holy shit, HOW?!
Holy shit, HOW?!
Wilson's a big guy.
no force field so he just overpowered kyle?
Brad Meltzer like Liefeld is a Wolfman Titans fag who thinks every hero should job to Deathstroke.
The oft-cited Green Lantern energy field is clearly illustrated in the 1st panel, but it just disappears in the 2nd.
>Two guys holding hand
Batwanking obscured the Wade-wank, but he used to be the main one with bullshit plot forcing powers
can't figure out who messed up. was he supposed to have a field on (then suddenly he doesn't) or was it supposed to look like speed lines/motion blur but got colored green instead.
>ring is fueled by willpower
>breaks hand to break concentration and helps Wilson try to overpower kyles will with his own
Everyone here is a retard.
>The guy with the power to shape literally will power based "barrier" let his physical body be touched for some reason
You do know that's just a fancy spacesuit meant to cushion blows and make it so they can breath in space, right? It's not like it enhances their strength or anything, Kyle was just throwing an ordinary punch for Deathstroke to catch. Add what user said and it's perfectly plausible this could happen
>>Two guys holding hand
Rayner butt is good
>It only guards their weak human flesh against the harsh vacuum of space and all kinds of deadly space weather like micro-meteor storms and high energy radiation
Someone should fuck some sense into your empty noggin.
First panel the field is on, he can punch through meter thick steel like it's paper and it's more force than a nuclear bomb concentrated in one point, but yeah can totally catch that with your bare hands.
The field makes them basically fucking bulletproof but slade can simply crush his hand through it.
Okie dokie then.
>bullet proof means crush proof
Fucking mouth breather I bet you buy bottled water at Mcdonalds. Slade has 5-8 times the strength of normal human. Yeah...he can crush his fucking hand.
send the space shuttle into the ocean, I'm sure that'll end well.
Funnily enough, this reminds me of League of One, where Wondy took out Kyle in a similar way. (LoO is basically Tower of Babel, but with WW.)
The difference is, Diana just took Kyle by surprise instead of the "My will is stronger than yours!" nonsense that Slade pulled.
>Hey Kyle, can I see your ring?
>Sure! A herpy derp!
Like, why is it even possible for the rings to allow an enemy to overpower the GL's own will? I'd chalk it up to the Guardians being retarded, but the rings are sapient! Hell, in Hal's case, the ring is his goddamn waifu.
It literally describes it in the fucking image you posted.
GL constructs/energy isn't as effective if the enemy can match you in willpower.
It's why Baz had to shoot Sinestro, it's how Lobo handled GLs in REBELS without much trouble.
I'm pissed you got me to reply but that doesn't make any sense.
Ah wait it's the next page of the image OP posted.
Which still makes it bait, or a man retarded enough to stop reading mid-story to bitch about it on Yea Forums.
The answer is because a novelist wrote it so the editors allowed him to do whatever he wanted since he was a bigger name than all of their writers combined.
What is the point of even having the rings if the bearer can be defeated by a gunshot?
At that point, you may as well have things work like Overwatch, where everyone has wacky superpowers, but they are merely supplemental to the shit that actually works; guns.
>unironically defending Identity Crisis
Sinestro didn't have a ring, just a bunch of willpower so he could resist constructs, he was still a near naked humanoid with no powers.
There's plenty retarded in Identity Crisis, but stick to Wally running into a sword if you're gonna bitch about something.