I hate Jeph.
But I love the robots.
I hate Jeph
How to ruin a previously ok character in just a few comics.
But robots.
Didnt this comic have some redhead trap and a cute smelly chubby nerd girl?
what happened to them?
It's a tranny.
If it wa sa trap it would be cute and sexy.
This comic is terrible.
why is this page so pink? did jeph discover filters?
I was honestly confused when I saw it.
I don't like being confused!
It's probably just a dream.
It's dusk
Hang on I thought Pink bot freaked out because of this?
I don't know man. I remember that there was this raven haired woman, that worked at a coffee shop. Also a blonde. Who started off as a confident conversation starter and then became a bucket of anxiety issues and that's it. Those are the two character I can remember.
That's the next strip.
They had sex and Jeph ships characters out after shipping them.
>OP posted yesterdays comic
It's the current one up on the website.
I don't give him patronbux to see them early.
And the filter is gone
So what's the deal going on here anyways? Female Robot Satan donated money to a hospital and Pink Guy: The Female Android got mad about it?
not anymore
he updated early i guess?
Based female Satan being chill as fuck and Roko being a mad poorfag.
There's a point to be made here. That charity doesn't automatically make you good. When, especially for the rich, it can be given or taken on a whim. But Jeph makes it all about how Pinky feels and doesn't actually attempt to tackle the amorality of one-off donations.
Did Spookybot donate to everyone? or just to Robots?
Seeing as how the robots are nothing but a metaphor for body dysphoria, you might be a tranny.
Way to project, user.
They're robots/androids, and that alone is cool enough by itself without adding social politics and bollocks into it.
Doesnt Jeph make bank through patreon?
Look it the size of those noses.
Just look at those profiles.
The noses are huge but the eyes reach the jawline.
$10,000 Dollars per month to draw a soap opera without a point for millenials that want to ship vapid characters.
Seeing as how this is the single most boring use of robots and AI ever created, as they do nothing but bitch about how uncomfortable they are im their bodies, you're clearly fucking retarded by missing the obvious.
You can't even call this "science fiction", its just Jeph using characters to cry out about his need to transition.
If you find that in any way appealing, yes, im going to have to say you're a tranny.
I see you're reading Questionable Content. Keep it up.
I wanna fuck these robots.
>donates $2,000,000,000 to charity
>still the bad guy because of MUH SOCIAL JUSTICE REEEEE
Just fucking hang yourself Jeph
>intend does not excuse result
who says this? Who thinks this?
>$10,000 Dollars per month
haha that's a good one
>it's real
oh what the fuck
This is what happens when a dumb person tries to write dialogue for a character with superhuman intelligence.
Plus, /aco/ has far more exotic design for lovers of robots. These are just coloured humans who look like every other character Jeph draws.
How did this fucking super intelligent shadow AI only have 2 billion dollars?
Isn't there just a fundamental difference between donating any amount of money to charity and trying to reform part of the criminal justice system? It's apples to oranges.
>How dare you go vegan and act like you're a good person! Don't you know I operate a no-kill shelter?
I don't know how spookybot didn't set off your "shit character" alarm even faster than Melon. She's supposed to be this super quirky nigh-omnipotent super rich AI that also nobody knows about, there was 0 chance she wouldn't be hot garbage.
Jesus, Spooky is seeming more and more like a genuinely good person....people? Robots, a genuinely good series of robots. They should just tell Roko to fuck off and have no further interaction with the clearly disturbed pink machine.
>"I'm sorry I followed your advice on a whim and this upset you, how about I use even more of my resources to further the idea you spoke of? P-please don't be mad at me anymore, you can punch me if you want to"
Jeph should stab his own neck next.
It's basically the same as "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" the real sin here is a super-AI typoing intent as intend.
did this motherfucker actually make keysmashing a characters audible dialogue
Not really, SB is just really, really lonely and is trying to be Roko's friend by appeasing her as hard as possible. SB would've been actively seeking philanthropic opportunities prior to Roko's influence if she actually cared about the little people.
Maybe they're trying to turn over a series of new leafs to be the sort of crowd of robots Roko would willingly hang out with?
>you will never have a near-all-powerful entity so desperate to be your friend that you can convince to apologize for trying to give you several billion dollars and then beg you to punch it in the face to make amends
So, it wasn’t a sunset?
That's roughly correct. Her entire motivation is her selfish desire to have a friend. That's not a bad thing on its own but she has no idea how to be a friend so she's just trying to buy Roko's affection and respect by just doing anything she thinks Roko would like rather than, you know, sharing experiences and bonding like actual friends. If their relationship were to fall through she'd abandon this new leaf she's turning over immediately since she's not actually interested in being a better person, just in getting Roko to like her.
did jeph's mentally ill hand stabbing ass come out of the tranny closet yet?
