Would an animated series based on the Monsterverse work as well as it did for Tri-star's Godzilla?
Would an animated series based on the Monsterverse work as well as it did for Tri-star's Godzilla?
Only if Ghidorah doesn't job.
In the 1990s, sure.
The Tri-Star's Godzilla series was good but obscure and didn't last long. But maybe actually using the famous monsters instead of OC could help.
No, the performance of the movie and current trend in animated shows clearly indicates that modern audiences have no interest in non-human stars.
Disney's false-flagging sabotage doesn't indicate anything.
I assume you are the artist spamming this shit every fucking day OP. We don't want to see the same 5 images you posted on Twitter again, for the 50th time. You liked the movie, fine. But shitpost somewhere else.
Whats the point of signatures like this?
Like can literally anyone fucking read this name?
>generic monstergirls are good but only if they're MY generic monstergirls
ok fag
Yes do it.
How did you draw that sentiment from that post? Legitimately curious where this reply came from
Is your everyday signature readible?
Just shows that it's hers and when she did it.
If she wanted to make sure you'd know who she is she'd put her Twitter/instagraam/whatever somewhere.
It’d be great if we could have Godzilla threads without this high school autism
How does it show its hers if you can't read it?
Because it looks like her other signatures.
It doesn't need to be read.
Just putting your signature on a finished piece is nice, even if no one else will know or care.
Who the what now? This is the first time I've been in Yea Forums for two months.
The only good design to come out of this is Mothra. The rest are pretty bad ESPECIALLY THAT FUCKING ANGUIRUS! IT'S JUST A FUCKING DOG AND THAT'S IT!
Oh yes, I definitely believe that.
Probably the fact that you used some other monster girl, that I assume is "generic monster girl that I like" as a reaction
Believe what you want, I know the truth.
Biollante is the worst
How about magical girls then?
But the human stars are what made the movie mediocre
That's Midori from the show Luluco, it has nothing to do with monster girls. Should probably bother to check and see if your claim is even remotely true before replying.
Character designer for DC Superhero Girls doodled human versions of KotM kaiju and we had some threads about a possible kaiju high AU. Was fun
Only if they draw Godzilla as the fatass he is. I find it strange that illustrators draw human Godzilla as ripped when he’s definitely has a gut in monster form
Thankfully I haven't seen her.
Ah. I just found the picture on knowyourmeme and thought it looked cute.
From your generic monster girl post, obviously. Are weebs all this thick?
>critics complain about too little monsters and too much people
>critics complain about too much monsters (most of said critics can't even name any of them) and randomly attack the Toho films as well
This. He should be like an Autumn bear. Fat but with muscles underneath.
You mongs are just pissy she made her black
>Literally born from the cells of an Asian woman
I fucking hate western artist so fucking much.
>t. retard who doesn't have a clue about what he's talking about
it asks as a brand icon.
>Yea Forums goes off-topic yet again for a godzilla thread
>can't even talk about the movie, instead some pathetic weeb high school shit
There are Godzilla comics and cartoons, neither of which are to be found here. Fuck off to for this movie shit.
>biker bad boy Godzilla
I diggit.
Did you forget that Biollante is a mix of different life forms? She's got Godzilla, a rose, and human DNA in her.
That old Yea Forums drawthread idea of a Godzilla hero team cartoon was better.
The Mothra and Rodan one is adorable and hilarious.
So a plant makes her black?
Nah, it just doesn't look much like her.
Jaust making her hair a bit mesiier and adding some snake motive or Star Butterfly style boots would have gone a long way.
>OP literally asks if a cartoon based on Legendary Godzilla would work
Your whining is so precious.
Did you forget about the human DNA part?
I'm aware, and where does black woman fall into that mixture?
Obviously if Biollante was going to be a human it would closely resemble, oh I don't know, the Asian woman which it got the DNA from?
You fucking retard, did you even think before posting?
I thought that was an actual legit show someone pitched but it never got past the planning stages?
The human part was from an Asian girl
The one from the japanese woman?
>he doesn't know that plants are the niggers of the biosphere
The hell are they teaching you kids these days?
Why are you assuming the woman was Asian in this fan continuity? King Ghidorah is three tiny blonde girls.
>generic black girl with a fro
Why not make her a grungy black girl with dreads? These designs are pretty bad, they dont even reflect the most superficial elements of the characters shes humanizing let alone their personalities.
>what the FUCK did you just say you me, you little shit?
Mothra is best girl
I doubt considering the artist also did fanart of Godzilla and Superman hanging out, and Batman and Anguirus.
user two of those are boys
Ghidorah is 2 boys and a girl.
The issue is the blackwashing, you fucking moron.
The artist admitted she hasnt seen any Toho Godzilla films and only drew these after seeing KotM, so at best she has passing knowledge of the kaijus
here are your monster designs
>Woman getting involved in something she has basically no knowledge of for free clout
I wish I could say I was surprised but this happens daily.
