Despite all it's flaws, spideverse is still a better movie then FFH

Despite all it's flaws, spideverse is still a better movie then FFH.

Attached: spidemiles.jpg (1280x600, 87K)

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What flaws?


Absolutely. If you have any prior knowledge of Mysterio, the plot is immediately unengaging as you are are waiting for the heel turn moment that just confirms your initial suspicious..

This Miles is good though, even better than his comic counterpart.

Wait, what? They seriously played Mysterio as a maybe good guy? He's the scenery munching magician that has nothing better to do. Why would they suck all of the fun out of that?

Animated capeshit will always be better the live action capeshit

Because Mysterio pretending to be a hero is a classic story.

Mysterio is the same type person as Syndrome

>even better
Comic miles is indefensible trash, this miles is just a mediocre written character.
Get some fucking standards my dude.

So's death of Superman and look how that turned out.

user is time for you to grow up and admit spiderverse is probably one of the worst adaptations of spiderman of all time

Attached: 2CF491A2-F7D6-4BA6-B764-A09A1AC9EC64.png (1136x640, 1.16M)

Spectacular Spiderman >>>>>>>>>>>>> the rest

The music
Get fucked faggot. "Mediocre" isn't a criticism. It's the sex I have with your mother. Miles has to grow into a hero as the movie goes on, and hits all the right notes for a Spider-Man movie. Maybe they should have made him a perfect tech wizard genius so you could complain about that instead.

Because Gylenhall is really charming as a hero?

Why? Too much new shit while having all the old shit too?

to be fair, they don’t do it for very long. just short of halfway through the movie

>mediocre written character.
Explain how.

Reminder that MCU Peter is literally Miles but Disney/Marvel pussied out and did another Peter film.

>What's up, Danger, Prowler's theme and Scared of the Dark
Nah. I usually can't stand hip hop and rap, but Spider-Verse OST was pretty good and fit it perfectly.

>usually can't stand hip hop and rap
That explains it. It's not the worst sound track, and it's fine if you think about it as the music that Miles would like. But it leaves something to be desired.

The reader and Spider-Man know from the beginning he's not a hero especially since the first thing he does is frame Spider-Man the latter which he does end up doing in the after credits in this movie but once everything is revealed.

But to everyone with a passing knowledge of Spider-Man, and you really didn't need to have read the comics, they know this guy is a bad guy. The movie played it like it was a big reveal but it really wasn't.

It would have been better if he had been fucking over Spider-Man and screwing his rep from the beginning and using said charm to do it. Honestly that Stark plot twist was pretty dumb and it got beyond ridiculous when they brought the "box of scraps" guy that got yelled by Stane. Sometimes the "Everything is connected" thing is beyond stupid.

It felt more like Scott Pilgrim than Spider-Man but I thought that was fine for a fan servicey film

You just explained the most basic bitch aspects of writing a hero. That's like praising a romance movie because "it involves two people falling in love".
Again, get some fucking standards.

>it's fine if you think about it as the music that Miles would like
I thought this was pretty obvious.

>It felt more like Scott Pilgrim than Spider-Man