Her crimes are ignorance and autism then? Sounds like she genuinely could use a friend to help her get better, preferably someone besides that cunt Roko.
I sometimes get scared about wearing stupid shirts in case anything serious happens to me while I’m wearing it and I end up looking as silly as Roko does here being pissed as hell in her Beep Boop shirt and short shorts.
Just robots.
Why do humans even still exist in this setting? The AI overmind should have wiped them right away after the singularity hit.
It's like I'm reading SmackJeeves!
It's low. His revenue is almost certainly at least 20k from several revenue streams, we just don't have hard numbers beyond his number of patrons.
Why the fuck is it after Roko, anyway? Their first involvement in the plot was their interest in the question of what had happened to Bubbles.
Why the fuck are you unironically reading this shit?
The rest of us are just here to make fun of Jeph and his tranny shit.
Oh shit is this that SJW tumblr comic people keep making fun of?
Why are things so bad.
does the little evil bastard robot ever fuck the fat girl?
>SB would've been actively seeking philanthropic opportunities
Like helping out a PTSD bot in a shitty situation at a robot fight club?
We don't know what it's been up to when it's offscreen. It could be building space elevators or lubricating tectonic plates or something. We also don't know how it got its money, though Roko is ready and willing to assume the worst, while at the same time she's been spending the last few strips helping someone who directly stole 130 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS TO BUY A LETHAL WEAPONS PLATFORM.
Jesus fucking Christ, I read it to hate it, but this is too goddamn much.
In Transcendence Depp was able to amass a shit ton of money overnight just by using his super brain and playing the stock market. No reason spooky couldn’t have done something similar.
What prevents all AIs from doing that?
This also isn't the first time he's done the "AI parts with a fuckton of money over something minor" plot.
The comic after this, the station security chief abuses his authority to trade yaoi comics with Marigold, but that's perfectly fine because yaoi.
And then she gave the money back.
Wait, what did this AI do to warrant it being called sexual harassment?
I just remembered that I had these. A long time ago I tried to see if, in the vein of the CAD Rule (which dictates that a CAD comic can be improved by removing the second and third panels and removing all dialogue from the fourth), a QC storyline can be more easily followed by removing all panels but the first, then stringing the resulting pages together.
The previous one is from when Hannelore went to space.
This one is the first few pages of QC.
The next one is Marten's dad's second wedding.
Show her publicly available Facebook photos to Hannelore.
How do you regularly draw art for so long without ever progressing past "deviantart teen who just discovered anime" quality?
He might like it. Good writing is boring and hard, reveling in trash is fun, especially if you have friends tolerating your bullshit. It would track with the way he said Alice Cantbebotheredtolookupthesecondword was his passion project then ran out of steam, and explain the self-loathing that brought about the handstabbing.
Why are AIs such dicks?
I mean the AI's a dick, sure, but why in god's name would you leave that set to public and then complain when they display it?
By having a """fan"""base who care for quantity and not quality.
>"I know I publicly posted this photo on a platform for sharing photos with everyone I know but that doesn't mean I want people I know to see it!"
>AI character uses obscene wealth as an apology
I KNEW Jeph had used this before!
Is Stabby so twisted that he thinks people can't accept an apology without a gift, or that people should be giving a gift as an apology
>B-but she returned it 2132!
Point still counts, the knee-jerk reaction was still 'pave it over with money'. Even if he's trying to write them as being in the wrong, the characters get ANGRY at someone trying to make things right without ulterior motives.
>tl;dr; jeezus, Stabby, they were genuinely sorry, probably didn't even mean harm, and made an attempt to make things better. What more do you want?
Are these two gonna fuck or what
I really want a friend like this.
I'm not sure if Spooky can but I'd like to find out.
99% of that would get pocketed and the rest used for advertising.
Pocketed by who?
There are actual ways to verify how much charities actually spend on whatever their objective is vs overhead and fundraisers. There are plenty that do a good job of getting their money to, say, leukemia researchers.
>I really want a friend
in the end it only matters how much good you've put into the world and poorfags will never contribute much at all compared to a one second whim of a rich person.
you can put all of your feelings into being a poorfag volunteer fag but its still just a drop compared to cold hard cash a rich person can put out. feelings really mean jack shit, especially if you need real help (PRAYERS AND WISHES XOXOXO)
I can't write or draw. How do I become a success like Jeph?
How did thunt even beat handelore to the transitition announcement?
Pander to the base desires of your audience and consistently deliver updates every weekday.
Thunt has always been severely depressed and kind of crazy; he only "transitioned" after getting tricked into seeing "gender therapists".
Jeph's more sane (at least until he starts pumping himself full of hormones), but more of a cunt.
I'm sure he's saving the "I'm transitioning!" card for a rainy day after he starts beginning to lose fans over something.