Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him
You user. If he saw the depths of the shitposting you sink to for attention he would fly into a red sun.
Captain marvel almost killed him in kingdom come
Inb4 not canon
However much he can deadlift in hornets
>Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman?
Another superman who's the main character of the comic.
>Superman has been killed before
What a stupid fucking question, you retarded downer cunt.
>reddit spacing
Calm down with the edge kid.
fuck, that was supposed to be Doomsday squared.
Killer croc with a giant rock.
Blue sundipped for 10^10^100 octillion years Prime One Million Pre-Crisis Rebirth Cosmic Armor Thought Robot Strange Visitor Superman with the White Lantern Ring, Helmet of Fate, Silver Age superpowers, instant prep, 24th level intellect, retcon punch, Miracle Machine and host to all emotional entities, connection to all the Elemental Realms, three swords style w/ Sword of Supermans, casting Skyfather Jimmy Olsen as his servant, control over all 5D imps, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Mandrakk and obtaining the Demiurgic power, fused with the speedforce, with Endless concepts implanted in him and having rewritten the Book of Destiny while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered 127 martial arts.
Literally most of the Justice League could take Superjobber out if they tried. Flash IMP speed steal, Green Lantern pulls out a Krona killer, Batman uses Hellbat + kryptonite, Wonder Woman goes god mode or some shit. Martian Manhunter mindrapes him. Cyborg and Aquaman are sitting ducks though.
You sure are cocky for someone within Judas Priest range.
parasite,metallo,zod,doomsday,darkseid, etc...
Beats him constantly
Beats him constantly
Kills him constantly
Beats him constantly, died once when he was a jobbing weak loser in the 90s
Literally beats the shit out of his avatars and kills Final Crisis Darkseid with singing
Captain Atom, Captain Marvel (DC), Martian Manhunter, Aquaman and The Sentry could all 1v1 him with a 50/50 chance to win
Spectre and Max Faraday would easily beat him
Post the full one you retard.
>Doesn't give a shit about the Presence
Atheist Superman wins again.
It's hard to stay Christian when you're a living, breathing proof that Bible was wrong.
I remember that fight being fairly even. Captain Marvel has always been slightly weaker than Supes with raw strength and feats but the magic evens the odds.
Ever since the first time Supes has had a lot less trouble with him. In fact nu 52 ripped him in half. Not sure how rebirth would fair.
Pretty much wrong on all these but Darksied and even then Supes has the upper hand more than not.
Aquaman is awesome but no way he could put up a fight. Captain Atom depends on what version since they keep changing his powers. Manhunter with mind fuckery wins unless I am missing something. Spectre and any diety like being obviously wins.
Aside from diety like beings/5th dimensional shit I will add Swamp Thing gives a good fight and Amazo.
No, being a boring op character is pretty much all he is and all he'll ever be.
Goku would kick his ass.
seething Gokek faggot
My dick
Goku is shit too, Superman is shit AND boring AND written by Bendis.