>"A trip that’s not worth the time or money. Not when such a disgraceful man remains in charge. Now that I think of it, buying “Flash Forward” even only to see how it’s scripted would be very ill-advised, even if the nasty character deaths are reversed, because it’d only boost DiDio’s status at DC, something he doesn’t deserve. Plus, what’s the point of talking about ramifications if he won’t specify what they are?"
>Well, I think this should make clear why the Lobdell-penned miniseries is best avoided. Anybody who blatantly promotes a tale as repellent as HiC in hindsight isn’t giving much reason to think he’s sincere in his intentions. I know that, following that debacle, the Flash series starring Barry Allen should be avoided, and so too decidedly should this miniseries. We can’t afford to be taken for a ride anymore by people lacking respect for their audience.
>And again, it should be made clear that, if Geoff Johns had really intended to restore Wally West to a positive standing in the DCU, he would’ve reunited him with Linda Park straight out of the gate. If Johns never did so when he was writing his Rebirth mishmash, that should be saying something to the naive audience member who really thought Johns was going somewhere with his pretentious approaches. If DC wanted to jettison the kids, that’s one thing. But husband and wife is a concept that’s long proven workable, ever since Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman tied the knot in the mid-60s, and the way today’s millennials have set about tearing down even that is atrocious in the extreme."
>"For now, fans are strongly advised to avoid the upcoming miniseries and boycott DC, and continue calls for DiDio’s dismissal."
Bleedingcool takes shots at Dan Didio
Other urls found in this thread:
Good. Fuck Didio. Fuck Johns. Fuck Bendis and King. And Fuck DC.
>Bleedingcool takes shots at Dan Didio
Why did you link a website called "BleedingFool"
Fool, not Cool
Man, it takes a lot of effort to be worse than Rich but this guys do the effort.
Can't believe Bleedingtool went there desu
He’s been in charge of the dcu for far, far too long. But he knows where the bodies are buried so there’s no getting rid of him.
>>And again, it should be made clear that, if Geoff Johns had really intended to restore Wally West to a positive standing in the DCU, he would’ve reunited him with Linda Park straight out of the gate. If Johns never did so when he was writing his Rebirth mishmash, that should be saying something to the naive audience member who really thought Johns was going somewhere with his pretentious approaches.
Based, Johns gets way too much praise when he was pretty obviously as deep in on the lies as Didio was.
Geoff Johns & Wally reminds me of JJ Abrams and Luke Skywalker. Sure Tom King and Ryan Johnson get the buck of the hate for putting fan favorites through the wringer. But all the setup was done before they came on board.
OP here, yeah this one's on me. Oversight on my part that makes me a complete faggot. Still, he might have a point. Won't change anything though.
I mean I would blame Abnett more for not bringing Wally and Linda back together. Johns could only do so much, literally Rebirth was all set up to rebuild relationships between characters and he passed the ball to other writers that either rebuilt the relationship(I.e. Green Arrow and Black Canary) or did fuck all with the set up (Aquaman and Mera wedding).
Johns is the only one with any decision making power at DC who isn't responsible for the shitty state of the company.
Jesus Christ, could you be anymore of a blatantly biased, butthurt fanboy? Literally seething.
>and the way today’s millennials have set about tearing down even that is atrocious in the extreme.
Why the fuck is he even rambling about millennials here?
>I know that, following that debacle, the Flash series starring Barry Allen should be avoided,
That doesn't really seem fair. None of this is Williamson's fault
>ever since Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman tied the knot in the mid-60s
Aren't they split up with Sue fucking another man in every other F4 story?
It's stupid to say that if Johns really wanted to get things back to normal Wally and Linda would have remarried immediately. Superman and Lois are remarried and Johns had Aquaman propose to Mera. Johns plans have been completely scrapped
>Superman and Lois are remarried
Because of Jurgens, not Johns.
Well what do you expect, this guy is clearly an angry Wally fanboy.
You shouldn't buy the Wally book because Lobdell and Booth are a garbage creative team. It sucks because they're also consistent, i hope they aren't on the book long.
Still really enjoying what Williamson is doing with Barry though
I have to admit, he's actually making Barry steadily more likable.
But His flash does suck.
You simply couldn't bring Wall back to his post crisis status quo and the only correct way to bring him back would be to address Black Wally head on.
"Fuck Marvel" -David Ayer
"Fuck Batman" -Robin
Can this ever happen again?
Unfortunately no, for some reason Didio hates Cass
So... the one that made up and kept pushing the Didio fanfics was Rich? Based Dan dragging his balls over that leach's face
I heard Morrison wants to leave
>Fuck you Didio, please hire me: the blog
>Fuck you Didio, please hire me: the blog
No, he reupped his run for Green Lantern for another 12+ issues and even auditioning artists to do fill-in issues between arcs so DC can get more issues out of Morrison as main artist only wants to do X-Number of issues
He hates Cass because she was created by butt-hurt Batman editors who flat out refused to uncripple Babs in the late 90s.