No it's because there's little evocative of the design other than generic plant elements. Considering Biollante's look and her connection to Godzilla, she should at least have dreads if kept black and a variation of his jacket.
Your mother
Ghidorah is alien and yellow. If you don't see how that translates to being blonde, you're retarded.
You lying if you think the divorced family plot was better than generic GI Joe man. Actually how would GI Joe fit in the Godzilla universe, would COBRA replace those eco terrorists?
>Literally just a black woman in a green dress
LMAO I bet she shitted this out after someone cried about a lack of niggers, I'm cracking up.
Fuck off with your fanfiction autism
Also, is nobody going to talk about how Mechagodzilla is just Goji's bike?
It's not that she's black it's that she looks nothing like biollante at all in any way and nothing indicates it's her. Mothra is the ONLY good one here. Fag.
>stupid, sexy Mothra....
mothra is the only good one the rest is Cal arts tier shit.
I'd say Godzilla looks at least passable
>fanart humanization of a monster
>caring about their skin color
I understand what you're trying to say but who cares? It's fanart, people do whatever they want. Want to tell Bigdad to stop putting big tits on all his girls?
Needs more fat and thicker legs.
It was better because there was an actual dynamic going on. Also the point was that critics complained about too MUCH monsters and too little people, not about the quality of the people.
Imagine being autistic enough to actually sperg out over this...
good point. that's why I said it was passable. not good, but passable
I fucking HATE how so many modern artists seem to love the whole, HUGE torso tiny ass legs look.
>user posts on Yea Forums
I understand what you're trying to say but who cares? It's fan criticism, people say whatever they want.
Imagine being low IQ enough to actually defend this...
Luckily I'm not black so I never have to! LMAO
>Jap designs are better...as usual
Why do westerncuck artist even try?
So I guess the moral here is to let autists get angry over nothing without bothering to rationalize with them?
You have to be 18 to post here, kiddo
The thing is that the humanized biollante doesn't resembles at all the original one. You could have made her hair be long, messy dreadlocks and her dress have some sort of red logo in the middle, but this looks too generic to represent the monster.
no it's not
>torn leggings
Fuck off with your shitty art already
>He doesn't know the original Godzilla is female
L M A O Yea Forums
Western artists are rewarded for shittier art. That shit OP would never cut it in japland.
Then what are you doing here?
So I guess the moral here is to let artist draw stupid shit without bothering to rationalize with them?
>Red and black coloring
So this is Shin Godzilla?
And buff American biker Godzilla is? These are all just fan interpretations. It's fanart, why does it even matter? It's not so bad it deserves to be in shit redesign threads and it's not good to be a definitive look for a character. It's just a redesign. I don't think you have to worry about this becoming the next Bowsette.
Yea Forums in charge of knowing what they're talking about.
Superior Bio right here.
>he thinks some horny nip artist cares about that shit, or that it's even relevant when it's clearly labeled as 14
>lol you're not sperging out like a fag so you must love it
Angry Internet Microdick Cracker logic at it's finest
There are a couple versions that are red and black.
Could just be waifu-faggotry, but she doesn't look effed up enough for Shin Godzilla.
I don't think kids could stand that much high horse grand standing and pro-natural disaster neoludite agendas.
Personal flair.
Fuck no, Shin would be covered in burn scars and be a skinny little twig of a girl
>ITT: a bunch of autists trying to have fun with retarded ideas and other, bigger autists screaming at them to stop having fun
Typical Yea Forums thread, then
Did you ever stop to think the latter is how they have fun?
Did you ever think that maybe if you didn't waste time on Yea Forums with your fanfiction garbage, you might be able to produce something on value for once in your life?
I can't wait for Mothra getting KONG'D
But she could still y'know LOOK AT A PICTURE.
Not with those thunder thighs
>expecting anything of value on god damn Yea Forums
You've only yourself to blame, dipshit
Work on your reading comprehension, champ.
Show us something you've made, Mr. So-Above-It-All.
>Yea Forums
Get with the times grandpa this is 4channel you’re posting on
Back at you, numbnuts. The fuck do you care what some idiots on Yea Forums are talking about? How does it affect your daily life in any way? Seems to me you're the one wasting time here, at least we're trying to, you know, enjoy ourselves and have fun. Your just being a bitch
the only one that even fits is Mothra and possibly Ghidorah at a stretch
Why does Ghidorah have 2 tails? That bothers the fuck out of me
Because I have to see your stupid ass posts? How stupid do you have to be to even ask a question
Iirc one movie had Ghidorah's origin as being three separate golden dragon babies from space that some prick aliens found and merged into a single super being. Two tails are probably a result of smashing all that shit together
>But he’s got 2 tails.
