>Character's major character trait is that she likes to fuck hot guys and uses her hot body to get said hot guys
Feminism was a mistake.
Character's major character trait is that she likes to fuck hot guys and uses her hot body to get said hot guys
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Don't blame Marvel. Blame Aaron. He's the only one that butchered her. Even her boring PTSD comic was better.
>When you're so upset about your waifu beginning HRT you try to convince people she was nothing more than a cumdumpster
Remember kids, body positivity extends only to fat people.
He literally likes her for that, are you a retard?
>Diet and exercise
>Be a fat ugly slop
Shulky was always a slut, but that is why I love her.
This. Sean Izaakse drew her in her classic self in Avengers No Road Home not once but twice, and I pretty much doubt most people on the inside like it.
The only ones who are defending it are simply ignorant of the character and say that "it's an arc that won't last", so it's at best muted approval.
To be fair, most characters there are in their classic outfits
Yeah, but he also is a fan of hers, he's posted some things She-Hulk related before.
I've been following the Twitter scene these days and frankly most of what I've seen is backlash, even from people who were enjoying Aaron's run. It feels like people legit expected her to go back to get classic style soon.
Isn't there an edit for this?
It's funny. NORMAL (as in not feminist) women actually prefer attractive women. You can see this in the movies and shows women watch. Ugly freaks however want to see ugly freaks like themselves so they don't get jelly.
Is Robbie still being written as Spider-Man?
I remember quite a few feminist pieces of dialogue from She Hulk recently, like her conversation with Stark after they fit done fucking about double standards applied to both of their general sluttiness. It’s not really critiques of how women are treated that sucks, it’s just Aaron’s writing of her as almost a different character. Like her feminism has gone from smart to stupid like her Hulk form has.
I don’t think dumb thicc she hulk should stop being a thing though, I just think she should be used sparingly, like a form only used or forced out in certain situations or fights. There’s a point about ugly being beautiful he’s tried to make recently that’s okay too.
Dumb Shulk is worst Shulk.
>Male Feminists were a mistake.
Most women enjoy that, feminists also. The problem some of you guys have is categorizing everyone you don't like with a partisan view you detest in principle.
Go check for instance the Let's Talk She-Hulk account on Twitter, it's actually ran by a woman, she actually has plenty of progressive views, and she HATED Avengers #20. It's dumb to paint people with this broad brush because you end up looking like an idiot.
>Buy my gf pic related
>her response is to send me this screen cap with WHY in all caps
When will Marvel realize women don't like reading about ugly women?
Progressive doesn't mean feminist. Batshit insane does.
Yeah okay man, whatever you say.
Most people who go out of their way to call themselves feminists are batshit insane. I live in Cali so I know what i'm talking about.
>most women
yet the minority that call themselves feminists are single handedly the reason sexy characters get taken out of fictional pieces of work.
The current She-Hulk run is facing a problem Marvel has had a lot of trouble with lately.
>A writer takes over or introduces a character to tell the readers that they're wrong for liking the character or to preach to the readers for not being a certain way. Story takes a second seat. Characters and motivations are unimportant compared to the message.
It's no longer intelligent, socially conscious dialogues, rather a bunch of strawmen and weak arguments to take a moral high ground to the readers.
Nice boogeyman.
That's not a boogeyman. That's literally the truth.
Yeah man literally the truth except nobody but Aaron liked the change but he's allowed to do it because he's a top dog in Marvel, and Marvel isn't precisely a conservative publisher.
You say this as if Shulky was the only sexy character changed to be less sexy.
I'm saying it a someone who has been following this shitshow to see who actually was okay with it and found out barely anyone is. But you keep seething over SJWs, don't let me stop you.
>SJW does bad thing for the 100th time
>W-Why are you getting mad at SJWs?
Ironically Shulkie is actaully peak feminist.
>feels out of her depth and doubts herself constantly but still tries to suceed in a man's world
>gets shot and becomes shulkie cause magical blood
>is super sure of herself
>loses power to become human formed
>goes back to being super insecure
>realizes it doesn't matter how she looks and she has confidence in herself again
But no, no, the fact she enjoys sex and is happy with her body, as Shulkie or Jen is problematic and needs to be removed
There is no current She-Hulk run
>The current She-Hulk run
Fucking casual crossboarders, every time.
