. Saves you money bitch.

Because Damage Control is real.
There is a reason not even dcfags like batfags, they are unsufferable crybabies who thinks anything that obscures Batman is a threat to them personally. Ignore them, all they can do is creating false strawmen.

>implying Top 5 means anything
Supes, Flash, FF, Thor etc have been on comixology's the Top 5 and those books are selling less than 50k.

>Marvel Unlimited

Are you fucking serious? You, who are posting in a thread where people are reading a pirated comic book, want to talk about Marvel Unlimited? It’s one or the other, man. You’re either wasting your money or rotting your morals.

I don't even get it. I can understand claiming once that yeah, a variant cover might land you a top ranking "artificially", but every other month without the special variants has been pretty much similar; on top of that trying to use the digital sales (that are still high) as an excuse when they behave differently is just... Baffling.
It does mean something though, but only within the context of the markets. Because in the wider market, none of this superhero stuff is selling better than kids' books, yet you don't see any of us using Scholastic numbers. For Marvel/DC, a book selling better in the digital market means they can produce less copies for physical and focus on digital, which worked well for smaller titles.
> Supes, Flash, FF, Thor etc have been on comixology's the Top 5
Only during the weeks those titles come out, because unlike Comichron, Comixology doesn't do a monthly list.

>You defeated the super devil of the Marvel universe for crying out loud!
I'll say it again.

Marvel power-levels are absolute bullshit.

I like reading comics digitally. I'd rather not go out to a store to buy books and have to worry about storing them somewhere and taking up space.

Hulk didn't defeat the "super devil", it only distracted it for a bit before escaping from Hell.

with the big guy, does devil hulk mean bruce or savage hulk?

Attached: devil hulk.jpg (1808x1752, 767K)

I also want to support the company, and not be a pirate fag.

“No” what? Did you completely ignore the example? And have you completely ignored TOBA being treated as the Christian devil for the book too? Why is a being called Metatron working for TOAA where you draw the line?

Hulk: The End already showed hulk as the last living creature on a giant gamma eating locusts earth

>And have you completely ignored TOBA being treated as the Christian devil for the book too?
When was this? Calling it "cosmic satan" doesn't cut it, because during the "Hulk In Hell" arc, the narrator used plenty of Kabbalistic references, which I should let you know, have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Savage. Poor guy's gonna be so traumatized.

Bruce was channeling the feelings that created Savage Hulk.
So i'd say he was talking about Savage.

he also has the hots for betty

Metatron is Kabbalistic too, but here we are.

I think the other user was talking about Yahwah, which is present in the Marvel Universe but is a different entity than TOAA, same goes for the likes of Mephisto and TOBA.
TOAA has always been more "generic" and immaterial and in this way it can reminds of the catholic god but other than that, he isn't.

Also as already stated in the thread, most references to any kind of mythology in this book are rather just symbolism than actual beings. Although this Metatron is very much physical, but it remain to say what he actually is.

Has Leader ever died?

I remember he did on the Thunderbolt's Thurderbolts book.
He got franked iirc.

>Although this Metatron is very much physical, but it remain to say what he actually is.
It may as well be called Metatron, but let's not forget the Hulk in Hell arc was introduced with the title "Thaumiel", yet nowhere in the dialogue it was referred as such. These are only symbolic references, not to be taken as gospel (see what I did there).

According to Ewing's interpretation of (since we clearly need to get into it), The One Above All is a gestalt of the writers, editors and artists in the comic, who get to dictate all actions that take place and are above the characters in a way they cannot directly reach without intervention. That's why it was represented as a white page in Ultimates2.

Attached: toaa.png (642x989, 91K)

Seeing as dormamu's sister Umar has the hots for hulk. i could see her apearing.

i wonder how long devil hulk would last fucking her.
savage hulk lasted only 6 minutes
word breaker hulk lasted 3 hours, multiple days in a row.
devil hulk with his immortality could potentialy last even longer to satisfy umar

Attached: Defenders _3 p 10 12.jpg (609x1600, 245K)

Twice at least. Came back red one time. Don't know how he came back.

>These are only symbolic references
Yeah that's how i see it too.