>3 heads
because its a shit design, Its literally 'sassy black lady' with a rose, its uninspired and shit. She should be a slimmer female Godzilla with a plant motif. Not a generic black caricature character
You just have absolutely no self-awareness, don't you? What is that like?
Are you an ESL third world retard? White people use signatures as SYMBOLS, as BRANDS, they aren't fucking meant to be read. Idiot.
You only think that because of your ignorance.
I'm getting what I want as we speak right now, you fucking moron.
That's Rodan's job now.
>Ghidorah makes him his bitch
>THen Mothra makes him her bitch
>Finally, he's so whipped that he's the first to prostrate himself in front of Godzilla
The absolute state of Rodan
>This shit again
You should've learned your lesson faggots.
Man, King Caesar let himself go
I fucking dig it
>It's fanart
So it's immune from criticism?
It's BAD fanart.
That Gamera is shit. He should be a portly gym teacher who is a friend to all children.
I want to fuck that moth.
Post more.
remove kaijufags from premises
like this.
I was thinking more like straight up dreads that go past her waist.
I shall not stop until this trash leaves the entire site.
Looking at this shit compared to this it makes me wonder why these Tumblr artists even try. It's so embarrassingly inferior.
I will shittalk an artist and her shitty creations that belong on Deviantart whether you like it or not.
Daily reminder these threads are made by ((((Rodan)))) to encourage kaiju interspecies-mixing degeneracy.
Based Redman doing God's work and keeping this AU garbage out.
I think its funny that everyone here now hates that one crop of designs now, considering when they first came out you fuckers couldn't stop praising and talking about it.
There is only one answer for such degeneracy.
go back to Yea Forums then, you weebtard
He's not wrong though. Tumblrinas with brains so small even Ant Man can't find them at their absolute smallest shouldn't make shitty designs like these and such designs should be purged from Yea Forums.
best fucking fight evar!
good point
Based and Redmanpilled
r e m o v e
That's Thom Browne not Adidas bro
Don't see why not.
Just don't make Godzilla their friend. He's not like Jr.
Tried it, but I couldn't really make it work.
On an unrelated notr, the first few dozen search results for "girl dreads" are all white girls for some reason.
>That Gamera
Look at how they've massacred my boy
Looks oaky-ish to me.
Make him a bit more strongfat and give him a backpack to constitute the shell and you're set.
>Looks okay-ish to me
I bet the only things she was going off of was a shit reference pic and the fact 'gamer' is in his name. He doesn't look like a friend to kids, but rather argues with kids on the internet.
You forgot to pluralize artists, unless you meant a specific western artist.
>people are turning on Rodan
The link to that pic ? I can't find it by myself
Oh God, I think you're right.
Just how many of these webms do you have?
Also, calm your tits.
The artist did remember the underbite, that's something.
And I'd love to see that fat nerd have a jetpack and doing gymnastic pole spins.
That was exactly her reason.
Gamera's one of the coolest and most heroic kaijus out of the genre, make him look the part if you're gonna humanize him.
Damn, what are those things made out of, tissue paper?
Redanon, you already had your validation. now gtfo
>special effects don't look like absolute dogshit
at this point I can't decide whether the bad art, or redman garbage is more annoying
Because artists like these care not for kaiju. They just want fucking internet points so they can feel self validated.
jesus, redanon. chill.
t. triggered kaijufag upset that /ourguy/ dares take over his shitty godzilla threads
you have a good point, redanon. she's only seen King of Monsters anyway and hasn't seen other kaiju media.
You know she's a casual for even including Gamera in a Toho lineup in the first place.
Shutup kaijunigger Day of The Oxygen Bomb can't come soon enough
Gotta give him credit. This is pretty much how Redman would act if he posted on the Internet.
Who's the dude on the Right?
>left head getting bullied again
At least the artist did something right.
Those look nothing like Godzilla or Rodan at all. I'm not even sure who the generic fucking biker on the right's supposed to be. Get that shit outta here.
Whos the guy on the right supposed to be?
Because that’s not Godzilla but a webcomic OC
>cholo Rodan
It works better than it should.
is the guy on the right supposed to be anguirus?
>Not recognizing /ourguy/ Behemoth
Does Gamera not into friction?
I don’t know ask the guy who drew it.
oh shit, my retard brain sees it now
this is my last webm for now until I find more
thank god
Fuck that's brutal. Also
>I'm no doctor, but I mean, when you think about bones and cartilage and stuff. I mean it was one clean chunk!
Shouldn't he be shaggier and hairier? Like if you're going to do that then give him the full on beard and werewolf man body hair.
Even grey the mustache to give the implication of tusks.
IMO Advent of Legion had the best suits and effects in the trilogy. But yeah, this shit still blows a lot of stuff today out of the water.