Aaron who?
The truth is that Aaron wanted Hulk as a member, but since Ewing if doing an amazing comic about him, Aaron just used She-Hulk.
We almost had gay Thor/Hulk so be grateful for that.
Still trying to hunt down Savage She Hulk #1. But I did nab this recently
She-Hulk is what the feminist ideal used to be: a strong, self-motivated career woman working in a high-paying, powerful position without feeling the need to abandon her femininity in order to fit with her male counterparts. In fact, she fully embraced the power of her femininity and sexuality in getting men to do what she wanted and was unashamed of being both sexually liberated and assertive.
This new She-Hulk is the current feminist ideal: removing as much sexual provocativeness and femininity as possible in order to punish men for finding women attractive. Being hyper-aggressive, indignant and rude towards anyone who so much as looks at you funny. Resenting your appearances because looking good is the patriarchy. Solving problems with brute force rather than charm and wit.
It just goes to show how much has changed.
Is this even collected in Epic Collections?
Uh, I'm only seeing one collection by Byrne called The Return which looks like it has plenty of issues, but not the full run.
When a group of people are actively are making the world a worse place to be in, yes, I will criticise what they do.
Is there any possibility for this to have a nice classic Shulkie in it, and for her to be portrayed positively instead of bashed on? And if it does well will marvel do the right thing, take her away from Aaaron and get her back to her old self?
And it's infuriating reading some of the idots in the CBR thread on the issue trying to defend Aaron and his shit.
>And it's infuriating reading some of the idots in the CBR thread on the issue trying to defend Aaron and his shit.
I don't know about CBR but mostly everyone on Reddit hated it, both in r/Marvel and r/comicbooks. Maybe CBR is just trash?
And I don't know, who's writing it? That's all that matters, because they might just focus on a story before turning nuSavage, and that'd be still in canon but portraying the version of hers that everyone likes.
CBR is one of those places that's so normie they'll defend anything they think is aligned with feminism and SJWs. At least Reddit still has some pockets of independent thinkers in there somewhere.
That pic is the perfect shulky body
Well we had this cover for an upcoming Avengers issue which seemed to have a normal looking She-Hulk and the Acts of Evil Annual having a normal looking She-hulk. On the other hand there were other Avengers covers with the the steroid abuse version. I though there might be a compromise where classic Shulkie gets brought back as the default and Dumb brute version gets made into a berserker mode power up. Instead we get Aaron going off and insulting the classic version of her and all her fans and marvel lets him get away with it.
I'd screen cap some of the posts but I want to watch my blood pressure. There are plenty of people there complaining about it there also. Theres like a 26 page debate.
There is a vol 1, but it's been out of print for years.
>Instead we get Aaron going off and insulting the classic version of her and all her fans and marvel lets him get away with it.
It's all Ewing's fault for not letting Aaron use Hulk as he originally intended. Fuck him! /s
I don’t understand, I thought people here hated “roasties”. I wish you people would make up your mind about how you want females to be portrayed
No. Marvel just should control Aaaron and treat him like the work-for-hire piece of crap he is instead of catering to him. Just tell him "No" like you should any spoiled child. "No, the brute Jen plot from the ytamaki run is over", "No, you can not undo it" "No, You can not bash on the character and her fans with your sex negative bullshit". What the fuck is he going to do? Quit? Good riddance.
Hi, female.
Sexually liberated women are fine, especially when they have no illusions/pretensions about their promiscuity.
The difference between someone like She-Hulk and your average "roastie" is that the roastie is an insufferable, stuck-up bitch with nothing particularly interesting to say and the personality of a needle being driven through your eye. She-Hulk on the other hand was fun, affable, charismatic, heroic and assertive.
>We almost had gay Thor/Hulk so be grateful for that.
the fuck? source?
>Hi, female
That's gonna be a yikes for me, dog.