Why are the Boom Studios Power Ranger comics rampart, unrepentant Tommy Oliver shilling?
Why are the Boom Studios Power Ranger comics rampart, unrepentant Tommy Oliver shilling?
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I think you mean rampant OP
Uh yeah. Apologies. Typo.
What do you expect? The franchise has been shilling him since he first appeared in "Green With Evil".
Red dino thunder I understand it being his student and all, but what did mystic red do to deserve that?
The comics featuring things other than shilling. Even fans of Tommy are sick of him getting overexposed.
"His season of Power Rangers sucked haha! #couldofbeengods"
Boomer Studios literally run by JDF's close personal friends.
>Implying that publisher does not accept indieshit
Why is there a pokeball under the helmet to the right?
>Trying to bring your ASJ/JDF cancer here
Nobody even mentioned ASJ and this is a thread about the comic.
I don't know who any of these are aside from Green Ranger and White Ranger. Did the same actor do fifty other versions of Power Rangers shows?
he was the red ranger of power rangers Zeo, the first red ranger of power rangers turbo (he didn't actually want to do that one though) and the black ranger of Power Rangers Dino Thunder
ever since then he comes back as whatever color he feels like now and then.
The same actor did three more series, yes. He's also the face of the franchise, more so than Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.
>Be red
>Be the fucking supposed team leader
>Got fucking sidelined by some green faggot out of fucking nowhere
>Got all your screen time stolen by him
>Got demoted to a regular team member
Even as a kid i thought that being red was suffering
It honestly wouldn't sell otherwise and Go Go Power Rangers is already flopping due to the lack of Tommy.
It began with Tommy, it garnered an audience of mostly Tommyfags, so it's too late for it to expand and pander to other seasons when their primary paying customers is only there for Tommy and his Godzilla Zord.
I for one am excited to see what happens to Trini, Zack, and Jason.
Tommy had the most compelling story of the original series and was the longest running ranger between multiple different teams.
Ow. Right in the kokoro.
But at this point, who is his rival? Who does he have to fear? Only himself? The other rangers are window dressing?
As a kid I thought the Green Ranger was badass and cool because he randomly showed up out of nowhere and was able to take on all the regular Rangers on his own.
Kind of sucks to learn the kept on making a million other gimicky nu-shit series with him as the star though. He was supposed to be the X factor, not the focus.
But Dino Thunder is cool. He was the mentor figure rather than the focus and he actually loses battles.
It's an endless cycle because they don't know what else to do
Don't worry, Red is on a comeback trail.
JDF is a faggot anyway. Imagine taking credit for being the Green Ranger when it was stock footage of a Japanese suit actor with talent the whole time.
>Zedd kneeling
Yeah, no
That apply to all rangers, fag. Even the original Ref Ranger Fatso McLard
I cry every time.
Lord Drakkon is all him though. No Japanese version.
Why is Rey from Star Wars considered a Mary Sue but Tommy from Power Rangers considered an okay character when they're both stupidly overpowered and have special gifts from the start?
Could you expand more?
Tommy was a karate kid, who was abducted, hypnotized, GIVEN powers, then some friendly kids fought off the mind control for him and he kept the powers. He was only ever as good a fighter as Jason, he just had a better suit.
>given powers
>ends up becoming the leader and most powerful ranger
>ends up mentoring other rangers
>ends up becoming the most powerful villain too
He also beats Jason as Drakkon. He's arguably worse than Rey in that regard.
It's only Tommywank through ZEO, which is a great season bc then ourboy Jason comes back as one of the best rangers.
>after zeo NO MORE TOMMY, we just have to hang on for...probably 3 arcs white ranger (18ish issues) and 3-4 zeo if they dont cancel it by then bc fuck me that's almost 2 years more tommy already...
Kinda glossing over the whole "lost his powers and comes back but can never be cool again due to constantly losing them" part aren't you.
And really the whole demotion thing happened because St.John had been written out of the series along with Jones and Kwan by the time Tommy showed up in white, it was a post-production thing.
>given powers
He wasn't just given powers he was abducted brainwashed and forced to fight his friends
>ends up becoming the leader and most powerful ranger
this actually never happens
>ends up becoming the most powerful villain too
neither does this
>this actually never happens
You've never watched MMPR or even Zeo or Turbo have you.
Once the first sword of light power transfer happens in MMPR he becomes the leader of the team.
Right he was a bitch without the power coin. In the show as soon as a ranger cant morph they run, he does too. A lot. The last half of the first season is him running before his team gets his powers back. He gets shot through the chest in the books. >Rey is always perfect theres no stakes for her shes always had/will have powers.
He only became the White Ranger bc he was good for views, plus even if it was 3 eps, he had an arc... it didnt help that after the other actors quit for wanting raises he was willing to work cheap.
>besides no one would fucking respect Rocky as the leader over him.
>this actually never happens
Comics continuity aside he's the most powerful ranger. He has the most ranger forms.
