How do you feel about "The Jungle Book"?

>Not liking Indian MILFs



Attached: The.Jungle.Book.2.2003.1080p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD.mkv_snapshot_00.06.53_[2019.04.20_21.25.08].png (1840x1080, 2.11M)

Which other (not necessarily Disney) Yea Forums characters would do well against hypnosis? Which ones would succumb easily? Is it even possible to resist? Time for theorymongering.

I wonder how they'll handle the live action Jungle Book 2 movie

>Not liking Indian MILFs
completely normal, why should i like a literal half australoid?

Bump for interest.

I have a nostalgic connection to it, despite being born in '93. My dad and I would watch it on repeat when I was a baby/toddler, and he referred to me as "man-cub" for years from that.
It must've left a big impression on him from childhood.
Those movies were beautiful by Disney's standards, the scratchiness from Milt Kahl's drawing against the painted backgrounds made them distinct.


For what purpose?

Man i did a whole thing on this earlier. Basically, fear, independence, and desire all play a role in someone's susceptibility. How vulnerable someone is depends on how afraid they are, are they stubborn or a team player, and can Kaa offer them anything they want.