This year will be treehouse of horror landing coincidentally on episode #666. Yes...

This year will be treehouse of horror landing coincidentally on episode #666. Yes, 2019’s annual Halloween terror trilogy will be the 666th episode that the animated comedy has aired over its three-decade run. (In Roman numerals, that’d be episode No. DCLXVI.) Who watches the Simpson's anymore really?

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Call me when the gay shit becomes canon.




No one cares about zombies on Halloween.

with some luck Yeardley Smith and Hank Azaria will be dead by then and maybe this shit show will finally end

I wonder what recent popular movie they parody!!!

I wonder what obscure movie reference will they show!

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My guess? It, Coco, and Captain Marvel

Satan's Bait and Switch (Formerly Fox's)

What would be an actual good episode?

the series finale, because then it would be over

This year will be the sneed episode landing coincidentally on episode #9.6. Yes, 2019’s annual feed and seed trilogy will be the 9.6th episode that the animated comedy has aired over its three-decade run. (In Roman numerals, that’d be episode No. IX.VI) Who watches the Sneedson's anymore really?

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John Wick, Hereditary, Get Out

>Get Out

Us is more likely (and they look like the Ullman Short versions)

Infinity War, Annihilation, The Shape of Water

The Shape of Water like another said with Homer as the monster.

Like the others said, either Get Out or Us.

And lastly, John Wick.

Will they make the intro related to Satan? Or Armageddon?

You're giving modern Simpsons too much credit. It'll probably just be a Trump joke.

Same difference

>yfw the simpsons predicts the actual end of the world

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I can't wait for it to suck. What should be a monumentary oppurnity to do something neat will most likely be lukewarm shit.
They will do something stupid like reference sneed too.

Even though they've done something similar before, I'm betting on this happening.

They did that already with Moe. I remember Maggie doing it as a reference at the end of an episode too.

I belive that episode had Dennis Rodman at the end for no reason.

Finally, make the Dead Bart episode we deserve.

need more drunk thicc thot Lisa