Do you think gross out jokes and toilet humor is funny?
Do you think gross out jokes and toilet humor is funny?
where do you think you are?
Nah senpai. Way too easy. It's the kind of thing that might make you laugh in the writer's room but comes across as hackish in practice
Is Yea Forums known for liking poop jokes?
It is if it's in another language
A lot of embarrassing stuff are tolerated because of the language barrier
I would just find a lot of it cringe and be put off by it if I was reading/watching them in my main language
Yes and All ways Sunny in Philadelphia is proof it can be.
Even in 2019 people are trying to tell you something isn't funny even when your laughing.
Well fuck them, and my brain, I'm laughing!
They can be. The Ipecac scene in Family Guy was funny leas because of the vomit, and more how much it kept escalating.
If you are laughing you are allowed to think it's funny.
If they're like the main style of humor of a show, then no, like the show's just trying to be gross for the sake of gross. If they're just done every so often then maybe some of those could actually be funny.
I wouldn't say either puts me off entirely but I don't like stuff relying on that.
Not usually but if the joke is more complex than just "haha character farted" it has a better chance of landing.
You have to be woke to laugh.
My microaggression may be getting in the way of your safe space, but at least I'ts worth laughing at
No matter what you do for the rest of you're life; you'll be garbage.
Sometimes fart jokes are funny
Sometimes fart jokes are not funny
Sometimes fart jokes are sexy, if it's a girl doing the farting. This causes me to hate myself.
>This was on cable tv.
This. Gross out humor can be funny if it goes so over the top that you just have to laugh at the sheer absurdity instead of being sickened by it. On a related note, does anyone else have different tolerance levels when it comes to gross out humor. Like, for me I can handle jokes that involve things like mucus, piss, or vomit because they seem to be portrayed in cartoony ways. However, there's other things that are impossible to make funny like pimples even though they don't appear to be any worse than what I described previously. It probably explains why there's countless fart or booger jokes but hardly anything with acne. Maybe the latter is too realistic to make funny.
are you ok
I guess the best ways to handle it are either very deadpan, casual and snappily-paced so it comes as a surprise and doesn't try too hard, or so extreme that it becomes ironic & makes you laugh at how far it's going.
No. But sexism jokes are cool.
Eh I prefer thicc-er babes