Let's look through old shit and point out any offensive stuff. Do people just have nothing better to do?

Let's look through old shit and point out any offensive stuff. Do people just have nothing better to do?

>In the era of #MeToo, the 20-year-old Stinky Pete scene comes across as highly problematic and uncomfortable instead of funny as the gag's original intention. The scenario in the scene mirrors reports of sexual misconduct allegations against Hollywood executives harassing younger women in recent years.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Whoops. Forgot my source.


>A representative for Disney didn't immediately respond to INSIDER's request for comment.

Also, they couldn't have done this before Toy Story 4 made all that money.

I think it’s a inoffensive joke, he just invited pretty girls to talk, he never sexually abuse them or say anything sexual

>point out any offensive stuff
This is why contemporary media sucks.

nah, this is a disney waifu thread now. post your disney waifu.

But now is even funnier

>outrageFagging about outrageFagging
Casualgate was a mistake.

>Sexual harassment is inoffensive because it's in a pg environment

>Clickbait article needs clickbait to work
Oh, no!

Ever notice how SJW stuff and major corporate interests always seem to align? Everyone's saying TS2 was better than 4, suddenly 2 is problematic. What are the chances?

Reminder that Tom hanks rapes children according to whistleblower isaac kappy (RIP). Was he telling the truth or lying?

Stinky Pete.

How can he? They're not anatomically correct.

>someone literally got paid actual money to write a troll article

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They've removed the Michael Jackson episode of "The Simpsons" from streaming services and syndicated reruns.

He has a seductive tone when grabbing one of their hands when he says "I'm sure I could get you a part in Toy Story 3". If this wasn't a sexual joke about the problem in Hollywood I'm not sure what it is.

I vote that any discussion that looks to critique a past work by placing it against modern values should be disregarded immediately.

It's so dumb. Even if you think what's presented is in poor taste now, it is not a failing of the work. At most, you're complaining that it was made in a world that doesn't exist anymore.(Or didn't exist at all in some cases.) It's such a non-argument.

This. Not only does it ignore the context of the time period in which the work was a product of, but you run the risk of inevitably erasing real artistic merit and history—perhaps even general history—at the behest of some immature pearl clutchers feeble sensibilities. Even if you consider the scene in question a mistake by today’s standards, all the better to keep it around so as to remind ours and future generations not to make that mistake again. History exists almost solely for that reason, yet god forbid they see it as anything more than reasons to be mad at straight white men.

And now I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that Disney is staffed by overly sensitive Tumblrinas and virtue signalers.
Because Fox sure as hell didn't stop airing the episode during the 1993 and 2003 allegations.

They don't appear uncomfortable, so I think you're being disingenuous or are actually retarded.

Here's the clip

It's annoying that these fags censor everything but given Lasseter's entire existence it makes since Pixar would especially want to distance themselves from anything resembling this topic.

What's the offensive issue here.

>They've removed the Michael Jackson episode of "The Simpsons" from streaming services

Why are they even allowed to do this? If you advertise "season whatever of The Simpsons" then it should be a legal requirement to provide that in its entirety.

I wonder what Mattel had to say about that

Pete is offering the Barbies to fuck him in return for a role in Toy Story 3. Casting couch gag.

>Ever notice how things I pull out of my ass seem to align with what I want to complain about? What are the chances?

Disney loves their casting couch gags, even wrote it on a phallic sign for extra credit. Could be found in the Hollywood Pictures Backlot area of Disney California Adventure.

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I LITERALLY just finished this movie, and this scene wasn’t in the movie. Where the fuck was it from? A special bonus section from the dvd of cut scenes.

It's in the end credits between the A Bugs life cameo and Green aliens scene.

That explains everything.

In the fuckin' credits! as some kind of outtakes/gag reel

IIRC these scenes weren't in the original theatrical cut, but were added later during it's run. All video releases have them apart from the Stinky Pete scene in the UHD/BD release.

I've been a victim of the 'casting couch' didn't even get the role I was promised either. Was a good fuck though.

I got a fuckin' VHS and the scenes are there, also the DVD has them in the credits. you're just a fuckin' stupid kid

They are in all the releases VHS, DVD and Blu ray prior to the 2019 reissue to promote Toy Story 4.

Learn to read, they were only missing in the first version released in theaters.

It's true, the outtakes were added a month later during the theatrical run.
Original theatrical credits:
Newer credits:

Exactly i think the writer of that article is a bigger problem than disney removing some awkward shit from a fucking gag reel.

How does Stinky Pete have power over young women the same way producers have on aspiring actresses?

Then it's brave or whatever, it's a joke that puts the topic in the public eye (not that producers sleezing is anything new to anyone).

>>In the era of #MeToo, the 20-year-old Stinky Pete scene comes across as highly problematic and uncomfortable instead of funny as the gag's original intention. The scenario in the scene mirrors reports of sexual misconduct allegations against Hollywood executives harassing younger women in recent years.
Metoo is a sexist witchhunt targeting men, the fact that women cant even take jokes anymore shows that these touchy feminists need to be disposed of by any means necessary in our culture.

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It's just a gag taking aim at the old pervy Hollywood execs who take part in casting couch activity. Not to be taken so seriously. Obviously Barbie has more star power than Pete ever had.