Just kidding lmao fuck face.
why are adult women so obsessed with high school AUs
>lefty hogs all the coffee
No bully Lefty, he's a good boi
Because they have to force their past onto everything. They have to insert themselves to try and relate to what they see.
She's literally a kaiju that took human form for reasons. Calm your tits already
Remember Twisted Kaiju Theater?
Remember the Holocaust? No?
Maybe I should show your kind what happened through force.
Damn, it's like a live action anime. Except, you know, GOOD
Will check it out, thanks.
He looks like he's voiced by John DiMaggio
Most artists draw what they know. Coincidentally, most artists also happen to be teenage girls.
I found the Anguiras girl the most fap worthy
Gamera's legit a DBZ character in the heisei trilogy.
>that Goji
In awe of the SIZE of this lad
Where did this whole left head is a retard thing come from? I dont remember the heads in the Toho films being all that different from one another
The one in the new movie is kinda dumb. Gets distracted, is less intimidated by Godzilla and more curious (like a dodo not fearing humanity), gets stuck in stuff...
In this film they've decided to characterize the heads with different personalities.
>ever smiling
I dont think this person get's much of the characters. also she couldnt make rodan more boringly unimaginative if she tried
>using the most generic anime designs possible
I tried.
A lot sexier than I imagined Biollante.
I fucking hate when gijinka artists default to "anime loli" even if the character is male.
Watching the movie really felt like a cartoon in certain ways. Having a crew following Godzilla felt straight out of the old cartoon. Everything goes just about back to status quo at the end, like a cartoon. You can do a whole series between this and Kong where he fights monsters they don't want to make a movie with and not have to worry about disturbing continuity.
this. Japanese artists have a lot of talent, but they have the terrible habit of using the same looking designs over and over ad infinatum. it seems like its the exact opposite of cartoon art problems where the designs try so hard to be unique that they end up being mismanaged messes.
>a thing exists
>make it an anime girl
Every time.
What do ’Angry moth noises’ sound like?
Holy shit, that's what I jerked to so much in middle school, I could never remember the name.
The sound of a moth's wings repeatedly beating against a window
>a thing exists
>make it a shitty tumblr waifu
Every time.
Is Rodan pooping lava?
I got no ideas for Gamera. Help.
Some Wreck it Ralph lookiing dude; built like a brick shit house, but very kind looking.
What would a humanization of Zilla Jr. look like?
Would Zilla Sr. be a chick?
jr would be a twinkish dude
Kaiju are shit, people who worship the likes of Godzilla betray their humanity.
Think of it more like a personal seal than a signature.
That's why a lot of forms have you sign in Signature and Print.
humanity is just shit anyway, so betraying it won't be such a big loss
Also make him a teacher or something, someone who's really good with kids
Nah bro he'd have MAXIMUM SWIMMER'S BOD
Stocky, built af, confident smile. Maybe give him a jetpack or something similar to wear to represent his shell and flying powers.
and now, here's something that nobody asked for.
>implying your monkey brain wouldn't just shut down as you fall to your knees in awe as the freaking mountain that breathes fire walks up to you
I'd slap him to death with my balls.
The moth meme was a /mlp/ meme at some point, I wonder if the artist used to lurk the mothponies threads
Aside from Biollante, isn't Mothra ONLY girl?
Not much of a feat when you only have one competitor
>Lefty isn't a retard
So close
Well the artist who originally came up with the designs for human Goji and Mothra is a character designer for DC Super Hero Girls, a show created by Lauren Faust.
Though to be fair, the moth meme had kinda filtered into the mainstream by the time KotM's marketing kicked in, so there's probably zero relation.
There's Megaguirus, but I doubt she's anyone's best girl
that's very beautiful.
You know nothing of PAIN
>gets his head ripped off
>can't even get out of the flesh sac on his own after regenerating
He is a friend to kids.
He just also calls them “faggots” for low kd
He's trying his best!!!
this whole thing inspired me to do a human AU when it was first posted too but it was more edgy urban and realistic yet comical.
In it Godzilla is a really angry half obese middle aged boomer-esque guy who desperatly tries to have a stable neighbourhood. He walks around in a really worn off coat and has a spiky short, vergil haircut and walks kinda hunched but only lowkey. Mothra is a slightly younger woman who tries to aid him.
I liked the idea of her making Gidorah three people , I wouldve actually done a singular one but with an edgy yellow suit-coat, a snob and godzillas rival. Meanwhile Rodan is a slightly insane guy who experiments with kites and kite weapons to sabotage shit, later on for Gidorah.
Biolante is a gardener who tries to make the neighborhood greener. Minilla really doesnt care about most of this but Godzilla wants him to be an alpha like him. Destroyah is the guy who wants to tear down the neighborhood to build a car house, but is limited financially at the moment so he tries to rip people off as a really sloppy used car salesman and an illegal scam organisation in his basement (parasite)
kong is basically the equivalent to godzilla in a nearby street, but its far more let down, basically on the verge of being a ghetto
Jet Jaguar is the autistic but based police officer
orga is an identity thief from downtown
Godzilla should be a fatass
Great, now do human Godzuki.
you're still pushing this? after all this time?
