Turns a 10-11 year old boy into a big scary monster that the nearby townspeople would want to kill on sight...

>turns a 10-11 year old boy into a big scary monster that the nearby townspeople would want to kill on sight, practically dooming him to the life of an antisocial recluse
>because he didn't want to invite a random stranger into his house
What was her problem?

Attached: Beauty-and-the-beast-disneyscreencaps.com-34.jpg (694x1042, 388K)

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Hospitality was really supposed to work like that in Modern Age Yurop since it was a mark of royalty
Also fairies are petty bitches

I thought he was like 16 or 18 when he got turned into a beast

The last rose petal falls on his 21st birthday. The start of the movie says this happens 10 years prior.

Around fae, never relax.


cause that doesn't make sense if we have portraits of him in the castle where he looks like an adult

>What was her problem?
People like you.


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Would the fairy have fucked him if he didn't turn her away?

Paintings can't lie!

Never speak to gypsy witches.

She’s the same type of creature as Puck. But Unseelie.

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Blame songwriter Howard Ashman, he and the story team were at odds about this plot point since Ashman even wanted the film to start off showing a bratty ten year old prince in full animation. The story team fortunately stuck to their guns and said no but to placate Ashman kept the original lines. Hell it seems many of the artists disagreed with the whole age issue since the opening stain glass murals show the prince as being obviously in his teens.

That's true in the original story.

In the original story, the family left a little noble child in the care of an evil faerie that tried to seduce him when he got older and when he turned her down she cursed him.

Fuck the fae, and not literally.

The song says:
>Life is so unnerving
>For a servant who's not serving
>He's not whole without a soul to wait upon
>Ah, those good old days when we were useful
>Suddenly those good old days are gone
>Ten years we've been rusting
>Needing so much more than dusting
>Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills
>Most days we just lay around the castle
>Flabby, fat and lazy
>You walked in and oops-a-daisy!
I always took like this actually accounts BEFORE the curse, the prince was an ass that didn't receive guests and the servants were already doing nothing as humans, the fairy was just one of many who were rejected for stupid reasons.

It was that or getting poison for accepting her into his home, in situations like this the only safe option is killing the weird old lady on sight.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1440x1080, 285K)

Honestly, why the hell did she condemn ALL of them? Only the Prince messed with her.

She stole their lives. No wonder they were loyal to the Prince. They know how evil she was.

The real question is why did she curse everyone else?
How did she even curse the kid, when he wasn't even born yet?
How was the kid even born when his mom was a teapot?

It seemed like for some reason, everyone in the palace stopped aging except the Prince. I guess that can be justified by that he turned into an animal while they turned into objects? I dunno.

She's a fairy. Fairies gonna fairy.
And Fairies care a lot about old laws of hospitality.
He should be glad he got a get out clause and wasn't forced to dance to death or some shit .

Because Fairies don't fuck round.
What are you gonna do about it.

>around fae, stay rae(dy)

Given that the last fairy with a stick up her ass cursed a *baby* to die and by proxy bring eventual ruination to two kingdoms trying to unite--not to mention the literally draconic reaction she had when Price Phil started fucking up her plans, I'd say Prince Adam/Beast just got the usual dose of pissed off ethereal magic. Sure he wasn't going to die, but threat of a a perma-curse to not only him but his entire retinue is pretty typically thorough for the fae.

Though really, the fairy in BatB seems just plain spiteful. If she really wanted to teach him a lesson, unless she doesn't understand how time passes for mortals, she'd have done something in the subsequent decade to move things along. Orchestrated something that would allow him to see the error of his ways. But Beast just got crazy stupid lucky to actually find love/worked out the curse and broke it at the literal last minute

Kinda makes me wonder how she'd react if she strolled back this way after the movie and saw the outcome...

Trips don't lie. Never trust a fairy.

Call the church and burn their forest.

Don’t forget your cold iron

Around fairy, be wary

the only way to stop being an incel is to steal a chick from her dad and make her love you. it's wholesome fun

but fucking around it literally all fairies do. they're innately chaotic