Mao Mao had its series premiere on TV this monday at 6:10p, right after a new Teen Titans GO. Here's how they performed:
6:00p - Teen Titans Go! - 388,000 (series low) 6:10p - Mao Mao - 270,000 (technically the series high) 6:28p - Mao Mao - 255,000 (technically the series low)
>Lowest rated premiere of any show produced by CN >unadvertised nu-PPG episodes that aired on sunday afternoons got more views than these
Not surprising. Literally nobody I know even knows the show exists, I only found it through Yea Forums. I love it so much, but I just bet it's gonna be canned. Did they advertise it at all?
Anthony Myers
>Airing a new show at Monday Night I don't really watch TV but if I recall wouldn't a Friday night or weekend night be a better time to air a brand new show? And this is just TV rating rights? how many views for online with their app or web stream?
Connor Wood
..... Crap.
I really really liked this cartoon, too.
Xavier Torres
>Did they advertise it at all Yes, ever since they the last days of May, CN has been airing promos and sneak peeks of the show on TV.
James Rogers
*Yes, since the last days of May
Liam Scott
Well then what went wrong? Are audiences ACTUALLY so stupid that they prefer Teen Titans Go?
Or are people so inundated with the idea that CN is just "the TTG channel" that they didn't even check to see if anything new was coming?
Lincoln Brooks
This right here is why I have no faith left in Western Animation.
If they do axe the series for not doing as well as TTG, I hope Parker Simmons at least makes a webcomic from it or something.
Alexander Sullivan
>aired DIRECTLY after Teen Titans Go with no commercial break in between so that means 118,000 viewers must have decided to change channels very quickly. Do viewers even have attention spans or any curiosity nowadays? Who only turns on CN JUST for TTG.