Eh. I couldn't think of much for his outfit. Any design element that incorporates his shell feels a bit out of place on a big, stocky guy.
You can have personal flair and legible signature.
Forgot pic. Here's what I got so far.
Why is she still black?
Because I drew her that way.
Honestly the Redman shitposting is the best part of these threads
I understand the conundrum
Still hella bara/10
sounds fun if its over the top at times like boondocks
That one awesome uncle/10 user, good job
This is some high powered autism
Make it a whole episode like the Mini Shake ATHF one and we're gold
i remember the owner going full tard and deleting all the k-girls cause he wanted to be professional or something
First he deleted the K-Girls, then he deleted the webcomic. A travesty given that it actual won awards.
So instead of King oo the Hill, it's King of the Monsters?
Ooh that's good stuff right there, keep it up
Yes they usually have huge "love handles" from gawking hunched at their computers.
>Minilla is Bobby
I fucking hate critics so goddamn much
oh, it's the "there are too many giant monsters in this giant monster movie" review
Is it a critic or is it an opinion piece, no different to a blog post?
>That wedding ring on Godzilla
any ideas for designing human Godzilla, Rodan, and Anguirus?
he looks like a buff hank hill
Your Rodan and Goji look good so far, though I'd make Godzilla look just a tad bit meaner. For Anguirus, I reckon you should give him studded bracelets and a leather jacket. You could either give him spikey hair or just make him bald, it's your choice. Maybe give him a defined brow ridge/scowl too, but again, that's up to you.
>And then there's Rodan, not to be confused with Rodin, the sculptor
Who the fuck is this asshole?
>after a hectic battle fighting the kaijus of evil Goji goes home to kiss his wife Mothra and be a FAMILY MAN
Fund it
an idiot
upon first glance i thought that gamera was supposed to be anguirus. It would fit more as godzillas jobber best buddy who can never win a fight.
I actually love that Ghidorah are blonde triplets. I'm sure I'm probably the only one on this board who would, everyone else would say it's shit.
no, he's fucking right. you're a fucking supposed ""nerd"" into gojira and are aware of biollante but also a woke asshole that wants diversity... but yiu ignore the origin of the character that can be sussed out from a basic google search and make her a nigger because you want diversity points? thats lack of knowledge stemming from dedication and shows a superficial obsession with the characters, on top of being a shit design.
fuck off you cocksucker
We posting Godzilla cringe/autism?
Because I can more than live up to that with one site.
Nobody cares, it's just a fictional drawing.
preferably drawn art if you could
obviously you care if youre going to go out of your way to shitpost about ohhhhhh "nobody cares".
fuck you ya little casual bitch, your opinions are fucking worthless.
Don't sperg out on us, pal.
Woah, you're pretty edgy
how's this for a meaner look?
My girlfriend hated that one the most. She was like "Why was the huffalump and the other monsters such bitches?"
Are we envious of Godzilla for having a Moth wife?
Or of Mothra for having a Godzilla husband?
>consider the following
What's 2+2 Yea Forums?
That's easy 4
Now it want a she-doomsday
Thanks Redman
You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
let's ignore this guy
There was a female Muto
It's an actual review from an actual critic. The sad thing is a lot of critics said pretty much the same things about KOTM, namely "There's too many monsters who I won't bother learning the names of and there's too little human drama!", ironically the exact opposite of what they said about 2014.
>they have the terrible habit of using the same looking designs over and over ad infinatum
but sometimes it has sexy results
You're a faggot then
Because the human part of Biolante is Asian.
>Mechagodzilla is just a bike
>Not Godzilla's crazy alcoholic handicapped dad with prostheses
Okay. Still gonna draw what I want.
The designs are shit, why did you expect anything remotely cool or thoughtful? The artist admitted they know nothing about Godzilla except the most recent movie.
I'm still pissed that we saw barely anything of Methuselah. Even at the end in Boston all we get to see of him is in silhouette for six seconds.
Which critic was it?
Can't remember exactly, I think he has his own site. Try googling the text fromt he image.
I get the feeling that this guy is a 'critic' in the same way that Doug Walker is a 'critic'
>I played Bayonetta 2, now I know french artists: The Asshole.
Believe me, more than a few actual critics mirrored his words. Personally, and call me paranoid, but it honestly felt like a smear campaign against KOTM, likeliest from Disney being afraid of the Monsterverse rivaling the MCU, because they all said stupid shit like "There's too much monster stuff in this monster movie", "Why wasn't there a focus on the human characters?", and they even attacked the Toho films for no reason.