>The mistery intrigues me

This will always be my favorite line.

I made the Hulk hold a green pill

Attached: Greenpill.png (321x510, 170K)

>word breaker hulk lasted 3 hours, multiple days in a row.
wait really?
I know the source is on the filename, but can you spoonfeed me on what year this Defenders book was?

Here's the same image but with a nuke sign on it

Attached: Gammapill.png (322x509, 171K)

>The one below all
Guess this confirms that The One Above All isn’t omnipotent if he has an evil counterpart.

Nice, now you can Gammapill others into reading this series

Has it been that long since something like that has happen?

Or they're two facets of the same thing, the will of the writers, editors, fans, etc, the good and the bad.

I'm sure everyone here knows that quote from Epicurus user.

I'm sure everyone here knows that quote from Epicurus user.

i think it was from this run

Attached: umar angry.png (500x312, 318K)

Yes it is that one, thanks.

>On the other side this cameo is meant to show that the really true last one will actually be Bruce
If I'm understanding this correctly Bruce is actually undead and not really alive so prophecy protected.

>word breaker hulk lasted 3 hours, multiple days in a row.
That was so pathetic. That's why butthurt Hulk fanboys shouldn't be allowed to write him.

>That was so pathetic
It also didn't happened.

Mr. Immortal is (was?) the last man. Bruce is the last monster.

"My darling boy"

>He was being unironical all this time

Ewing, you madman

I wonder if they'll show how he got unchained, although i guess the arrow must have something to do with him taking control.

I thought he was trying to impress Ross by trying to impress Betty

I can't get over how hot Betty is

I can't swallow that!

>Why would the Christian God be the God above all?
Take three guesses Muhammad...

Not through your mouth...

but it did happen

Attached: hulk & umar.jpg (1280x1976, 965K)

>that Conan reference
Ah yes.

So either his member doesn't grow with the rest of him or...

I like that his dad looks genuinely upset here.

>and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it.

Attached: 1517786410124.jpg (534x516, 21K)

Attached: year 5 comes.png (870x1102, 1.54M)

Hahahaha, fucking saved... And improved, my dude. It has no reason to be 1.5MB.

Attached: year 5 comes.jpg (870x1102, 337K)

Hopefully not he'd be allowed to work on restoring her normal at least by the end of his run (and for good this time. not like those five minutes where she was normal in between Tamaki fixing her and Aaaron refucking her up again.)

We had perfectly good muscular depiction of Jen in the past already that look attractive without being "oversexualized". It's not hard. She doesn't need to look like a "pornstar" or a "supermodel" or whatever. She just should look like an averagely attractive female bodybuilder.

Attached: 550c6095831e5273440ceb4731c2313f.jpg (594x900, 127K)

I can't blame him either. The only villains Hulk really has are Daddy Banner, Abomination and the Leader. And maybe Wendigo, but everybody associates him more with Wolverine.

The U-foes, Bi-Beast, the Glob, ZZax, Madman...

Notice how none of them have actually fought the Hulk in like 20 years.

As I was writing it I realized it.

He's just not conducive to having a rogue's gallery. He's a rogue, himself.

She's magic, I'm sure she can handle it.

I hope you don't mind, but I had to fix the spacing in "Weekend of"...

Attached: SWOP V.jpg (870x1102, 423K)

Well, you both out did me.

Wait, The Cancerverse is back? When it came back?

Without you user, none of this would have happebed

At the end of the Sam Nova book.
It's already gone again.

>Also she actually did bang a Hulk before
in the middle of the street too

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˙/oɔ/ uo ʇsod ןɐuıɟ ʎɯ ǝq ןןıʍ sıɥʇ

As above.

So bellow.

Was it me or was Rick going to be another Aoi Kurosaki (just the host split from the beast but soon became a monster him/herself thing)?

is Titania a hero now?

If I recall correctly her five minutes of female solidarity with Whor ruined her reputation as villain.

And that's why Half-Life should also make a comeback.

You got it right;
His best enemies were always Ross, Talbot (the whole military really), the Avengers...
The book works best when he is on the 'wrong' side.