>Ever notice how SJW stuff and major corporate interests always seem to align?
Well yes user. Corporates are pushing sjw stuff not just because it's popular, but because it keeps rebellious personality types focused on idpol and away from concepts like wealth disparity.

I'm sure female execs have fucked young aspiring male actors too so it's all a bit of a farce really.

user, it's an article about a cartoon, you're overreacting way more than they are.

Asia Argento (one of the faces of metoo) was accused, never paid attention how it eventually turned out.

Because now this funny scene id removed because of feminists purity culture, its killing everything that was once good in the world and theyre more overbearing then the christnut soccer moms from the 90s and actually have the influence to change and manipulate media to their favor. The sooner someone rams a 18 wheeler into these dykes at their next misandry march the better, these bleedings cowards would finally shut the fuck up if the real threat of getting hurt was introduced wach time they butcher cinema.

I hate them so goddamn much that my head hurts just thinking about it.

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Women can't rape men silly :^ )

This. The only reason why not *everything* is censored is because they haven't seen it yet.

But the minute they're aware about it, say goodbye to it, because it'll be gone from circulation forever.

He's not wrong though. Corporate interests always favor the safest route and love to wipe out anything that's the least bit offensive.

>deleted post-credits scene justifies mass killing
Wow I was wrong, you're clearly not overreacting.

Thank you, you dont know how good it feels to have someone who agrees with me. These easily offended fatties are ripping up and killing everything that i once cherished, im genuinely more depressed and suicidal in this so called “progressive” age, i dont want to live in a world thats an ultra censored PC police state, i hope they all suffer and get what they deserve for making me suffer.

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I'm certain it will remain incredibly easy to find the scene on the internet.

Why do they want this to matter? It's a harmless joke.

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>Wow I was wrong, you're clearly not overreacting.
This is only one example out of thousands of complaints they have yelled out, they are culturally appropriating nerd culture and destroying media because they want the world to be one giant campus safe space.
Because harmless jokes are now war crimes

It's a joke that paints Pete, the main villain of 2, as a creep, are they that retarded that they can't understand that?

So? It's funny and no one was hurt!

yeah, until Youtube or any service provider is pressured to remove it forever.

Censors never go away. They just change their names and tactics. Last time, it was for religion, now it's for social justice.

Liberals are now the new conservatives, fuck this timeline

Barbie was hurt, since she is the star of Toy Story 3 kek

Sad thing is? I don't think the conservatives had the monopoly for censorship. In fact, history tells us that they alone can't do anything without the help od the so-called "liberals".

See also: Tipper Gore.

what's going to happen to the names in that gag?

>Sad thing is? I don't think the conservatives had the monopoly for censorship. In fact, history tells us that they alone can't do anything without the help od the so-called "liberals".
>See also: Tipper Gore.
I just hope the pushback from zoomers finally kill this social justice shit in the next few years. I miss the old liberal mentality that was vehemently against this type of thinking.

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Someone said that you know a movement has finished its goals when the crazies take the wheel.

are they just going to move them to later in the end credits?

I love talking about comics and cartoons and not meaningless polbait drivel

Literally every movie is californian.

Today liberalism has become as bad as conservative Biblethumpers. Leftists have taken over and use it to complain about everything being offensive just as bad as Republicans do. No wonder Hillary Clinton got in bed with a conservative fear monger like Jack Thompson. Their tactics are just about the same. Fifth wave feminism is less about empowering women and more about keeping them victims who need big government to step in and save them from the evil white male patriarchy boogeyman.

Today's liberalism is liberalism in name only. It's the same moral majority assholes two decades ago, only with a new coat of paint.

Then again, if Tipper Gore and the 90s anti game politicians were any indication, is that fun haters never left. They just change parties to whoever's the most influential at the time.

Yeah. Just ask Dee Snyder and Frank Zappa how liberal the Gores are.

She's not gonna fuck you, breh.
Switch to a business major.

>They don't appear uncomfortable
I dont have to ask, you are retarted.

Holy shit

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It gets the readers attention, unfortunately. Brings to mind that Don Henley song 'Dirty Laundry.'

Nobody says TS2 is problematic though, if anything TS3 is more "problematic" due to all the Ken gay jokes which i'm almost positive would not be attempted if it were made today.

Why are there so many perverts in this industry? Or is it just normal human behavior? I wouldn't know, because I've never been interested in sex.

Holy shit, this isn’t still there is it?

Well yeah there's going to be a push back to this but once the opposite side takes control it's going to be the same shit all over again but for different reasons.

The Gen Z's grandkids are going to be fighting that new status quo.

You don't like it, move to Russia.

Male sexuality is inherently wrong.

Literally Orwellian

kek and also I guess the the article's idea is justified

what's offensive about it ? it's an old guy flirting with two ladies, how is he sexually harassing them ?

>witch hunt

don't you mean wizard hunt?

Friendly reminder that journalists are the enemy of the people and deserve what's coming to them.

Funny thing is that journalists were only seen as heroes during WW2 and Nixon's time. Before that, they were seen as parasites. Now it seems that people are beginning to look at them as parasites once more.

and if they say yes to further their selfish desires to pursue a vain career, then thats a transaction they were fully culpable in. stop thinking women cant make their own decisions