Is King Ghidorah eating one of her heads?
I don't like the platform heels.
>Whats the point of signatures like this?
>Like can literally anyone fucking read this name?
I once bought a painting of a little girl at a thrift store because I couldn't read the signature and didn't want to lose it
it was awkward
Despite everything, I'm still glad artists still include Zilla when they do their Godzilla collages
>Rodan is a poser biker tryhard when he's always been one to want to be alone and the newest movie is the first time he's been portrayed as a HUGE bitch
>not coherent
Was he too busy molesting someone to pay attention to the movie? My eight-year-old brother followed the plot fine.
>Big buff anime girl which is an obvious as fuck fetish over in the land of declining bitch rates
>School girl for some reason as well
>just slapped on a tail and some spikes because if he didn't no one would even know it's Godzilla
how about you shut the fuck up
>The sculptor
That guy thought he was real fucking clever in a world where the fucking Ninja Turtles are a thing
every godzilla movie can be summed up as "monster bad and destroy city" and sometimes "other monster good and fight bad monster"
Guess he’s Little Caesar now.
You're paranoid and I don't believe you.
You do you, but when they wrote shit like this it's hard to not think there was wankery afoot.
.... fucking WHAT?
I don't believe you. But I know if it were anyone who would do something as petty and shady as this, it would be Disney.
And also "Humans think of ways to fight Godzilla/fight Godzilla and other monsters/help Godzilla against other monsters", always in simple ways and simply explained. Along with "Humans run screaming and get killed in various ways".
You really nailed the hair on Godzilla. It immediately made me think of his scale's patterning.
"humans run screaming and get killed in various ways" is just a rewording of "monster bad and destroy city."
It really fucking pisses me off too.. because as a lifelong Godzilla fan, this movie was nearly everything I wanted in a US Godzilla movie. They paid tribute and respect for the movies that came before it, had an AMAZING soundtrack that included the original monster themes, and was an all around enjoyable experience. Fuck the critics. Fuck the media.
I like it too, I think it's clever. Ghidorah's also from space so if Kaiju High is a Japanese high school then it makes sense for them to be markedly foreign exchange students.
Also, "Humans fight the aliens controlling monsters" or "Human intrigue ends up getting caught in the midst of monster shenanigans"
The critic rating and the viewer rating is one of the largest differences between them of any movie on review sites. Too bad that a lot of the general public seems to have listened to the critics.
The general public just seems to have stopped giving a crap about movies in theaters after Endgame came out. Bunch of stuff is flopping or underperforming left and right.
And this is why I will hate Marvel until the heat death of the universe.
an we just.. delete Rotten Tomatoes..? It's The Last Jedi all over again.. the critics loved that pile of dog shit, and the fans hated it. Meanwhile the critics hate KOTM, yet the fans loved it.
As long as people are too lazy to form their own opinions, critics and critic sites will exist.
Fucking garbage
i like it.
adorable moth
>two moths
>godzilla with a sword for some reason
>green rodan
All these questions
>Just as Godzilla was conceived as a symbol of an American nuclear threat
>Rodan was seen as an embodiment of the same danger originating from the Soviet Union
>All these questions
They're older and younger versions.
not great, not horrible.
The right is Godzilla and Mothra as teenagers in 1992 (Godzilla vs. Mothra) and the left is them as adults in 2019 (KOTM). It's literally right there in the background.
>The two genders of Gijinkas are literally just "Give a generic anime girl the basic color scheme" or "Over designed Tumblr character with little to no reference"
I mean there are some outliers in this thread, but christ guys have some standards.
What kind of porno you want, f@m?
Ridiculous nerfing of Rodan, who spent the majority of the original movie cucking over Godzilla.
That scene where Godzilla throws up in a Muto's Anus
I'm pretty sure the two on the right are the japanese godzilla and mothra
>Yea Forums
do you even know what site you're on?
This thread needs some Rie Ota cuteness youtube.com
Well, here you guys go. Human Godzilla done a bit more less wrong.
Baragon is best giant mutant doggo
>Me and the boys microwaving firecrackers and 30 dollar cigars
Is rodan actually godzilla's homie or why do I keep seeing them together? He was acting like an ass in the new movie but never seen him before that.
he's one of G's buddies in the old series
>Everything goes just about back to status quo at the end
No it doesn't? All these creatures are free, and restoring nature, endangered species, and rejuvenating the Earth. Cruse ships can have unexpected visits by Godzilla and other aquatic Titans, and while Godzilla is trying to stop them from starting shit wth humanity, there's always the chance a Titan could go rogue. The saddest thing is I doubt Godzilla Vs Kong will really reflect on how much the Earth will have changed after this.
What makes you think that?
>and they even attacked the Toho films for no reason.