Sauce bitch
I mean I know the story of a bat editor saying “kill the bitch”, but you know what Babs became a better character for it because another writer continued that storyline and made her stronger with so much more depth than she had before and a more unique roll that made her an important character for not just the bat books but DC as a whole.
Cass was also a super unique character with interesting storytelling for the comic book medium and I’m pretty sure she still holds the title for longest running Batgirl title that only stopped because Didio threw a bitch fit
Not him, but look for an interview from around Green Lantern #7 or #8.
Morrison confirms that
>he's doing a season 2
>Liam Sharp will not be doing all the art for it (at least three issues are not by him)
>Moz is retiring from capes after it and Wonder Woman E1 vol 3 is finished
Barbara is only ever interesting when crippled and leading the Birds of Prey, or when as Batgirl and wanting to fuck daddy Bats. Every other time she's a wet fart of a character.
Sharp: Yeah. I really hope that comes across, because literally I've never had another series where every time I start another issue, it's like starting a new series. And that's always exciting, so I just can't wait to see what each new script is and I hope that comes across. That's why I'm skipping San Diego this year, because I just don't want to get out of the mindset. I want to stay in this place, especially right through to when I finish the twelfth issue of the first season.
>Morrison: I'm writing stuff that this amazing artist can draw, this amazing brilliant collaborator. I'm having the best time of my life with this boy. I'm doing this with Liam and Wonder Woman with Yanick [Paquette], and that's it. And so to see this level of invention and brilliance, it's like, we're just putting it out. It's my last chance to talk about American comics.
Sounds like they're stopping at 12.
>Bleeding Cool
>Dan Didio
Let them fight.
So… what about Multiversity 2, Arkham Asylum 2, and that Batman story done with photography instead of drawings (that one sounds like a terrible idea, but still)?
Now.... NOW they are calling for Didio to step down? I have been saying that since at least Infinite Crisis with Dick's assasination attempt. Maybe even as far back as Identity Crisis. I used to be costantly complaing about DiDio on the old Bleeding Cool forums. You know. Back when they had forums. I have had pics mocking Didio in a stock image folder for over a decade just to post on Yea Forums threads complaining about him. Now I even have them on my phone so I can complain about him as I take a dump.
It's not Bleeding Cool, OP is a brainlet and didn't look at the site he was actually on.
Wasn't there a report that super hero marriages were banned from DC comics because most of the head honchos like Didio were bitter old divorcees?
This is what I get for reading a shitpost while on the toilet.
Didio still should have left years ago. The fuxking of Wally West is only one of the many signs.
>as Batgirl and wanting to fuck daddy Bats
Go back to bed, Bruce Timm
It's just the truth, user. The cartoon Batgirl was interesting because of all the wrongness and sexual tension she brought to the Batman and Robin dynamic. It was like watching a car wreck in progress.
In the comic she was just a boring girl power thing that never did much. Since the New 52 she is now nothing but a girl power thing that never amount to much. Just add some extra quirkiness to it.
So it is either Dixon's lesbian cripple or Timm's Yoko Ono.
ITT retards confuse Bleeding Fool with Bleeding Cool
What the fuck is Bleeding Fool and why does the site looks so much better than the official thing
>If DC wanted to jettison the kids, that’s one thing. But husband and wife is a concept that’s long proven workable, ever since Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman tied the knot in the mid-60s, and the way today’s millennials have set about tearing down even that is atrocious in the extreme."
What do millenials have to do with this? Does this fucker know comics has been breaking up superhero marriages since comicsgate and SJW shit flinging even became a thing.
The author's been reading comics for a long time. I remember him complaining about stuff back in the early 00's, maybe like late 90's. He's been complaining about so many of the various popular writers that far back.
Do you blame Morrison? He probably ran out of steam and he alone can't fucking be the guy who reinvents comics and tries to do something different. He probably just wants do shows too.
A lot of people have been wanting Didio to leave for years but yeah it's funny that some people like this BF writer are suddenly thinking this is the straw that broke the camel's back when the camel was already a paraplegic for years.
>but yeah it's funny that some people like this BF writer are suddenly thinking this is the straw that broke the camel's back when the camel was already a paraplegic for years.
This guy has been complaining about Didio as far back as the 00's. I'm kinda surprised some people only know about him now but I think it's just cause he infrequently made blog posts or briefly posts as a regular on some boards or something.
>I'm kinda surprised some people only know about him now
Why? I've heard of him but he's still some literal who and the fact that he complains in message boards or blog sites for years, it means nothing. But yeah him being angry at Didio is nothing new and that I do agree.
>but I think it's just cause he infrequently made blog posts or briefly posts as a regular on some boards or something.
Maybe that's it but I'm also sure oldfag Yea Forums anons would remember major autists like k-box and his cucked Peter Parker with small penis obsession and hot old Aunt May fetish more thanthey'll remember Avi "conservative-style Clark kent" Green.