What IS his endgame?
No, but seriously
To make every May 9 Piccolo’s day
To suck Nick Fury’s dick, apparently.
Get his best shapeshifters together and mad bank on superheroine porn
Secret Invasion
thanks doc
His daughter from CM is aged up now and is gonna be the queen and betray their race and lead the invasion
This. Superhero porn must be booming in the MCU's universe.
>yfw you will never live in a universe that offers hero porn that doesn't involve dingy basements, chains, and squeaky Japanese women
Wait... are you saying there's something wrong with that?
yeah, asian women have this problem where they’re all twinks
Think of all the deepfake stuff that could ruin some superheroine's career
It just goes on and on
i feel like with venom around vore would be REALLY popular
I fucking hope so. I cannot, CANNOT believe that Disney would be so stupid. You turn the Skrulls, one of the most iconic villainous factions in all of Marvel, into some stupid metaphor about refugees? I am baffled by this. It's one of the main reasons I really didn't like Captain Marvel.
>His daughter WITH CM
Skrulls have been refugees for decades in the comics, you absolute fucking casual. That was the entire point of Secret Invasion.
I couldn't care less about the refuge shit, but I want my secret invasive Arc. To not get one of the most iconic marvel events would be foolish.
Getting an actual good costume and a greener skin color.
He'll be the dad of Hulkling or something.
Well prepare to be even more butt hurt. I foresee Secret Invasion being done in a way that makes the Skrulls the victims of a campaign by Norman Osborn.
>Super Skrull becomes a major hero in the MCU
>Martian Manhunter gets called a ripoff by normies
Tricking an old white woman and an old black man to fight their propaganda war for them.
Nah, I'd wager that The Queen, Super Skrull, and "bad" Skrulls will be a thing but it will be the result of them being the victims of anti-Skrull sentiments.
My take would be the general public turning on Skrulls will result in the death of Talos and his wife and their daughter will become The Queen and seek vengeance. Though I'm probably putting too much thought into it.
This would be a good parallel for certain real terrorist groups, and make for a compelling story. I’d be down.
I would be OK with this, Talos playing the long con making fools of Nick and Carol.
He and Fury will fuck and he will give birth to Hulking.
Imagine all the Skrull porn of Carol fucking the asses of Wanda, Gamora, Nebula, Hope, and Valkyrie.
I like it