Ross is also a Hulk "villain". Not really evil, but can be considered the Ahab to Hulk's white whale.

Valve's not interested though.

I imagine Ewing's gonna bring most of Hulk's dead foes back through gamma bullshit.
Blonsky's gonna get back somehow after Shadow Base loses control of Subject B, he's gonna team up with Leader (who looks like a 2intelligent wojak) to bring hell upon Earth, and characters like Flux and Madman will rise from their graves to kill and slaughter.

Wait a minute...
>The Beast From the Sea (aka the Anti-Christ) in the Book of Revelations is a multi-headed beast that emerges from the water, much like how Abomination right now is a multi-faced monster with crab and fish-like aspects
>Leader fills the role of the false prophet with his intellect
Who's the whore of Babylon to complete this trinity?

Attached: 23091203.png (720x720, 302K)

Cheeky motherfucker.

Attached: 1450235740719.png (334x299, 141K)

Not so much hero as just "on parole" the Illuminati book is where it really started.

Absorbing man was really shaken from the Pleasant Hill fiasco and wants to clean up his act. HE JUST WANTED TO SELL ICE CREAM TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS!

Here's the thing, Ewing has the sales numbers to do something that can create a new status quo if he wants to.

hulkasized suppositories brother!

>whore of Babylon
Name a bigger Hulk related whole.

So, the One Below All may be... DESTROYER DARKMASS!

Attached: age of sentry 06 - 14.jpg (1280x1982, 918K)

hulk has had mostly bad runs for like 30

What are the references? i only got
>Horseman of War, in his nightmare armor
from when En Sabah Nur made Hulk his War Horseman.

Some of those things haven't happened yet, apparently:
>They all refer to a beat or character we've got lined up for future issues.

Attached: file.png (255x314, 39K)

>Horseman of War
Cobalt Man Fortean
>Steel Throne
What Hulk does in 24
>Beast of myth and the Hulk that was
Guilt Hulk
>The thing in the tube and the thoughtful man
Blonsky/Subject B and The Leader
It's all coming together.

Attached: a plan includes you.gif (486x688, 1.64M)


I'm loving Creel being a dude who just wants to help after he saw some shit, while dragging his wife along for the ride
It's too bad it won't last

Bruce literally got his mind torn apart. It stands to reason that coupled with the multiple deaths and rebirths in a short span of time shattered the mental blocks he had in place.

But yeah, I'm hoping the delve into that more as well.

>Fortean becoming a horrifying abomination of flesh and metal
>Guilt Hulk coming back
>Leader and Blonsky being pals again
Can't fucking wait.

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I though he divorced Titania and said he wouldn't take her back after backstabbing him with Whor and testifying against him in court?

I don't know whether to be glad they fixed their marriage or disappointed in him caving and giving her another chance.

He took her back because at the time she'd been suffering from an untreatable case of Jason Aaronitis. She has since recovered though

but what about

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Who did this, anyway?


That... makes a surprising amount of sense.

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Goddamn. What was he even thinking? I'm actually worried that Al "Everything's in continuity" Ewing might end up touching upon it, but maybe my concerns are unfounded. He seems to be drawing more stuff from the past than the near present.

Kluh only came out because of the inversion wave thing though, right? He's not a legit Hulk

>Beast of myth and the Hulk that was
>Guilt Hulk

Honestly I think those are two separate entities, or at least two separate personas. I'm almost certain the first is Worldbreaker, but I'm not sure about the Hulk-that-was.

Or maybe the "beast of myth" is the concept of Bruce Banner being in control of the Hulk. So Banner-Hulk or Professor?

Remember that Guilt Hulk is also known as "The Beast" and Ewing is deep in his Hulk lore.
It's now or never for him to show up.

because of the inversion, hulks rage(strength) was turned to sadness or something? I remember him being a crybaby for the first two issues, constant bullying from the other inverted Avengers and his weakened mental state finally allowed the transformation to take place

user, that's just an inverted Hulk, not another personality. Ewing wouldn't make a continuity error on that level.

Stop shilling your fanfic and read the comic it came from.

There's nothing to draw upon.
It's not anther split personality, just a preexisting one that is inverted.