And to be fair, He was the best choice to be the leader after Jason.
>Kinda glossing over the whole "lost his powers and comes back but can never be cool again due to constantly losing them" part aren't you.
Is that why Higgins and the other comic writers fixed this by making his so ridiculously overpowered it can only take Tommy to beat Tommy?
I'm the other guy claiming Tommy isnt as bad as Rey but bruh...hes 2 of the strongest rangers put together, in the issues Drakkons featured he never mentions being afraid of anyone, no lone villain posed a threat to him, he could time travel, eventually became what 6 rangers in 1? Fuck man hes the most powerful villain by a country mile
>dark specter got taken out by a single kamikaze pilot
>MAYBE Master Org, or Bansheera could've stood a chance
Maybe because Mystic Force powers come from Mystic Mother aka good Rita?
>he becomes the leader of the team.
But not the most powerful ranger
Dat deep cut for the BIG NUT
>>ends up becoming the leader and most powerful ranger
>this actually never happens
I hate boomers who only watched the first season of Power Rangers.
see Bruh.
I mean, spergin out for a sec, he was one of the 5 most powerful rangers ever. Not top 5 all tied for 1st, bc the ZEO powers were said to "only grow in power" as time passes. So he DID, but so did the other ZEOs?
>I cant think of a single ranger who took in or absorbed a bunch of power maybe
Gold maybe? It was so powerful it took 3 dudes to do it?
>he's the most powerful ranger. He has the most ranger forms.
He has the most forms but no single one of his form has ever been shown to be the stronger of the Rangers unless he is currently evil
>2 of the strongest rangers put together,
See above
>Fuck man hes the most powerful villain by a country mile
legit question how did you come to this conclusion? Almost every major villain from any of the series consistently solos all of the Rangers him included when they're first introduced
I don't read the comments I'm talking solely about the TV shows
Beats me. In the later half of season 1 and the first half of season 2, Tommy's Green Ranger powers were unstable (I question what the actual writing reason for this was, I say that knowing if the Zyu2 footage had been used in Japan it'd have Burai struggling to stay in the world of the living), but the Green Ranger was no longer the powerhouse he used to be, in fact he was basically weaker than the other 5, but still different equipment-wise. They stopped using the Dragonzord in Fighting Mode while Tommy was just a frequent liability to the team.
i never seen this before what series was this
Because most people who still give a fuck about Power Rangers are faggots who wanted to be Tommy when they were 12
Because a) Tommy started as being mind controlled and a villain
B) Tommy's power was temporary until he became the white ranger
C) his zord, while powerful, was only truly useful when combined
D) his real life was shit, and no one likes him
E) he wasn't smarter than Billy, tougher than Zack, faster than Trini or more flexible than Kimberly. He was arguably around Jason's strength, but not above it.
What's the best power rangers opening, lads?
We're not talking about that era of Tommy we're talking about Oliver Sentai Tommyranger and the big bad, Lord Tommy.
Latest season. And Tommyshilling has gone to new heights since the 1990s, user.
Drakkon is complete and utter shit
Jungle Fury
Also the Mystic Force Outkast-ish was weird enough for me
>Latest season
i this user all my arguments are based on SPD being the last series I watched and even then only the beginning i didnt know it was this bad
>legit question how did you come to this conclusion? Almost every major villain from any of the series consistently solos all of the Rangers him included when they're first introduced
>I don't read the comments I'm talking solely about the TV shows
Right. They all fuck the rangers until the end of the season, when they get battleizers and power ups n shit. But even assuming a full team, that's 5-6 rangers getting beat at once. Drakkon one-on-ones a lot more rangers than that, he takes their morphers but its implied he kills them. At the end of the arc Drakkons literally rewriting reality with the heart of the morphin grid. No other villain got that access or power, I'm just saying MAYBE the queen of demons, or Master of Orgs could have fought him off. He also got Serpentera, so he can fuck up planets.
>he might have been the most powerful until right before he got beat, but even so.
Check out RPM its dope. Darkest series, shortest, best characters.
Latest season reunion special I mean.
It's a 4 way tie for me
>Lost Galaxy
>Lightspeed Rescue
>Time Force
But fuck me I love Ninja Storm too
Flopped in the ratings. Sold the least amount of toys. The wrong demographic likes it.
You're a sexist hypocrite if you support Tommy being overpowered but use Rey being overpowered as your reason for her being a Mary Sue.
Why the fuck do you keep bringing up Rey?
for me it's Dino Thunder and In Space
I love nina steel too, though I know I'm in the minority here
Because she's basically Tommy but somehow Tommy gets a pass.
Actually, Tommy is worse.
This thread is literally about how much people hate Tommy.
Rey is also just completely unrelated, you shitposting fuck
They hate Tommy so mcuh he keeps getting shilled and paid for by his fans.
How about you prove that the morons buying the PR Boom comics are the same people who complain about Rey being a mary sue.