I think the number one problem was, while KOTM did have some fantastic trailers early on that showed you stuff from the movie, without spoiling, these trailers seemingly didn't get a whole lot of play in theaters where it counts. I saw John Wick 3, and it had a half hour of trailers for ever junk action movie coming this summer, and even the new Star Wars over half a year away at the time. But none for Godzilla, which was 2 weeks away.
In the original Rodan beats up Godzilla a bunch because they're wild beasts, but then a child of Mothra convinces them to work together to defeat Ghidorah.
A different director for one, and not sure how much he even cares about Godzilla, or how much Legendary cares about keeping a tight continuity versus just "Okay, Godzilla and Kong fight now" I would love to be proven wrong though!
I swear this movie was blatant Godzilla X Mothra shipping. And that's a good thing.
Rodan was the first monster to give Godzilla a run for his money, and in the same film became one of his earliest allies along with Mothra. The movie immediately after it had Godzilla and Rodan bro-ops against King Ghidorah again. Comparatively, the movie after that had Godzilla attacking Mothra because he was in a fighting mood.
It's regenerating after being torn off and the middle head is helping it out of it's... regenerative flesh sack.
Yeah, I see what you mean, but I would say "tumblr shit" instead of "cal arts tier shit".
Bro, you just posted cringe.
If they use the same loking designs over and over they don't have talent, you silly user.
Some bomb songs on the soundtrack.
I mean yeah, even one of the characters pointed it out. But I agree, I liked their relationship too. Was really heartbroken Mothra died but she went out protecting her king and gave him the push he needed to save the world. Isn't that the kind of love we all want?
>Was really heartbroken Mothra died
Why? She dies in EVERY SINGLE movie she's ever been in. I can't think of a single time she's lived an entire movie. Even her own.
And then she's reborn. It's kind of her whole thing. Rebirth and redemption.
Because it was sad? Even if she does come back, seeing her face a threat like Ghidorah, something she has very little odds of defeating, just to give Godzilla a fighting chance was a melancholic moment.
KOTM had a different director from the first one and it stayed close to the continuity.
With an orgasmic grimace and a wonderful sound
It's King of the Monsters by System of a Doooo-oooown!
>tfw no giant monster friend to cheer on as he fights evil monster baddies and teaches me to value the environment
What is the most basic bitch Godzilla film that is good?
I never saw a single one and i don`t think i will be able to enjoy old jap ones without nostalgia googles.
>I can't think of a single time she's lived an entire movie. Even her own
Ghidorah The Three-Headed Monster
Ebirah: Horror of the Deep
Destroy All Monsters!
Godzilla and Mothra: Battle for Earth
Rebirth of Mothra 2
Rebirth of Mothra 3
Godzilla: Final Wars
Long as you like giant monsters you'll enjoy Godzilla, old and new. But as I tell everyone who asks ALWAYS start with the original 1954 Gojira.
Is the Starscream one referring to Rodan?
>Moth Pussy
But Mothra was literally just born.
It is
That makes it B E T T E R
I've been searching for a man
All across Japan
Just to find, to find my samurai
Someone who is strong
But still a little shy
Yes I need, I need my samurai
Ay, ay, ay
I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue
Make the colours in the sky
Ay, ay, ay, I'm your little butterfly
Green, black and blue
Make the colours in the sky
I like it. I'm honestly surprised no one brought up Terrorsaur.
Meant for
Terrorsaur wishes he was Rodan.
Terrorsaur wishes he was Starscream so it fits.
Now i'm imagining a Beast Wars where the Transformers scanned various kaiju.
Optimus: Kong
Megatron: Gorosaurus
Rhinox: Anguirus
Waspinator: Megaguirus
Rattrap: Baragon
Terrorsaur: Rodan
Cheetor: King Shisa
Tarantulas: Kumonga
Dinobot: Zilla
Scorponok: ...fuck
Biollante could easily be a black girls name tbvh
Neato supremo
>That followup with Mothra fucking Rodan with her stinger.
A little of column A, a little of column B.
This is amazing!
you know the rule user
I prefer Rohan myself
>Head that Jonah buys at the end is lefty
Can't wait for super retard Mecha Ghidorah
>Mechagodzilla is just a bike
Or an android duplicate?
Maybe he was killed by G and his parts were made into a bike.
But thats retarded. Mechagodzilla was made to go toe to toe against Godzilla by the military
That's just that one 2hu
Mothra’s actually giving birth to herself. Still the same Mothra that laid the egg, but now she’s reincarnated.
Why is he wearing one of those sexy backless sweaters?
I kinda wonder how a Zilla film would be handled today.
>Connect it to Godzilla by having it be a experimental Monster Weapon, mutating an Aquatic Iguana with Godzilla DNA in the hopes of creating a Monster the government can control in case of more monster attacks.
>someone points out that it's Godzilla without the God and starts just calling it Zilla.
>Zilla has Jr's green atomic breath.