The chances of Kluh coming back are the same as heroic Carnage resurfacing.

See, I don't even hate the design she has in the current Avengers run. I like the idea of her being bulked as fuck but still attractive and confident in that.
But then Aaron pulls that "freedom to be ugly" shit? Nah, fuck off. She was ugly under Bennet's pen, sure, but McGuinness just draws her as a really jacked hot lady.
God, Aaron is such a hack.

It's not even the "freedom to be ugly" part that I don't like. It's that Aaron has been actively shitting on Shulk's fun loving personality as well.

Okay, over-analyst Jew.

>Green Lantern issue released on the same day
>In it there's a gamma-radiation based horror
Is the One Below All seeping into DC? Is this hypercrisis?

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Oh, for sure, he's fucked up writing her all the way down.
>Getting criticism from both Tumblr and Yea Forums for how I've been writing Jen? Better have her beat up a bunch of literal trolls while monologuing about how it's actually way better for her to be a miserable generic Hulk and that her actual personality sucked

>The chances of Kluh coming back are the same as heroic Carnage resurfacing.
God, I wish.

I like how the reporter woman finally realized that being a Hulk SUCKS and is no no way a position of privilege and power.

>OBA seeps into DC slowly with gamma-irradiated horrors
>Empty Hand corrupts Marvel with meaningless events that will go nowhere and have no impact besides temporarily killing everyone for a day
Nice to see cosmic horrors can have a collaborative effort once in a while.

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It is only after she understands that being Hulk sucks and is a curse does she too become a Hulk.

I Think the tube is referring to Del Frye, whom’s been imprisoned by Shadow Base since issue 2.

Why would Del be brought up with the same impact as the rest though? His dad was a literal fucking weakling and so will he be if he ever goes up against the Hulk.

I noticed how they have somewhat similar, albeit inverted somewhat, stylized dialog.

I wonder if Empty Hand would ironically be one of many TOBA's extensions.

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>Empty Hand represents the inevitable death of comics through apathy and forgetting them
>TOBA represents the hateful readers who read, yet want everything about the comics to burn

blonksy is a bitch

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he literally said that's how it worked for the other Hulks but not him.

It's kinda like, he could, but he chooses not to, or doesn't tap into the subconscious math aspect of it. He doesn't think it's nonsense in any case, and it's the second time the "Hulk math" thing is mentioned in this run.

hulk math was always canon

It's real.

I'm not sure what's worse, Deadpool showing up as a voice of reason and being ignored, or the monologue about how much Jen envied Bruce while wearing a "No Fun" T-shirt.

Shit, going from that issue to this one is like comparing winter in Alaska to summer in Florida.

>[Supermath] makes sense

>For the other hulks

book of the year this is so good


Was Maverick Rulk from USAvengers gamma powered? I just remember the Hourman gimmick

He grows over the stache it's established

Someone on Yea Forums said that Ewing has veto power over Hulk getting used elsewhere but I don't know if it's true.

is this guy going to turn out to be the devil hulk?

Yes he was gamma powered. That’s how Hulk was able to depower him in Avengers No Surrender

Maverick was using a government issued Hulk plug-in, it gives him a small dose of gamma that only lasts for an hour

There are a couple of random soldiers running around who use them

There's a werewolf variant in the Howling Commandos

make one side purple.

>no one here remembering Lucifer was the angel of light

But Lucifer is a DC character!

This the first time I've ever heard anyone say that. I hope its the last time as well.

wow this is getting pretty spicy, keep it up!

Fucking hell.


He was a perfectly intelligent Hulk that she banged

Rick, Samson, Ross, Blomsky(?), Jen?

No that's Brian. Devil Hulk is something Bruce subconsciously created to replace him.

Yeah I honestly think it could be interesting that Jen is in a state of mind where she feels most secure being incredibly jacked, it's just that she also has the Hulk speak going on which not only feels like a big psychological red flag, but also that Aaron just wanted to write generic Hulk and is making Jen fit the mold.

People think that's the case, especially since Cho hasn't really died yet, but the copycat might be Sasquatch, since Ewing touched upon him at his root trying to be "Banner but better"