None of you fags said Mighty Morphin' yet?
Fuck me if that didn't get me hyped as a kid.
I know the comics are demi-canon but it's nice seeing stuff like this. I'm far more invested in the ops of this splinter team than I thought I'd be
Mystic Red was shit that's why.
>PR people losing their minds over this when Kamen Rider Decade exists
Just let them have this.
I don't need to?
The lack of stock footage worked wonders for the green motherfucker
decade's his own character. this one has an established character getting max hax. also all tommy all the time severely limits the storytelling options.
geez, Zi-O, how come you get to have TWO DECADES worth of riders?!
Because Tommy is the greatest Ranger to ever exist.
for example, IDW shilled shockwave so much that it wasn't much of a reveal that he was behind everything (even if he was supposed to be dead for reals)
Are you ignoring his time as a red ranger or the fact that Rocky was the only red ranger too not be a leader because of white power.
I might actually start reading this.
>still owned by Decade
Why did that one guy have a smart phone for a face?
Tommy is just the best.
>rider fights have been reduced to who has the better graphical interface
Heisei was a mistake.
Is it true that he sells cheap toys for huge prices just because he signs them?
No. He's overpricing non-personalized autogrpahs to deter scalpers from scalping his signatured items.
That's ninja storm red i think
ironic since he's dead in real life too
Who will be Pink and Blue for this new team?
I’m hoping some aliens. We need more alien rangers. Those suits have a Kakuranger/Aquatarian feel to them anyway.
No one. It's like a Sun Vulcan situation. Tres amigos instead of a five-man band.
They even invented some omni morphed device for him to change into whatever form he needs, he prefers green ofc
Yep. The Master Morpher.
Even Captain James T. Kirk wasn't as shilled as much as this.
...You know I just realized something.
Tommy has never had a Battlizer.
He had a battlezord, but not a battlizer.
Huh. You'd think with the Tommy Wank, he'd be able to like...combine all his forms into one.
>Huh. You'd think with the Tommy Wank, he'd be able to like...combine all his forms into one.
That's what the comics did.
>the only way to defeat Drakken is Ghost Tommy giving him a Naruto-style talk-no-jutsu about the Power of Friendship
If Tommy isn't a Gary Stu despite being all-powerful, then we can safely discard claims of being OP = being a Gary Stu/Mary Sue, right?
But he is a Gary Stu
Not according to Yea Forums. Rey is but Tommy isn't.
The fuck does Yea Forums have to do with this
Rey is Yea Forums.
The fuck does Rey have to do with this?
Mary Sue like Tommy but Tommy is apparently not one. A point of comparison.
So... Austin looks like he's doing well.
Do you have autism?
tbf Battlizers where not a thing till Power Rangers in Space and even then it was mostly only given out to Red Rangers (this was also a plot point in SPD). the only expectins being are the Green and Blue Lightspeed Rangers, with there Lightspeed Megabattle Armors and Orion's (Sliver Ranger of Super Mega Force) Super Megaforce Gold armor.
>Huh. You'd think with the Tommy Wank, he'd be able to like...combine all his forms into one.
He already did that in the comics and besides he can do this now as well
Will they adapt Sun Vulcan as the further adventures of Trini, Zack, and Jason?
>resorts to ad hominem
I accept your concession.
I didn't even realise it was an argument. I was just trying to figure out why you were bringing up something completely unrelated to the topic
>discussion on Mary Sues
>Rey is unrelated
Uh, no?
So he has Green Dragon, White Tiger, Zeo, Turbo and Black Dino all as one form? Like an amalgamation of all the suits, not different forms like the Master Morpher.
Oh dear lord not here too
I think you'll find the topic is about Boom comics and their overuse of a shitty character. The very first mention of mary sues was fucking you
He's attempting to. He first got the Green Dragon and White Tiger together before killing all the rangers and Rita too.
The whole arc is him amalgamating his powers together based on the powers that his non-evil counterpart got to become stronger.
The Ghost Tommy showed up and put a damper on his plans.
I sincerely hope you don't actually buy these trash comics
Not talking about Drakkon
The good Tommy.
I'm talking about Drakkon and the comics since this is Yea Forums.
The good Tommy had a discussion with Ninjor about fusing powers though.
And the debate is whether or not Tommy Oliver is a Mary Sue.
Only bc they havent given it to other rangers yet. Everyone in S2 MMPR has multiple morphs as well as turbo.
>let's face it. Well never see tommy throw his master morpher to Katfu and see Ninjetti, Zeo, Turbo. And MMPR PINK in 1 fight...
Yes, he is
Green > Zeo Red > White > Black > Turbo Red
This. He was a guy who had leadership forced onto him and did the best with what he had. He's popular for a reason.
Mighty Morphin', Zeo, Jungle Fury and SPD. I like Dino Charge a lot too.
My nigga. It's nice to have musical variety in these themes and it works well with the tone of JF.