>Killing it's young has a direct negative impact on Zilla, making it weaker the more of it's young are killed until by the end they're all Dead and Zilla is pretty much dying from going into shock.
>Post credits scene of a scientist researching the remains of the dead Baby Zillas and falling in egg goo near a undestroyed but seemingly inert egg, which begins to hatch when the scientist touches it
I lI
>last mothra picture
...Hmmm... I'm trying really hard not pop a boner, but too many hentai's and manga's are fucking me up.
Anyone have that King G fanart of his two normal heads and one retarded head?
Press F to pay respects to Rodan's dignity
Is THAT vine the reference for this pic?
Based internet.
Post moth pussy
>Godzilla looking like fuckin Ryuko Matoi and Black Rock Shooter mashed together
>Rodan is the sluttiest
>Ghidorah never scared me and now she actually does
>Mothra looks kawaii
I don't know my opinion on this honestly
Post baby kaijus
It's a meme now, it ain't hard to find.
New vs Original
Godzilla and Mothra on the right are being depicted as more younger and innocent (all things considered) and are being compared to the 2019 Godzilla and Mothra who are more older, dangerous looking, and all around more more mature. It's not teenage look to adult look, after all why would 1992 G look white then have 2019 G look black?
Is it normal if Ghidorah is my waifu and i want to fuck with them, and then fuck only with girl Ghidorah and boy Ghidorahs must watch and jerk?
For a solo Godzilla film, its necessary to take the themes about the misuse of nuclear technology and societal fears to full effect. War on Terror and 9/11 is almost assuredly a factor.
I just imagine her with Audrey II's voice and everything's just fine.
You missed out.
I want to fuck Jet!
It'd be weirder if you DIDN'T want that, user
>that Mothra cry and butterfly design when Big G uses nuclear pulses to vaporize Ghidorah
She's always with her King now
>flip the switch to power him up
>Lefty just makes the robot heads bite at clouds or some dumb shit
>just sort of wanders off and is never a threat to anyone
I can dig it
Why do so many people want to fuck moths?
>that Godzilla
>That fucking Mothra
Because when the designs/proportions are anthropomorphed to human features it fits perfect to a hot lady.
Colorful designs, flowing wings, slim body with a large chest, fuzzy and soft looking, known for being non-aggressive and often viewed as joyful fluttering, etc.
How does that look like Biollante at fucking all?
cute and floofy
All y’all complaining about Biollante completely ignoring the fact that that is one of the most stereotypical black names I’ve ever heard. Seriously I can just picture some hood rat wanting to give their brat a unique name and coming up with that.
Got news for you Yea Forums.
This was drawn at the request of cosplayers.
Just wait till the next Comic Con...
>boy Ghidorahs
IIRC someone in the last threads named them Ghiselle, Donovan and Raphael and they'd be known as the Ghi-Do-Ra siblings
What brand of lozenges do kaiju use when they have sore throats?
Shut up, Gabara.
So why does Redman have tits?
Weird wedge shaped tits at that?
Chill, bruh
But that's a black man
*teleports through you with a moth.* Tch... Nothin personal kid.
This is creepy.
No it's referencing this pic
Godzilla vs Audrey II when?
decided to humanize more kaiju
wow you made MJ from the new spiderman movies.
Please stop making godzilla female. He's a manly monster.
don't thank us user, thank the weebs
More Hedorah, please
GODzilla not GODDESSzilla. Praise Jesus
got a chuckle out of me
I rather have someone fucking rip Aftershock already
I bet you're one of those cucks who unironically spams YASS QUEEN, aren't you?
It's both, and will forever be best parent of the year every year
>Tumblr makes character black coded
>Yea Forums replaces that character with a thicc goth
>What do mean I draw gay bear porn?
>How can you tell?
ew no
you asked for it
Redman, shut the fuck up.
>Kaiju is now just for pacific rim
They're fucking kaiju.
the godzilla really fucking bothers me because he honestly looks more like a human kong than human godzilla, mainly given the body type she gave him for some fucking reason
Draw Swimmyboi Zilla Jr and his mom.
Because they have wings, you idiot.
So, you guys watch the Netflix Ultraman?
It's super fucking lame that they keep him human sized throughout the entire thing.
Also, Pigmon's an idol-obsessed NEET
>He doesnt know
I didnt like the film so probaly not.
I remember the site owner getting frumpled hard because most people were going there for the bad godzilla porn and not his mean spirited word balloon comics.
Getting jealous of your own porn, sad.
I don't think he actually drew much of if any of the porn. It was all the community.
do gorosaurus. i lile that underrated dweeb.
Biollante is a clone of godzilla, a japanese girl, and a rose. Where did the nigger come from?
Emphasis on WAS. This shit gets stale as soon as people try to make it a 'thing' by making multiple threads instead of just enjoying it as a one-off.