So this is Ren and Stimpy, huh? Glad I "missed out" on this as a kid
So this is Ren and Stimpy, huh? Glad I "missed out" on this as a kid
Poor quality thread hall of fame.
Would you believe the man in this scene is one of John K's heroes?
Why does the Nick Rewind channel still upload R&S clips?
But it was not made for kids...
>John K. openly despises rotoscoping as "not real animation"
>Ralph Bakshi utilized rotoscoping extensively in most of his movies and even developed new rotoscoping techniques in cooperation with IBM
>John K. idolizes Ralph Bakshi and considers him one of his greatest mentors
So how come rotoscoping is OK when Bakshi does it but "not a real cartoon" when anybody else does it, John?
i hated it as a kid too. gross out humor isn't smart or funny
A real intellectual here
Holy fuck Ren and Stumpy still airs on channel 224 lmao
>that scene is based on a real story
Maybe its just nostalgia but this episode wasn't that bad honestly. I think it really captured the feeling of being around a strange shady person perfectly. Obviously it still reeks with the usual John K bullshit like unnecessary gross out humor, unnecessary details, and the jokes drag on WAY too long. The scene where they're in the pizza restaurant still kills me to this day.
Congrats, rapist. Complain about actual talented people on your blog or something you washed up boomer
>John K. idolizes Ralph Bakshi
bro take it easy
Who the fuck is Ralph? Is he an underpaid animator or something?
Ralph Bakshi, the director of Fritz the Cat, animated Lord of the Rings, and Cool World.
>Fritz the Cat
That was on adult swim for a bit right?
Rape is fine
Ren & Stimpy was probably one of the most overrated shows I've ever watched. Yes, the animation is technically fantastic, but I don't see the appeal of the humor. It feels very low brow. It never feels as if John K respects his audience. With the show being for adults a good period of its run, it sure feels like he made it for people who can't think. At least South Park has a lot of overarching meta-narratives and themes with each episode they make to go with its poop jokes. R&S just feels like pure schlock.
every Nickelodeon show is basically ren and stimpy
You missed nothing, it was gay then too, same with Cow and Chicken. Fuck those shows.
>With the show being for adults a good period of its run
what the fuck are you talking about?
god I fucking hate people that don't consider the time in which are cartoon was made
next people will complain that Looney Tunes didn't have any lore or continuity
Ren and stimpy sucks
Cow and Chicken sucks
Reminder that they tried to make Spongebob adult party cartoon
>John K. openly despises rotoscoping as "not real animation"
t. Disney Zoomers
who is they?
disney sucked too!
Why did John K self insert his own characters in that commissioned bjork music video
You sound fake
Go back to Steven Universe, fag.
And now that Hillenburg’s gone, don’t put it past Viacom to try again.
No its an animated movie from the 70s
>Bakshi cooperated with IBM
PURE IRONY considering Wizards by Bakshi --- IBM had a subsidiary called Dehomag for their tabulation machines since computers didn't exist yet. the nazi war machine owed its existence to U.S. corporations and IBM's involvement allowed the nazis to gather info on their future victims in concentration camps in addition to helping the nazis organize logistical information
don't forget Wizards
I hated the Dad character. He scared me a little until I could watch him with no reaction. It's like the same joke over and over is that he's an intimidating dickhead. Didn't do it for me.
do you understand that the older generations parents were like that? i think the joke is goes deeper. a lot of boomers and parents of boomers are seriously fucked up people
Don't tell Bakshi. His movies are either about being Jewish, being black, or both. I don't think he could handle this sort of revelation.
You know what's really fucked up about that?
John K. supposedly said in a blog many years ago that his father saw that episode with, Anthony's father, and got pissed off by it. Not because it portrayed him as a psychotic prick but because they made him act too soft.
Little wonder John K. is as messed up as he is.
Didn't Bakshi later say he found the experience working with John to be rather unpleasant or something like that?
a lot of people couldn't handle it.
the troops don't protect freedoms. not even in ww2. it's just people dying for corporations to distract the world from ending capitalism and realizing all monarchs were always obsolete trash holding humanity back
He didn't like John K and didn't even get how this was supposed to be him.
Ren and Stimpy was good but the more control John K got over the show the worst it got, culminating in the shiftfest that is Adult Party. He needs a limiter, a no-man.
>Ruin half the world with communism.
>Poison the rest with left wing thought.
The world's been going down hill since the Monarchies died.
or Coonskin
Jesus Christ they look like such fags together. Such anti-talent, anti-charm, anti-sensibility ugly pajeet smug idiots.
It absolutely was. It aired after school on a children's television network.
>was sitting next to this mother and her 6 year old on the train
>get chatting to her
>she only shows her little kid older CN shows and in particular they both love Ren & Stimpy
>we all end up watching a few episodes on her kid’s ipad
Weird encounter, but she was pretty based.
It was. It aired regularly on Nick throughout the 90s at all times of day. Sunday mornings, Saturday nights, after school. Gross out humor was Nick's main schtick in the 90s.
And this is why I cannot take CN and Nick seriously and I abysmally hate them and the people who worked for them.
I wanted more Swat Kats, not whatever bullcrap their mentally unstable executives came up with.
So that's why he wears glasses.
Zoomers don't even know what Cow and Chicken is you moron.
No. It's funny because a stupid king was the reason of why Greece (and the west) lose Constantinople forever. Ren & Sitmpy was okay but corrupted all the "adult" cartoons genre.
Because Bjork wanted them in there.
No. He fired him from Bakshi Productions once in the 80s but rehired him for Mighty Mouse.
I actually watched this quite abit but I can only remember the fart episode, the clown pet episode and the one episode where they are in some truck for some reason
Why does Ren in APC look like shit compared to the original show?
Seriously, compare the two designs, APC Ren looks really unappealing
lmao zoomer
I thought John K was his beloved protege. What’s the know extent of the relationship?
>cumstained briefs